SNAIL - Survivor Series #4 - Next Event TBA

  • Thread starter SAMHAIN85
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In the settings you have min soft max hard...what tires do I use?

Those are just lobby settings. And ideally if you want to practice alone, set max participants to 2. That way you dont have to worry about any traffic.

Start with:
99% power
102% weight
SM tires

And see where you're at. Ill have a lobby up at 10:45 EST
Good practice tonight. A lot of you are right where you need to be. Might need to adjust 1% or 2% by the time we reach Friday since you'll be quicker by then with more practice. I'll have another lobby open tomorrow night.

I NEED YOUR LIVERIES! The best way to do it is if we use the stock picture that uploads to GT. That way its completely uniform and everyone has the same lightning, stance, etc.

Like this:

Everyone listed below is good to go:
@Rob Brown
@Nick Cannella

That leaves us with the following people who havent uploaded their livery to GT:
@Sean Renon

All you have to do is create your livery (or re-open it), hit save, yes to upload, and then hit 'share' once you get to this part:


It'll ask you to fill in some boxes. Just enter snail/survivor. And at the bottom there are 2 boxes that must be filled out in order to upload. Just type anything SNAIL. Once thats done post in this thread so I know its uploaded. If you dont have it uploaded by Thursday night you will be marked as camera shy in the spotter guide.


Practice tonight went pretty well. We tested to see if the grid order would stay the same after changing time of day and it does in fact stay the same.
This was my first time running on a different time of day than default 13:20 clear. Its a big difference. I suggest you get comfortable running the other times when you practice because we'll be using all of them (heat 1 dawn - finals dusk)
Not sure if or how much laptimes are effected from changing it. Continue to run your solo laps at 13:20 clear to gauge accurate laptimes.

Expect a lobby open tomorrow night around 10 EST
@Bologna_Duc can you tell me the specs/lap times you last ran with? I forgot to record it on the sheet last night. If you dont remember I'll just find it on the livestream from last night. But your specs should still be saved when you hop in your car next time.

Power 99%, Weight 101%, SS: 27.8 and 28.4 in lobby

I have also uploaded my livery according to your instructions. I will try to attend the next lobby session.

If you dont have time to invest in practicing for this please dont sign up. This requires a lot of fine tuning to get everyone dialed in to the target time. So dont sign up and expect to just show up race night without putting in some time beforehand.

If you do have some time to invest for this event, please post in this thread no later than 11:59 EST. I will give you specs to test with.

This event kicks off at 9PM EST Friday night.

@MikeGrove @Neutty @Nicktune @Zalcecan @llNovall @todally_lit @thracerviewr @src_ej6 @Rob Brown @Rednose58 @GTPvw_slc @Sean Renon @MSgtGunny @Whitey093 @FT_RAMONOXI @BradESPN @ConnorWolf @nmcp1 @Grandpa Money @Jw_wk1010 @abm89 @DublDee @RacingOtaku86 @Herimopp89 @Shotgungho @TomMang_68 @soundtiger95 @HxAxDxExZ @Oshawa-Joe @Harry Rowley @Slydewayz43 @Mully465 @CoachMK21 @TEX36 @TheSlowOne@McTrucker @Raw10_2u @N38824r @basswerks1 @stelephant @THRASH@thorracing @Rogue Clone @MajorBlixem @JLBowler @AdamK3190 @Tiger_DB25 @andypereyra01 @Dagmyers @racingchamp30 @Tecticles @Skills @gulfvet67 @Nick Cannella @TexasJDC @Bologna_Duc @JamCar0ne @Lean_22_YT @diehard racer @vsfit @Alexrider007 @ChauncyMarsh @Die_Birdy_Die @Ron Williams @FBR_Steve @spidermonkey @Hellbringer69
Entry list for Survivor Series #2

  1. @SAMHAIN85
  2. @Neutty
  3. @Rednose58
  4. @TomMang_68
  5. @racingchamp30
  6. @stelephant
  7. @Nick Cannella
  8. @Herimopp89
  9. @THRASH
  10. @Jw_wk1010
  11. @basswerks1
  12. @TexasJDC
  14. @Rob Brown
  15. @Sean Renon
  16. @Raw10_2u
  17. @MajorBlixem
  18. @RacingOtaku86
  19. @DublDee
  20. @Bologna_Duc
  21. @Mully465
  22. @Hellbringer69
  23. @spidermonkey
Unless I hear otherwise from you, I'm going to assume you will be available to participate tomorrow night. Official lobby will be open at 9 EST, but a practice lobby will be open before that to make any final adjustments. Details on qualifying and race structure will be posted later.

I'll have another survivor practice lobby open tonight around 10:30-11EST. Some of you may still need some adjustments. And I dont have any lap data from you yet @basswerks1

I wont be available to host D1/D2 practice tonight. I'm skipping it in order to work on this. @Rednose58
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Obviously there will be two lobbies going to support this, eventually turning into one.
Will there be stewards observing during the live racing events and reviewing replays afterwards? Last night was kind of wild, I know I made several mistakes that may have cost people positions, but I was also the victim of some as well.
Also, ran some laps with the new settings (99/102, SS) in a lobby, results below

This was over 8 laps (I think), however with minimal practice in the past week since I have been out of commission.
Just looking for some fun tomorrow night, as I have a nice little distraction, lol.
Also, ran some laps with the new settings (99/102, SS) in a lobby, results below
View attachment 783293
This was over 8 laps (I think), however with minimal practice in the past week since I have been out of commission.
Just looking for some fun tomorrow night, as I have a nice little distraction, lol.
Wait 3 or 4 years when you have to bargain with a 4 year old so you can sim race and why they cant try when your in the middle of a race lol
Wait 3 or 4 years when you have to bargain with a 4 year old so you can sim race and why they cant try when your in the middle of a race lol

This is the excat reasoning why I try not to play anything in front of the kids because they will not leave me alone especially and 4 and almost 3 year old that fight over anything
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