Originally posted by jay wilkie
oh come on kids
Where are we going?
are we spitting out our dummy tits here?
Not sure what a 'dummy tit' is, but yes.
Nice word.
So then that's Mr M5 to you.
and seem to beable to pay atention a little more than u do.
Not to your spelling! U! Beable! Atention!
you just said that i should not call people names before hearing their argument
...an excellent demonstration of your attention-paying ability!
but as i recall you came on and started calling people incompetently stupid.
Yep. I named the viewpoint and said people with that viewpoint are stupid. So basically, I mentioned their argument before name-calling. Got it? Cool!
Do not!!
that is the first bit of name calling that i have noticed for a while..
Maybe u can't beable to pay atention very well after all.
but hey im just a 11 year old boy..
Agreed! Let's move on.
i never took that as directed at me
Cool! It wasn't.
because as i keep repeating myself here i DO NOT think the war was about oil...
So you think the war had nothing to do with oil at all? Why are we arguing, then, ol' Jay?!
Facts 0wn!!
Quit lying, Jay!!
my very first comments here where do u think u could do a better job than bush?
Do you mean '
were?' I'll assume you do.
( not u individually , before u go in another one of your little tantrums ).
If they're so little, why do they bother you, Jay!?
i have always been behind bush and blair.
I've been in front of both of them - I wouldn't be caught dead behind them. They pollute.
i dont know what comments i have made that made u think i thought this was about oil??
Maybe it was post 104 when you said:
i think oil is a big factor
I assume you won't respond to that statement since you didn't bother to check your own posts assuming I wouldn't either. But guess what? I did. Nice going. 👍
And again...
you show your inability to pay attention
It's 'atention.'
when u say that your comments weren't "technically" directed at me and turbo.
I only said that to shut you up (ie if they weren't "technically" directed at you maybe you'd stop responding to them), but I failed. That makes me a said panda.
this was your quote , " your take on the oil industry scares me - turbosmoke's too "
I'm certain I capitalised some of that!!
i believe that was directed at me ..
No - I was quoting your post, but I was directing that one at the moon.
( u should stop saying that so much by the way, it makes you sound funnily enough about 12 )
For the last eight months, it's what I say when I get into arguments like this in which the 12-year-old believes he's right beyond right and that anything said stops with him. This time, you're the 12-year-old, ol' Jay!! Don't you feel special?
thats why i responded by saying how do u know what my take on oil is
i have never talked about oil you arse
Actually, I can't find any post of yours on page six in which you don't either directly or indirectly mention oil. Page seven is similar.
that is until you started your name calling.
Yep. It was me!!
i dont give a shi# about oil.
I'm sure oil has the same feelings about you.
in fact i don't want to hear the word oil again !!
Is that why you say it in your very next sentence?
i came on here to get peoples view on the war on terrorism not oil..
So then quit responding to comments about oil. Duh?
you made a comment about my saying tony blair and bush being in politics makes them more knowledgable,
Good point.
There's more?!
you came out with a UM DUH- "thats obvious"
I didn't say 'um,' as I recall. But I'm sure you know better than I do, since you're so smart.
I prefer medium.
that is presicley why i said it.
Elvis Presely?
but u obviously never caught what i was trying to say. thats ok...
So I said I'd know slightly more about the oil industry because I'm involved in it, and to refute that, you said politicans know more about politics because they're involved in it, and then admit the latter is true?
Maybe you did have something profound to say, but you even lost yourself. Good going.
now mile file , what are u talking about with the plurality comment?
Let it go.
when i said we are not all stupid , it had nothing to do with turbo .
Congrats. Let it go.
it was to do with the comment M (DUH) 5 made saying everyone who bla bla bla bla about oil is incompetently stupid.
But you don't care about oil, so you didn't respond. But wait - you DID! Let it go.
Out loud?
we are not all stupid because no one had ever said it was only about oil,
We never said that you thought it was only about oil.
and as for that quote about all the oil to yourselves, is that someone saying this war is about oil or is he just mentioning a factor he might believe in. ask him (turbo ) because it's not my opinion.
i dont even know turbo mile file so why would i imitate him? i said my friend to keep the atmosphere friendly but hey if you dont like that thats your choice. But mile file please , for your sake , DONT BE AN ARSE ALL YOUR LIFE HUH, TAKE A DAY OFF !!!
i can do unfriendly if u like, but i dont see the point if we are not supposed to be name calling in debates.
so hey you two old and wise men you , put your thumb back in your mouths , stop taking little angry tantrums and try and lighten up a little bit. this is just a discusion here, i hope you are not in a postion of authority if this is how uptight u get over a few comments... love ya's kiss kiss
I'd keep going (I'm having fun, and this is one of the longest posts I've ever made; the single longest entirely in jest), but my god in hell. How did you ever write so much and have so little of it make any real sense? This is really one for the books.