So, how was your day?

  • Thread starter kidd0218
Great. Pretty great week in fact. Been watching most of the World Cup matches with my cousins. Missed the Spain v. Netherlands game but watched the highlights and almost broke a rib laughing at Spain apologies to any fans out there............ NOT

Played some football with my cousins then watched the rest of the games thar were on today.

Brought out the BBQ and griled a wide assortment of meats (I don't think this makes sense, gramatically) for Father's Day.

Happy Father's Day!
Went to a Japanese style garden. It was really nice. Nature also loved it so no doubt I will be covered in bites by tomorrow.
Don't do drugs kids!


Otherwise you'll mess up your arm!

But seriously though, lost a whole week's worth of time because I had fever and was admitted to the hospital. This was from all the blood tests. :ill:
Spend the entire day pondering on whether I should finally open a Facebook account or not, still haven't made up my mind.

I know that Facebook can help you get in touch with people and establishing contacts.
However, I have little to no RL friends right now, due to moving cities 3 times in the past 5 years, and not bothering to stay in touch with anyone. So if I were to create a Facebook account, I don't even know if anyone would add me. And on the other hand, I'm very shy, and feel I would be too shy to reach out to people myself, and in the end it'll all be a massive waste of time and energy.
Spend the entire day pondering on whether I should finally open a Facebook account or not, still haven't made up my mind.

I know that Facebook can help you get in touch with people and establishing contacts.
However, I have little to no RL friends right now, due to moving cities 3 times in the past 5 years, and not bothering to stay in touch with anyone. So if I were to create a Facebook account, I don't even know if anyone would add me. And on the other hand, I'm very shy, and feel I would be too shy to reach out to people myself, and in the end it'll all be a massive waste of time and energy.
Stick with GTPlanet.

Friday was a fun one...
I got a call from my daughter at about 11:00am because her car wouldn't turn over and none of her friends had jumper cables (I put a set in her trunk but apparently she forgot). I drove out to get her going again and then we went to lunch (which I happily paid for just to get the time with her). We went to leave and the battery was dead again, so I drove her to get a replacement (which I made her pay for because it's her car) and switched the old one out--problem solved. It wasn't the battery that the car came with but it also hadn't been replaced while in her possession, so it was probably time anyway.
I've had the old one on a keeper and it doesn't seem to want to hold a charge...time to relinquish it.
Had a tough time getting to work - since there was a parade nearby where work is located, if it was mentioned on the news I didn't paid attention or didn't hear them, no parking nearby, had to park 8 streets away on top of a hill.

That parade was fun, it was Hispanic based parade, lots of snacks and music - too bad I was full or otherwise I would have bought some snacks too.
My day was okay. I had my senior year school photos taken this morning and I think they came out pretty good. However, this evening, I waited 40 minutes for a 1 minute appointment. Yes, you heard me. The doctor came in and saw me for 1 minute and then told me I could go. I've never liked going to the doctors office anyway. :grumpy:
2AM and raining, hell yes. Time to wash my face and sleep :P

A good song for you other non (summer) sleepers 👍

It's hard finding good music these days, I'll make your search a little bit easier.

St. Louis, MO? I hate this place. Is it rainy for you?
Weather here... is a thing. We'll have stretches where we get 30 inches of rain in a month, then we'll be 100 and humid for the next month, and then it's snowing in August. I hate the weather out here, 90 percent of the time it's downright miserable. But yeah, right now it's been nothing but heat and spot storms for the past two weeks.
Weather here... is a thing. We'll have stretches where we get 30 inches of rain in a month, then we'll be 100 and humid for the next month, and then it's snowing in August. I hate the weather out here, 90 percent of the time it's downright miserable. But yeah, right now it's been nothing but heat and spot storms for the past two weeks.

