So, who's got all 60 Golds in their licence tests yet?

  • Thread starter Stevisiov

finally people finally, did it like last week or so
how many of the 99 guys are using a PAD not a WHEEL??? because i got to tell you im finding that using a pad it is almost impossible to get gold on some challenges, i was a very fast racer in forza 2 and 3 with the pad but wheel users were still always faster i just want to know if its the same over here, obviously as this is closer to simulation than forza i would expect it to be.
Well with 5 S licence and the dreaded IC-10 all at silver about an hour later and I had all gold last night. What surprised me was coming back to the silver ones a day or so later I found them so much easier. Watching the examples on some really helped. Could of done it alot quicker but didn't have time to race and started playing the other parts of GT5.

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Ooh, I didn't know someone's keeping track. Add me up. Guys, you can just link your online profile now. For example:

By far, the easiest license test for me. About IC-3, hard to say. I mean it was hard, but perhaps I got lucky because I did within an hour.

We can not see your profile page , if we aren't on your friend list.
It would be mutch easyer if you'd take a screen shot of it and attach to your post for example. (or put it on ImageShack)

@ wotzit07 , I was about to comment on the size of your picture , but you beat me to it. 👍

apart from the original poster how many of the names on the list bought the save file off ebay I wonder. ?
It just seems a big list to me lol .

Save file? I thought gamesaves were locked in GT5.

In any case, I would hope that everyone has run them properly.... there's not exactly a big prize to be won by cheating.
i got them all in gold within the frist 3 days of realese i found ia-2 was the most hardest for me the musilin conner is treaky for brakeing when i did get it gold i set half a tire wich lossen me up pointed me in the direction of coner took a coulpe of pillons in the proces and pased it with 0.002 secs to spare hahaha it was quite eventfull 30 secs

Do us all a favor.....stay in school.
yeah, ive finished all Gold in roughly 2-3 nights. the special licence was the easiest, cause you are not timed, and you can bumper car your way (lightly) to first place pretty easily. Some of the B and ic license test were well tricky. Some took hours to finish.

Like people have said you get within .005 of Gold so often, it can be so frustrating. "this time for sure........ DAMMIT!! GRRR!! :irked: " then I go for a walk to calm down. haha, but man this game is really a lot of fun.
how many of the 99 guys are using a PAD not a WHEEL??? because i got to tell you im finding that using a pad it is almost impossible to get gold on some challenges, i was a very fast racer in forza 2 and 3 with the pad but wheel users were still always faster i just want to know if its the same over here, obviously as this is closer to simulation than forza i would expect it to be.

I got about 50 golds with the pad but for the rest I had to use my G25.

Like people have said you get within .005 of Gold so often, it can be so frustrating. "this time for sure........ DAMMIT!! GRRR!! :irked: " then I go for a walk to calm down. haha, but man this game is really a lot of fun.

Got a 18.503 in the FR slalom test last night. Nearly drove me crazy :lol:

So there now over 100 members on this list, and a lot more people becoming members every day. 👍
On the FT86 slalom, i had to not push the car too much. As soon as i let back a smidge, i got gold instantly. A lot of the license tests were incredibly easy. Some were very hard.
The Megane and 207 B-license tests were angering :lol:

But, i finally accomplished getting into the 60-gold category.
I just completed mine all with the DS3. There were a few challenging ones (FT-86,1000 meter stopping challenge)..but other then that nothing to crazy..the super license felt like a hand out on most of them but,they were also super fun!

I'm another member of the 60/60 club. Also have replays for all IC-S golds as well if anyone would find them interesting/useful.

BTW copying replays to a memory stick is needlessly more complicated than in prologue unless there is a yet undisclosed reason for the replay export feature. One has to wonder if it's a remnant of the defunct "You-Tube upload" feature.

I re-did the Suzuka S-license today for someone who asked me for a ghost, just to show several alternatives and ways to approach it.

Unlikely as the necessity for this is, I'm quite happy to upload either blocks of replays (ie: IC, IB, IA...) or in the case of the S class, to provide replays that show just how much you can abuse the collision infringements (my first passing attempts) and how you can also do them (relatively) collision-free.

