- 405
- A house
- AbsoluteBarstool
- AbsolutBarstool
But we do know that Gran Turismo games last a hell of a lot longer than any other game. The reason why we don't have any information about when everything's coming is because they themselves don't know. Why can't people be patient like I am with them and take things as they come? It isn't hard. Let them work and the goods will come.The point being made is that waiting a year or more to release some of the most wanted features is not exactly fan friendly. Had they said upfront that these coveted features wouldn't be released for a year (or more) I think a lot fewer would have bought the game. The average life for most video games is probably under a year (guessing) so after nearly 11 months you can see why some people are starting to get very frustrated. All the missing features that were inexplicably removed from GT5 is just salt in the wound that negatively effects the enjoyment of GT6.
EDIT: The missing features in GT5 haven't per se been removed, but are being kept to the side for an overhaul.
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