Event #2 Race info:
If any late comers arrive they will be starting from the back. Get in on time!
9:30 EST - Prelim Heat #1 (3 laps // 6:25 clear)
Grid will be based on qualifying order. All remaining races will be set to 'grid order based on previous results'. (If you win the previous race, you start in 1st following race)
Both lobbies *should* have 10+ people in them at this point. I'm hoping everyone that signed up makes it. We have had 1 dropout so far though.
We run our first Prelim heat and eliminate X amount of people. (The #X depends on how many people show up)
If both lobbies have 11 people (highly likely):
Lobby A: Eliminate 11th, 10th, 9th
Lobby B: Eliminate 11th, 10th, 9th
9:45 EST - Prelim Heat #2 (3 laps // 7:10 clear)
Again, it all depends how many we have. Basically we are looking to eliminate enough in both lobbies in Prelim Heats #1 and #2 to have
14 make the finale. This way if myself or any other stewards get eliminated during the prelims, we can still be present in the lobby. (I'm hosting the 'main' lobby, so I can't leave)
Lobby A: Eliminate 8th, 7th
Lobby B: Eliminate: 8th, 7th
If you are one of the 7 to survive in Prelim Lobby B, you will be directed to join
@SAMHAIN85 's 'Main' lobby to start the main event.