Speed limits on highways

  • Thread starter Carl.

What would you like to be done about highway speed limits?

  • Remove them (autobahn)

    Votes: 23 31.5%
  • Raise them

    Votes: 19 26.0%
  • Have speed limits according to weather

    Votes: 12 16.4%
  • Leave them as they are

    Votes: 11 15.1%
  • Lower them

    Votes: 2 2.7%
  • Other suggestions?

    Votes: 6 8.2%

  • Total voters
After reading Sage's thread about stoplights that prevent speeding, I was wondering what do you think about current speed limits on highways, and their current enforcement methods. Should we have autobahns like Germany, Weather-dependant speed limits like in South of France (130 km/h in good weather), or have better equipment to strictly enforce current speed limits?
I think I made a thread like this before, but you have a poll so I don't mind.
It puzzles me how you can have a speed limit on a desert highway. I know they probably arent inforced much but it just seems rediculous.
Remove them, let the people who drive slowly get scared by this and take older highways which will still have speed limits and the crazy people who drive way to fast all die off ... that leaves those of us in the middle who drive responsibly fast. (:
They're probably fine where they are right now. For normal traffic, they should be inforced after someone has exceeded them by 15mph or more. If its in the middle of the night, no one around, good weather. I say let the person rip through as fast as they want. A cop could pull them over and warn them, or if there was a passanger, write them a ticket then.
Damn dudes, on some highways there just has to be a speed limit. Like in the bigger cities and stuff. But out in the nature, y the **** should there be one? That is kinda stupid. But if there wouldnt be no more speed limits then we would get our license with 18. I bet that would happen.

Here in Germany there are no speed limits because its not that full you know. I mean, go drive as fast as you want, who gives a **** here? If it gets kind of full and/or the street is slippery the computer signs go up and tell you to slow down to a particular speed. They could freakin do that in the US! I mean, y the **** is there a speed limit in the middle of the desert? whats the point? if u get off the street u get on the sand and itll stop you....etc etc.....

Id only be for raising the speed limits if the standards for getting drivers licenses were a LOT higher. I dont want some old woman with bad vision who can barely see over the wheel going 85 anywhere near me.
I find really stupid and senseless that the current speed limits here haven't changed since we were driving in overpower boats on sloppy tires without any modern active or passive security equipment. Not to mention passenger that didn't wore seatbelts and were allowed to drive while being drunk... I frequently travel for 3+ hours on almost straight highways and when I follow the current speed limits I end up being irritated and less concentrated on driving than if I keep a speed of about 80-85 mph. Speed limits are just not adapted to modern cars , and kept only because it's a cash cow.... if I am risking my life and others so much at this speed... why does almost every new car currently on sale can go at least 110 mph? Every car has a rev limiter... why not having a mandatory speed limiter set to 80-85mph?. You're caught going faster because you turned it off? Well, you lose your car and/or your driver license. But wait... is that profitable?... no, forget about it. So if I'm not careful enough, If I'm not careful I'll still get speeding tickets to "help the roads to be a safer place"... thank you mr. tax collec... hmm, I mean officer.

Still, I think that speed limit shouldn't be removed, as I recall for example, Audi modified the aerodynamics of the TT because of a few fatal crashes on the autobahns, they found that the rear iof the car was unstable at high speeds. And at those speeds an issue like a tire puncture will most likely end up in a fatal crash... but the way it's done right now is just supid, and obviously don't work to prevent people from speeding. But repressive measures are more "profitable" than preventive ones...

Also, I think speed limits according to weather is a very cleaver idea, since here some SUV owners don't realize that an heavyweight 4x4 may accelerate faster than a car in a snowstorm, but won't turn or brake any better...

That's it, i'm done with my rant of the day... :P
Originally posted by Recury
Id only be for raising the speed limits if the standards for getting drivers licenses were a LOT higher. I dont want some old woman with bad vision who can barely see over the wheel going 85 anywhere near me.

