So, who's got all 60 Golds in their licence tests yet?

  • Thread starter Stevisiov
Had a super tough time at ib-3 but got it done eventually with a time of 18.497. Goal was 18.5 so I was super excited.

This was extremely hard for me to complete and the final gold test, after a long time my best was 18.7xx. I then read a post somewhere suggesting just keeping the gas pressed and tapping the brake, after about another 100 attempts I got a 18.207!

The gold feels dirty and tarnished but I ain't gonna do it again.....
I'm in - been there for a while... All DS3. I used to play wheel on GT4 but I don't have as much time as I used to and setting up and breaking down the cockpit is a drag! Also, my decrepit DFP is not doing so well...

The license tests and the Specials have been the most fun part of the game. I miss the Missions and A-Spec points racing though. I never did beat Mission 34. ;)


Oh well, PD has a decent start on this game, but I hope they keep the updates coming and add more challenges. Maybe some Specials and Mission type events in the seasonals?

He'll i am happy to have all silvers in all except the S license. Going back over them just made me realize just how much room i had for improvement. I find myself getting mad at not being able to reach gold... So I go and run the Sunday Cup to relax. Then I go back and try again. I know that it's possible to get all gold with a DS3, I am struggling on figuring out how, but that is where I see my needed areas of improvement. I mean quite a few of the silvers I have driven to the best of my ability (at this time) and I miss gold by .02 or something like that. I am starting to wonder if spending the money for a wheel would really help me improve enough to get them, or should I just keep practicing?????
I just got my wheel!... and now I'm working through the licenses getting gold..

The mini slalom!! Difficult, I made it through pedal to the metal just about keeping control at the end..

That damn schumacher S-Bend! Took me forever, but my biggest tip again, no braking! just lift off the gas briefly at the first turn in and hit all 3 rumblers. Using the racing line and breaking is such a con for that license..

I read alot of people had problems with the nascar specials,, i had the same on my DS3 until I turned off all the aids, then it was really suprisingly easy, even on DS3, try it if you're having trouble.

You are no longer permitted to turn off the ABS on the Nascar Special Events. Making the event harder for those who didn't gold it pre 1.06(1.07?) patch.
I've golded all the entire S License (easiet of the lot by far), and around 5 others, split amongst the remaining classes. 15-16 golds in all.
I finally hit all gold the other day. First time I just went for silver and settled, but seems gold wasn’t all that much harder (with the exception of about 3–4 tests that almost cost me a controller and a TV). Either way, I’m a fully licensed GT5-er now. :drool: First time I did it of any GT series (GT3 an GT4 I GameSharked). I wish there was a prize for it, though…besides the individual prizes. Like a GT5-livery X2010. :D Or a R35 pace car or even a police car! :dopey:

P.S. Will post photo in a bit.
Leader Board Updated - Enter Gold Junkies Times Here - Gold Junkies Results

Number of winning times for each Driver
19 MadMax
18 player2
10 Team_MoFF-No4
10 Stune
1 tbc21
1 Peagram82

Winning # of Licenses for Boards
30 GTPlanet
11 PureGT
1 TORC Talk

Winning # of Licenses for Countries
19 Finland
18 Scotland
11 England
10 Denmark
1 Germany
1 Jordan

Number of Top 5 times for each Driver
55 MadMax
42 Stune
30 player2
16 Womble
15 DeuceOfClub
11 Rennscott
10 Team_MoFF-No4
8 Pedro
8 Tosk
6 peagram82
6 Rock and Roll
4 GTP_LeftyWright
4 KidA
4 Luke (GTPr01)
4 tk240Z
3 Andreas Kerren
3 Chimuel
3 Dodo
3 eggmann
3 Famine
3 Lorenzo Costa Kupstiaits
2 asasin79
2 B3rni3
2 CEO-Chillton
2 Edgecrusher29
2 GTP_MisterWeary
2 PureGT_Hawkwind
2 Robisme
2 tbc21
1 BakedTuna
1 boltzz_
1 chandler325i
1 cypher2004
1 eik00n
1 GTP_Falango
1 IforceV8
1 Joe Racer
1 Juniordee
1 lator-illa
1 Litzner (PSN: Priest8)
1 MR8 (DrNasmac)
1 OldTimer
1 peekay
1 showmethepuppiz
1 Sigma
1 skiddo
1 TheStig13
1 timeatkuu
1 TORC_stonemonkey
1 Trev
1 wayn*z
1 WilhelmCFH666
1 xXDoc187Xx
1 Zigatan
As I said before on page 64:

Well, there's a small mistake: I obviously got a world reccord by passing IB 04 almost 4 sconds faster than runner-up MadMax !!
Could be my fault, a simple typo...
Could someone please correct the time/database entry ?
A 0:19:891 seems to be more realistic
Thank you and sorry
Got all golds after a day turning 25 silvers into golds. GTR academy was totally worth the effort :)
Awesome job all.

I'm having a lot of fun trying to match your achievment.

I've done all gold on the S license (wanted the academy GTR) and golded all the 1 or 2 lap battle type tests. Now I just have to complete the rest. Currently at 20-40-0 so still a long way to go! 👍
I don't think Ive ever added myself to this list lol.. been there since just before xmas lmao.

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I completed mine long ago,all golded.But I don't have a camera(my phone is a S$50 one).As proof you can add my PSN "CRAB_SG" and check if it's not too much trouble mate.Sorry and thanks!
I think I've gotten around 54 Gold before the new update where they made it like 10000% easier .... after that the last 6 was a walk in the park.

PS3 IGN - itschr0niixx
LVL 31 A-Spec
LVL 40 B-Spec
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I've just logged off having finally hit 60 Gold Licences. It's a great feeling but where's the reward for netting all 60? No car, not even a trophy. Oh the time I spent on B-5; IC-10; S-8...
this week i decided to get all golds and im surprised because i managed to easily win everything that i found frustrating back in december.

first time i get all golds in a GT game... :D