So, how was your day?

  • Thread starter kidd0218
Bad and good. Had a half day of school and since there was nothing much to do, I read "Night", a book about a Jewish kid that lives through the Holocast and WW2. I come home to find out my router has been painted on, oh dear god. Also, it's Valentines Day and I ain't got that special someone to spend time with. :( I'll just go and play some GT6 for a while.
I found my DSi (with GTA: ChinaTown wars in it) and my old Sony Ericson Vivaz when cleaning out my Craptop box.

The phone doesn't work but so much nostalgia. (Yeah, cliche I know)

Also found a scale model Red Arrow (dinged to hell, but yeah.)
My PS3 died yesterday but I was calm and indifferent about it, which kinda surprised me. Been watching videos of how to do it, and I'll get to it in a couple of months when I get home.

Apparently Red Cross is auctioning off their Light Fleet that served in Haiti, so I might be able to pick up a Land Rover Defender 110-SC, or a Land Cruiser HZJ78, maybe both. I'm hoping they have the HZJ75 model... that's my childhood hero of a car, instead of the cliché supercar a of the time.

If I do get both, or one of the cars, I'm starting a thread about it. *fingers crossed*
First time I've ever driven completely blind, Fog near my University was incredible, everyone was using their indicators and moving at about 10KM/H, it was rather scary but short lived.
It was a pretty amazing day! I just did a 40 km bike ride and it just felt great being back on the saddle after a 1 week break due to being sick.
First day of working full time today, was quite easy. We had to go about 50 or 60 KM's up north to do? That's right, you guessed it. We had to paint three tiny bits of road lines. :lol: And when I say tiny, I mean tiny. About three tiny bits of half meter gaps in the paint where there is a new bit of road. I mean, I'm quite useless and I'm used to doing things that are useless, but this is pushing the limit of uselessness!! And then we had to come all the way back down and then I actually did something! Covered over 200 KM's today which is quite a lot.
Finally found somewhere nice to live next year. :D It is a lot cheaper than where I currently am as well.
The only downside is it is a 45 minute walk to uni where as right now I live right next to the uni but you can't have everything. Especially for £75.20 a week bills included.
We finally had power restored after nearly 5 days without it due to the epic ice storm that hit the Southeast. My day went from meh to 👍 when the power company flipped the switch and nothing went boom.
Well, my best friend's mom's funeral was today. I never even met her mom, but - because she's currently my best friend - she means a lot to me. For disambiguation, I'll call her "R."

R's mom's passing was shocking to everyone. It was very sudden, and it even happened on my mom's birthday. It's scary to think about how distraught I would be if I lost my mom... So I know what R is going through, as well as R's dad and two brothers.

So, I fasted (24 hours, from sundown to sundown) in her honour, and attended the funeral to support her. Apparently, her family appreciated my presence so much, that they told her to invite me for a dinner. However, one of my other best friends has not been invited... We'll call her "C". :odd: I feel bad that C hasn't been invited for dinner, now.

So, I'm feeling a rush of many, many feelings! I'm a bit confused.
My day was horrible...I'm trying to sell my car, and I have these two guys messaging me. Guy A wanted to meet me around 4:30 today, and Guy B wanted to meet me at 6:30 Friday. This morning, Guy B messages me and asks if there was anyway I could meet him today. I explained that I was going to be busy until 3:30 today, and that Guy A was coming to look at it today around 4:30. Then, he asks me is there any way he could meet me before Guy A came. He said he was coming to buy, not look. So, I message Guy A and tell him something came up. Guy B was now meeting me at 4:30 today.

He gets there with his wife. And guess what? They don't end up with it. I message Guy A asking if there was any way he could meet today...and he had bought another car. Guy B was a total jerk for asking me to meet before him and not even end up with the car. Two potential sale oppurtunities thrown out the window.
Woah woah woah, I came here to be proud of my good deeds today, in comforting my best friend and her family through a tough time, and pass on the friendly reminder that sometimes being nice/friendly/compassionate is the best result.

And, I'd also like to discuss how I'm feeling awkward about having received an invitation that friend "C" did not receive.

Don't feel bad for me, though, please. I am actually glad to have seen my best friends today. Just, someone, please tell me whether I should be worried about my "other" best friend not being invited to the dinner with my best friend's family.

But, otherwise, thanks, it's nice to feel welcome here again. :)

Edit: advice for advice, @KM964, first-come, first-serve. If someone tells you that they're coming, they take priority. Whoever is scheduled first takes priority.

Edit #2: I've thought of a way to explain better what I mean. I don't want to read "sorry for your loss," because R's mom's passing is not my loss. Yes, I'm very sorry for R, but she's not my loss. What R and her family are feeling is true loss. What I'm feeling is not loss, but rather an improvement in maturity and insightfulness... I learned a lot today, advanced a lot of relationships and I just feel good...
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That mileage might also be worrying people... If you've done maintenance, now's when it really pays off to keep records of it. Proper lubrication etc. makes the difference between million miles and 100,000 miles.

That mileage might also be worrying people... If you've done maintenance, now's when it really pays off to keep records of it. Proper lubrication etc. makes the difference between million miles and 100,000 miles.
Yup, we have records of everything we've done to it. Timing belt, water pump, air compressor, oil changes, among other things.
Awful. I'm sick with a cold and have really bad chest congestion. Being ill is no fun. :ouch:
Yup, we have records of everything we've done to it. Timing belt, water pump, air compressor, oil changes, among other things.
Well in that case, you'll have potential buyers call you up again. In assuming you're already advertising the car in your local classifieds? If that's the case, you probably included the service log mentioned above in the ad.

Don't worry, give it a day or two and you'll have people call again. It is a Volvo after all....
Had a good day. Found out very important news. The wait for this news is over.

Is it good news?
Still doing some practice for my driving license, in the instructor's car there was a beautiful girl I really hope to see again, too bad we see each other for less than 5 minutes every time...
First time I saw her during a lesson she smiled at me. :P
Well in that case, you'll have potential buyersYr call you up again. In assuming you're already advertising the car in your local classifieds? If that's the case, you probably included the service log mentioned above in the ad.

Don't worry, give it a day or two and you'll have people call again. It is a Volvo after all....
Yes, I have posted it on Craigslist and in about 20-30 local buy/sell/trade groups on Facebook, with that part of the service log (also have replaced the starter and ignition coils). Also posted a dozen decent-quality pictures (which is better than the one picture most everyone else posts).

In fact, I did have someone else look at it today. However, they were going to look at two other cars, and let me know sometime tonight. I have people coming on Saturday with their mother (these people came on Monday and approved of it), and I have another person in line.