SNAIL Tuning and Team Series - Season 2 Sign-ups Open

  • Thread starter Vol Jbolaz
Okay, Tuners, this is it! Drafting time!

Tuners, look over the list of drivers in the second post. By the end of the week, please send me a list of the drivers, in the order that you want them. Please, don't worry if you put me dead last. I won't be offended. I'm just the idea guy. I'm not that good a driver.

When putting together your list, skip MrMelancholy15. If you are MrMelancholy15, then ofcourse, you are your own first choice.

Later this week, I'll randomly determine the draft order. We will do a serpentine draft with three rounds. Meaning, whomever goes first, will go last in the second round and first again in the third round.

Awww, but I'm the last guy I want. :lol: I'm not the fastest driver in the world, I'm just consistent, and courteous.

I understand the idea, but, I don't know enough about the drivers yet. I can't open the spreadsheets.
Okay, I've been trying to get a 12th driver. I think four teams of three drivers each would be great. But, I think I might be able to get a fifth tuner. In that case, we'd have five teams of two drivers each, with a extra driver left over. Drivers, would this be okay?

The extra driver could be independent. He could drive for himself, and drive a stock car or a tuned car from the tuning forum. I don't know if the tuners would mind if he drove one of their cars, but he wouldn't be driving for team points, just his own points.

There are a couple of drivers who know they have to miss a week. And we may need a stand in. The independent driver could be the stand in.

There was mention earlier about wanting to trade drivers. And I don't mind if teams want to trade drivers, as long as the drivers want to be traded. But with the independent driver, I imagine that makes it a little easier.

I was thinking of the last person left in the draft could be the independent driver. But... I don't mind if someone wants to volunteer to start there.

If we don't do this, or I can't get a fifth tuner, we will have three teams with three drivers and one team with two. Not sure how we can balance that fairly. Any ideas?
I would say that we don't get either, we could change the team points so that only the top two drivers score for any team. Also, to work out who would get two drivers, maybe allow teams to jump up to the top of the draft and accept only having two drivers.
Oh.. I like the "only the top 2 drivers of each team (per race) score points towards the constructor's championship" rule. I think it will help to even the playing field, and you won't feel so bad for your tuner if you have a bad race. It'll help negate the effect of absences as well.
I like the top two drivers from each team idea. It does put the team with two drivers at a bit of a disadvantage though. I guess you can't have your cake and eat it too!
I would say that we don't get either, we could change the team points so that only the top two drivers score for any team. Also, to work out who would get two drivers, maybe allow teams to jump up to the top of the draft and accept only having two drivers.

Oh.. I like the "only the top 2 drivers of each team (per race) score points towards the constructor's championship" rule. I think it will help to even the playing field, and you won't feel so bad for your tuner if you have a bad race. It'll help negate the effect of absences as well.

And I thought of this, but I didn't think it was very fair to the team with just two drivers, since they didn't have that backup. But... I like this idea of the team that goes first in the draft, thus getting the best driver, is the one that only gets two drivers. That could balance it.

Mind you, I still have a fear that we'll have people drop out, so having three teams with a third driver gives us a buffer to slide drivers around if we have some drop out.
Vol, I don't have an issue with the spreadsheet , doesn't help MrMelancholy oout, but at least you know it's shared to someone :)
Melancholy, are you really in Germany? I wonder if it is a thing.
So, is there a tuner that wants to go first in the draft, but only draft two drivers?

I'll find a random order generator online this evening and set up the order for the rest of the tuners (or all of them if no one wants to volunteer).
If you guys need another driver I can throw my name into the ring.
PSN: bdubclub
Wheel: G27
Also, I probably just missed it, but what time are the races going to start?
Well our draft volunteer idea is useless now, great, and I'm not being sarcastic
If you guys need another driver I can throw my name into the ring.
PSN: bdubclub
Wheel: G27
Also, I probably just missed it, but what time are the races going to start?

Hey bdub, how goes?

The first race is July 10th @ 22:00 EDT.
If you guys need another driver I can throw my name into the ring.
PSN: bdubclub
Wheel: G27
Also, I probably just missed it, but what time are the races going to start?

Excellent. I've added you to the list. Yes, races are 22:00 Eastern, on Tuesdays, starting on July 10th. All races will be in the SNAIL_Division2 lounge.
A reminder to the tuners: By Saturday, please send me a list of the drivers in the order you want to draft them (you can just put the numbers 1-12 if you want).

I was looking for an online random generator that would let me schedule and post the results, but I wasn't able to find one. I'm sure they exist. So... I just used a d6.

Draft Order Will Be:
  1. MrMelancholy15
  2. Jahgee1124
  3. Dragonwar233
  4. JLBowler

Since it is serpentine, it will go like this:

  1. MrMelancholy15
  2. Jahgee1124
  3. Dragonwar233
  4. JLBowler
  5. JLBowler
  6. Dragonwar233
  7. Jahgee1124
  8. MrMelancholy15
  9. MrMelancholy15
  10. Jahgee1124
  11. Dragonwar233
  12. JLBowler

Melancholy, I can export the Google documents to Microsoft Office, I think and email them to you. Just PM me an email address. If anyone else is having a similar problem, PM me an email address.
No, do it again with a D20.

Well, I should've done it with a d4, d3, and then a coin.

I just got a PM, and something dawned on me. Melancholy gets kind of robbed. He is driving for himself, so he has to pick himself first. But, he goes first in the draft... so....

I should've held him out and made him draft last in the first round. Though... I don't really know that that would make a difference. It could be that Melancholy is an awesome driver.

Hmmm... not sure what to do about that. If anything.
Well, since I brought it to your attention, I may as well put my opinion out. I feel that since he signed up as a driver, he took the risk of not landing certain people because he has to take himself.

I sent PM's to all drivers just now.
Why does he have to pick himself first? Why not last?

I kind of look at it as since he has to have dibbs on himself, then to let him pick himself last really means he gets to pick twice before anyone else does.
Why does he have to pick himself first? Why not last?

If he's a great driver, it's not fair to the others, but if he's a poor driver, it's not fair to himself. :)

Tough one. I don't know how to make it any better.
If he's a great driver, it's not fair to the others, but if he's a poor driver, it's not fair to himself. :)

Tough one. I don't know how to make it any better.

Yes, well, it is less fair for him to drive for other teams, since he can sandbag. So, if he is a great driver, then so be it. Good for him. I don't really see that as not being fair to the others.

Not sure if that makes any sense.

Still, having him go last in the first round, means he picks a driver other than himself after three other picks. So he only gets the fourth best pick (for simplicities sake). He would also get the last/worst pick. I think that is safer, than having him go first in the first round, meaning he has to drive with the 7th and 8th pick.

Though, I guess it should really balance out.

All of this is just a big experiment. :P
If he's a great driver, it's not fair to the others, but if he's a poor driver, it's not fair to himself. :)

Tough one. I don't know how to make it any better.

How about a compromise, make him pick himself second. That way he doesn't lose his first round pick. Either way, looking forward to racing with you guys next month, should be fun. 👍
What time Saturday our the constructors picks due? Also, why can't we just do the draft real time in this thread?
What time Saturday our the constructors picks due? Also, why can't we just do the draft real time in this thread?

Just whenever. I have half of them already.

We could, but it would be very very slow.