So, who's got all 60 Golds in their licence tests yet?

  • Thread starter Stevisiov
Been there a While but just got round to posting..


That slalom was a killer :crazy:

but I'm still crap at Rally :yuck:
Add me please!!! Tonight was a VERY productive night!


Damn I've always settled for bronze and left it alone for every GT game. Since I've owned a PS3 for about 2.5yrs and rarely even used it until GT5, I decided to go balls out on this one and gold everything. Such a good feeling!

A bit off topic, but since I've been focusing on the offline portion of the game I haven't spent any time playing online yet-- so feel free to add me if you're up for the challenge!
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Leader Board Updated - Enter Gold Junkies Times Here - Gold Junkies Results

Number of winning times for each Driver
21 MadMax
13 player2
12 Stune
10 Team_MoFF-No4
1 tk240Z
1 tbc21
1 Peagram82

Winning # of Licenses for Boards
35 GTPlanet
11 PureGT
1 TORC Talk

Winning # of Licenses for Countries
21 Finland
13 England
13 Scotland
10 Denmark
1 Germany
1 Jordan
1 UK

Number of Top 5 times for each Driver
55 MadMax
42 Stune
22 player2
19 DeuceOfClub
17 Womble
11 Rennscott
10 Team_MoFF-No4
8 Tosk
7 peagram82
7 Pedro
7 Rock and Roll
5 Luke (GTPr01)
4 eggmann
4 GTP_LeftyWright
4 KidA
4 PureGT_Hawkwind
4 tk240Z
3 Andreas Kerren
3 Chimuel
3 Dodo
3 Famine
2 asasin79
2 B3rni3
2 CEO-Chillton
2 Edgecrusher29
2 GTP_MisterWeary
2 MR8 (DrNasmac)
2 Robisme
2 tbc21
2 WilhelmCFH666
1 boltzz_
1 chandler325i
1 cypher2004
1 eik00n
1 GTP_Falango
1 IforceV8
1 Joe Racer
1 Juniordee
1 lator-illa
1 Litzner (PSN: Priest8)
1 OldTimer
1 peekay
1 showmethepuppiz
1 Sigma
1 skiddo
1 talldreamy_asian
1 TheStig13
1 timeatkuu
1 TORC_stonemonkey
1 Trev
1 wayn*z
1 Zigatan
I am literally there, I just can not get the 3rd test in the 3rd license. The hair pin turns on Indy road course in the 350Z. One time I missed it by .001 but just can not get it.
I am literally there, I just can not get the 3rd test in the 3rd license. The hair pin turns on Indy road course in the 350Z. One time I missed it by .001 but just can not get it.

That, for me as well, was one of the toughest tests in the game....had to retry it about 50 times I think.
Keep at it though, you'll get it eventually.
Yes, it was tough for me as well, I was backing off too much between the 2nd and third corners and loosing too much time. replay the video demo, change the view to in car and watch the throttle/brake etc.. I found that helped to compare it to my drive.

in fact I got through most of my tough test through doing this.

good luck
Well I just got all golds last night, then saw about the updates. It's hardly an accomplishment anymore, the S license might have been the easiest of all of them....

Hardest tests for me were: 350Z on Indy Road Course (just mentioned above), and the slalom in the FT-86 (Took me about an hour and a half, I think.
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I am literally there, I just can not get the 3rd test in the 3rd license. The hair pin turns on Indy road course in the 350Z. One time I missed it by .001 but just can not get it.

I just got it today, after trying it for probably like 200 or 300 times! They key is to turn ABS off completely. Then brake very lightly as you turn into the 2nd corner. With ABS off, the brakes transfer the balance forward and turn the car much better. Even then, it took me a long time, and I was stuck on 18.303 for a while.
Leader Board Updated - Enter Gold Junkies Times Here - Gold Junkies Results

Number of winning times for each Driver
21 MadMax
15 player2
10 Team_MoFF-No4
10 Stune
1 tbc21
1 Peagram82
1 BakedTuna

Winning # of Licenses for Boards
32 GTPlanet
11 PureGT
1 TORC Talk

Winning # of Licenses for Countries
21 Finland
15 Scotland
11 England
10 Denmark
1 Germany
1 Jordan

