SNAIL Invitational - Next Event: On Hold till Further Notice

  • Thread starter Rednose58
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<<<<<<<<< RESULTS >>>>>>>>>>





I forgot to start my broadcast, but there is a link to the replays below. Here is a battle between me and @gulfvet67 at SPA


Race 1
Race 2
Race 3


The December 2019 Invitational is here:
Friday, January 10, 2020 at 9:30 PM Eastern Time
Rules and regulations: Here



Congrats to this season's top performers! Welcome to the Snail Invitational Race. Registration is now open. All SNAILs listed below are eligible to register. The top 14 drivers who register before the deadline are given priority on race night. Please click on the link to the REGISTRATION FORM to indicate your availability. You have to click on the "Yes" (Confirm) or the "No" (Cancel) option. If your situation changes you can come back and enter the change. The form closes at noon on Friday, January 10, 2020.

Wildcard/reserve drivers still have to register. You will be added to the list if some of the first 14 drivers can not make it. You can come back from time to time and click on the CURRENT DRIVER STATUS to see where you are on the list.
Driver Seeding

Note: The seeding is subject to change once the final Steward Summary is posted.


Audi: Sardegna Road Track A. Amemiya: Sardegna Road Track BII
Top 14 Drivers (Automatic Qualifiers):
@Fudman420, @Timlour, @diehard racer, @Noob01_lmdead, @SAMHAIN85, @SlvrOnyx, @Nicktune, @DublDee, @IDreamInGT3, @MikeGrove, @Phlano099, @JLBowler, @Neutty, @basswerks1

Next 16 Drivers (Wildcards):
@TEX36, @soundtiger95, @Xradkins, @gulfvet67, @Kgffy, @racingchamp30, @thracerviewr, @Akzl298, @stelephant, @Rednose58, @Nascarcory, @Rob Brown, @pubason, @Grandpa Money , @Nick Cannella, @TomMang_68

For Info:
@Rednose58, @MajorBlixem, @SAMHAIN85, @nmcp1

Volunteers are welcome to put their names forward to help with broadcasting or other duties if one of the regular stewards can't make it.
The first race's starting positions will be somewhat problematic because there were limited data entered for D3. Any drivier without an official time will default to the fastest lap for D3 in that combo.
Confirmed my status. Friday’s are difficult for me to participate. I’ll keep an eye on the thread if my situation changes and there is room.
Thanks to the 11 drivers out of 30 invites who responded so far. There are about 2 hours left before the registration form closes.

Come on ladies, I think we can do better than that.....



Top 14 Drivers (Automatic Qualifiers):
@Fudman420, @Timlour, @diehard racer, @Noob01_lmdead, @SAMHAIN85, @SlvrOnyx, @Nicktune, @DublDee, @IDreamInGT3, @MikeGrove, @Phlano099, @JLBowler, @Neutty, @basswerks1

Next 16 Drivers (Wildcards):
@TEX36, @soundtiger95, @Xradkins, @gulfvet67, @Kgffy, @racingchamp30, @thracerviewr, @Akzl298, @stelephant, @Rednose58, @Nascarcory, @Rob Brown, @pubason, @Grandpa Money , @Nick Cannella, @TomMang_68

For Info:
@Rednose58, @MajorBlixem, @SAMHAIN85, @nmcp1
I should be able to make it tonight. Just confirmed on the form at 12:01 though so hopefully it’ll go through :scared:
I could use some seat time and have a free night. I just confirmed that I will be there. The form was still open so hopefully it registered.

These are the ones signed up for tonight. Hopefully there will be a few more latecomers. @Timlour will run the night - thanks!

If everything goes to plan....

I will have to ask volunteers to do the following, please so that I can put the results together:
- Screen shots of the race results
- Screen shots of the replay results showing the fastest laps
- Photos of winner crossing the finish line
- Someone to upload the replays
I guess this is what I get for making plans. Have to work late tonight and won't be home until at least 8PM PT. I'm out for this evening.
I'm going to try and get on but we were graced with snow overnight and people just cannot drive. I just walked in the door and need to make my son dinner yet.


The January 2020 Invitational is here:
Friday, February 14, 2020 at 9:30 PM Eastern Time
Rules and regulations: Here



Congrats to this season's top performers! Welcome to the Snail Invitational Race. Registration is now open. All SNAILs listed below are eligible to register. The top 14 drivers who register before the deadline are given priority on race night. Please click on the link to the REGISTRATION FORM to indicate your availability. You have to click on the "Yes" (Confirm) or the "No" (Cancel) option. If your situation changes you can come back and enter the change. The form closes at noon on Friday, February 14, 2020.

Wildcard/reserve drivers still have to register. You will be added to the list if some of the first 14 drivers can not make it. You can come back from time to time and click on the CURRENT DRIVER STATUS to see where you are on the list.
Driver Seeding


Note: The seeding is subject to change once the final Steward Summary is posted.



Top 14 Drivers (Automatic Qualifiers):
@Nicktune, @racingchamp30, @llNovall, @Timlour, @TEX36, @Rob Brown, @diehard racer, @Xradkins, @Kgffy, @SlvrOnyx, @NASCARNATE91, @soundtiger95, @JamCar0ne, @N38824r

Next 16 Drivers (Wildcards):
@Fudman420, @Akzl298, @gulfvet67, @thracerviewr, @Phlano099, @IDreamInGT3, @GTPvw_slc, @Grandpa Money , @Skills, @Bologna_Duc, @basswerks1, @CANOWORMS1, @Noob01_lmdead, @stelephant, @Lean_22_YT, @pubason

For Info:
@Rednose58, @MajorBlixem, @SAMHAIN85, @nmcp1

Volunteers are welcome to put their names forward to help with broadcasting or other duties if one of the regular stewards can't make it.
I might not be available to show up on Friday night, have something else planned, good luck to all who will be participating.
Thanks to those who responded so far. We have:
3 "Yes"
6 "No"
and 21 missing in action

I know it is Valentines Day tomorrow and Friday.... Do you think you can work up the courage and tell us what you going to do? We can keep it a secret if you want to race instead of buying flowers or go out for dinner. (I assume @Timlour will be helping out again if the races go ahead)

Top 14 Drivers (Automatic Qualifiers):
@Nicktune, @racingchamp30, @llNovall, @Timlour, @TEX36, @Rob Brown, @diehard racer, @Xradkins, @Kgffy, @SlvrOnyx, @NASCARNATE91, @soundtiger95, @JamCar0ne, @N38824r

Next 16 Drivers (Wildcards):
@Fudman420, @Akzl298, @gulfvet67, @thracerviewr, @Phlano099, @IDreamInGT3, @GTPvw_slc, @Grandpa Money , @Skills, @Bologna_Duc, @basswerks1, @CANOWORMS1, @Noob01_lmdead, @stelephant, @Lean_22_YT, @pubason
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