SNAIL - Survivor Series #4 - Next Event TBA

  • Thread starter SAMHAIN85
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This is the excat reasoning why I try not to play anything in front of the kids because they will not leave me alone especially and 4 and almost 3 year old that fight over anything
Lol that's mostly why I dont get on gt sport before 9 PM central but boy Friday Saturday and especially sundays my youngest always wants to race i can buy iPads and all the toys in the world and he would still want to race (fyi if you guys ever see me with a lobby open and the car just doing circles it's probably him turning some laps)
Lol that's mostly why I dont get on gt sport before 9 PM central but boy Friday Saturday and especially sundays my youngest always wants to race i can buy iPads and all the toys in the world and he would still want to race (fyi if you guys ever see me with a lobby open and the car just doing circles it's probably him turning some laps)

Same here I usually let them use the wheel in tt mode
Wait 3 or 4 years when you have to bargain with a 4 year old so you can sim race and why they cant try when your in the middle of a race lol
Lol. I am already imagining this fun.
Poppa, do you want to see a magic trick?
I still laugh really hard every time I think bout this.
This is the excat reasoning why I try not to play anything in front of the kids because they will not leave me alone especially and 4 and almost 3 year old that fight over anything
I will make a gaming closet for myself! (Until the kids find me there)
Obviously there will be two lobbies going to support this, eventually turning into one.
Will there be stewards observing during the live racing events and reviewing replays afterwards? Last night was kind of wild, I know I made several mistakes that may have cost people positions, but I was also the victim of some as well.
Lol one thing is for sure you were the source of a whole lot of laughter
I’ve got 3 boys from 12, 19 & 22. They have barely sat in my rig that I’ve had for ~6 years. No interest at all. I don’t get it.
2 of my 3 are the same way but my youngest loves it goes to F1 motogp nascar pretty much if theres a race in driving distance hes going no question about it lol I got lucky 1 out of 3 caught the bug just wish they would have caught the hockey bug I am alot better at that then racing lol






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Thanks guys. I told you my skills are limited as well as my resources. Never attempted anything like that before and I'm only armed with MS Paint and the snipping tool on a laptop with no mouse. And with a little creativity I got it to where I think its halfway decent. Without the black borders it would've looked ugly and youd be able to see where I cut in and out on each cropped frame. I was going to plug in the specs too but this was taking too much time. About 2 hours believe it or not :irked:
Thanks guys. I told you my skills are limited as well as my resources. Never attempted anything like that before and I'm only armed with MS Paint and the snipping tool on a laptop with no mouse. And with a little creativity I got it to where I think its halfway decent. Without the black borders it would've looked ugly and youd be able to see where I cut in and out on each cropped frame. I was going to plug in the specs too but this was taking too much time. About 2 hours believe it or not :irked:
Still great work
@SAMHAIN85 can you detail out tonight’s festivities to the audience please? Basically the high level “how will this work” scenario.
Thank you
Sam will post here in a few. We are currently finishing up the final details for tonight. Can’t wait to get this night started. This has been weeks in the making and we thank everyone with their cooperation and jumping on for testing to ensure “FAIR” clean racing.
Sam will post here in a few. We are currently finishing up the final details for tonight. Can’t wait to get this night started. This has been weeks in the making and we thank everyone with their cooperation and jumping on for testing to ensure “FAIR” clean racing.
Thanks @Neutty
Event #2 Race info:


8PM EST - Practice Lobby opens (if it fills up another steward will open another lobby)
This will be run on 13:20 time of day which is what we have been running the test laps on. This is our final session to get everyone dialed in. We are shooting for a 2:28.000 time, but you may run under that on a 'perfect' lap. Hitting a 2:27.500+ is ok as long as you are your average laps are 2:28.000's.

