So, how was your day?

  • Thread starter kidd0218
It sucks now. Was hoping getting post #6000 would help but NOOOOOOO. :P @sems4arsenal

The full story is extraordinarily complex and is also not appropriate for posting here (although hilarious), but here is the jist of it:

My longtime friend is a lesbian. (You can probably see where this is going already)
However, when I first met her, she was still open to dating guys. She is absolutely GORGEOUS (search Christina Hendricks for reference). So naturally, I chase after her. Then she gets burned by her boyfriend at the time, and starts dating exclusively girls. So now I'm stuck. Well, last night (more accurately, this morning), we had a pretty... umm... intimate (that's a bit of an understatement) discussion. We talked about EVERYTHING. Let's just say that I should change my name to "Sexual E. Frustrated". :lol:

But it can definitely be worse.
It sucks now. Was hoping getting post #6000 would help but NOOOOOOO. :P @sems4arsenal

The full story is extraordinarily complex and is also not appropriate for posting here (although hilarious), but here is the jist of it:

My longtime friend is a lesbian. (You can probably see where this is going already)
However, when I first met her, she was still open to dating guys. She is absolutely GORGEOUS (search Christina Hendricks for reference). So naturally, I chase after her. Then she gets burned by her boyfriend at the time, and starts dating exclusively girls. So now I'm stuck. Well, last night (more accurately, this morning), we had a pretty... umm... intimate (that's a bit of an understatement) discussion. We talked about EVERYTHING. Let's just say that I should change my name to "Sexual E. Frustrated". :lol:

But it can definitely be worse.

Insert (I'm in finals week but I got the #6000 post in a thread so I got that going for me which is nice)

also the old falling for your friend moment (happens way too much for me), hope she changes her mind 👍
@sems4arsenal Same here, mate.

Today my whole day consisted of me laying around the house in a state where I want to sneeze, but I can't. The most frustrating thing that can happen to someone... not passing a kidney stone.... not being constipated.... but waiting for that damn sneeze.


I swear I had a Mr.Bean expression the entire day!
@sems4arsenal Same here, mate.

Today my whole day consisted of me laying around the house in a state where I want to sneeze, but I can't. The most frustrating thing that can happen to someone... not passing a kidney stone.... not being constipated.... but waiting for that damn sneeze.


I swear I had a Mr.Bean expression the entire day!

I'm sure someone here will correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't looking at a light source help?
I suddenly had the urge to get a flip phone today, because its just oh so cool! :embarrassed: Then I found a site having a Motorola KRZR for sale for about $57. Guess my paycheck came just in time. Things didn't turn out like how they did in my dream fortunately. I didn't get mugged. I wasn't stabbed.
I'm sure someone here will correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't looking at a light source help?

I'm not sure... by help do you mean eradicate the sense of sneezing during that moment, or help you sneeze? I would think it distracts you, so you think of something else.

Every time I wanted to sneeze, a family member would come over and ask me something. It was annoying 'cause I was stuck with that one sneeze throughout the whole day.

Anyway, so far my day has been good. I WOKE UP EARLY! Well, 10:30, but still! After weeks of waking up at 2-4 p.m. that's a win in my book.
I'm not sure... by help do you mean eradicate the sense of sneezing during that moment, or help you sneeze? I would think it distracts you, so you think of something else.

Every time I wanted to sneeze, a family member would come over and ask me something. It was annoying 'cause I was stuck with that one sneeze throughout the whole day.

Anyway, so far my day has been good. I WOKE UP EARLY! Well, 10:30, but still! After weeks of waking up at 2-4 p.m. that's a win in my book.
Got a call today from a company that helps Nissan locate people to fill positions. They need someone to help with NVH (noise, vibration & harshness) in pre-production test vehicles. Pay is A LOT better than what I make now. Hopefully I get a call back soon to fill the position. :nervous:

Woot! Turbo makin' bank! :lol:
Seems like this week just keeps going downhill... My uncle (My dad's older brother) came to stop by as he usually does on Fridays, but this time he came to my brother and I to ask if he should go to the doctors after falling on some ice earlier in the day while he was at church. My brother and I thought something was very much off with his foot and chose to take him to the hospital. Of which...turns out he broke some bones (don't know which). My brother took him to the hospital while I had to also go out and bring my aunt (my dad's older sister) to the doctors after she also had an accident where she injured her hand by slipping on ice yesterday, she wasn't able to drive and pick up her husband from work since he can't drive.