Totally agree... and a basic emergency driving techniques should be mandatory too. How many accidents could be avoided if the drivers had basic knowledge of how to react in such situations, instead of hitting the brake with both feets...
I say raise them, even though if you raise them by 10 KM/H to 110 KM/H people would just do 120. Acually remove them all together who need speed limits.......:odd:
in general, they have the speeds either way too damn slow or in *some* residential areas here, it's too high only because of crappy roads. Mostly though, they need to raise the limit waaaay up.
Agree with jpmontoya.

The only reason speed limits have been kept so low is because of the fact that the government (any government) wants to cash in on speeders; yet, the limit is set extremely low.

I say, don't remove speed limits. If you have a three lane highway, two on the left side should be left for 120 kph (10kph-/+) and the one on the right side should be restricted to 80 kph and down to 50kph when the exit is within 300 metres.

Of course, the longer stretches of highway which span all over the country should have even higher speed limits.

Highways connecting Vancouver to Calgary (for example) should be up to at least 150 kph if not more. Computerized (similar to Southern France) can be put up as already mentioned. Changing weather conditions should affect how fast the driver drives.

Drizzle --> 5% slower
Regular rain --> 10% slower
Heavy rain/thunderstorms --> 25% slower.

Perhaps, manufacturers could even set limits on the cars. For example, whenever the highbeams are turned on, the car will automatically be forced to slow down. THe three variable speeds of the windshield wipers could determine how fast the car is allowed to travel as well.
I like most of your ideas, but with the wipers, if someone wants to go faster, they'll just put their wipers one notch slower, which now creates two safety issues: slower wipers and faster driving.

I think just having the speed limits computerized is the way to go. There needs to be some kind of backup though, of course (does France have one?).
Originally posted by halfracedrift
The only reason speed limits have been kept so low is because of the fact that the government (any government) wants to cash in on speeders; yet, the limit is set extremely low.
Yeah, and?

Where do you propose the goverment gets the money that would be lost from upping the speed limits?
Originally posted by Rumple Foreskin
Yeah, and?

Where do you propose the goverment gets the money that would be lost from upping the speed limits?

I don't see collecting money as the primary goal of having highway patrols (at least it shouldn't be...)

For France signalization, it's not computerized, the signs display both speeds on it, with pictograph beside them. But that could be useful to change limits according to road conditions or potential traffic jams ahead.
Originally posted by Rumple Foreskin
Yeah, and?

Where do you propose the goverment gets the money that would be lost from upping the speed limits?

What do they need to money for? They just use it to fix roads at 4:30 PM, and give to welfare leeches.
I didn't finish my thought.. hmm.. must have trailed off or something.. I was going to finish.

"yet, the speed limits are set low" because governments SAY that they are set there for the drivers' safety. We all know that cars nowadays are built quite safely, and also can handle speeds of HIGHER than 80kph in sunny conditions on straight highways.

The government get money? Do they not have enough already?
Originally posted by Sage
I like most of your ideas, but with the wipers, if someone wants to go faster, they'll just put their wipers one notch slower, which now creates two safety issues: slower wipers and faster driving.

I think just having the speed limits computerized is the way to go. There needs to be some kind of backup though, of course (does France have one?).
Some of the Highways in Sydney have variable speed limits and if the Electric signs aren't on then the default is 90km/h, only thing is the Maximum is 110 km/h which isnt fast enough. Specially when you have brilliant roads that go for 300+ kms in a practically straight line and you can only go 110 is stupid.
There was a thread on this a while back in the Cars forum (HERE)

The following is a reprint of what I had to add to the topic.

"I used to be vehemently anti-speed limit. I believed the limits on US highways and roads were set artificially low and was a direct result of greedy insurance companies scamming Joe Public with the help of the revenue hungry safety Nazis running our government. I used to see another motorist stopped by cops as a fellow "solider of speed" who has fallen victim to the cruel oppression of the State. This was years ago.

I still believe part of this is true. However, I've done an about-face in the last few years. I think the speed limits are just fine, because my opinion of the skills of average American driver is extremely dim.