9PM EST - Official Race Lobbies Open

@SAMHAIN85 - Host 'SNAIL Survivor Series Prelim Lobby A'
@Rednose58 - Host 'SNAIL Survivor Series Prelim Lobby B'

You can find which lobby you are in as well as your current specs on the spreadsheet. Click here to view

Once you enter the lobby, make sure you have your correct specs enabled and 'enter track'. Feel free to run more laps for last minute practice/warm-up. Qualifying will begin shortly after. Remember we are starting with earliest time of day slot (6:25AM)

9:20PM EST - Qualifying begins
Room will be reset to clear laptimes. 'Enter' track, and line up on the start/finish line. No hot lapping. Stewards will be reviewing specs to make sure everyone is correct. Once that has been confirmed we will begin qualifying. Once you are on track there is no reason for you to 'exit' track.

Once we are all lined up we will start, and go one at a time in 10 sec intervals. If you make a mistake and lose a lot of time, be cognizant of the fact that others behind you are also qualifying. We will all get 2 flying laps to set a time. 1 out lap, and 2 flyers. After your 2nd flying lap pull over in T1.

A steward will then back out to screen shot the qualifying results (for future data showcase) and re-enter track and pass sector 1 to be placed in his qualifying position.

If any late comers arrive they will be starting from the back. Get in on time!

9:30 EST - Prelim Heat #1 (3 laps // 6:25 clear)

Grid will be based on qualifying order. All remaining races will be set to 'grid order based on previous results'. (If you win the previous race, you start in 1st following race)
Both lobbies *should* have 10+ people in them at this point. I'm hoping everyone that signed up makes it. We have had 1 dropout so far though.

We run our first Prelim heat and eliminate X amount of people. (The #X depends on how many people show up)

If both lobbies have 11 people (highly likely):

Lobby A: Eliminate 11th, 10th
Lobby B: Eliminate 11th, 10th

9:45 EST - Prelim Heat #2 (3 laps // 7:10 clear)

Again, it all depends how many we have. Basically we are looking to eliminate enough in both lobbies in Prelim Heats #1 and #2 to have 14 make the finale. This way if myself or any other stewards get eliminated during the prelims, we can still be present in the lobby. (I'm hosting the 'main' lobby, so I can't leave)

Lobby A: Eliminate 9th, 8th, 7th
Lobby B: Eliminate 9th, 8th, 7th

If you are one of the 7 to survive in Prelim Lobby B, you will be directed to join @SAMHAIN85 's 'Main' lobby to start the main event.

@SAMHAIN85 host
10:00 EST - SNAIL Survivor Series Main Event Heat #1 (3 laps // 9:40 clear)

The Grid order for Main Event Heat #1 will be based on Prelim Heat #2's results. Example:

Prelim lobby A Race #2 Results:
1st Driver A
2nd Driver B
3rd Driver C
4th Driver D
5th Driver E
6th Driver F
7th Driver G

Prelim lobby B Race #2 Results:
1st Driver H
2nd Driver I
3rd Driver J
4th Driver K
5th Driver L
6th Driver M
7th Driver N

The starting order for Main Event Heat #1 will look like this:
1st Driver A (Lobby A)
2nd Driver H (Lobby B)
3rd Driver B (Lobby A)
4th Driver I (Lobby B)
5th Driver C (Lobby A)
6th Driver J (Lobby B)

and so on and so on. So the guys that finish in the front of Prelim Heat #2, no matter which lobby, will be starting up front for the Main Event Heat #1. And if you finished near the back of Prelim Heat #2, you will also be starting near the back in Main Event Heat #1 lobby. Hope that makes sense.

Eliminate 14th, 13th, 12th

(You will be kindly asked to leave to make room for any other stewards that have been eliminated and are not present in lobby)

10:15 EST - SNAIL Survivor Series Main Event Heat #2 (3 laps // 13:20 clear)

Eliminate 11th, 10th, 9th

10:30 EST - SNAIL Survivor Series Main Event Heat #3 (3 laps // 15:10 fine weather)

Eliminate 8th, 7th, 6th

10:45 EST - SNAIL Survivor Series Main Event Heat #4 (3 laps // 19:50 clear)

Eliminate 5th, 4th, 3rd

11:00 EST - SNAIL Survivor Series Main Event Final (6 laps // 20:30 clear)

Eliminate 2nd

All start times are rough estimates. And I havent proof read this - trying to get this out as quick as I can.

More to follow
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