Speed limits on highways

  • Thread starter Carl.

What would you like to be done about highway speed limits?

  • Remove them (autobahn)

    Votes: 23 31.5%
  • Raise them

    Votes: 19 26.0%
  • Have speed limits according to weather

    Votes: 12 16.4%
  • Leave them as they are

    Votes: 11 15.1%
  • Lower them

    Votes: 2 2.7%
  • Other suggestions?

    Votes: 6 8.2%

  • Total voters
Exactly. Speed does not kill people, stupid people that don't know when or why to use speed and how to control it kill people. It's not only that--people that don't know how to turn their car, what its limits are, people that can't brake properly, people that think they can change lanes quickly while going 100mph +, etc. kill people.
I understand that only a fraction of Americans care enough about cars to know how to drive them skillfully or care about learning to drive well. Only a fraction of people care enough about a guitar to be able to play it like a pro. I always get "Why should I have to drive well. Why can't you play a guitar as good as me?" I must ask, when is the last time they drove their guitar to work. Guitar isn't an important part of everyone's life, a car is. There are a lot of cars out there, they're heavy, and sometimes I wonder why the hell they're so powerful, though I like it. They can be dangerous if used improperly, and they can save your life if you use them properly.
I've said this before, but videogames actually do help the brain/eye/hand coordination. I know it sounds rediculous, and no adult, except those who play games, which are few, will never be convinced of this. Most of the time I am halfway dozed off in my car, yet when my eye catches something interesting, a light, for example, I pop right up to check it out. Now you probably think I'm unsafe, but I think you get what I'm saying. How many races have I annihilated in GT4 with my eyes crossed? I'm sure you have, too. I pick a spot I like and I stare at it as though it is the hottest pair of tits I've ever seen.:lol:
I also think everyone over 30 years old should be required by law to pay to go back to driving school. My dad never went to driving school. I've never seen him use his blinker. Sometimes I tell him "Try your blinker" while we sit in a slow moving traffic jam. He does nothing. I am stupified by this behavior.

If you live in LA then I understand why your father doesn't use his blinker. It's a sign of weakness out here. A blinker is an indication that the person coming up in the lane you'd like to move into should SPEED UP not slow down. I've learned not to put my blinker on until milliseconds before moving over. Then I move part way into the lane quickly and ease the rest of the way in slowly. That's the safest way I've figured out how to lane change here in California.

Everywhere besides lane changing on the freeway in LA you should definitely use your blinker.

Oh, another thing about the blinker.

People don't seem to realize that other drivers aren't the only people looking at your blinker. Pedestrians are interested in whether or not you're turning as well - which means using your blinker even when there aren't any cars around.
Absolutely, pedestrians do pay attention to that. Not even 2 summers ago my friend and I had a neat primary form of transportation: a bicycle. We rode everywhere on those bikes, even taking a couple 50 mile and 14 hour trips, all through Dayton. We rode halfway to Cincinnatti and back on one of those trips. We've always ridden our bikes extensively, and we were always more aware of our surroundings than any person in a car. No matter their age or "rule-followingness". I can't remember the hundreds of times we had the right of way and we'd just stare at the driver, waiting for him to turn and see us, and they never did. We would always get mad when a car would pull up past a stop sign too far and we'd have to make a big circle around them to get to the sidewalk again. I'm pretty sure I "accidentaly" tagged a few bumpers with my aluminum pedals.:lol: I think we got a lot of our operators prowess from our bike riding experience. Hey, look, I can move my head and my hands won't go with it! That spells disaster on a bike, and a car, too, as a kid I know wrecked his mom's Element because he reached down to grab a water bottle on the floor and his hands followed his head. Whoops! Tree. Bad.
I always use my blinker, even when no cars are in sight. My cycle buddy got a ticket for not using his blinker. My driving "teachers" loved my lane change technique: do the soft signal, hold it about .5 seconds while I check my mirror, then glance out the corner of my eye to check my blindspot, turn the wheel while holding my blinker and viewing the mirror out the corner of my eye (hey, I have peripheral vision!), I change lanes swiftly but smoothly and safely, not drifting over and straddling lines like dumb people, then I straighten the wheel and I just happen to be smack in the cinter of the lane I wanted. Almost every time; it's ridiculous, really, my superior lane-changing skills. I think it merits an award. My uncle thinks the maneuver is crazy fast. I think the next time I see someone drift and straddle the line for more than 3 seconds, I'm going to speed up next to them quickly, taking them by suprise, resulting in them seeing me in their spot, freaking out, swerving like a rookie does, and crashing into something. I won't stop to help.
I think the next time I see someone drift and straddle the line for more than 3 seconds, I'm going to speed up next to them quickly, taking them by suprise, resulting in them seeing me in their spot, freaking out, swerving like a rookie does, and crashing into something. I won't stop to help.

