So George... Where's Osama? Hmm?

  • Thread starter milefile
It's official. The coalition death toll in Iraq since the so-called "end of major combat operations" has finally creeped past the number dead during them. Good job Goerge!
actually i do keep up with my unit, and i talk with several members on a daily basis. they are dealing with more **** than you could ever imagine, a lot of things that i am not at liberty to discuss, and if it were known that they were discussing it then their mil. careers would be in great jeapordy. and just for those of you who will be smart asses about this post, my boys are over there in an area where there are no forein support, for that matter they don't even have american infantry of MP support!! so yeah they are on there own
Dude the more you post the more you come accross as a wannabe soldier with imaginary friends.
sorry you feel that way man, but i've be in since jan. 11 of 2000, i am an 88M, who is gettin ready to reclass as 11B, and am probably qualified with more weaponry and machinery than you have socks!!! as of right now i am part of the 1032d transportation company, and will very soon be a part of B Co. 2/116 light infantry company. oh and my unit is @ camp pennslyvania in iraq, any more smart a$$ comments!!
Originally posted by deceptecon99
sorry you feel that way man, but i've be in since jan. 11 of 2000, i am an 88M, who is gettin ready to reclass as 11B, and am probably qualified with more weaponry and machinery than you have socks!!! as of right now i am part of the 1032d transportation company, and will very soon be a part of B Co. 2/116 light infantry company. oh and my unit is @ camp pennslyvania in iraq, any more smart a$$ comments!!
We're making smartass comments? You're the one who knows 'classified information' about the war (:rolleyes:) and yet you didn't know the British were fighting (and dying) for what can only be described as our cause.
Originally posted by deceptecon99
sorry you feel that way man, but i've be in since jan. 11 of 2000, i am an 88M, who is gettin ready to reclass as 11B, and am probably qualified with more weaponry and machinery than you have socks!!! as of right now i am part of the 1032d transportation company, and will very soon be a part of B Co. 2/116 light infantry company. oh and my unit is @ camp pennslyvania in iraq, any more smart a$$ comments!!

Yeah, what the hell are you doing at home?
i am awating a knee surgery(that has taken 2 years to be processed) which made me non-deployable, trust me i would much rather be with my unit making the money that i would be making, instead of scrapin by with little over min. wage here!! any other questions??? oh and by the way m5 you said that there had be 46 brit. troops die, how many U.S. soldiers have died???? ya ever think about that total??? it's about 4 to 5 times the brit. total!!
i don't know whether or not you are honest, and i don't much care, but you need a major attitude adjustment. the british are there, maybe not in equivalent number to our forces, but they are there. you should show some appreciation to them for their commitment thus far, not just dismissive sounding statements like, "oh and by the way m5 you said that there had be 46 brit. troops die, how many U.S. soldiers have died???? ya ever think about that total??? it's about 4 to 5 times the brit. total!!"
Dude you missed the point ..I can only judge from what I'm reading and thats what it looks like. from what your saying you represent the armed forces poorly, thats just my opinion. beleive me alot of us on the forum have friends in the military or have or are in ourselves. Your stance on the British goes against anything I have heard from my extensive military in relatives..not to mention my friends out in iraq. your either ignorant or stupid. you wan't a beef against a country pick one that has not shed blood beside us while the rest of the world watched. You shame the people you are supposed to go crawl back under your rock.
sorry you feel that way man, but i've be in since jan. 11 of 2000, i am an 88M, who is gettin ready to reclass as 11B, and am probably qualified with more weaponry and machinery than you have socks!!! as of right now i am part of the 1032d transportation company, and will very soon be a part of B Co. 2/116 light infantry company. oh and my unit is @ camp pennslyvania in iraq, any more smart a$$ comments!!
Dude you missed the point ..I can only judge from what I'm reading and thats what it looks like. from what your saying you represent the armed forces poorly, thats just my opinion. beleive me alot of us on the forum have friends in the military or have or are in ourselves. Your stance on the British goes against anything I have heard from my extensive military in relatives..not to mention my friends out in iraq. your either ignorant or stupid. you wan't a beef against a country pick one that has not shed blood beside us while the rest of the world watched. You shame the people you are supposed to go crawl back under your rock.
Originally posted by milefile
Millitary types always use acronyms that nobody else knows. I don't even ask what they mean anymore.

