*COMPLETED* MPGT4CC Season 2 Champion: MrDonovan

  • Thread starter llNovall

Who's in for finishing out the current Michelin series season on GTSport?

  • For finishing out Season on GTSport

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • Close current season as it stands and ready up for next season on GT7

    Votes: 4 36.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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For anyone needing some background noise/tv, and to strike up the mood for some racing, have a look at this post from the 1st page of this thread:
Every Real World Michelin Pilot Challenge race to date for the 2021 Season...enjoy :cheers:
Post in thread 'Snail-Michelin Pilot GT4 Cup Challenge (Season 2)- Event #2 at Nurburgring GP, Friday, 8/27, 9pm est' https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/thre...g-gp-friday-8-27-9pm-est.399027/post-13405881
MPCC Spotter guide S2 Event 2.png

Snail Gr4-Michelin Pilot
GT4 Cup Challenge
Event #2
Pre-Race Driver Briefing
Friday, August 27th, 2021

at 9pm est

Event #2 is a few hours away, and the Nurburgring GP Circuit is sure to present some great racing and plenty of challenges. Find your strengths and pick your spots for overtaking accordingly. And most of all be patient and prioritize consistency....these seem to be the keys to success within this series.

A few quick reminders to all drivers attending:
*Please be patient in high traffic, especially in the opening laps.
**Respect the space of the drivers around you, and make every effort to race as clean as possible.
***Race hard, Race consistent, and race fair.

Let's continue to showcase the clean and competitive racing that Snail has always been known for.

Drivers are also asked to please review or refresh themselves with the series Caution Process noted below:
Tab 4.2 Caution Process. (In 1st Post of thread)
Any questions, please ask.

For Reference:
Confirmation Reminder Post for Event #2

Roster for Event #2
We had one retirement from the series by a longstanding member of this series and Snail, @TEX36 .
With @Sand_68 having 1 event under his belt, and a confirmation in for event #2, he was the first to be offered the open primary grid spot, and has accepted. We will certainly miss your presence on the grid
Tex, but glad to have Sand able to fill the position.

@Bologna_Duc is our only reported absence for tonight's event.
With Sand moving into primary status and 3 reserves on the ready, we are guaranteed a full 16 car grid for tonight.

Our grid for tonight is shown below:
GS Class-hosted by II-NOVA-II
@llNovall / II-NOVA-II
@Bologna_Duc / Bologna_Duc (1st absent)
@stelephant / stelephant
@Rob Brown / no1needs2perish
@IceWarden / Ice_Warden
@Fudman420 / Fudman420
@GTP_Guido / TPC_Guido
@Phlano099 / Phlano_099
@TEX36 / TEX-36 Retired
@Moby45 / Moby45
@MrDonovan / MrDonovan
[USER=303149]@Noob01_lmdead[/USER] / rauljimenez76
@Harry Rowley / Harry_Rowley_10
@Stryker13 / DrSpyderPig
@Rotary_Pilot /Rotary_pilot13
@socalnatv / Sand_68
@Roman_GT23 / Roman_GT23 (1st Reserve)

Reserves on Standby
@fruitloop31 /fruitloop31 (2nd Reserve)
@Yugofan / Yugofan (3rd Reserve)
Reserve Drivers (no specific priority order)
@aedenmaddok / aedonmaddok
@Deal24 / fullerbunch

@Roman_GT23 will be racing for @Bologna_Duc 's solo entry team (Ronin Racing), and points scored will count toward the team score for the event.

All Drivers that have confirmed to race and are tagged are considered primary drivers for this event and are expected on the grid. If anyone thinks they may be tentative or must cancel, please let me know by 8pm est Friday (Race Day). Any cancelled entries after this time will result in possible forfeiture of primary status or forfeiture of Reserve priority for future events.

Please verify your driver specific BOP Regulations before entering the room:
Driver List and BoP Regulations Chart

It is the responsibility of ALL Drivers to verify your BoP regulations prior to entering the race room or at the latest, 5 minutes prior to the Start of Qualifying. The BoP Tracking Sheet will be displayed here and in other reminder posts leading up to each event. I will not be verifying BoP regulations prior to the start of Qualifying. Rather, the Race Director will screenshot the in game Driver Performance Regulations screen just prior to the start of Qualifying to be referenced during scoring.
Any Driver whose BoP is not correct for the event will recieve a 10 point penalty against points scored for that event.
Please verify your BoP regulations before every race night.

