- 4,323
So by saying you shouldn't complain about GT, you assume I would praise M$ for the RROD???Calm down genius
Ummm... no... it's called an analogy in which you point out a flaw in somethign by relating it to something similar. In this case the flaw in your logic which is that complaining about things to get what the fans want is bad... I didn't realize I had to spell it out for you.
No double standard, I haven't read the interview where he asks for opinions on damage. I would appreciate a link so I can give him my two cents. My remarks on damage in GT comes form what Kaz says in "Beyond the Apex" video. You should watch it on GT:TV.
Kaz remarked that this is PDs first step in damage and they are testing how much the fans really want (paraphrased). So yes, Kaz is responding to fanbase request and is looking for more input.
What I am saying isn't off the deep end you just need to open your mind a little bit and not be so hard headed. I am looking at this from an artistic POV where you are looking at the business end. Yes, if you want to sell the most games then you should follow trends and do what the majority does. That method has been doing wonders for Forza.
I would say from an artistic point of view it doesn't matter what crtics say, since you will persue your dream, so there is no reason to silence critics. However from a business point of view it makes all the sense in the world and there is no way you can ignore the business side of this situation. Remember you didn't leave wiggle room for other options, you just reflected it all in the negative.
Complaining forced Kaz to add damage.
Kaz responded to users wants and added damage.
You will notice you chose the negative way to view it with no mention of any positive way.
BTW you still haven't explained to me how you know:
Damage isn't something Kaz has cared to put in his games.
Without reading his mind?
Devendander, I know your are a gifted genius with an IQ above all but try and wrap your head around this.
When making GT, Kaz shouldn't care how many games he can sell. He should do what he has always done and make the best game he can to try and satisfy his worst critic, himself. If Kaz is happy with his game, I'm sure I will be too. That might be a crazy concept to a genius like yourself but it is my opinion.
Try to wrap your head around this:
You tell me I shouldn't tell Kaz what to do and I can't read his mind, then your proceed to read his mind and say what Kaz should do.
What makes it ok when you do it but not when I do?
If Kaz is happy with it you will be too? What did you drink the cool aid? You and Kaz are twins seperated at birth? How can you make a statement like that? As likely as it is that the GT that makes Kaz happy will be a great one that does make you happy, there is no way to say that with certaintly unless you are psychic or can time travel.
BTW are you going to go here and tell them they should stop?
After all they are just complaining about a missing track until they force Kaz to put it in right? What about car wish lists? Wouldn't those be the same? Complaining until the cars you want get in regardless of Kaz's artistic dream?
I am constantly amazed at the God syndrome some people have with Kaz/PD... Everything they do is great and shouldn't be questioned. It's like watching kids kiss up to the schoolyard bully or something around here sometimes.
Double standard my friend... and in this case you are using this double standard as a foundation for a cop out on Kaz's behalf.
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