Originally posted by TurboSmoke
the table was a metaphor to the american govt and media...i thought would would have spotted that...
no matter...
i dont start personal wars...i just talk my mind, some people hate that because thier not used to a certain 'freedom of speech' outside of thier own pre-defined boundaries....i havent directly offended anyone...my views may have but thats thier problem...
Jay were all friends on here...
also...i didnt say that there were no weapons of mass destruction...the inspectors said that, and i dont trust the former President of Iraq....he was a 'brutal dictator' and obviously needed to go...i disagree with the way the soon to be former President of the United States of America dealth with it and the UN and the rest of the member states when they decided to execute an unauthorised pre-emptive strike on Baghdad and missed completely...
Saddam is still alive...America is convinced and for once, i agree...
in doing so Bush alienated the UN, alienated the entire arabic and muslim world from Morocco to the Philippines, alienated most of his European allies including the British public, his strongest ally and Russia, China and India...three large nuclear bearing nations....
and all this beacuse America was scared of another 9/11...
am i the only one that disagreed with a such an inspiring piece of leadership?