The Race Rooms and Party Chats will be open for entries and warm up around 8:50pm est. Please be in the room no later than 9:10pm est to have your entry verified.
15 minute Open Qualifying to start at 9:15pm est.

Good luck to everyone, and see you all on the grid for the green flag:cheers:
I think 2:03's will be competitive pace with fastest laps in the low 2:02's. As for the chicane, it can be attacked aggressively in regards to approach. It can be straightened out, but be sure to keep at least the 2 outside wheels on the curbing at all times.
Hey mate - what’s the ruling on the exit of Turn 4?
Can we go as wide as we like, or are we trying to keep within some kinda limit?
Cheers :)
Hey mate - what’s the ruling on the exit of Turn 4?
Can we go as wide as we like, or are we trying to keep within some kinda limit?
Cheers :)
So this was brought up here. And addressed also in voice chat before the race. And I know everyone here is fairly comfortable racing each other...fight club and all...but I personally witnessed several (more than just a few) instances of running wide on this turn.

I PM'd Nova about it who basically said we are peer governed so file it if it you want, give lap numbers, times etc and he'll look at it.

Well being new to these two series last year, I had a period where I was trying to "get acquainted" with the type and style of driving here. And I was probably labeled a trouble maker or complainer by some. Which is fine. I'm 52yrs old, couple of kids...no big deal. So to that end I decided to just shut up and drive.

And I will continue to do that. But I wanted to point out that many of us try to drive inbounds at all times. Some try to push the limits of the track as much as will allow and some just drive wherever there is pavement (and beyond). And those that try to stay well inbounds have to take specific lines in order to do so. And it is frustrating to watch others use lines that take them OOB in some corners (not maliciously or it would have been every single lap). You know, the whole fairness thing and all.

But instead of filing, because, well, you know...I'm not going to be that A Hole who rocks an apparently quite sea worthy boat, I am just mentioning it here in the hopes that it at least "brings awareness" to the subject. Because first rule of fight club and all that... ;)
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So this was brought up here. And addressed also in voice chat before the race. And I know everyone here is fairly comfortable racing each other...fight club and all...but I personally witnessed several (more than just a few) instances of running wide on this turn.

I PM'd Nova about it who basically said we are peer governed so file it if it you want, give lap numbers, times etc and he'll look at it.

Well being new to these two series last year, I had a period where I was trying to "get acquainted" with the type and style of driving here. And I was probably labeled a trouble maker or complainer by some. Which is fine. I'm 52yrs old, couple of kids...no big deal. So to that end I decided to just shut up and drive.

And I will continue to do that. But I wanted to point out that many of us try to drive inbounds at all times. Some try to push the limits of the track as much as will allow and some just drive wherever there is pavement (and beyond). And those that try to stay well inbounds have to take specific lines in order to do so. And it is frustrating to watch others use lines that take them OOB in some corners (not maliciously or it would have been every single lap). You know, the whole fairness thing and all.

But instead of filing, because, well, you know...I'm not going to be that A Hole who rocks an apparently quite sea worthy boat, I am just mentioning it here in the hopes that it at least "brings awareness" to the subject. Because first rule of fight club and all that... ;)
Very well stated Ice, and thanks for bringing it onto everyone's radar.

As a piggyback to this, while I don't look for oob violations, it is expected by every driver to observe these rules to the best of their ability. An occasional off is understandable and a simple lift will negate an advantage, but I would encourage for future events, that if a driver witnesses blatant and repeated oob violations, please report these to maintain the integrity of the series. Otherwise, Great racing to everyone, and thanks again to IceWarden for bringing attention to this subject.
Apologies for dipping out on you guys after R1. My head to be honest was focused towards another event that was the next day, but seeing I was a last minute add in my head just wasn't there despite the result. I guess you could say I wanted to be fresh for the event on Saturday. But great pace @MrDonovan . I drove the M4 last year and if you get it right it's a rocketship which you clearly showed.

