So George... Where's Osama? Hmm?

  • Thread starter milefile
no i don't see your point there. he said that people were saying that they believed it was all about oil.. no one here has said that was the one and only reason for going to war.. do you think that the only way to understand what effects oil has on uthe world economically and politically is by working in the industry?
Originally posted by M5Power
misinformed, ignorant, incompetently stupid,

those were his words, not ours...and he was REferring to people who do not work in the oil industry, nothing was inferred at all, he was speaking literally....

i didnt get: more able to draw logical conclusions with the available information than either of you from his statement....

how you interpreted that milefile is an utter mystery...
you contradict yourself i feel here milefile. on one hand you are saying that because M5 works in the oil industry he has a better understanding to draw logical conclusions.

cant u say the same for george bush and tony blair then? they both work in politics, so does that mean that they have a better understanding to draw logical conclusions than the rest of us?
Originally posted by jay wilkie
you contradict yourself i feel here milefile. on one hand you are saying that because M5 works in the oil industry he has a better understanding to draw logical conclusions.

cant u say the same for george bush and tony blair then? they both work in politics, so does that mean that they have a better understanding to draw logical conclusions than the rest of us?
Sure. Why not. It stands to reason. But having understanding and using it for noble causes are seperate. Saddam and Osama, I'm sure, both have great understanding, as well.
Originally posted by TurboSmoke
those were his words, not ours...

And these are yours:
....just think of the huge rewards they will get at the end of it....all that oil to yourselves...

"Ignorant", "misinformed", and "stupid" are all directed at this conspiratorial comment of yours.
Originally posted by M5Power

people often run their mouths off

the plural in his post indicates more than one person, its obvious who this is intended for...or dont they teach you basic grammar in American schools anymore..?
Originally posted by jay wilkie
ok listen M5 , i for one don't think the war was only about oil and i guess you don't either by the way you said " oil singly".. but one thing i don't understand is just because you have worked in the oil industry for seven months that surely doesn't give you inside info on what governments are thinking about.. i mean did george bush tell every employee in the oil indusrty , " listen team just want to tell you what i'm planning here"

No. But it does present three horribly obvious facts:

- We have enough oil from US sources and our OPEC/non-OPEC allies that we DO NOT NEED anymore badly enough to attack a country
- Oil prices after Iraq have risen to the highest they'd been in months - that means your gas prices rose that much too. Sort of makes the "oil war" meaningless, then, eh?
- Iraq isn't extremely high-volume, and costs to bring it here are huge. Even if we tapped all their oil, the government would see just mediocre profits (NOT ENOUGH TO COVER THE COST OF THE WAR) and the public wouldn't see much of a drop in gas prices

Your take on the oil industry scares me - TurboSmoke's too. The prices of oil directly affect my lifestyle, so I keep close tabs - that takes care of my second point. The first and third points should be obvious to any free-thinking human being who makes comments about the Iraq war, especially the point about the tax profit from the new oil not being able to cover the huge cost of the war. You don't exactly have to be 'executive director' of whatever to figure this out. In fact, with a little prodding, I'm sure even somebody like you could've done it!
Originally posted by jay wilkie
maybe M5 can inform us "incompetently stupid" civilians about whats also going on with the CIA scandal and the white house at the moment cause ...hey... after all he's inthe OIL INDUSTRY... Wooooooooo
doesn't people realize how "ignorant" and "misinformed " THEY sound when they speak this way?

You're the one who, along with TurboSmoke, made no less than five posts about how ignorant I was without hearing my clarification of my arguments. Not sure how old you are, but I recommend learning a little debate etiquitte - calling your opponents names before they have a chance to respond to your questions isn't exactly the best thing one can do to make their opinions widely understood, or even cared about.
cant u say the same for george bush and tony blair then? they both work in politics, so does that mean that they have a better understanding to draw logical conclusions than the rest of us?

Um - duh? Of course because Prime Minister Blair and President Bush work in politics they have a better understanding and ability to draw logical political conclusions than the rest of us. Another thing that should be obvious. I pay attention to the happenings of the oil industry on a very regular basis - something that it's very clear you (or TurboSmoke) do not do.

the plural in his post indicates [he is referring to] more than one person, its obvious who this is intended for...or dont they teach you basic grammar in American schools anymore..?

I will make two points.