Number of Top 5 times for each Driver
55 MadMax
42 Stune
26 player2
18 DeuceOfClub
16 Womble
11 Rennscott
10 Team_MoFF-No4
8 Tosk
7 peagram82
7 Rock and Roll
6 Pedro
5 Luke (GTPr01)
4 eggmann
4 GTP_LeftyWright
4 KidA
4 tk240Z
3 Andreas Kerren
3 Chimuel
3 Dodo
3 Famine
3 PureGT_Hawkwind
2 asasin79
2 B3rni3
2 BakedTuna
2 CEO-Chillton
2 Edgecrusher29
2 GTP_MisterWeary
2 Robisme
2 tbc21
2 WilhelmCFH666
1 boltzz_
1 chandler325i
1 cypher2004
1 eik00n
1 GTP_Falango
1 IforceV8
1 Joe Racer
1 Juniordee
1 lator-illa
1 Litzner (PSN: Priest8)
1 MR8 (DrNasmac)
1 OldTimer
1 peekay
1 showmethepuppiz
1 Sigma
1 skiddo
1 TheStig13
1 timeatkuu
1 TORC_stonemonkey
1 Trev
1 wayn*z
1 Zigatan
I finally did it, 60 golds. I spent a lot of time on some of the trickier tests, including the stopping in a straight line one which I found suprisingly tough. I didn't rush through the licenses as I had with previous games because you dont need them to enter higher spec races. I had left them well alone for a couple of months.

I did the IA license last night without too much trouble, and this morning I golded the S licence in under an hour. It was strange that the final test should be so easy, it was really fun tho, i love those overtaking challenges!
I read you can not acheive 60 gold and all the special events with a normal PS3 controller. Is this true?

Surely more people have controllers than not.

i got all gold with the ps3 controller. some were pretty hard but i imagine they're just as hard with a steering wheel.
Well, there's a small mistake: I obviously got a world reccord by passing IB 04 almost 4 sconds faster than runner-up MadMax !! :sly:
Could be my fault, a simple typo...
Could someone please correct the time/database entry ?
A 0:19:891 seems to be more realistic 👍
Thank you and sorry :nervous:
Leader Board Updated - Enter Gold Junkies Times Here - Gold Junkies Results

Number of winning times for each Driver
19 MadMax
17 player2
10 Team_MoFF-No4
10 Stune
1 tbc21
1 Peagram82
1 BakedTuna

Winning # of Licenses for Boards
30 GTPlanet
11 PureGT
1 TORC Talk

Winning # of Licenses for Countries
19 Finland
17 Scotland
11 England
10 Denmark
1 Germany
1 Jordan

Number of Top 5 times for each Driver
55 MadMax
42 Stune
29 player2
17 DeuceOfClub
16 Womble
11 Rennscott
10 Team_MoFF-No4
8 Tosk
7 peagram82
6 Pedro
6 Rock and Roll
4 eggmann
4 GTP_LeftyWright
4 KidA
4 Luke (GTPr01)
4 tk240Z
3 Andreas Kerren
3 Chimuel
3 Dodo
3 Famine
2 asasin79
2 B3rni3
2 BakedTuna
2 CEO-Chillton
2 Edgecrusher29
2 GTP_MisterWeary
2 PureGT_Hawkwind
2 Robisme
2 tbc21
2 WilhelmCFH666
1 boltzz_
1 chandler325i
1 cypher2004
1 eik00n
1 GTP_Falango
1 IforceV8
1 Joe Racer
1 Juniordee
1 lator-illa
1 Litzner (PSN: Priest8)
1 MR8 (DrNasmac)
1 OldTimer
1 peekay
1 showmethepuppiz
1 Sigma
1 skiddo
1 TheStig13
1 timeatkuu
1 TORC_stonemonkey
1 Trev
1 wayn*z
1 xXDoc187Xx
1 Zigatan
I was a former member of and just love the license tests!
Finally got all golds after passing the dang IB-3 cone mess, all done with the ds3 controller.

