Wow, I've never seen anything that severe.That guy should be denyed a liscence for the remainder of himself. I've never really been in much crap with anyone else on the road. I remember about 5 years back my dad was driving his Ranger, I was in the middle, and his freind, Don, was sitting on the right. There was this punk kid in some little green economy car--I didn't pay attention to cars back then--that tried to pass us while going down a residential sububran street. I realize it doesn't have lines and it's plenty wide for the maneuver, but it's illegal. So my dad swerved to the left to block him. The kid swerved back right and mashed the go pedal and my dad matched this pathetic attempt. We went back and forth a couple times; me and Don were cracking up laughing. We almost hit a mail box. The kid finally gave up and stood up outof his sunroof shaking his fist at us while his mother, in the passenger seat, was freaking out trying to get him to sit back down.
:sigh: Good times.
Now, before I start rambling again I want to state my real opinion on speed limits. We should leave them the same. That's because if we got rid of them the dumb people would come out and drive as fast as they could, even though they don't have the skill necessary or the experience, and they wouldn't think about the consequenses, they'd "lose control" (what exactly does that mean, anyway. I guess it's just a generic term for "doesn't know how to control vehicle and probably shouldn't from this point on") and then they'd crash and probably die. Then their family would go to the Big G and complain about the speed limits being too high. There's some irony in that. From then on it would be a never ending cycle of raise limits, lower limits, on and on. Also, the limits right now are on the edge of acceptable fuel economy. You could save, literally, 10 mpg by cruising at 55 rather than 70. It isn't fun, though, and seems t otake forever, which is why the limits are 70/65. If the limit were 80, everyone would be pissed at their gas mileage and wouldn't have the will power to go under the posted limit. So we should just leave them here. Notice I don't give a crap about safety. Don't get in pointless wrecks. If you get in one it had better be for a good cause, like you hit a legitimate patch of ice. "I lost control while going 120 in a straight line". That's pathetic, and that excuse sucks. You're just an idiot. You shouldn't have gone that fast. A blowout is possible, but then you didn't lose control, you had a blowout. It's different.
I will admit that my buddy and I do to people exactly what we don't like, just because it's fun. He has a Mazda 3i--hey, it'll beat a riced out, last gen, v6 Accord coupe--which is quick enough to own the average Civic/Sentra/Cavalier/WhateverImissed. We speed up next to them on the highway just to be next to them. They get annoyed, and always move in front of us to change lanes, instead of behind us. We speed up so as not to let them in our lane. It becomes an exciting, funny, pointless battle. We usually come out on top.
So, "losing control" is how they word it. I say, well, I already said it. There is a reason behind every crash. When I spun my dad's truck out (didn't hit anything, by the way) I didn't lose control. What I did was this: I realized the drift was too steep for my tastes, so I decided to bring it back. The wheel was already turned pretty far, and in my rookieness I let off the gas pedal. As I did this I started to center the wheel. Started is the keyword. I didn't get there quick enough, the back tires started gripping instantly when I let off the gas, and with the wheels still turned it jetted off to the left. I tried to correct, but, again, was too slow, so it whipped around to the right. By this time I was going backwards on the wrong side of a four lane road heading for the curb. I was staring in my rearview watching the curb and trying to brake before I hit it. I did that part correctly. I looked at my buddy, who was about passed out laughing, and said "That wasn't funny. Let's get outta here", we turned around and left. I didn't freak out, I thought, and got one part of the equation right: don't hit anything. I'm not going to drift again unless I have a big parking lot to do it in, preferrably one with no light poles. So, you lost control? No, you didn't, now tell me what you did do, or what you should've done instead.
Now I'll turn into the nitpicky little ***** that you all know. It annoys the crap out of me when someone is "merging" onto the highway. They ride the right side white line very gradually, forcing me to watch them instead of the other way around. Usually I move into the middle/left lane so the newcomers can merge without my interferance, but sometimes can't. Ths is what I do. I move slower than my normal lane change, but I move away from the right line and into a position in the right lane as though I was already there. It's over. No more worries, I'm in the lane, I have estblished my position. I'm never really sure what those "line-riders" are planning. Do you want in front of me? Do you want in the middle lane? Where's your blinker? Why are you going so slow? Holy Craaaaap, you have room! Move, biotch! Wait, now what are you doing? Finally, after I have made them slow down instead of letting them in, they annoyed me, remember, I get over my immense frustration. Why are people so annoying? It just makes more sense to me to get established as though you were already there, doesn't it? I can't even comprehend LA traffic, even while I look at a picture of it, so I'm talking light traffic to you guys. If you look like you were already there, the drama is over. Who cares, you were already there. You guys understand? Arrrghhhh! So much frustration, so little server harddrive space.