The majority of the people I see on the road today drive like crap. Many of them I wouldn't deem fit to operate any machinery more complex than a toaster, let alone a 5,000 lb. SUV. I've decided that while I trust my own skills, I don't trust anyone else's. And I certainly don't want Idiot Cell Phone Using Latte Sipping Fool doing 100 mph anywhere near me in his Hummer H2.

I now have this philosophy: Speed limits and the government's enforcement of these limits are a matter of Natural Selection. The fit will speed, the unfit (or unlucky) will pay. Driving fast means you need to be alert and aware. If you're not smart, alert and capable enough to see Trooper Travis sitting in his speed trap on the side of the road or Officer Bob Speed tailing you in a Crown Vic or the VASCAR helicopter hovering 100 ft overhead, you don't have the skills to avoid an accident while traveling at 90, 100, etc. In otherwords, if you're not skilled enough to avoid getting caught, then you deserve to be ticketed.

Sounds rough, I know, but driving is serious business and I've had enough of the boneheads on the road."

Originally posted by ///M-Spec
There was a thread on this a while back in the Cars forum (HERE)

The following is a reprint of what I had to add to the topic.

"I now have this philosophy: Speed limits and the government's enforcement of these limits are a matter of Natural Selection. The fit will speed, the unfit (or unlucky) will pay. Driving fast means you need to be alert and aware. If you're not smart, alert and capable enough to see Trooper Travis sitting in his speed trap on the side of the road or Officer Bob Speed tailing you in a Crown Vic or the VASCAR helicopter hovering 100 ft overhead, you don't have the skills to avoid an accident while traveling at 90, 100, etc. In otherwords, if you're not skilled enough to avoid getting caught, then you deserve to be ticketed.

Sounds rough, I know, but driving is serious business and I've had enough of the boneheads on the road."


Agreed, many drivers are already dangerous at low speeds. But if a driver is clearly putting his life and other's ife of in peril, why not have speed limiter directly on cars? Being aware of where the speed traps usually are on the road is not a driving skill that helps to prevent a crash. Same for having a radar detector: three years ago here, a Porsche 911 crashed at 250 km/h after a tire blew up, just miles after a speed trap that missed them because they had one. I'm still amazed of the only conclusion the coroner had was that we should have more punitive measures against radar detector...

Sorry if the topic was already covered, I guess I only looked in the opinion forum for it.
Originally posted by jpmontoya
Agreed, many drivers are already dangerous at low speeds. But if a driver is clearly putting his life and other's ife of in peril, why not have speed limiter directly on cars?

Because an electronic limiter can easily be defeated. Because civil rights watchdog groups like the ACLU and motorist associations like the AMA will have a cow roughly the size of Rhode Island. Practically speaking, it would not be an effective solution to speeding.

Not to mention the fact that there are plenty of times that you might own a car and could legally drive it to its maximum speed, that have nothing to do with endangering the public:

"Great run, Gus! You'd have pulled a 12 for sure on that one, if the speed limiter hadn't shut you down at the 1/8 mile mark!"

I'm in favor of a tiered license system with graduated speed limits. Mandatory 5-year renewals for every driver, including vision and reaction time tests.

All new licensees start out at level 1, with speed limits approximately where they are now. Go 5 years with a safe record, and get promoted to level 2, with a 15% increase in your speed limits. Go 5 more years and get promoted to level 3, with a 30% increase in your speed limit. Then you stay there, as long as you maintain a safe driving record and passs your tests at every renewal.

So cops are then looking for unsafe driving more than actual speed, and getting a ticket for bad driving bumps you down a category. If you are pulled over and you were exceeding your allowable speed, your fine/penalty doubles. You're rewarding good driving and punishing bad this way.
Still, I think that speed limit shouldn't be removed, as I recall for example, Audi modified the aerodynamics of the TT because of a few fatal crashes on the autobahns, they found that the rear iof the car was unstable at high speeds. And at those speeds an issue like a tire puncture will most likely end up in a fatal crash... but the way it's done right now is just supid, and obviously don't work to prevent people from speeding. But repressive measures are more "profitable" than preventive ones...