You don't know those acronyms?

Obviously someone didn't pass their 15A's.:odd:
well for those who don't understand acronyms, SF mean special forces(green berets), and 11B, is light infantry(ground troops), an 88M is a truck driver, i don't quite remember the rest of them, if there are any more ?'s then feel free to ask!! oh yeah SFIP is the special forces initial processing program, it's a 3 month qualification course.
actually i'm not really familiar with alot of the M.O.S. and the specifics, in this are all we have are 88M, 12B, 11B, 12C, 64W, 81W, 91L, and we've got some supply slots too, but i'm not even sure what that M.O.S. is, but that is maily bec. i work with the recruiter for our area and those are the main jobs that we focus on. please enlighten me on what the 62E is though, it never hurts to know!!
Originally posted by deceptecon99
i am awating a knee surgery(that has taken 2 years to be processed) which made me non-deployable, trust me i would much rather be with my unit making the money that i would be making, instead of scrapin by with little over min. wage here!! any other questions??? oh and by the way m5 you said that there had be 46 brit. troops die, how many U.S. soldiers have died???? ya ever think about that total??? it's about 4 to 5 times the brit. total!!

No soldier ever won a war by dying for his country. It is the soldier who makes the enemy soldier die for their country that wins the war.

I forget who that was, someone fill it in for me.
actually man i should have known that, we do have some heavy equip operators in the unit in pennington gap, which is det 1 of the 1032st eng co., but they are very seperate from the rest of the batallion so i don't deal with them a whole lot!!
In fact, yes. I think I would. For starters I'd be looking where most people believe he is, in the wilderness that is between, but not either, Afganistan and Pakistan, respectively. I would not be spending 60+ billion dollars in Iraq, to clean up a mess that was not a pressing issue to begin with. It's worth mentioning that George still hasn't found any weapons of mass destruction or Saddam. So you have an astronomical amount of money at stake, and no results. That's right, none. The war on terror is so-far a total failure. It's stated goals are not met and are not close to being met; it is an open ended blank check for right wing social engineering and imperialism.

George Bush counts very heavily on the thick headed American's propensity for forgetfulness. I only hope they also forget to vote.
i really dont understand some of u americans sometimes. would it have been better to leave things as they where? more americans seem to be dissing george bush than they are osama or saddam !! i guess you would be looking in the wilderness and spending no money in doing so magically? dont you think iraq and the people are in a much better position than they were last year? a more stable iraq is good news for the rest of the world so the money spent is a good investment, unless you would rather dunk your head in the sand and hope no-one sends a missile on its way. just because the weapons haven't been found dosen't mean sh## .
Originally posted by jay wilkie
i guess you would be looking in the wilderness and spending no money in doing so magically?
Did I say that?

dont you think iraq and the people are in a much better position than they were last year?
No. This may change, but it's hard to see how in the current, Pentagon run context.

a more stable iraq is good news for the rest of the world so the money spent is a good investment,
Yes. It is. Too bad it's not stable and becoming less stable all the time, especially now that the UN is considering pulling out.

unless you would rather dunk your head in the sand and hope no-one sends a missile on its way.
No. I'd just rather get the guy who actually did turn three jets into missles and already did send them on their way, killing nearly 3000 people on American soil. What's his name again?

just because the weapons haven't been found dosen't mean sh## .
Oh yes it does.
Originally posted by jay wilkie
idont you think iraq and the people are in a much better position than they were last year? .

well the americans still havent restored electricity, gas or water to the people yet...they habent ended the looting and violence or sabotage of the infrastructure...they havet found saddam and there still occupying a country that detests them....

no, they are worse off then they were last year....

its good that saddam is gone but surely the americans could have sent in an elite force to take him out and disable his govt without the large scale massacre and complete farce that was the gulf war....