Sony Reveals Its First Car: Meet the Vision-S Prototype

In person preview of the Afeela

So, the biggest feature of the car is the option of being distracted by watching Sony Pictures movies on a large display, while having your passengerseated child swiping your navigation map left and right and all over the place?
I was wondering why Sony and Honda kept pushing forward on this, but remembering when it was first announced and the recent mega disaster that was Concord, it makes more sense.

This is basically Sony's response to both the belief that Apple was moments away from getting into the car business themselves and that self driving cars would be an established thing on the market by now. Only by the time Apple quietly abandoned their car plans to chase the AI craze instead, and it became apparent that FSD is still many years out at best (and that most people don't even really want it anymore), Sony had already plowed too much money into it to just quietly can the project and try to explain the loss to their shareholders.

So they have to see it through even if they take a huge beating on it because the perceived market segment for this kind of vehicle never materialized, and Honda likely doesn't care too much if it flops because their mobility arm will be eating the loss, so it stays off the main company's books even though their name is on it.