- Since you've called my grammar usage into question, your grammatical errors are highlighted in red.
- Do you realise yourself and jay wilkie are two people? Do you further realise that you and ol' jay are not alone in stupid viewpoints? That makes a plural. Now - don't flatter yourself. When I speak, sometimes, I'm addressing people other than just yourself.
listen M5 all your points on the oil are readily available for everyone not just you elite people that work in the oil industry. what we have said time and time again is that it was not all about the oil, and you were saying people who think it is about oil "singley" are incompetently stupid. no one has ever said it was all about oil ( go back and get me a quote ) , so your coments there were out of order. we are not all stupid my friend...

you say my and turbo's take on the oil industry scares you? how do u know what my take of the oil industry is? all i have said about oil is that the war wasn't only about oil.. u scare pretty easy pal
no one has ever said it was all about oil

With the comments that have been posted here, I don't know how you (or anyone else) can argue that it was about oil at all .
thats my point.. shi# !!! no one said it was ONLY about oil. but u cant say that oil hasn't crossed peoples mind a little.

I know that's your point. I'm saying it's wrong. I don't think the war had anything to do with oil. Nothing. As I pointed out earlier we get almost no oil from Iraq (ie: we don't need it). If you think it's long term insurance then you've got that wrong too. The bush admin has been dumping money into oil alternatives. We have enough oil here in america to last us long enough to get over to FFV's or whatever the next thing is. It's not a concern and it isn't what Iraq was about. Iraq was about combating terrorism by having US sympathisers in the area. We exploited the fact that Saddam was violating all requests and ignoring diplomatic attempts to free the people he ruled in hopes of stabalizing the middle east (it sure as hell wasn't stabalizing itself).

Christ, how many times do I have to say it before someone will directly attack my points insted of re-iterating the same crap about greedy war hungry evil americans.
Originally posted by jay wilkie
no one has ever said it was all about oil ( go back and get me a quote )
"....just think of the huge rewards they will get at the end of it....all that oil to yourselves... "

There ya go. And to tie this together with the aforementioned "plurality"...

so your coments there were out of order. we are not all stupid my friend...
Red: you are clearly referring to you and TurboSmoke.

Blue: you are clearly imitating TurboSmoke.
Originally posted by jay wilkie
listen M5 all your points on the oil are readily available for everyone not just you elite people that work in the oil industry. what we have said time and time again is that it was not all

Um, duh?

The problem is you people obviously can't figure them out. At all. Otherwise there would be no discussion. Again - duh? And since you're not going to go through and directly rebut the comments I assume you agree with them. I believe I've made my point here. :)

about the oil, and you were saying people who think it is about oil "singley" are incompetently stupid. no one has ever said it was all about oil ( go back and get me a quote ) , so your coments there were out of order. we are not all stupid my friend...

Um, so what were you and TurboSmoke discussing? If you read my comment so literally, it wasn't "technically" directed at you, so then why did you respond to it?

you say my and turbo's take on the oil industry scares you? how do u know what my take of the oil industry is? all i have said about oil is that the war wasn't only about oil.. u scare pretty easy pal

Whatever. I'm not going to go through and find obvious instances where both you and TurboSmoke have mis-interpreted the oil industry and the happenings of it, especially as I've just realised you're a 12-year-old boy, and that would be a waste of my time.

