So, how was your day?

  • Thread starter kidd0218
Oh ****. Just dropped something really hard on the ground at night and woke up family up while they're sleeping. :crazy:

Drove to a coffee shop to do some homework and late I've been watching old T.V shows and playing League of Legends.
After all the 🤬 my brother and I went through with our parents (as some could tell by previous posts here), we finally had enough and decided that we needed a "break" from our parents. Since my uncle fractured his ankle several weeks ago and has been spending time living with us and not as his own apartment, we asked him if we could use it for the weekend to get away. Since he's a much more open minded and understanding person than my parents, he allowed us to stay at his place. It's been pretty good staying at his apartment being able to actually have control over the small things in our lives. Unfortunately we don't have much since our parents took our stuff and threatened to sell our stuff or damage them... Just to think that this crap is going down only a couple days before my birthday. Can only imagine the small conversation with my parents...

"So what would you like for your birthday?"
"My stuff back..."
Pretty great. Got off to a good start with a 2-hour delay. It's amazing how much better an extra 2 hours of sleep makes you feel! Didn't have too much homework and got to spend some time on GT6. I have a 3-hour delay tomorrow so I will be going to sleep very satisfied tonight!
School was simple enough. Suffer through all the crap and get home fast.

But after this, it got a bit more... Complex. Friend was having relationship problems and, because I can't even hold a conversation- let alone a relationship, I said "I want to help but I can't. I really really can't." And she flipped at me. Not speaking to me at all, just ignoring me. I hate it when she's like this, more so when it's over something so damn pathetic.

I've been playing some GT6, 4 and some Ace Combat to take my mind off it and have avoided Facebook, Twitter... Basically any personal social media where it's my real name used. Makes it a lot easier to keep it out of my mind. So you're all stuck with me for a while :lol:
It's been crapy so far. Haven't had power for over 11 hours. You don't realize how much you depend on power until you don't have it.
Right... my lil brother's class is having a senior skip day this Friday.... Guess who's the designated driver! Nothing in this world makes me more happy than giving a bunch of drunk apes a ride home. There goes my weekend, probably scrubbing vomit from the back of the van.

Maybe a slap across the face will change my bro's mind....

Anyway, spent hours researching YLOD symptoms and my PS3 might, or might not have it. It's like entering your symptoms for a common cold into GOOGLE and finding out you might die... Frustrating, to say the least.

People won't get off my back about not going to parties with them....

"Hey Sal, why don't you go man?! You never go!"

I always give them the same response.

"I don't want to hang out with you guys when you're sober, let alone drunk!"

What is it about parties? Am I missing something?

I've gone to a few before, and I never really liked them. It's either teenagers getting drunk and high, or acting drunk after drinking soda, and acting high after smoking a cigarette. You're supposed to have fun in a party, right? Dance, socialize... not sit in a corner and watch the world spin as you drift into your melodramatic fantasies about life...
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Right... my lil brother's class is having a senior skip day this Friday.... Guess who's the designated driver! Nothing in this world makes me more happy than giving a bunch of drunk apes a ride home. There goes my weekend, probably scrubbing vomit from the back of the van.
Scenario 1:

Brother: "Will you be a designated driver for me and a bunch of my friends?"
You: "No."

Problem sorted.

Scenario 2:

Brother: "Guess who's going to be the designated driver on Friday!?"
You: "Who?"
Brother: "You are!"
You: "Like hell I am."

Problem sorted.

Scenario 3:

You agree to be the designated driver, everyone gets absolutely blitzed and on the way to drop the all off at home you stop every 3 blocks because you need to fill up with gas and they need to give you gas money. And no, you did NOT just fill up 3 blocks ago...
It was a nasty night, I just spent four hours working in -30°F air temp with 100% humidity in the form of freezing fog. :grumpy: You know those polar expeditions where everybody's facial hair has a quarter inch of ice stuck to it??? Yup all for $11/hour. I've had some crap jobs but FedEx takes the cake for a whole list of reasons, working in the elements is actually at the bottom.
School... Drag. It just seems to run together really.

The other thing, I found I'm gonna have to get a Vita or new PSP (most likely Vita). For now I'm just browsing GTP whilst tinkering with an RC car I've got. It's an ok little job but yeah- fiddly.
School went by slowly. It was our first day back after being off for 2 days because of the weather. Other than that, everything was well.
My day was great. I went into class. I think I did good on my Sociology test and I didn't have to take a test for History so it was pretty good. Went for a walk and came back home to eat some good foods.
Today was a day to reflect on just how little I do with my life. All I've managed to do today is listen through about 5 albums, watch Her and generally just whine about my life to my friend. She must really hate me right now, I'm just so miserable, I give her credit for putting up with it.
This is how I spent my Saturday evening at my in-laws.