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I've got all the golds I want to get. Here's a list of the one's i've silvered & will probably never try again.

ic 1. stopping challenge - stupid chalenge; no skill involved (all stoppings are flukes).
ic 3. Double hairpin (Indy) - i'm not good enough to do this.
ib 1. [stupid challenge]
ib3. Slalom - it's just too hard for me.
ia 2. Impossible!
1a 4. Impossible!
s2. Not a chance
s4. Not a chance

Have a nice day!

edit: It's annoying not to 'do' all the licenses. But to be honest, I know I can fling most cars round the Nurburgring and that'll do for me.
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Managed to get gold on all 60 licences now (with the DS3):


The hardest test for me by far was the a8 1-Series through the Schumacher-S, this took more time than I'd care to admit to. The S licences by comparison were relatively easy, with gold being obtained on the first attempt for all except S-2, which I had to try several times and eventually had to admit defeat and resort to using a little nudging of the competitors to get Gold. Before the patch that removed the collision penalty I doubt I'd have managed this particular test.

Total time to complete all licences I'd put in the region of around 9 hours, with most being passed at Bronze or Silver level on the first attempt but then taking a few attempts to refine the lines and technique to get gold (excluding the S licences.)

I find it a little annoying that a couple of tests require that you alter the default settings for the car (ABS/TCS/ASM etc) - without doing this I feel some tests are impossible.

Not many issues with specific tests. All DS3.

Just like to take this opportunity to thank whoever discovered rubber-banding, SSR7, and the ability to trade a Mitsubishi I-concept for a Red Bull X2010.
I just got my wheel!... and now I'm working through the licenses getting gold..

The mini slalom!! Difficult, I made it through pedal to the metal just about keeping control at the end..

That damn schumacher S-Bend! Took me forever, but my biggest tip again, no braking! just lift off the gas briefly at the first turn in and hit all 3 rumblers. Using the racing line and breaking is such a con for that license..

I read alot of people had problems with the nascar specials,, i had the same on my DS3 until I turned off all the aids, then it was really suprisingly easy, even on DS3, try it if you're having trouble.
I just got my wheel!... and now I'm working through the licenses getting gold..

The mini slalom!! Difficult, I made it through pedal to the metal just about keeping control at the end..

That damn schumacher S-Bend! Took me forever, but my biggest tip again, no braking! just lift off the gas briefly at the first turn in and hit all 3 rumblers. Using the racing line and breaking is such a con for that license..

I read alot of people had problems with the nascar specials,, i had the same on my DS3 until I turned off all the aids, then it was really suprisingly easy, even on DS3, try it if you're having trouble.

Congrats for getting a wheel , my advice for a new wheel user = do all the licence tests with the wheel.
Then , when you've golded all licences with wheel , go redo them and submit the times to Tosk's Gold Junkies site.

Redoing the licences sharpens your skills , eventually. 👍

Leader Board Updated - Enter Gold Junkies Times Here - Gold Junkies Results

Number of winning times for each Driver
19 MadMax
18 player2
10 Team_MoFF-No4
10 Stune
1 tbc21
1 Peagram82

Winning # of Licenses for Boards
30 GTPlanet
11 PureGT
1 TORC Talk

Winning # of Licenses for Countries
19 Finland
18 Scotland
11 England
10 Denmark
1 Germany
1 Jordan

Number of Top 5 times for each Driver
55 MadMax
42 Stune
30 player2
18 DeuceOfClub
16 Womble
11 Rennscott
10 Team_MoFF-No4
8 Tosk
7 peagram82
6 Rock and Roll
5 Pedro
4 eggmann
4 GTP_LeftyWright
4 KidA
4 Luke (GTPr01)
4 tk240Z
3 Andreas Kerren
3 Chimuel
3 Dodo
3 Famine
2 asasin79
2 B3rni3
2 CEO-Chillton
2 Edgecrusher29
2 GTP_MisterWeary
2 PureGT_Hawkwind
2 Robisme
2 tbc21
2 WilhelmCFH666
1 BakedTuna
1 boltzz_
1 chandler325i
1 cypher2004
1 eik00n
1 GTP_Falango
1 IforceV8
1 Joe Racer
1 Juniordee
1 lator-illa
1 Litzner (PSN: Priest8)
1 MR8 (DrNasmac)
1 OldTimer
1 peekay
1 showmethepuppiz
1 Sigma
1 skiddo
1 TheStig13
1 timeatkuu
1 TORC_stonemonkey
1 Trev
1 wayn*z
1 xXDoc187Xx
1 Zigatan