It wasn't so bad to me yesterday. 90's and somewhat low humidity, it was the okay kind-of hot. Ugh, the weather here is a mess definitely. I remember hanging around in shorts in March only to have it dump down with snow the next few days, like really? When I went to California I was asked why I went outside so much and basically I was able to without feeling like a damp rag, felt good dude.
It wasn't so bad to me yesterday. 90's and somewhat low humidity, it was the okay kind-of hot. Ugh, the weather here is a mess definitely. I remember hanging around in shorts in March only to have it dump down with snow the next few days, like really? When I went to California I was asked why I went outside so much and basically I was able to without feeling like a damp rag, felt good dude.
Absolutely! When I was in San Diego for GT Academy a couple years back it was so weird for it to be 90 out and feel so much more tolerable than most 90 degree days here. I haven't been a whole lot of places, especially in the summer, but I know from the family vacations in Florida and my time here I hate humidity way more than it just being hot.

Went with my father to an orthopedic surgeon to see if it was possible to improve his situation and he said that it is not possible.

He will be invalid for the rest of his life due to a medical blunder of a dentist.
Awful. I had just finished grocery shopping when a thunder storm hit. This wasn't your average thunder storm. It was basically a hurricane. We waited inside the store until the rain settled down. Once it did, I pulled up the car to the store entrance and I helped my mom load up the trunk. As we left the store, the rain and wind decided to pick up again which impaired my vision while driving. On the way home, I had to drive through pools of water and avoid fallen tree branches that were in the middle of the road. Also, half of the traffic lights weren't working because of power outages. Thankfully, I made it home safely and I still have power at my house. Needless to say, today was not a good day to go grocery shopping. Hopefully, our power doesn't go out during the remainder of the storm. If it does, all the perishable groceries we purchased might be ruined.
Not a bad week, pretty much all laziness but got my grades for this semester and I passed everything, infact it was my best semester yet (4th one). I still have one subject to come out next week that I've been re-doing, Scared out of my mind but hopefully I'll pass.
Today was one of those 'meh' days. Didn't feel like doing anything. Went to a Café later today and saw something that confused me upon returning to my car.


I don't know if this is fueling a stereotype, cautioning other drivers or.... what?
Well hasn't been the best 4th of July barely saw any fireworks and i havent ate anything yet. but to realize that it isn't just about fireworks and burgers. Its about celebrating our nations independence.

2014 holidays have been terrible for me this year
Frustrating day at work today. I was 100% certain that I worked the night shift, but as it turned out, I worked the evening shift. So long story short, I woke up an hour after I was supposed to already be at work. Without having the time to take a shower or eat anything, I rushed to work, doing close to 100mph on the highway, only to get berated by my boss(who isn't even my real boss, but his assistant) once I got there. I mean, I know I screwed up, but I apologized for it and risked getting a huge fine to get there as soon as I could, I don't need to hear more **** from you.🤬

The rest of the shift went badly, I got stuck working with a girl that genuinely dislikes me for no apparent reason. I try my best to recall whether I did anything wrong to her, but I really can't remember anything, yet she always looks at me with discontempt and takes every opportunity she gets to put me down or make me look incompetent in front of my other coworkers.

At this point, I'm already starting to look for a new job. I've only been working here for 3 months, and already I have this unpleasant feeling that I'm just disliked by my coworkers. Its not that I ever did anything wrong, or offended any of them, I'm just a very shy person and I don't often approach others. I guess they just see that as weird or awkward.:indiff:
Had a tour of Dovenby Hall, home to M-Sport. The Ford WRC and Bentley GT3 guys.

Pretty damn great day, got to see the Bentleys (Including the British GT livery #17) and Kenny from the Block's 43 RX Fiesta.

Had a fairly limited tour of the workshops though because it was a normal working day, so dangerous machines, MI6 levels of security etc. etc.
Pretty good. Spent a few hours detailing the inside of my car. It took a lot longer than I expected it to.
Today has been okay. I had no Sixth Form thanks to a Teachers Strike, so my day consisted of a Driving Lesson and then a Radio show in the afternoon and on my way home I bought some lillies for my Mother as it would have been my Grandfather's 75th birthday today.

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