No - you didn't say the war was about oil singly, but your comments make it seem as if it were about oil mostly. That's wrong. My three points prove that wrong, and your inability to argue with my three points prove me correct. Once again - duh?
oh come on kids are we spitting out our dummy tits here?
firstly M5 i'm 11 years old and seem to beable to pay atention a little more than u do. you just said that i should not call people names before hearing their argument but as i recall you came on and started calling people incompetently stupid.i think that is the first bit of name calling that i have noticed for a while.. but hey im just a 11 year old boy.. now i never took that as directed at me because as i keep repeating myself here i DO NOT think the war was about oil... in fact i think my very first comments here where do u think u could do a better job than bush? ( not u individually , before u go in another one of your little tantrums ). i have always been behind bush and blair. i dont know what comments i have made that made u think i thought this was about oil??
again you show your inability to pay attention when u say that your comments weren't "technically" directed at me and turbo. this was your quote , " your take on the oil industry scares me - turbosmoke's too " i believe that was directed at me .. UM DUH !! ( u should stop saying that so much by the way, it makes you sound funnily enough about 12 ) thats why i responded by saying how do u know what my take on oil is , i have never talked about oil you arse , that is until you started your name calling. i dont give a shi# about oil. in fact i don't want to hear the word oil again !! i came on here to get peoples view on the war on terrorism not oil..
you made a comment about my saying tony blair and bush being in politics makes them more knowledgable, and again you came out with a UM DUH- "thats obvious".. well done that is presicley why i said it. but u obviously never caught what i was trying to say. thats ok...
now mile file , what are u talking about with the plurality comment? when i said we are not all stupid , it had nothing to do with turbo . it was to do with the comment M (DUH) 5 made saying everyone who bla bla bla bla about oil is incompetently stupid. i said we are not all stupid because no one had ever said it was only about oil, and as for that quote about all the oil to yourselves, is that someone saying this war is about oil or is he just mentioning a factor he might believe in. ask him (turbo ) because it's not my opinion.
i dont even know turbo mile file so why would i imitate him? i said my friend to keep the atmosphere friendly but hey if you dont like that thats your choice. But mile file please , for your sake , DONT BE AN ARSE ALL YOUR LIFE HUH, TAKE A DAY OFF !!!
i can do unfriendly if u like, but i dont see the point if we are not supposed to be name calling in debates.
so hey you two old and wise men you , put your thumb back in your mouths , stop taking little angry tantrums and try and lighten up a little bit. this is just a discusion here, i hope you are not in a postion of authority if this is how uptight u get over a few comments... love ya's kiss kiss
Long-winded, torturous, and convoluted posts that attempt, and fail, to refute simple, incontrovertible facts are just annoying, particularly when you have to wade through a swamp of sub-par English to get to the non-existent point. I want that two minutes back.

These threads are, in a way, like historical documents. Everybody's words are recorded and on public view. I'm comfortable with the way this argument stands and wouldn't change a thing. And for this reason, among others, there's no need to respond again until something consequential, rather than meandering rationalization and ineffective antagonism, is posted.
CNN had it last night but now I can't find it. The new report shows lots of evidence of a biological weapons program in Iraq. They claimed that among the evidence they found a prison testing facility where they tested biological organism weapons on human test subjects.

CNN took it down in favor of the newer headlines like... "weapons search calls for more time", and "No WMD found", and "Weapons investigator to face tough questions". All of this rather than "Biological weapons program found in Iraq."
Originally posted by danoff
CNN had it last night but now I can't find it. The new report shows lots of evidence of a biological weapons program in Iraq. They claimed that among the evidence they found a prison testing facility where they tested biological organism weapons on human test subjects.

well sounds like fodder for the US masses..

meantime back on planet earth, the opinion that actually counts quotes this :

Former U.N. chief weapons inspector Hans Blix says there are no surprises in the U.S.-led report that found no proof Saddam Hussein had stockpiled weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

still see no weapons?


  • wmd.jpg
    15.8 KB · Views: 37
Originally posted by jay wilkie
oh come on kids are we spitting out our dummy tits here?
firstly M5 i'm 11 years old and seem to beable to pay atention a little more than u do. you just said that i should not call people names before hearing their argument but as i recall you came on and started calling people incompetently stupid.i think that is the first bit of name calling that i have noticed for a while.. but hey im just a 11 year old boy.. now i never took that as directed at me because as i keep repeating myself here i DO NOT think the war was about oil... in fact i think my very first comments here where do u think u could do a better job than bush? ( not u individually , before u go in another one of your little tantrums ). i have always been behind bush and blair. i dont know what comments i have made that made u think i thought this was about oil??
again you show your inability to pay attention when u say that your comments weren't "technically" directed at me and turbo. this was your quote , " your take on the oil industry scares me - turbosmoke's too " i believe that was directed at me .. UM DUH !! ( u should stop saying that so much by the way, it makes you sound funnily enough about 12 ) thats why i responded by saying how do u know what my take on oil is , i have never talked about oil you arse , that is until you started your name calling. i dont give a shi# about oil. in fact i don't want to hear the word oil again !! i came on here to get peoples view on the war on terrorism not oil..
you made a comment about my saying tony blair and bush being in politics makes them more knowledgable, and again you came out with a UM DUH- "thats obvious".. well done that is presicley why i said it. but u obviously never caught what i was trying to say. thats ok...
now mile file , what are u talking about with the plurality comment? when i said we are not all stupid , it had nothing to do with turbo . it was to do with the comment M (DUH) 5 made saying everyone who bla bla bla bla about oil is incompetently stupid. i said we are not all stupid because no one had ever said it was only about oil, and as for that quote about all the oil to yourselves, is that someone saying this war is about oil or is he just mentioning a factor he might believe in. ask him (turbo ) because it's not my opinion.
i dont even know turbo mile file so why would i imitate him? i said my friend to keep the atmosphere friendly but hey if you dont like that thats your choice. But mile file please , for your sake , DONT BE AN ARSE ALL YOUR LIFE HUH, TAKE A DAY OFF !!!
i can do unfriendly if u like, but i dont see the point if we are not supposed to be name calling in debates.
so hey you two old and wise men you , put your thumb back in your mouths , stop taking little angry tantrums and try and lighten up a little bit. this is just a discusion here, i hope you are not in a postion of authority if this is how uptight u get over a few comments... love ya's kiss kiss

... What?

