Still, I think that speed limit shouldn't be removed, as I recall for example, Audi modified the aerodynamics of the TT because of a few fatal crashes on the autobahns, they found that the rear iof the car was unstable at high speeds. And at those speeds an issue like a tire puncture will most likely end up in a fatal crash... but the way it's done right now is just supid, and obviously don't work to prevent people from speeding. But repressive measures are more "profitable" than preventive ones...
Well one thing has to be clear, you crash if you drive too fast if you dont know your car. Most people think they are the coolest and drive the **** out of their car. My brother drives around 140 mph every day to work, he knows what he is doing, if he sees its getting full he slows down. But there are always some freaks that press it.
And here in Germany there are very very strict on laws on tuning your car. Most things here arent aloud if you dont have a "TÜV" for it. That means it has to be tested and checked if it isnt to loud or causes to much smog. And testing everything cost over thousands. Thats why there is not much tuning in Germany. Only a very little, like the air filter and exhaust. So what I mean is that most younger kids cant drive that fast anyways.
But of course theres tons of BMW's and Mercedes, Audi that are damn fast. And these cars have strict tests they have to go through otherwise theyre not allowed on german streets.
I see that germany has a lot of high very high quality cars driving fast, with the newest technologies and safety equipment.
Man in the US, you see those ****ed up SUV's that flip over at 25mph.
I mean there are so many SUV's in US, and raising the speed limit would cause so many accidents. Most people dont understand what kind of **** car they until they went to europe.
All those pick ups etc. arent made to go fast, theyre for dirt and ****. In germany theres barely any pickups, I see one once a month, and SUV arent here either, very very few. And if, then theyre VW BMW or Mercedes.
Germany sucks, too many laws.
But raising the speed limit in the US, uhh very very dangerous.