So George... Where's Osama? Hmm?

  • Thread starter milefile
actually M5 i lived not to far from u for 5 years of my lilfe , thought it was ok. met a lot of good people over there and enjoyed it very much !! i don't know why you have such a big chip on your shoulder , you seem a bit of an angry person. you shouldn't be so angry all the time towards the world , the only person your anger affects is your own well being. ( better watch my spelling ... )
like i said before i love you man .. ha ha cheer up pal ..
stop with the silly insults about parents giving me a lift to dates , it's hurting my feelings :(
Originally posted by jay wilkie
i don't know why you have such a big chip on your shoulder , you seem a bit of an angry person. you shouldn't be so angry all the time towards the world ,

there are a lot of angry people on this thread Jay, all i did was disagree with thier point of view and blew up like a bloody volcano....

its amazing how when i post something i get 20 replys on the correct use or grammar, cross referenced over and over again with quotes and well researched posts dating months back....

yes, angry people with a lot of time on thier hands...incapable of rational discussion without feeling the need to stamp you into the ground if you dare to think independantly and disagree with thier view...(even if you are privildged enough to work in the OIL industry)

the lesson to learn here i think is that 'not everyone shares your view' and that doesnt make people wrong...its what makes us different....

Originally posted by jay wilkie
actually M5 i lived not to far from u for 5 years of my lilfe , thought it was ok. met a lot of good people over there and enjoyed it very much !! i don't know why you have such a big chip on your shoulder , you seem a bit of an angry person. you shouldn't be so angry all the time towards the world , the only person your anger affects is your own well being. ( better watch my spelling ... )
like i said before i love you man .. ha ha cheer up pal ..
stop with the silly insults about parents giving me a lift to dates , it's hurting my feelings :(

Actually, ol' Jay, I'm only this way towards incompetence, idiocy, or stupidity. You may choose which you are.

yes, angry people with a lot of time on thier hands...incapable of rational discussion without feeling the need to stamp you into the ground if you dare to think independantly and disagree with thier view...(even if you are privildged enough to work in the OIL industry)

Actually, I responded rationally, after you had made five posts in which you used no facts about how wrong I was. You also made personal insults. Due to your level of complete stupidity, you chose not to respond to my rational replies. But who's surprised? Certainly not me. That's the last time I argue with a seven-year-old who spells 'privileged' with two d's.

Get off this board, or, at least, quit taking sick days from your job at your local Honda dealer.

Oh, and, I have no life because I post in this thread so much? Take a look - you've posted twice the number of posts I have. Happy eighth birthday!
so now i'm 8 ?? man... M5 you are one angry little person!! i am actually starting to feel sorry for you pal :(

look... new paragraph, ( thought that might put a smile on your uptight ass)

i only insulted you because you came accross so aggressive on your posts saying i work for the oil company so everyone else knows shi# .. calling people stupid and everything , i mean if thats not asking for insults??? what do you expect?
anyway you r starting to bore me i just wanted to hear peoples opinion about their ideas about catching bin laden and all i have got is a silly little school ground insults from people who like to correct other peoples spelling...

come on man... smile ... would u like me to tell you a little joke... answer me this why are you so angry?
I'm never coming to this section of gtplanet again. You people are so argumental. Geez. Oh wait that word is a slang word. He he only kidding with you.:lol:
Originally posted by danoff
Holy crap. You change your angle every time we post. It's hilarious.

don't understand how i have changed any angle, ( or is it spelled angel?) , let me check my dictionary........ just be a second........ oh yes , its angle .. had to check , wouldn't want to get you all in a spin here... god you's crack me up !!

anyway how have i changed angles?
Originally posted by 1989therat
I'm never coming to this section of gtplanet again. You people are so argumental. Geez. Oh wait that word is a slang word. He he only kidding with you.:lol:

im starting to think that myself...
Originally posted by jay wilkie
so now i'm 8 ?? man... M5 you are one angry little person!! i am actually starting to feel sorry for you pal :(

I'm not angry in the slightest. The fact that you're taking it that way is showing me that you're the angry one.

look... new paragraph, ( thought that might put a smile on your uptight ass)

Ass - arse - which is it, ol' Jay!?

i only insulted you because you came accross so aggressive on your posts saying i work for the oil company so everyone else knows shi# .. calling people stupid and everything , i mean if thats not asking for insults??? what do you expect?

Not only did I not call ANYBODY stupid without grounds, I was merely mentioning that since I became more aware of the oil industry, it's shown me how stupid people who make rash judgements without the facts are. Within the next twenty posts, you had proved my point for me. Don't bother arguing that; you've done a poor job remembering what you have and have not said in this thread.

By the way, I wasn't expecting insults; I was affirming the well-discussed point already stated here. You took my post well out of context because of your inability to understand intent - I wasn't insulting anybody, and, as you've pointed out between a slur of "u"'s and "ur"'s, my post wasn't directed at you. So shut up about it, ol' Jay.

anyway you r starting to bore me i just wanted to hear peoples opinion about their ideas about catching bin laden and all i have got is a silly little school ground insults from people who like to correct other peoples spelling...

You're the one who started the baseless personal insults, not me. Check the facts, there, ol' Jay - you've been coming up very short in that department recently.

Oh, and - when you say something and I contradict it, I expect a reply, or at least an acknowledgement that I've proved you wrong. You just go from personal insult to personal insult. I don't know how old you really are, ol' Jay, but I can say that you're certainly not more mature than a 12-year-old.

