Well.... in that case you're not short for choices....
Relationship problems. This is basically how my relationship went....
Your relationship ended over one of you dropping a dog after the other person threw it to you? Well damn, that's a strange relationship.

No really, I can't really relate that GIF to a description of a relationship going wrong.

Or maybe you're the dog and she's the dude who dropped the dog.. Did I get it? Or maybe it's "Down down down to the bottom of the sea... Where Spongebob... Etc"
Anyway. The first section of this post is the silly bit.. The second is a rant, so if you don't want to read a rant. Just skip the walls of text that make up the last three paragraphs.
The last four weeks I've been working full time for the first time, and I've already learned a whole lot of marvellous things that will help me a lot in the future.... Pfft.
Working as a labourer: It sucks... But at least it keeps me fit and pays me decent money until I figure out something better to do... And it's good to have at least one full time job to name when you go to make a CV. Makes it look like I put effort into things or something.
Fellow Workers: They don't appear to understand sarcasm. And were completely baffled when I used the word "anti-climatic" and I had to explain what the word meant. I also had to explain who Nostradamus was when I was saying something silly. I was going to explain what the difference between singing and rapping is (because there is a factual difference) but I'd have to use words that had more than 3 syllables so I thought I'd save everyone the time and effort and just let it slide.
DC Power course from Kiwirail: A presentation which said ring train control if you had a thought that there might be something wrong with the overhead cables (over the trains) again and again for 4 hours straight.
Rail Induction: Another presentation that said that if you jump in front of a train, it will probably hurt.
Cicadas: They attack people who use ride on lawn mowers. No really, a cicada got very angry and kept on flying at me and crashing into me while I was mowing the lawns. It was hilarious.
Wasps: They are 🤬 pure evil. I made it 18 years without being stung by one, and then yesterday one got me in the wrist while I was working. If I find a nest I shall burn it with fire as revenge. Lots and lots of fire. And then run away and watch from a distance just in case they figure out who did it.
What work is about: It actually turns out that work is about getting as little work done as possible in as much time as possible without being shouted at... Unfortunately the only way to not be shouted at is to be working constantly and very efficiently/fast.
Anyway, now for the rant.
I've worked for my dad's business for 4 weeks now, and I can confirm only one thing... And it is that it's made me realize just how much I hate most smokers. I hate smokers with a burning passion. They're just so damn careless about what they do. It's like they don't understand the warning labels saying "may cause heart attacks," and all the other things they say on them. I wouldn't mind smokers if they kept their terrible smoke stench away from me, but they don't. They welcome themselves into the public, carelessly but purposely damaging their own health and carelessly damaging the health of those around them at the same time by welcoming what can possibly lead to them or those they poison to dying sooner than necessary. Now I don't care if they shorten their own lives, it's not my fault if they are idiots and choose to, but if they're going to smoke around me, that is causing me harm for their unhealthy habit. Why should I suffer because of their obsession? I am a singer who strives for a clean vocal delivery, and uses all of my vocal range, not just a small section of it. So I have further reason for smoking to enrage me. If I work around too many smokers for far too long, it's just going to slowly eat away at my voice and make it that bit harder for me to sing. And if it becomes harder, I have to strain more, and if I strain more, it will age far quicker and I'll be losing it in a decade or two. And I'm trying my best to prevent that, and these smokers are making all my efforts seem pointless (and yes, I understand that what I just said is probably over-exaggerating the point a bit, but still).
That being said, I've had a few times where smokers have respected my health and chosen to either warn me that they're about to smoke or left the area. Those people are the reason I said I hate most smokers, not all of them. I am very thankful for anyone who will do that because they are aware of how unhealthy it is to do that, and are aware that others don't like it.
And to add, how much of a complete 🤬 would you have to be anyway to run a business that sells an item which pushes the customer to get hooked on it, and do it until it kills them. It's like selling a sharp rod that attaches to your head and slowly pushes into your skull until it breaks through and kills you. There's the three different "no no's" that they teach you in school. Those being alcohol, drugs and smoking. I used to think all of them were stupid. Then I decided I didn't mind alcohol and smoke as long as no one's pushing me to do it. But honestly, I'd prefer to be around people who did drugs than who smoked. At least the guys who do drugs don't do them at work.
So that pretty much sums up my last four weeks. So how was my day? Full of smokers, being attacked by various insects, being told the obvious, and expanding the vocabulary of my fellow workers until they forget everything I said the next day.