So now we can "bribe our way to victory"? (PRICES REVEALED, SEE OP)

  • Thread starter tankuroded
This really isn't any different to GTA Online in my opinion.

It's purely for people who want to drive a top-tier car without having to spend hours working through GT Mode. I doubt you will be forced to spend any extra money in order to complete the game. The option is simply there if you want it.

It's also stupid in GTA V online.
In theory the micro payments are a good thing, especially for (racing) simulators. Many people just like to drive their favorite cars around a track (or race them online) without all the hassle of grinding the money. Giving them the option to buy them with real money (either directly or indirectly through credit packs) is not a bad thing.
I am a huge supporter of 'unlock everything'-DLC for simulators.

As long as the game itself isn't crippled to promote the use of credit packs I see no harm done (except of course to the egos of our dear elitist boys and girls).

Why don't you stick to arcade mode then? Why play a long and arduous version of the game if that's all you want? It's like signing up for a marathon then paying someone to fly you to the finish line.
Gran Turismo: The REAL Spendng Simulator.

Can't blame Sony. If people are eager to pay them more money, who are they to argue.

Maybe they'll even let you buy the little stars. Maybe even trophies. Imagine how great it would be to buy the platinum!
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That isn't forcing you YAAAY!
i can see PD nerfing the race payouts, because this is exactly what a lot of people said when R* introduced cash cards "they aren't forcing you" etc, until R* decided to make everything expensive and cut the payout in missions. I just hope PD doesn't nerf the race payouts, it's already ridiculous enough in GTA Online.
Why don't you stick to arcade mode then? Why play a long and arduous version of the game if that's all you want? It's like signing up for a marathon then paying someone to fly you to the finish line.

Why worry about how others choose to play? Also, we don't know if all cars will be available in Arcade Mode.
Couldn't have they instead introduced a "casual" option for GT mode instead with large cash payouts?

I don't know why im surprised about this happening though, the gaming industry has been in a downward spiral for about 7 years now anyway. 1992 to 2002 was the Golden age of Gaming in my eyes, and most likely always will be.
So long as normal progression isn't hampered. I could care less. I pay 60 bucks for a game, if I'm forced to be a coiner to advance in a reasonable manner, I'll be getting a refund, pitching the ps3 in the recycle bin and move on to pc sims. I'm not here for aspec, I'm here for online league racing and drifting. I don't mind the grind. So long as the grind isn't made worse so PD can punch more pennies from my pocket.
The fact that it is optional is still not confirmed. I hope that it is, in which case all this discussion is moot.

You'll be pleased to know, then, that Sony has indeed "confirmed" this is an optional feature.

In the entry on the EU PlayStation Blog that discusses GT6 on PSN and the new credit packs, it explicitly mentions that "in addition, from launch at retail you’ll find a new option for building your ultimate fantasy car collection in-game credits will be purchasable through PS Store or your friendly local retailer"

Yes, given it's PR material, you have the right to remain sceptical, especially as we have no idea what the career mode Credit payouts are like. But this is the closest thing we've got yet to a definitive "we're not forcing you to buy GT6 currency with real money" statement from Sony or Polyphony Digital, so surely that must mean something?
i can see PD nerfing the race payouts, because this is exactly what a lot of people said when R* introduced cash cards "they aren't forcing you" etc, until R* decided to make everything expensive and cut the payout in missions. I just hope PD doesn't nerf the race payouts, it's already ridiculous enough in GTA Online.
Than Sony will be on PD's backs forcing them to reduce the payouts in the game. But yeah, I hope they don't either.
Maybe through the store, but not from, say, a card from game stop.
Stig, even though sony owns PD, they don't see a cent from the profits. They actually have to pay PD if they want them to make a product for sony. Weird concept, I know, but thats how it works. Take my job for example, I work as a project manager building computer programs. We are a subsidiary of a bigger company, if they want us to build a program for them, they have to pay us to build it, even though we are a subsidiary.
It doesn't bother me. They did the same thing in Shift 2: Unleashed - you could pay $10 or something and unlock every car in the game. I don't see PD screwing with the race payouts in order to force people to pay cash money to advance; this isn't Activision or EA after all. I think it's just an added feature for casuals and the impatient.
If the credit packs are priced sensibly, I would totally buy one. Screw the long grind, I want to drive my favourite cars. I don't have the time to 100% A-Spec anymore.
Personally, its an option. If i see a car i really need/like but dont have the cash, then ill consider buying the credits pack. But i wont use this feature most of the time.
This has probably been said here already (a dozen times :lol:), but the backlash here seems extremely unfair: PD won't let us keep our cars from GT5 in 6, so everybody complains that they'll have to work to earn cars because they have jobs and others, like myself, without one can play endlessly to get all the cars. Now there's an option to bypass that, everyone complains about it. Unless it turns out that GT6 will be the same as GT5 with microtransactions in place of seasonals, it's possible to just ignore this. In a month or so we'll all have a similar amount of cars anyway, so who cares who wasted real money?
So... what's the point of playing then??? If all cars are going to be available on the dealers, and we can even buy credits... why bother??? That means you could complete your car collection in a day... :yuck:

Where's the challenge? :odd: Where's the old PD that made 4 great games (count 5 with Tourist Trophy) before GT5???? :confused:

Nice to know that PD do follow what other game designers do.
Just wish it was a livery editor not this.

This so much... PD are getting one thing right and 3 wrong... :banghead:

Only good thing of this: It's optional. If I buy GT6, I'm not gonna use this...
Why worry about how others choose to play? Also, we don't know if all cars will be available in Arcade Mode.

Because the selfishness of those willing to pay to play will kill the a spec for everyone else as already described by allowing to make a spec being really grindy with an excuse now that you can just buy credits instead.

Maybe asking PD to make all vehicles available in arcade would be a solution that does not hinder everyone else's a spec experience?
An idiot tax I see. I wish there was a way they could do it like they did in BF3 where if you bought higher level stuff it was a different version so that people knew you just bought it instead of working for it.

For the record, I HATE that it has become a new thing to let people use real money to buy there way to the top of a game. For shame PD, For shame.

Again, for the one millionth time, nobody is "buying their way to the top" of anything. The day someone shows up to an online event and pays everyone in the room to drive slow, on that day and that day only, you have a valid point.
Because the selfishness of those willing to pay to play will kill the a spec for everyone else

Ruin A-Spec? Are you serious? It's just you and the computer ... alone. What someone in another country does on their PS3 in the privacy of their own home ... how does that affect you again? I'm truly baffled.
Because the selfishness of those willing to pay to play will kill the a spec for everyone else as already described by allowing to make a spec being really grindy with an excuse now that you can just buy credits instead.
And it's even more selfish when others tell people how they should play the game, when their the ones who bought the game with their own money. Some people doesn't have the time grinding to get certain cars... Also, A-Spec is offline. So what's the big deal?
He has a point about ruining A-spec. Why should PD bother to change things now if they're going to make money from exploiting a stupid game play design? "They sell tons of games, blah blah" gets thrown around here all the time, so why improve or change things?

I want to play the version of Madden where I only get 25 of the teams to start and I have to jump through all sorts of hoops if I want to get access to the other ones. And there's no exhibition mode where I can use them all to play with my friends in person or online. But they nicely offer me an option to pay them money to unlock the other 7 teams right away. In that crazy reality, I hope EA would get laughed out of existence.

I don't care if they put it in at this point, but it's definitely a silly band-aid to allow people to get to cars soon which they shouldn't have to worry about in the first place.
Because the selfishness of those willing to pay to play will kill the a spec for everyone else as already described by allowing to make a spec being really grindy with an excuse now that you can just buy credits instead.

Maybe asking PD to make all vehicles available in arcade would be a solution that does not hinder everyone else's a spec experience?

In Forza, there is a similar system where you can buy "car tokens" with real cash so you can get any car you want right away. But the career mode certainly doesn't get neglected in Forza games. Seriously, we need to see what GT6 is like before we panic.
I don't care if they put it in at this point, but it's definitely a silly band-aid to allow people to get to cars soon which they shouldn't have to worry about in the first place.

If you play online, here is how you might appreciate this change. You hook up with some buddies who all have purchased one of the 20 million dollar cars. They are having a big online event celebration that you want to join. You grind for a couple days and raise 9 million. You are 11 million short a couple of hours before the race. Do you:

a.) Skip the event?
b.) Pay to make up the difference and enjoy the game?
c.) Find a way to get the car illegally?

I ask this question because I've been in this exact situation twice. Once, I skipped the event. That wasn't very fun. The second time, I was gifted a car (Option C) in a way that skirted some rules and such, however, I was able to drive with my friends and have a great time.

Which would you choose?