  • Capitalisation
  • Punctuation
  • Paragraphs

And no crap. (I marked crap red)
Originally posted by sn00pie
... What?

  • Capitalisation
  • Punctuation
  • Paragraphs

And no crap. (I marked crap red)
i didnt know it was part of the SM job description to pull people up on their punctuation...perhaps it should be in the terms and conditions of this forum that people should check and double check a post for grammar, spelling and punctuation before hitting the submit button because all people care about round here is exactly that...i have never seen so many posts about typos in my life..

anyway....i just write....sometimes i hit one key befroe the other (just like that), its not a sign of anything except just that i am typing as i think....

man...the US government must love people like you danoff and m/ swallow everything they tell you, you challenge nothing and believe swallow the lot...sitting infront of your tv's salvating as your ridiculous president spout a pile of crap about something he hasnt a clue about...everything is written for him..its just the old days it was called propaganda, you know when your governement bull****s you to keep up moral...regardless of the truth..

there is a socialist saying which think relevant here...
'if you stand for nothing, you'll fall for everything'

thats you two down to a tea....yea, the war was about the freedom of Iraqis and not oil...and i have to listen to you and your government bleat on about how there were massive stockpiles of biological weapons and an advanced nuclear program immediately before the war....

bull****....why dont you wake up and dont be so bloody blind...

i have a question for you and m/f....if you can be bothered to write back...i am interested to hear your answers....just danoff and m/f...

answer me this each of you....

do you think that there were WMD in Iraq immediately before the war?

you can justify your answers in a 30 page thesis for all i care but you must sum up at the end with a YES or NO answer...


the proverbial ball is in your court..
do you think that there were WMD in Iraq immediately before the war?

I don't know. I'm not sure we'll ever know.

'if you stand for nothing, you'll fall for everything'

I stand up for more than is probably healthy for me, even in the face rediculous personal-attack-laden criticism. I stand up for my principles to people who do not know how to maintain a civil discussion.

Because of my propensity for standing up for what I believe in, I am drawn to discussion boards like this one and put my beliefs out there - purposely allowing them to draw fire so that I can be absolutely certain that I am correct.

I pride myself on being able to rationally react to criticism and change my views when I am logically defeated.

The great thing about Americans is that we get to hear the stories from many many angles and make up our own minds. But if I believed everything I was told, I'd be a socialist as a result of our press.
Originally posted by jay wilkie
oh come on kids

Where are we going?

are we spitting out our dummy tits here?

Not sure what a 'dummy tit' is, but yes.

Nice word.

M5 i'm 11 years old

So then that's Mr M5 to you.

and seem to beable to pay atention a little more than u do.

Not to your spelling! U! Beable! Atention!

you just said that i should not call people names before hearing their argument excellent demonstration of your attention-paying ability!

but as i recall you came on and started calling people incompetently stupid.

Yep. I named the viewpoint and said people with that viewpoint are stupid. So basically, I mentioned their argument before name-calling. Got it? Cool!

Do not!!

that is the first bit of name calling that i have noticed for a while..

Maybe u can't beable to pay atention very well after all.

but hey im just a 11 year old boy..

Agreed! Let's move on.


i never took that as directed at me

Cool! It wasn't.

because as i keep repeating myself here i DO NOT think the war was about oil...

So you think the war had nothing to do with oil at all? Why are we arguing, then, ol' Jay?!

Facts 0wn!!

Quit lying, Jay!!

my very first comments here where do u think u could do a better job than bush?

Do you mean 'were?' I'll assume you do.

( not u individually , before u go in another one of your little tantrums ).

If they're so little, why do they bother you, Jay!?

i have always been behind bush and blair.

I've been in front of both of them - I wouldn't be caught dead behind them. They pollute.

i dont know what comments i have made that made u think i thought this was about oil??

