Woah woah woah, I came here to be proud of my good deeds today, in comforting my best friend and her family through a tough time, and pass on the friendly reminder that sometimes being nice/friendly/compassionate is the best result.
And, I'd also like to discuss how I'm feeling awkward about having received an invitation that friend "C" did not receive.
Don't feel bad for me, though, please. I am actually glad to have seen my best friends today. Just, someone, please tell me whether I should be worried about my "other" best friend not being invited to the dinner with my best friend's family.
But, otherwise, thanks, it's nice to feel welcome here again.
Edit: advice for advice, @
KM964, first-come, first-serve. If someone tells you that they're coming, they take priority. Whoever is scheduled first takes priority.
Edit #2: I've thought of a way to explain better what I mean. I don't want to read "sorry for your loss," because R's mom's passing is not my loss. Yes, I'm very sorry for R, but she's not my loss. What R and her family are feeling is true loss. What I'm feeling is not loss, but rather an improvement in maturity and insightfulness... I learned a lot today, advanced a lot of relationships and I just feel good...