As long as you've got your blinker on, lane changing is probably safest at a relatively slow speed. 3 seconds is a good length of time for a lane change to occur. The problem is not the presence of a car in your blind spot, because if you've set up your mirrors properly with the convex stick-on deals, you won't have blind spots in the adjacent lane.

The problem is two people changing in to the same lane. I can't count how many times I've seen it happen.

There are three lanes. The middle one is open. There is a car in the far left and far right lanes who both want to lane-change into the middle.

They don't see each other, and both start to change lanes simultaneously right into each other.

I've watched that scenario come really close to almost creating accidents many times. The only reason it doesn't happen is because one of the two cars isn't changing lanes quickly but drifting over slowly. Almost invariably the slower of the two cars is the one that sees the sitution in time to react. The faster the two cars change lanes the more likely this is to result in an accident.

That's one of the major reasons I refuse to change lanes quickly.
I think I underestimated the 3 second time limit. I'd have to go take a drive and time my lane changes. All I know is that nobody feels uncomfortable i nmy car when I change lanes. So it's plenty safe and not crazy or anything. It just annoys me beyond explanation when I see the car in front of me drigting over. I like "Is he changing lanes or what? Is he drunk? Oh, he's almost there..oh.....oh......damn, not there yet. Oh....well, he stopped drifting but hes's not in the middle of the lane yet. I guess he's staying there. Oh, wait, he just twitched the steering wheel and now he's in the middle. About frickin' time." How long did it take to read that? About how long it takes to actually occur, I'm guessing. Those peole never use their blinker either; I think their going to crash sometimes. I don't like those people who flash their blinker once after they've already started moving over.
And what's with those people that stop about 10 feet before they get to the line?! They wait about 10 seconds, or until I yell, and then they move up, though still not all the way to the line. It annoys me because the people who do that are the ones that cause me to get stuck at the same light when it goes red again. If they'd scoot up a little we could get four more cars through that light!
It's pretty funny when I yell at them. The windows are up and they can't hear me, but somehow they respond to my command right when I say it. It's odd, but very pleasing. I think "I am God! I control you!":lol:
I've also developed another skill. I can tell a liberal from a conservative just by their driving style and their vehicle. Here's a liberal profile: small, early 90s or late 80s Honda, bumper stickers all over, driving slow as hell, stopping way to early, making lane changes look like a physically demanding task in the way they crane their necks out the side glass, as though they don't realize there is a mirror, and it's usful. Those stickers say stuff like, well, it could be anything, mostly stuff that is scientifically proven to be wrong, stupid puns, and statements against the government and war that make no sense. That's your tipical hardcore liberal driver. Oh, they're about 20-25 years old, too.
Your average conservative has a FISO (F-150, it's a blonde joke) with a nice set of flowmasters sticking out the back. It's probably clean and shiny and is a 4x4 with big tires. They often mess with young guys by mashing it at a stop light; usually the big truck beats the little tuner. They're tough, they work for a living, and they might have a four-wheeler at home.
I realize that is mostly false, I say it as a joke because I 've actually seen many people that fit these profiles. I think it's bust-a-gut funny, personally.
Just a joke, so don't get worked up, y'all. (<Guess what I am.)

I really have a lot of driving related bickering, don't I? Maybe I should see a counselor to relieve my frustration, or maybe I should get laid.
I remember a motor journalist writing that Americans should have to have experience on motorcycles before they can try for a car license. That way they'd be soo much more defensive.

One thing I've learned in driving is that acting out, even if in a defensive or polite manner (say letting someone in when you have the right of way) never works out well. it always leads to hesitation in the cars around you.