Incidentally, having talked about "abusing collision infringements" I must state that I am all for no-contact racing. I just haven't had a chance to compile a complete set of "clean" S-license replays yet.

I'm another member of the 60/60 club. Also have replays for all IC-S golds as well if anyone would find them interesting/useful.

BTW copying replays to a memory stick is needlessly more complicated than in prologue unless there is a yet undisclosed reason for the replay export feature. One has to wonder if it's a remnant of the defunct "You-Tube upload" feature.

I re-did the Suzuka S-license today for someone who asked me for a ghost, just to show several alternatives and ways to approach it.

Unlikely as the necessity for this is, I'm quite happy to upload either blocks of replays (ie: IC, IB, IA...) or in the case of the S class, to provide replays that show just how much you can abuse the collision infringements (my first passing attempts) and how you can also do them (relatively) collision-free.

Incidentally, having talked about "abusing collision infringements" I must state that I am all for no-contact racing. I just haven't had a chance to compile a complete set of "clean" S-license replays yet.

lol No-contact racing is almost impossible in motorsports like Nascar and especially in GT5 where if you take the line that the AI wants, they will more than likely tackle you for it.
lol No-contact racing is almost impossible in motorsports like Nascar and especially in GT5 where if you take the line that the AI wants, they will more than likely tackle you for it.

Not gonna get into NASCAR as I'm infamous for that around here.

The AI is intelligent to some extent. It will spin you sometimes (bad), it will keep driving into you at others; however, if you outbrake it in a normal racing maneuver down it's inside for a corner it won't just turn in like a moron on a pre-determined path. That is unless (of course) you are in a lighter car with superior tyres by six grades and much better stopping power, outbraking the leading car by 14 car-lengths and then feel aggrieved that the car in front might have turned in on your "time-trial" line....

The AI isn't perfect and does some ridiculous things that's for sure, but within the bounds of normal racing it actually behaves well for the most part.
Hey. Why am I not up there? lol I announced it just a couple days after I got the game. I actually did it twice (started the game over a few days ago).

I'm not sure if thats because its easier this time around or my determination. It only takes a few hours.

I got all golds in GT4 except the S license (Stopped caring and just wanted to get it over with).

My PSN is PSN-Nation
Finally got it done...all with the DS3. Same challenges as everyone else but as others have noted, it seemed a bit easier than GT4 (and GT3 for that matter!):


Now I'm gonna upload my times to Gold Junkies and GTRP...and then wait for holl01 to come and smash them all :crazy:
If you find the braking tests hard, here's a tip - look at the timer and hit the brake a few seconds before the gold target time. I did this and I got the golds within 5 retries each.
56 now! Finally did the Megane on Nurburgring GP, the infamous B-6.

How? After trying so many times to do the perfect drive and getting to .606 (several times tonight) I decided to do it rally style.

Seriously sick... I just threw the car at the corner with a little scandinavian flick, made sure it stayed wide but on track and then powered out in smoke (no TCS here). First attempt I went off, second .587, then did it again to make sure I wasn't dreaming and .583

Why did I not try this earlier??? :ouch:

Anyway, here is my story, I hope it helps some of you to go all Gold 👍
I decided to 'gold' all my licences... I stated with the 1st two licences then decided to move up to S and work my way down, ending with the IC licence. Specifically IC-1. Low and behold it just happens to be the HARDEST DARN ONE in the game!??? I breezed through most of them (except the rally ones.. I hate dirt) and I now have golds in EVERY LICENCE except IC-1. After about 200 attempts I decided to go to the forums here and see if any others are having the same issue. It's the most ignorant of's not about 'skill' per-se but your ability to figure out when to hit the brakes. It would be better if the car was already rolling and you didn't have to take the accelleration into account... Up till now, I've LOVED GT5. However, this ONE licence test has me so torqued. It's like a frickin arcade game.

Oh well, back to give it another 200 attempts...