My brother and I were in a rush to get my uncle to the hospital and pick up my aunt and her husband to the doctors, so we split up to take care of our aunt and uncle. Meanwhile, my dad comes home during his usual lunch break whilst we are out. But in our rush, we weren't able to write any message to leave behind for my dad to read. And as usual...he assumed that both my brother and I went out to go have some "fun," as he'd consider it... So he most likely went on a rampage and started ripping apart my room as well as my brother's and taking away any electronic that we used in the house and locked them up. All whilst my brother and I were taking our uncle and aunt to get medical help... (Luckily...I have a spare key that I made to get into the locked room that my parents always use when they're angry) Getting rather tired of them always assuming the "worst," without considering the other possible outcomes. As I said before, this week is probably the worst I've had of this year... And it's barely started.

Edit: Even better... My mom comes home from work and starts screaming at my brother and I for doing "nothing." And then decides that she knows a better place to have my uncle stay at (he's staying at our house for now) which is the guest bedroom that she turned into a storage room to fill her useless junk she never uses... Of course accusing my brother and I for making the mess she created... Then taking every 🤬 idea that we had and calling it her own. For make it easier, we put a lamp close to my uncle's bed so he had a light that he could use without having to get up and flip the switch on the other side, but she claimed it was her idea and we're the "idiots following her orders."
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Seems like this week just keeps going downhill... My uncle (My dad's older brother) came to stop by as he usually does on Fridays, but this time he came to my brother and I to ask if he should go to the doctors after falling on some ice earlier in the day while he was at church. My brother and I thought something was very much off with his foot and chose to take him to the hospital. Of which...turns out he broke some bones (don't know which). My brother took him to the hospital while I had to also go out and bring my aunt (my dad's older sister) to the doctors after she also had an accident where she injured her hand by slipping on ice yesterday, she wasn't able to drive and pick up her husband from work since he can't drive.

My brother and I were in a rush to get my uncle to the hospital and pick up my aunt and her husband to the doctors, so we split up to take care of our aunt and uncle. Meanwhile, my dad comes home during his usual lunch break whilst we are out. But in our rush, we weren't able to write any message to leave behind for my dad to read. And as usual...he assumed that both my brother and I went out to go have some "fun," as he'd consider it... So he most likely went on a rampage and started ripping apart my room as well as my brother's and taking away any electronic that we used in the house and locked them up. All whilst my brother and I were taking our uncle and aunt to get medical help... (Luckily...I have a spare key that I made to get into the locked room that my parents always use when they're angry) Getting rather tired of them always assuming the "worst," without considering the other possible outcomes. As I said before, this week is probably the worst I've had of this year... And it's barely started.

Edit: Even better... My mom comes home from work and starts screaming at my brother and I for doing "nothing." And then decides that she knows a better place to have my uncle stay at (he's staying at our house for now) which is the guest bedroom that she turned into a storage room to fill her useless junk she never uses... Of course accusing my brother and I for making the mess she created... Then taking every 🤬 idea that we had and calling it her own. For make it easier, we put a lamp close to my uncle's bed so he had a light that he could use without having to get up and flip the switch on the other side, but she claimed it was her idea and we're the "idiots following her orders."

Sounds like your parents have some screwed up parenting techniques. Your father's actions should be undone (and you and your brother should be getting an apology) if your uncle explains what actually happened. I think the reason behind your mother's actions, even if she did know what you and your brother did. She's probably annoyed because you didn't do what she thought would be the best action. Sometimes older (middle age or older) people forget that younger people will think differently than people their own age. Mainly because their transition to their current way of thinking was so progressive, they never really noticed it. So they thought they were always like it (maybe. This is all me trying to create an ounce of reason behind actions). But her claiming your ideas are hers, that's just stupid.
Seems like this week just keeps going downhill... My uncle (My dad's older brother) came to stop by as he usually does on Fridays, but this time he came to my brother and I to ask if he should go to the doctors after falling on some ice earlier in the day while he was at church. My brother and I thought something was very much off with his foot and chose to take him to the hospital. Of which...turns out he broke some bones (don't know which). My brother took him to the hospital while I had to also go out and bring my aunt (my dad's older sister) to the doctors after she also had an accident where she injured her hand by slipping on ice yesterday, she wasn't able to drive and pick up her husband from work since he can't drive.

