Something Just DOESNT Quite Add up...

  • Thread starter Leadfoot53
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United States
I have been watching and reading ads on both GT and Forza, and for some reason I am not convinced about the GT side of things, mainly about damage... Heres what somewhat throws me off about the GT side of things:

1. They first say that Kaz doesn't want damage in the game until it is practically the best in the market.
2. About a year later, they make plans for it to be in the prologue. Those are obviously scrapped
3. E3 08: NO GT5...
6. No info for about 8 months, which appeared in the form of a cryptic message (you know what I'm talking about with this one).
7. E3 09: GT is BACK!!! with.............. Just a trailer, but a pretty beefy one at that. ALL RENDERED in game. NASCAR and WRC are in. NASCAR may actually be a reason this game might be released this late, with EA's previous stranglehold on the sport. And we get a glimpse of damage
8. Little news for the months between E3 and "the leak". We find out that PORSCHE is in for damage, and that there are "no barriers for the damage engine to proceed".
9. GC 2009: There is no GT5 release date as expected, but... there is a playable demo! With subpar damage. And... NO PORSCHE
10. There was a "leak" in the GT website, which implies 2 car groups, Standard and Premium... and Premium only has cockpits and damage???????? Kaz admits its validity...
11. We find out that GTPSP has lamborghini and bugatti, implying that GT5 will also

Step 1, 7, 8, and 9 are what mainly throw me off. Kaz says he wants the most realistic damage represented in a r game and he shows us this...

Here is my opinion on this stuff: I think Kaz has been playing us like a HARP... more importantly, playing Turn 10 like a harp. I have a feeling that Turn 10 is feeling kinda high and mighty right now and are possibly thinking "We just OUTDID Gran Turismo!!!" Come TGS, i am potentially hoping for things to be cleared up and I am hoping that there is either/both:
A. Kaz has an incredible damage
B. Kaz has 800 cars with damage
(Preferably B)

Either one would most likely send Turn 10 reeling and screaming, "OH 🤬 🤬 🤬" THAT WOULD MAKE MY DAY... Dont take me wrong, I like forza, but GT just tromps it...

What do you guys think?
I like how you think, I hope GT does out do Forza because the Forza guy who does the presentations and interviews (the KY of Turn 10) always goes on about how his game is so epic, the biggest car game ever, the largest roster of cars. GT have passed the baton onto Forza and now we've took the lead. It would be funny to see him humiliated :') Bring on TGS :D
I'll just wait those 4 days more, sick and tired of those 170, 800, 1000, premium , normal, 20, 60, 80, dynamic night, weather....:dunce:
I think that too many people get too excited, and believe too many things that are rumored on the internet, hence we end up with threads like this. Porsche were never confirmed for GT5. Damage was never confirmed for GT5. In fact, nothing has yet, officially, been confirmed about GT5 apart from it will be appearing in some form at TGS, hopefully with a release date announced.
I think that too many people get too excited, and believe too many things that are rumored on the internet, hence we end up with threads like this. Porsche were never confirmed for GT5. Damage was never confirmed for GT5. In fact, nothing has yet, officially, been confirmed about GT5 apart from it will be appearing in some form at TGS, hopefully with a release date announced.

Im just saying that Kaz himself said that Porsche was in for damage in GT5...
N^10: interior doesnt' refer to cockpit. According to the list (now) all 1000 cars will have cockpit view.
N^10: interior doesnt' refer to cockpit. According to the list (now) all 1000 cars will have cockpit view.

Oh. I havent heard that. Is that in one of the posts on the forums? I havent seen it. Must have overlooked it :dunce:...
Which day is Sony's Press Conference? Or does Kazunori have his own press conference? It could not be on the 24th since that is just the first day of TGS, and TGS goes on till Sunday.
Which day is Sony's Press Conference? Or does Kazunori have his own press conference? It could not be on the 24th since that is just the first day of TGS, and TGS goes on till Sunday.