You came here to talk about bin Laden? So why'd you start the argument? Didn't want to talk about oil? Why'd you continue the argument? And most of all, why don't you ever attempt to argue facts with me instead of 'why are you so angry?' and 'you hurt my feelings'.

come on man... smile ... would u like me to tell you a little joke... answer me this why are you so angry?

I'm only angry when stupid people try to pass their viewpoints off as if they were smart.

Now, in this situation, that's okay - I'm 100% sure you'll come away from this knowing your tail was soundly whipped and all you added to this were stupid insults and a bit of humour for me.

Sometimes the other person - when completely overmatched with facts and logic - actually believes they've won. You don't, as you show by moving from position to position without ever actually arguing about any facts.

So, then, I really don't mind what you say anymore. Keep up the good work, ol' Jay! I'm still debating whether you and TurboSmoke are the same person!

Originally posted by jay wilkie

anyway how have i changed angles?

I'd tell you, ol' Jay, but if I did, you'd simply ignore it and move to another angle, as you've already done the last four times I brought up facts.
anyway how have I changed angles?


I went back and reviewed your posts and while you do bounce around toward the end, turbo is much worse and I confused the two of you. Don’t take this as too much criticism, but the lack of capitalization and punctuation made your posts blend in with turbo’s. In other words, it makes the two of you more difficult to distinguish between in my mind even though you started this thread with a completely opposite view from him.

You did change angles by switching from apparently claiming that tony blair and PB were not highly knowledgeable in their jobs to claiming that they are. You switch from claiming that oil had a major role to saying that it was in the backs of the leader’s minds. You switch from claiming that others are complete asses to saying that they should lighten up (which is contradictory because to call them an ass you must take them seriously at some level).

So you do some changing around, but I’m going to have to apologize for that accusation because I really got you and turbo mixed up. I found myself thinking “didn’t jay say this?” and finding that it was turbo who said it.

Most of what you've said in this thread are a few of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent responses were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Originally posted by sn00pie

Most of what you've said in this thread are a few of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent responses were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Was the puppy like industry?
as i stated before, i think the american occupation of iraq is wrong fundamentally but now that they are there i would like to see them finish the job through to fruition and install a democratic government that will work for the future of iraq...

but my question is this...where is the war going?

this is in light of the recent american fouling of a plot to ambush a convoy and the resultant deaths of +50 iraqi militia.

there was an interview on scottish radio this morning by a commander-general of the Indian armed forces who says that during the 90's under that Hussien regime, he was charged with the training of elite Iraqi and Iranian militia troops. He stated that it was understood that if and when any state was invaded by a much larger force such as a the US, the war will be made in such as way that as to fool the invaders into thinking that they have won the war by the speed of the surrender or defeat of the rogue nation and thereby lulling them into a state of false security. This was then followed up when the war was 'won' or 'over' by a transition into stage two of the conflict where the main body of soldiers will engage in a geurilla warfare in order to drive the invading soldiers out quicker through a lack or security and low moral.

this is basically what seems to be happening in iraq right now and several charities that have not already pulled out are certainly considering it. Now Bush wants to 'speed up the change over of power' because he thinks that it will be better for the Iraqis.

shouldnt the coalotion stay to finish the job rather than hurrying it through? did the war mongers think iraq would be a push over? was the guerilla stage never taken into account when planning this war because the US and British and the rest seem unable to deal with this?

the answer to the ambush was not to use snipers but to use grenades, bombs, automatic machine guns and TANKS...hardly a display of skill....more a display of frustration..

i am not stating that our troops arent doing thier best, but where is this war going and do you think our boys are equipped and trained for this type of confrontation because the way i see it, the number of soldiers killed after the was 'ended' will soon be higher, if it isnt elready, than those killed during hostilites.....

the Iraqis dont care about them its not about how many iraqis die defending thier country, its about how many of the enemy they can kill at all costs..

who is really winning this war?
who is really winning this war?

hmmm..... tough one. Saddam has lost his army and all of his power. So I'd have to count Saddam out. Al Quaeda took out 4000 civilians on 9/11, but they've lost almost their entire organization.

I'd say except for one really bad day on 9/11, it's probably Switzerland?
cheers danoff,

the question was kinda rhetorical...i was just trying to say that the peace process or the road map or rebuilding of iraq or what ever the hell you wanna call it is going seriously nowhere except backwards...

where do we go from here?

(dont say forwards :))
Well...when Bush said it was going to take a long time people complained it was going too slow. Now Bush is trying to get out faster and people complain we are getting out too fast. Seems to me there is no win for us in this situation.

Didn't I see on TV last night that the attempted ambush went badly for the militant Iraquis and that it would be a while before they try something like that again? You have to remember that that's what the army is trained to do.Overpower the enemy with it's superior training and force. So what happend the other night was just what the army is trained to handle.
The biggest problem we seem to be facing right now are the Iraquis destroying what we are rebuilding for them. I say we rebuild it once then get out. If they destroy it then that's their problem. It won't take long for them to either decide to cooperate and help us weed out the resistance or just sit around and watch everything we build go up in smoke.
Originally posted by danoff
What makes you think that?

because we are trying to speed up the handover, we are going back on our agreement to help Iraq in the post-war situation,

if we leave now then the people or Iraq will be in a worse off place than they were before Saddam was least for a majority of his people he kept the infrastructure running, people had water, electricity, gas etc....

if you take out saddam you have to put someone or something just as powerful in his place..

now they're talking about splitting Iraq up into three seperate countries becasue of Kurdish and Shi'ite factions want independance....although i dont see that as a step backwards in the long run, they will need a helping hand in overseeing the transition which could take upto 10 years...