My brother and I were in a rush to get my uncle to the hospital and pick up my aunt and her husband to the doctors, so we split up to take care of our aunt and uncle. Meanwhile, my dad comes home during his usual lunch break whilst we are out. But in our rush, we weren't able to write any message to leave behind for my dad to read. And as usual...he assumed that both my brother and I went out to go have some "fun," as he'd consider it... So he most likely went on a rampage and started ripping apart my room as well as my brother's and taking away any electronic that we used in the house and locked them up. All whilst my brother and I were taking our uncle and aunt to get medical help... (Luckily...I have a spare key that I made to get into the locked room that my parents always use when they're angry) Getting rather tired of them always assuming the "worst," without considering the other possible outcomes. As I said before, this week is probably the worst I've had of this year... And it's barely started.

Edit: Even better... My mom comes home from work and starts screaming at my brother and I for doing "nothing." And then decides that she knows a better place to have my uncle stay at (he's staying at our house for now) which is the guest bedroom that she turned into a storage room to fill her useless junk she never uses... Of course accusing my brother and I for making the mess she created... Then taking every 🤬 idea that we had and calling it her own. For make it easier, we put a lamp close to my uncle's bed so hesi"
Punch you're dad in
face. I you then hack in you're mothers facebook. And upload this picture for her home screen. Not.
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All was well, for the most part...

...until just a few minutes ago where I accidents stumbled upon two photos of a very very burned body of what appears to be...Randy Rhoads....oh god I think I want to cry. There was also various crash site photos dated.

That was not a nice sight I assure you...nothing left but a garage, a burned Ford Granada and lots of rubble and, well, you know. Most eventful part of my day.

My day has started off pretty well. I actually woke up at 6 a.m. today! Well... 4 a.m. and just killed time 'til 6, but still! Starting it off with two slices of toast, Nutella, a glass of milk, and homework that I have over my break.... That's going to be my day, unless my family and I visit someone/someone drops by.
I think I may have a job now, we'll see in a few days.:D

Mounted the new rudder pedals, and started work on my button box.


Needs a bit of sanding down, paint, and wiring.
And then the enclosure, if I can find something to make it out of.
Did an exam today. Starting to 'shuffle' seat plans a tad to sit next to my friends more :lol:
I'm pretty angry at myself right now. I got a 60% on my trig midterm, and I couldn't answer a quarter of the questions. When I come back after a school off, my math teacher is going to be very disappointed in me.. The only thing that's good thus far is that I got a 9 on an AP Euro FRQ, which is a feat I thought I would never accomplish since I'm not a stellar writer. But dang, I can't believe I got a low score on trig.. That is terrible considering the fact I'm required to take Calculus junior year.
Fine! Did a lot of house hold work. My father is home from yesterday afternoon. Too bad it is only temporary.
Going through the cycle once again. Yesterday spent hanging out with friends at the shop doing an engine swap. A fun time...

But as my life always goes, the next day (today) goes downhill. Well more like falls off a cliff. My dad took my car to work and then came home telling me I had to pay for the gas that he used and filled up... And then my mom came home from work bossing us around while we prepared lunch. During lunch, my mom started bringing up mistakes that I had made in my life despite them going as far back as 10 or so years ago... (She ONLY remembers the negative events) My uncle starts laughing at me and my dad starts harassing me more and more about paying him back for the filling up my car after he used it... Again, sick of their harassing, I finished lunch and went to my room. Then going to the bathroom to take a shower, my dad ripped apart my room and took anything deemed "entertainment" and hid them. After that my mom started hitting me after being "disrespectful" to my uncle by leaving the kitchen early. I really need to find a place to live...and probably even a therapist before I snap and go absolutely insane.
Depressed. Did nothing productive. Yay.

Met this extremely pretty girl on GT6 we raced around I kik'ed her on that app then we chatted and talked and raced and I got back from saint Louis today..
1. How do you know she's pretty?
2. Why do you care if she's pretty?
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