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Out of bed, coffee plus light breakfast. Went to the gym, ran 12 km. Showered. Raced 20 laps rF2. Stepped into my real car, drove 150 km, bought a T500RS, drove back home, in total 3 hour ride. And now im enjoying my present. Love it!
Went to the state fair, second year going. The weather's terrible - cloudy, cold, and showers - which bogged me down. I was surprised it was still crowded there. The only real interesting thing there was in the Expo Hall where there was a man showing off 2 SimXperience rigs equipped with triple-screen 40-in, T500RS's both having the GTE rim, both running on iRacing. One rig was on Lime Rock with the Williams F1 and the other on Charlotte Speedway with a Late Model. I actually wanted to try out the F1 rig but the guy said it was "too hard" to handle - and he was right. Seeing an older guy going on it it shook him like food in a blender! The oval rig was more tolerable so I ended up there. The first thing I noticed is the seat movements, which made the whole experience ten times funner than just a wheel and pedals. I actually felt how the car moved around, so I can detect some inconsistencies a bit earlier. However I'm not an oval racer, so I couldn't squeeze the very best out of the limited time (15 min). But I certainly got a taste of a $25,000 rig (quoted from the man demonstrating it), & it was a blast! Once I got off I craved to try the F1 rig, but I knew I can't go on it.
Things have been okay today, aside from the typical British weather! After yesterday, things couldn't get much as my motorcycle was knocked over in the wind and rather badly damaged. I've had a few lessons, most of which have been revision in preparation for the Mock exams that we have in a couple of weeks and I also spoke to my Gran who turns 84 today!

Plus, I start my radio show in a little under ten minutes which is always good fun.

All-in-all, not too bad.
School had the usual... I'm feeling a little lighter. As in, a lot of stress has come off, making school a breeze.

Watched Toronto Raptors vs Atlanta Hawks today. Crappy game. Had its moments but there were a lot of bad plays by the Raptors. For the first time, I was wrong at our regular friendly wager with friends.

We always ask each other which team we think will win/ lose and by how many points, we always make the wager before the game starts to avoid biased speculation. I was always right in the past games that I watched until now.

I said the Raptors will win by four points. They will play horribly in the first quarter, make it up in the second and third and lose their momentum by the fourth.

I was right.... until we got to the fourth quarter. The Raptors ripped the Hawks apart. 104-83... I did not expect that...

Lookin forward to Juventus-Chievo on Sunday, Bayern Munich on Saturday and Ajax an hour after Bayern.
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Laying in bed. 11am. Alarm goes off. I shut it off. Lay there for a half hour.

Mom slams the bedroom door open.

Mom: "Is your van driveable?"
Me: "No. Why?"
Mom: "Really? You can't drive it at all?"
Me: "No, it doesn't have a belt on it at the moment, the last thing I need is to blow the motor because it overheated from not having the water pump and cooling system running".
Mom: "🤬 (Fbomb)"
Mom: "Then get up, my car won't start"
Me: "It won't?"
Mom: "No, I tried everything I could think of."
Me: "Ok, I'll be out in a minute"

So I proceed to get up, throw a pair of sweatpants on, T shirt and coat. I headed outside to see what the deal is.

Me: "You run it out of gas?" [She has a bad habit of running it below E and squeezing out every last drop before refilling]
Mom: "It was really low, I think it might be out of gas"
Me: "Alright, well I'll open the garage and see if there's any gas in the gas can for the snow blower."


*Opens garage sliding door, searches for gas can*
*Walks right by it, looks around like an idiot*
*Turns around, it's right in my face*

So I got the gas can, and took 10 minutes searching for a funnel. Finally found one, pour about a half quart to a quart into the tank, just enough to get her to the gas station about 2 miles away. Good thing, because there wasn't a lot of gas left in the can anyways, maybe a 1/4 or so of a 5 gallon tank.

Me: "Alright crank it over, see if it starts"

*click click click click click click*

Me: "Well 🤬, you're batteries dead"
Mom: "My batteries dead?? How is that possible? I haven't even started it in a week!"
Me: "Exactly, and the weather has been so cold lately it drained it. Plus you've got a constant parasitic draw from the anti-theft system. Doesn't surprised me".
Mom: "Well now what? I've got to go! I need to be at work by noon!" [It's about 11:20am]
Me: "Well, I can jump it with something"
Mom: "Like what?"
Me: "Well, my van runs but I'm not sure if it will start due to the battery not being charged lately. I usually have to charge it for a little while before trying to start it. I'm willing to bet it's drained enough so that it won't start itself, let along jump someone.
Mom: "Hmm"
Me: "Put the key in, throw it in neutral. I'm going to try and push it over next to the pickup. I know that's got a good battery in it because it's brand new"

*Happens, failed because of too much snow built up underneath it, fails*

Me: "Yeah she's not moving"
Mom: "God dammit"
Me: "We need cables anyway, go check the passenger side of my van under the seat, pretty sure there is a pair in there.

Sure enough there was. Lot of good that was going to do us. Then it dawned on me.

Me: "Well duh, dad's got that jump box hooked up in the garage. Let's try that"

*Proceed to get out jump box and hook it up"

Me: "I know it's fuel injected but prime it anyways just in case"

*Pumps gas pedal 3 times*

Me: "Alright crank her"

*real slow*

We got about 4-5 decent, but slow cranks before it petered out.


At that point she was getting pretty mad, so we called the neighbor's work partner who was up the road from us and he finally came and gave us a jump after more slow turning overs.

I went with her to work just in case it decided it didn't want to start again, though I figured it would with the alternator charging it on the way to work.

Finished work, went to Walmart and picked up a few things, stopped at McDonalds on the way home and then chilled for the rest of the night.
That sounds like my dad's Mercury XR-7 back in the day. It would never turn over when you wanted it to. We never figured out what the problem was.

If you 'snuck' up on the car and treated her nicely, carresed her, she would turn over. Otherwise, one slow crank and there goes your day.

Good times...
My week summary Found out I passed this semster (yayyyy), and I'm about a month or so from inheriting the family car (double yayyyy)

on the other side pretty miserable week for Arsenal FC but that's life I guess, next week is the start of the next semester so that's terrible.