Sony has a press conference for a half hour on the first day, with the prez of SCEA... forget the guys name, but he was the guy who unveiled GT5 at E3
What I think is that you're interpreting the tiny bits of facts in a way that suits your liking.

"I like forza, but GT just tromps it..." read: "kaz must be hiding something big because GT must be better than Forza". Not exactly true right? Though we know he's hiding a lot of things and he said there's something big to be revealed at TGS, he also said that the leaked list is accurate. Whatever is left to be revealed must then not be referred in the list.

Or as you said kaz was lying or not completely stating the truth. Although this is possible I really don't think its likely to be true since (and PD has my total support in this) they act like Forza and Turn 10 practically don't exist, completely avoiding any questions regarding them or comparisons between GT and Forza.

Could they be lyng because of Turn 10? Yes, I also suspect this myself but I tend not to bother with conspiracy theories. That's what you want to believe because it's easier on you than the truth. Even though we don't know the truth yet :)
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Im getting in my orders for popcorn now so I can sit and watch the melt-down again from the disappointment when the game sold as GT5 fails to live up to so many sky high expectations.
Im getting in my orders for popcorn now so I can sit and watch the melt-down again from the disappointment when the game sold as GT5 fails to live up to so many sky high expectations.

Remember Kaz's sky high expectations?
"Every car and every track from GT4 in GT5" (possibly)
"Porsche in GT5" (Now there isn't apparently)
"Damage in GT5P" (nope)
"All Ferrari and F1 Cars" (most likely nope)
"12-20 online players"
"Dynamic Weather"

Thats from one interview 2 years ago...
I have a feeling that Turn 10 is feeling kinda high and mighty right now and are possibly thinking "We just OUTDID Gran Turismo!!!"


Either one would most likely send Turn 10 reeling and screaming, "OH " THAT WOULD MAKE MY DAY... Dont take me wrong, I like forza, but GT just tromps it...

I believe some of you guys have too much imagination. Isn't it possible that Turn 10 just wanted to make a game? No, they always have to be the bad guys. That argument makes me think that, instead of constantly evolving, GT only has to tromps Forza and that's it. Which isn't exactly a good thing.

Then again, that's the way I see it.
What time is the TGS in Europe time?

1000 cars means not 1000 different cars... 200 are skylines with different motors so they got to render 1 cockpit for the most of the cars... only change some buttons and colors...

But anyway it´s nearly impossible for me to believe that there are really 1000 cars with cockpit... Wow what a lot of work...
It would be very hard to do it indeed. About that post, I'm mostly worried about the Skylines. :nervous:
What time is the TGS in Europe time?

1000 cars means not 1000 different cars... 200 are skylines with different motors so they got to render 1 cockpit for the most of the cars... only change some buttons and colors...

But anyway it´s nearly impossible for me to believe that there are really 1000 cars with cockpit... Wow what a lot of work...

If TGS is fed live at 8pm to Germany then it's 7pm in England ( sorry i don't know the exact time the show starts ).
Remember Kaz's sky high expectations?
"Every car and every track from GT4 in GT5" (possibly)
"Porsche in GT5" (Now there isn't apparently)
"Damage in GT5P" (nope)
"All Ferrari and F1 Cars" (most likely nope)
"12-20 online players"
"Dynamic Weather"

Thats from one interview 2 years ago...

I think what you'll find with Prologue is that the damage engine just wasn't ready for it. It's quite a complex part of the game and would be subject to many, many, many months of fine tuning.

2nd one is subject to licensing and negotiations with Porsche (or whoever is responsible for their IP).

Number 4 is subjective. We know there will be plenty of Ferrari's in there, F1 cars are also very likely to feature, they have done in previous versions and there is one in Prologue, which is a Ferrari.

In such a long development cycle, to keep even half of what you want is good going.
This GT-Forza thing is like tug-o-war except its not how hard you pull but how strong your side of the rope is.
I think what you'll find with Prologue is that the damage engine just wasn't ready for it. It's quite a complex part of the game and would be subject to many, many, many months of fine tuning.

2nd one is subject to licensing and negotiations with Porsche (or whoever is responsible for their IP).

Number 4 is subjective. We know there will be plenty of Ferrari's in there, F1 cars are also very likely to feature, they have done in previous versions and there is one in Prologue, which is a Ferrari.

In such a long development cycle, to keep even half of what you want is good going.

It's all down to KY's most obvious marketing strategy of 'The Vision', or "A glimpse of the direction of GT"..

Only a fool would remotely believe anything KY tells you when he mentions any of those words, you are much better served just assuming it's a pretty game with lots of cars that at the end of the day has many compromises that all games have to have, and it won't be the all things to all men behemoth of shock and awe that you might think it could be from all the statements made.

Have the right attitube and when it arrives and it inevitably doesn't fulfill the vision, it'll still be a stonkingly good game in it's own right, and you won't feel cheated.
It's all down to KY's most obvious marketing strategy of 'The Vision', or "A glimpse of the direction of GT"..

Only a fool would remotely believe anything KY tells you when he mentions any of those words, you are much better served just assuming it's a pretty game with lots of cars that at the end of the day has many compromises that all games have to have, and it won't be the all things to all men behemoth of shock and awe that you might think it could be from all the statements made.

Have the right attitube and when it arrives and it inevitably doesn't fulfill the vision, it'll still be a stonkingly good game in it's own right, and you won't feel cheated.

You Cant Believe Everything He Says, but what if a lot of those Things Were in an Official Presentation in TGS in 2006 :lol:?

There are a LOT of Things they said have been working on since 2005-2006, and know they Just cant Deliver the Game without the thing they said it will have because they were Working/Doing it:grumpy:
What time is the TGS in Europe time?

1000 cars means not 1000 different cars... 200 are skylines with different motors so they got to render 1 cockpit for the most of the cars... only change some buttons and colors...

But anyway it´s nearly impossible for me to believe that there are really 1000 cars with cockpit... Wow what a lot of work...
That's why I say: "WHY 1000 cars? Why not 500 cars with fully modeled and detailed cockpits?".

We have to wait...
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Isn't it possible that Turn 10 just wanted to make a game? No, they always have to be the bad guys.
Well, if they wouldn't act like bad guys... eh, enough beating up on Turn 10.

There definitely is something being concealed about GT5 for the Tokyo Games Show. Just about everything concerning GT5 has been a surprise so far. Even the release date may be a surprise. Yes, we can't have everything we want. We don't have it on PC racing sims, and these days PCs are much more powerful than the PS3. GT4 wasn't the museum of racing history Kazunori-dono wanted to create, but it was still an amazing game, and still is to this day.

I know some of us will be disappointed if 3D trees don't have working reverse lights and have birds poop on our custom liveries, but the rest of us are ready for whatever Kaz has created for us. We'll buy it, race it for ages, and love it.
If you try to wrap your head around it , you will just go mad. In an old Kazunori Yamauchi Interview "Gran Turismo Comes to the PS2" for the GT 2000 (GT3), agreed with the car manufactures on not having damage, but at Gamescom we see different. Kazunori over the years has thrown out a lot of ideas, some get implemented other don't. Things such as whether, time of day & selecting your own race helmet were talked about then.

We are so close to TGS, it may (should) make more since then.

It does feel odd, either PD released a demo at GC that barely resembles the final product, and it's a marketing move, or the game isn't much more then we've seen at GC..

Either way, it's impossible to tell until the end of the week, I'm secretly hoping it's a clever marketing campaign with the reluctance to give solid information, but as I've said before, my expectations are the the final game will be the GC demo in terms of damage/graphics/physics etc, with some nice courses/cars.. whatever they release on top of this will be really get the hype going for me..
Every car in GT5 better have a cockpit view... If not it trumps nothing at all. Turn 10 was able to get it on over 400 cars in two years.
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