Hallelujah: (Jeff Buckley): haunting song, haunting performance
Anna Begins: Counting Crows. The first album, "August and Everything After" came at a lonely point in my life. This track, in particular, is an emotional rollercoaster of cine noir compressed into a four or five minute track. In fact, the first two Crows albums have more angst in them than the entire "emo" movement and their later efforst put together... other favorites include Children in Bloom, Raining in Baltimore, and A Murder of One, but this is the one that I used to sit up at night listening to.
Amazing Grace: This song, and the story behind it, have so much depth and meaning that it should be banned at funerals...
Wonderful: Everclear - the instrumentals and backing tracks may sound janglingly glib, but the song itself isn't.