Sorry if this post is long, but a lot happened the last few days and this is the first time I've had internet since Thursday.
I'm gonna start on Thursday morning.
This protest happened at my school. The school board for my school has been out of control all school year, so we organized this protest, even though they won't listen to us. Now for Thursday afternoon.
This horrible storm happened. If you read the article, it makes mention of MLK Jr. Parkway. I live just off of that road and really close to Hope Valley Road, so the area I live in got the worst of it. Thankfully, nothing got damaged, but still extremely scary. This storm knocked out out power from about 6PM to 4AM. Now, Thursday night, in the middle of this storm, one of my cats had a stroke, and we had to rush him to a vet. Seeing him collapse in the middle of the room, surrounded by everyone in the house and with what's going on outside, makes for a very stressful and upsetting experience. Ultimately, we ended up putting him down and have him cremated.
From Friday on, it was less crazy. I had to go back down to Charlotte to help my sister move into her new apartment. It is about a 2.5 hour drive from home. Unfortunately, she lives on the third floor, so we had to move all this stuff, including a bed, up two flights of rickety stairs. She doesn't have internet yet, so I've had to deal with that since we stayed the entire weekend. Now, after everything I've done for her (moving her and her boyfriend out of their college dorm rooms and moving her stuff into her apartment two weeks later), she refuses to give me any compensation for all of the work I did.