On speed limits, if you hit a solid object traveling at 55mph your ****ed. I don't think moving the limit up 20 or even on some roads 30 mph is going to make a huge difference.
I have a bit of an oppinion on this, especially because the speed limits where I am are sooooo low.
Let me first start off saying that the speed limit on the highway (4-lane, wide, but very busy) varies between 80 and 90 KM/h. The backroads are 50 and 60, and in town they are 50 and 30. Nobody obeys the 30 zones in town ("Pedestrian Friendly" my ass), Nobody obeys the 50 zones on the backroads, and almost nobody obeys the highway limits.
While I think that speed limits should not all together be removed, I do think they should be raised dramatically on back roads and especially highways. Let the speed limits be raised to a 100 minimum on all highways, ranging up to 140 on the straight-as-an-arrow stuff you see on the praries. Backroads should be 60-80, depending on the road, and downtown they should all be 40. Cars today are designed to be so safe and efficient, let them go faster and make use of all this technology. I also think that if people would drive smarter and/or become better drivers, it would encourage the government to make a step towards this. Raising the speed limits would also reduce speeding, I think, even though there will always be the guy that will speed no matter what.
There are three lanes. The middle one is open. There is a car in the far left and far right lanes who both want to lane-change into the middle.

They don't see each other, and both start to change lanes simultaneously right into each other.
Give bonus points if one of those people is not using their blinker, making it impossible for the other car to even know that they also have the intention of changing lanes. This infurates me to no end. It's happened to me a few times. One time, the guy even honked at me for cutting him off, even though I was slightly ahead of him the whole time. I told the jackass what I thought with a one-finger salute, and he responded double. Sometimes I really hate people.
I used my blinker to merge onto a highway not long ago, and (like I said, it's a sign of weakness) the airport shuttle van that was approaching in the lane I was merging into felt that I didn't leave enough room. He slammed on the gas as soon as he saw I was coming over... but like I said, I only put the blinker on after I have assessed the sitution and have decided to go. So it was too little too late for him, he couldn't prevent me from making the lane change. There WAS enough room, all he needed to do was maintain his speed from the time when I started coming over and he'd have been fine. Intead he wanted to cut me off since he saw the blinker... I was too fast.

This ticked him off severely. So after I got in he jumped out of his lane, slammed on the gas and started to pass me (after honking and flashing his lights while he was behind me). So I gave him the customary flip-off as he passed me on the side. Too bad I didn't realize he'd already made up his mind what he was going to do.

He started moving over on me from the side (there was NOT enough room). So I backed off and let him in, rather than let him ram me. Then he slammed on his brakes to try to ram me from the front.

I braked harder than he did so he wasn't able to get me, but let me tell you he was upset. He sped off down an exit ramp motioning for me to follow him so that we could get out of our respective vehicles and pound the snot out of each other (or so he could shoot me). Naturally I didn't follow.

THAT is road rage. Serious road rage, and from a guy who drives for a living - this was an airport shuttle afterall.
Wow, I've never seen anything that severe.That guy should be denyed a liscence for the remainder of himself. I've never really been in much crap with anyone else on the road. I remember about 5 years back my dad was driving his Ranger, I was in the middle, and his freind, Don, was sitting on the right. There was this punk kid in some little green economy car--I didn't pay attention to cars back then--that tried to pass us while going down a residential sububran street. I realize it doesn't have lines and it's plenty wide for the maneuver, but it's illegal. So my dad swerved to the left to block him. The kid swerved back right and mashed the go pedal and my dad matched this pathetic attempt. We went back and forth a couple times; me and Don were cracking up laughing. We almost hit a mail box. The kid finally gave up and stood up outof his sunroof shaking his fist at us while his mother, in the passenger seat, was freaking out trying to get him to sit back down.
:sigh: Good times.
Now, before I start rambling again I want to state my real opinion on speed limits. We should leave them the same. That's because if we got rid of them the dumb people would come out and drive as fast as they could, even though they don't have the skill necessary or the experience, and they wouldn't think about the consequenses, they'd "lose control" (what exactly does that mean, anyway. I guess it's just a generic term for "doesn't know how to control vehicle and probably shouldn't from this point on") and then they'd crash and probably die. Then their family would go to the Big G and complain about the speed limits being too high. There's some irony in that. From then on it would be a never ending cycle of raise limits, lower limits, on and on. