So, how was your day?

  • Thread starter kidd0218
So I was in charge of this A380 arrival today... (in charge in terms of ground operations for passengers)


As you can understand the departure was then cancelled!

That'll buff out.
Second day I arose at the ungodly (alledegly) hour of 5:00 a.m. to go for a morning jog and catch some pics of the sunrise for the 'Sunrise/sunset' thread in the Photo Forums, kind of kill two birds with one stone.
No go; Mr. Sun refused to come out from a blanket of clouds. WTH? Is he cold?
There was another jogger on the track - he looked like he was 88 years old. Probably cramming. He was jogging when I arrived, and still rounding that track when I left. Hope he doesn't conk from a heart attack.

Only bird I shot was this one:

He was getting some early worms.
I realised today that my job for the foreseeable future is going to entail playing school yard games like Bulldog and Dodgeball with 5 year olds and sticking stuff to other stuff using glue sticks with 3 year olds.

It pays the bills. I'm willing to take that over a desk job even if it does make me a glorified babysitter.
I realised today that my job for the foreseeable future is going to entail playing school yard games like Bulldog and Dodgeball with 5 year olds and sticking stuff to other stuff using glue sticks with 3 year olds.

It pays the bills. I'm willing to take that over a desk job even if it does make me a glorified babysitter.

Have fun!
for some reason about two days ago I was feeling super super low/depressed/sad, yesterday got better, today I have been alright. i just want friday to get here so i can go to a party and party with slooots
Painful. I twisted my knee yesterday afternoon, and finally, about 24 hours later, went to some sort of medical person. They put my leg in a brace and I have to try to walk on it. Only thing is that it hurts way too bad to put weight on. This is actually my first major injury.
Peaches and cream if you know what I mean.

That and I created a Pan Galactic Garlgeblaster at the bar today for my "Daytime Drinker Club". It was a smashing success of bricks hit upside the head while feeling euphoria from the alcohol, then one guy described how it might induce a brain aneurysm. At that exact moment a glass decided to tempt fate while plummeting towards the ground at warp speed, landing with a clunk... the liquid inside well it was not as lucky ad the glass...

That is why I say Peaches and Cream today :-)
Bad. I went to the gym and hit the weights. I hadn't been to the gym in such a long time - three years? - and I thought I could hit the weights with my old sets of 30 reps, 60lbs. Worked the chest and shoulders and I over did it.

Now I can't lift anything and I'm in a world of pain. Tried going again yesterday, but I just became 'that' at the gym.... you know, the one who who will go to a station, 'work out' for a grand total of 15 seconds, and then just loiter for 5 minutes. Repeat the process.
My day has been pretty good. Played GT5 online one last time before the servers go down completely and had a pretty good time. :) Got a nice relaxing day ahead of me! :) Have a nice day everybody! :cheers:
Bad. I went to the gym and hit the weights. I hadn't been to the gym in such a long time - three years? - and I thought I could hit the weights with my old sets of 30 reps, 60lbs. Worked the chest and shoulders and I over did it.

Now I can't lift anything and I'm in a world of pain. Tried going again yesterday, but I just became 'that' at the gym.... you know, the one who who will go to a station, 'work out' for a grand total of 15 seconds, and then just loiter for 5 minutes. Repeat the process.
If you've got DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) next time you go decrease the weight until it's easy. Then when lifting that doesn't hurt, you can progress.
Try stretching for 3-5 minutes a day, the first couple of minutes the body is resisting, so by going further than that it can loosen up.
Well it's been an eventful week to an extent.

Last weekend my dad ran over our Border Collie (that we've had since I was 4 years old) again (maybe intentionally because he doesn't like the dog). That's right, again. Only this time it actually injured the dog, and he had to be put down on Tuesday, so that was a sad day. This time I got to say my goodbyes because I had a feeling I would come home and have him not be there to greet me. He had a good life, lived until he was 14, so that's nice. But sad that he died when he could have otherwise lived longer.

And on the other hand. The left one particularly. Practically because I hold a microphone in my left hand. And conceptually because this holds less importance than what I mentioned before. And I'm right handed) After about two months of pretty much no vocal practice at all (because work takes up my time to have a life of my own most of the time) I finally got a few practices over the long weekend and refreshed my abilities so I'm happy with that. I got one little practice about two weeks ago but I was really out of shape. This weekend I got back to singing the harder songs.
Rest of my day was spent worrying about my hand and not being able to move it the same way I was able to before. Has anyone had a broken hand? I'm worried because I hate the thought of irreversible things.
*raises broken hand* I had.

What happened to your hand?
Today I was told I'll be starting work tomorrow at 3:30am. Ever since that point my day has sucked.

BTW I drive to work for 45 minutes and need to be there 30 minutes early.
Punched a hard wall. A very hard one.
lol, we broke our hand in almost the same way. I tell people BS stories about how I got into a bar fight, got hit by a car, etc. you know just for lols. Because losing your temper and inflicting harm to oneself is just plain sad and embarrassing. But I'll tell the truth here, I punched a door. A particularly hard one. The other doors I've punched broke and had holes in them but this one decided to be really hard and broke my hand.

Which bone was it? I broke my 'fifth metacarpal' as the doctor says it, or the bone joining my pinky to my wrist.
It's only 10:10am and I'm sat in work, coffeeless and about to punch everyone in the throat.

At least it's stopped raining.
Which bone was it? I broke my 'fifth metacarpal' as the doctor says it, or the bone joining my pinky to my wrist.

The one connected to my pinky and 4th finger. I told a girl at a hookah bar about punching the wall when whe asked what happened and she was like "oh....." Fun was still had, lots of fun.
Getting my stuff together for the usual



Then Beaumont, TX for family reunion and pounds of BBQ again


Then maybe Big Sur, CA, never been there so I may meet up with one of my closer friends.

Which bone was it? I broke my 'fifth metacarpal' as the doctor says it, or the bone joining my pinky to my wrist.

I broke exactly the same bone by doing the exact same thing about 8 weeks ago, except I punched a carpeted stair case. The bone snapped clean in two and was poking up against the skin. Nasty business.

It hasn't healed perfectly straight, my Doctor says if I punch anything with any force again it will snap straight away.

@phillkillv2 Is it still painful/immovable? If so go get it x-rayed.