Well one thing has to be clear, you crash if you drive too fast if you dont know your car. Most people think they are the coolest and drive the **** out of their car. My brother drives around 140 mph every day to work, he knows what he is doing, if he sees its getting full he slows down. But there are always some freaks that press it.
And here in Germany there are very very strict on laws on tuning your car. Most things here arent aloud if you dont have a "TÜV" for it. That means it has to be tested and checked if it isnt to loud or causes to much smog. And testing everything cost over thousands. Thats why there is not much tuning in Germany. Only a very little, like the air filter and exhaust. So what I mean is that most younger kids cant drive that fast anyways.

But of course theres tons of BMW's and Mercedes, Audi that are damn fast. And these cars have strict tests they have to go through otherwise theyre not allowed on german streets.

I see that germany has a lot of high very high quality cars driving fast, with the newest technologies and safety equipment.
Man in the US, you see those ****ed up SUV's that flip over at 25mph.
I mean there are so many SUV's in US, and raising the speed limit would cause so many accidents. Most people dont understand what kind of **** car they until they went to europe.

All those pick ups etc. arent made to go fast, theyre for dirt and ****. In germany theres barely any pickups, I see one once a month, and SUV arent here either, very very few. And if, then theyre VW BMW or Mercedes.

Germany sucks, too many laws.
But raising the speed limit in the US, uhh very very dangerous.
Originally posted by ///M-Spec
Because an electronic limiter can easily be defeated. Because civil rights watchdog groups like the ACLU and motorist associations like the AMA will have a cow roughly the size of Rhode Island. Practically speaking, it would not be an effective solution to speeding.


I think the risk to lose your car could be dissuasive enough to not bypass it... and I'm wondering what civil rights would be infringed by keeping our cars from going at illegal speeds? Many cars already have them, they're just set higher.

One thing that would make it difficult to put in place is that current cars don't have such devices. It would have to be introduced gradually, and older cars without the system might be more attractive during this period.


Neon_Duke, your idea is good, but would be hard to enforce for highway patrol, it would be difficult to quickly identify what speed category the driver is in... But yes, cops should be seeking more about bad driving moves rather than speeding on a highway stretch...

The device I suggested could be turned of for track use, while displaying it clearly to the driver, with an indicator.
Originally posted by jpmontoya
I think the risk to lose your car could be dissuasive enough to not bypass it... and I'm wondering what civil rights would be infringed by keeping our cars from going at illegal speeds? Many cars already have them, they're just set higher.

Current top speed limiters are set by the manufactuer to avoid liability due to speed ratings on the tires. In the case of the 155mph rating on most German cars, they are for environmental reasons.

A law that requires a speed limiter on all cars? Set to an arbitrary number? The penalty for breaking that law would be having your car impounded? No way. Bad idea. Not even the former Soviet Union had such strict rules. (of course a Lada or Trebant would be hard pressed to break a brisk walking speed, but that's another matter)

Originally posted by neon_duke
I'm in favor of a tiered license system with graduated speed limits. Mandatory 5-year renewals for every driver, including vision and reaction time tests.

This is too fair and sensible. It will NEVER be adopted.

"Great run, Gus! You'd have pulled a 12 for sure on that one, if the speed limiter hadn't shut you down at the 1/8 mile mark!"

I can see the timeslips now: 16.5 @ 75 mph. 14.1 @ 75 mph. 12.8 @ 75 mph. OH, THE HUMANITY! :lol:

Originally posted by jpmontoya
Neon_Duke, your idea is good, but would be hard to enforce for highway patrol, it would be difficult to quickly identify what speed category the driver is in...

A reflective, colored element mounted beside each license plate (tag) showing "Class A" in red, "Class B" in yellow, "Class C" in green, what have you, would do nicely.


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