If anyone is interested in this mystery series on Saturdays here it is. I'm the first race. btw you all have to do the drinking game if you watch this. Everytime he says "line a stern" you have to take a sip or a shot 😂 😂 😂 😂 . You'll see what I mean
Apologies for dipping out on you guys after R1. My head to be honest was focused towards another event that was the next day, but seeing I was a last minute add in my head just wasn't there despite the result. I guess you could say I wanted to be fresh for the event on Saturday. But great pace @MrDonovan . I drove the M4 last year and if you get it right it's a rocketship which you clearly showed.

If anyone is interested in this mystery series on Saturdays here it is. I'm the first race. btw you all have to do the drinking game if you watch this. Everytime he says "line a stern" you have to take a sip or a shot 😂 😂 😂 😂 . You'll see what I mean

Thanks heaps mate, appreciate it :)

And awesome, will watch (& drink). I wanted to try out for this too, timezone was an issue tho. :cheers:

Post Race Report
Event #2
at Nurburgring GP

on 8/27/21

Event #2 at the Nurburgring GP Circuit. Wow. There were so many races happening across both races for this event...too many to point out specifically, but I am going to elaborate on mine.
Qualifying didn't fair well for a great starting position, and Race 1 didn't get much better on my end. In the opening lap, I shot for an opening that was quickly closed by @Rob Brown who was trying to avoid his own catastrophe. In the attempt to avoid hitting him, I nipped the track edge and spun. After going 5 sec down and trying to push hard to catch up, I lost control putting me now 15 sec behind the pack....I was now praying for a Caution to pop up...never happened. At this point, my goal was to simply find consistency and better lap times in the hope of a good race 2.
And a great Race 2 it was. Around lap 2, @Stryker13 (DrSpyderPig) was already placing heavy pressure, gluing his nose to my rear bumper. In the midst of defending 4th against Pig, I was closing in on @socalnatv (Sand_68) for 3rd place. This was where the race really ramped up. I made multiple attempts to overtake, but everytime I had be careful with Pig and later @GTR4MROD close in tow. This 3-4 car battle for 3rd lasted nearly 15 laps until Pig went wide in the Schumacher S. Now with a little pressure relieved, I was able to turn my attention back onto Sand_68, with @MrDonovan seeking up on me in the closing laps. On the last lap with MrDonovan now on my tail, and time running out, I finally went full commitment getting a great run out of turn 4 on Sand. I pressed to the outside, going 2 wide with Sand into turn 5, and then managed to edge him out to finish the overtake in turn 6 with MrDonovan trying to sneak through. Sand fended him off to the next corner where MrDonovan and @IceWarden made their way past. Just when I thought it was over and I was in the clear, MrDonovan was not satisfied with 4th, and placed all efforts on taking away 3rd place with multiple advances thru the final 2 sectors. At the final corner, he made lunge for the inside, making light but legal contact, and when we seperated, it was a race to the finish line. This is the margin of victory:
Probably one of if not the most intense and enduring multi-car battles I have had. Great racing to @socalnatv , @Stryker13, @MrDonovan , and @GTR4MROD for such a great race.
Again, many other battles were waged across the grid in this same race...please feel free to share and/or have a look at the broadcasts of the races.
Congratulations to @MrDonovan on the overall Event #2 Win. :cheers: Great Racing

And, our Podium:
1st: @MrDonovan
2nd: @IceWarden
3rd: @Phlano099

Ballast adjustments have been made based on the results prior to any issuance of penalties, and the BoP chart updated & edited in the 2nd Post. Be sure to verify or adjust your BoP if necessary before our next event.

We do have 2 incidents reported and under review that could affect the final points Scoring for the event.
Event #2, Race 1 at Nurburgring GP

Event #2, Race 2 at Nurburgring GP

Next Event
Event #3
Friday, September 17th, 9pm est
at Spa Francorchamps
Conditions: 12:00 Fine Weather

Again, great racing everyone, and I'll see most of your for the Porsche Cup Event next Friday, and the rest for Event #3 on the 17th.
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Great battle NOVA. I wore the front tires of that corvette out trying to keep you and everyone else behind me. I'm used to racing for 15 minutes at a time so these 40 minute events take some getting used to, and some different tuning to help keep those tires from fading at the end.

Looking forward to the next one.
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