Got 45 golds and 15 silvers now. I'll be joining you gents soon. Its really not that hard to get golds once you strenghen your brakes using the assists menu.
Got all golds a night ago. S Licence is silly easy. That said, some of the special condition events make up for it by being impossible (very funny, Kaz). Can't really be bothered taking a photo, though. Maybe some one who has me as a friend on PS3 can vouch for me.
My times added except S2-S10 which I didn't save any replays for (because they were manky). Disregard my IC10, IB10 and IA10 times - I used the replay data which only records the last lap, rather than watching the replay and using the whole time. I'll re-enter those in a minute or so.
Got my 60th gold last Saturday.
I assume I need to post a picture ?
Other way - some of my friends may check my profile and take the picture
I have replays saved for most of the licences (no s cos these were to easy), s events, and races I do - should I upload these somewhere ? (there is an replay export option and it works,and one can copy exported replay)
@ Lotrzyna , Posting a picture of 60 gold licences has been the tradition in this thread.
That's all you need to do. You can post your licence times to Tosk's site. To enter times to the IC , IB , IA 9's and 10's & S licence you need a replay for checking the times.
When submitting the IC , IB and IA 10 times to Gold Junkies site pay attention to that you submit the total time of those 2 laps.
(1st lap you get from the replay itself and the 2nd lap from replay theatre screen)
Max is quick. He reminds me of D. Holland. Speaking of which...
Edit: Has anyone contacted Mad94d about this thread? His profile says he ha 60 golds, and I am sure many are top times.