Maybe it was post 104 when you said:

i think oil is a big factor

I assume you won't respond to that statement since you didn't bother to check your own posts assuming I wouldn't either. But guess what? I did. Nice going. 👍

And again...

you show your inability to pay attention

It's 'atention.'

when u say that your comments weren't "technically" directed at me and turbo.

I only said that to shut you up (ie if they weren't "technically" directed at you maybe you'd stop responding to them), but I failed. That makes me a said panda.

this was your quote , " your take on the oil industry scares me - turbosmoke's too "

I'm certain I capitalised some of that!!

i believe that was directed at me ..

No - I was quoting your post, but I was directing that one at the moon.



( u should stop saying that so much by the way, it makes you sound funnily enough about 12 )

For the last eight months, it's what I say when I get into arguments like this in which the 12-year-old believes he's right beyond right and that anything said stops with him. This time, you're the 12-year-old, ol' Jay!! Don't you feel special?

thats why i responded by saying how do u know what my take on oil is


i have never talked about oil you arse

Actually, I can't find any post of yours on page six in which you don't either directly or indirectly mention oil. Page seven is similar.

that is until you started your name calling.

Yep. It was me!!

i dont give a shi# about oil.

I'm sure oil has the same feelings about you.

in fact i don't want to hear the word oil again !!

Is that why you say it in your very next sentence?

i came on here to get peoples view on the war on terrorism not oil..

So then quit responding to comments about oil. Duh?

you made a comment about my saying tony blair and bush being in politics makes them more knowledgable,

Good point.

and again

There's more?!

you came out with a UM DUH- "thats obvious"

I didn't say 'um,' as I recall. But I'm sure you know better than I do, since you're so smart.

well done

I prefer medium.

that is presicley why i said it.

Elvis Presely?

but u obviously never caught what i was trying to say. thats ok...

So I said I'd know slightly more about the oil industry because I'm involved in it, and to refute that, you said politicans know more about politics because they're involved in it, and then admit the latter is true?

Maybe you did have something profound to say, but you even lost yourself. Good going.

now mile file , what are u talking about with the plurality comment?

Let it go.

when i said we are not all stupid , it had nothing to do with turbo .

Congrats. Let it go.

it was to do with the comment M (DUH) 5 made saying everyone who bla bla bla bla about oil is incompetently stupid.

But you don't care about oil, so you didn't respond. But wait - you DID! Let it go.

Out loud?

we are not all stupid because no one had ever said it was only about oil,

We never said that you thought it was only about oil.

and as for that quote about all the oil to yourselves, is that someone saying this war is about oil or is he just mentioning a factor he might believe in. ask him (turbo ) because it's not my opinion.
i dont even know turbo mile file so why would i imitate him? i said my friend to keep the atmosphere friendly but hey if you dont like that thats your choice. But mile file please , for your sake , DONT BE AN ARSE ALL YOUR LIFE HUH, TAKE A DAY OFF !!!
i can do unfriendly if u like, but i dont see the point if we are not supposed to be name calling in debates.
so hey you two old and wise men you , put your thumb back in your mouths , stop taking little angry tantrums and try and lighten up a little bit. this is just a discusion here, i hope you are not in a postion of authority if this is how uptight u get over a few comments... love ya's kiss kiss

I'd keep going (I'm having fun, and this is one of the longest posts I've ever made; the single longest entirely in jest), but my god in hell. How did you ever write so much and have so little of it make any real sense? This is really one for the books.
Originally posted by TurboSmoke
i didnt know it was part of the SM job description to pull people up on their punctuation...perhaps it should be in the terms and conditions of this forum that people should check and double check a post for grammar, spelling and punctuation before hitting the submit button

This is the best of all - even better than ol' Jay's weird, off-topic, lengthy post in which he changed the facts so that he would be right.

Proving the red part of your statement wrong is the Terms of Service, rule three and four:

3. No slang words that promote laziness, ie; "r", "u", "plz", etc.
4. Half decent grammar is expected. Use of capital letters
starting sentences is looked upon favorably. Spelling
half decently is also encouraged.

Proving the blue part of your statement wrong is the Acceptable Use Policy, rule 11:

11. You will, if asked by a representative of the Forums, cease posting any content, and/or links to content, deemed offensive, objectionable, or in poor taste by the staff of the Forums.

I guess that makes you a (very wrong) sad panda, eh?
Originally posted by TurboSmoke
i didnt know it was part of the SM job description to pull people up on their punctuation...perhaps it should be in the terms and conditions of this forum that people should check and double check a post for grammar, spelling and punctuation before hitting the submit button because all people care about round here is exactly that...i have never seen so many posts about typos in my life..
Doug covered this pretty well.
anyway....i just write....sometimes i hit one key befroe the other (just like that), its not a sign of anything except just that i am typing as i think....
Okay, Mr. Joyce.

man...the US government must love people like you danoff and m/ swallow everything they tell you, you challenge nothing and believe swallow the lot...sitting infront of your tv's salvating as your ridiculous president spout a pile of crap about something he hasnt a clue about...everything is written for him..its just the old days it was called propaganda, you know when your governement bull****s you to keep up moral...regardless of the truth..
I can't believe what I just read. You obviously haven't read a single one of my posts regarding Bush. You also have apparently forgotten that I started this thread to criticize him. I could go to a lot of effort to make links to specific posts, and there are plenty. But I can't be bothered, and frankly, you're not worth the effort.

there is a socialist saying which think relevant here...
'if you stand for nothing, you'll fall for everything'
That's a nice slogan.

thats you two down to a tea....yea, the war was about the freedom of Iraqis and not oil...and i have to listen to you and your government bleat on about how there were massive stockpiles of biological weapons and an advanced nuclear program immediately before the war....

bull****....why dont you wake up and dont be so bloody blind...
See above.

i have a question for you and m/f....if you can be bothered to write back...i am interested to hear your answers....just danoff and m/f...

answer me this each of you....

do you think that there were WMD in Iraq immediately before the war?

you can justify your answers in a 30 page thesis for all i care but you must sum up at the end with a YES or NO answer...


the proverbial ball is in your court..
wow glad i gave you losers loads to type about.. hope you had fun.. its good to know that while i was out having a life you guys where sitting talking about punctuation, spelling and grammer. u must know you have no life when u actually know the rules of this forum regarding grammer?
as i speak to more and more of you americans i'm actually starting to believe that you are a race of people that DO like to start fights or arguments with others for no reason what so ever after all..
still love u both .... WANKS !!!
oh like i said before boys " try and lighten up a little".. hey why doesn't someone start a new thread about spelling or something... seems to be a lot of people on this forum that is really into it.. or do they have no real arguments and can't resist flapping their gums?
Originally posted by jay wilkie


glad i gave you losers loads to type about..

As long as we're agreed you brought up oil, said it was a major consideration, and contradicted yourself more than once in your own post, I'm glad too!

Clinton's from Hope!

you had fun..

I like to have fun at the expense of people who should be selling certified pre-owned Acuras.

Yeah. A bit bad, too.

to know that while i was out having a life

I wish I had a life like yours - you know, get my parents to drive me to a date, be home at 9. But wait - it's a Friday! 9:30, then. 9:45 if my teachers don't call home all week!

you guys where

It's 'were!' We've been OVER this!!!

sitting talking about punctuation, spelling and grammer.

I wasn't talking, dammit! I was typing! And you mis-spelled 'grammar.'

u must know

I promise I don't, if you do.

you have no life when u actually know the rules of this forum regarding grammer?

Yep - I know. I've got no job, and no girlfriend. I live with my parents and don't shower for days at a time.

Actually, it's a bit interesting - these posts maybe take five minutes of my time. And that somehow negates my entire life, in the mind of a twelve-year-old. Score!

as i speak to more and more of you americans

Oh, now he's turning on the entire culture. Screw it. I don't believe the Cubs won tonight.

i'm actually starting to believe

I had the Braves, even with Prior pitching.

that you are a race of people

"American" isn't a race. But by your logic, you make up a race with the rest of the stupid people. I don't even know what country you're from. Note I haven't asked. The reason? I don't care. I wasn't born in America and I spent seventeen years abroad. You probably haven't even been here. But hey - as a 12-year-old, it's not surprising.

Maddux is just that good.

that DO like to start fights or arguments with others for no reason what so ever after all..

This isn't an argument. I'm merely making fun of your idiocy. I'm not arguing with your points, considering that you make no arguable points.

I got my hopes up when the Braves scored one in the 8th, made it 2-1.

still love u both .... WANKS !!!

You don't know what love is! You're just 12!

Problem was the Cubs came right back in the 9th and made it 3-1. And even in Prior's last inning, you KNOW he isn't going to give up three. And he didn't even give up one.

All things considered, though, the Braves did make four errors. Vinny Castilla should be out of baseball by now.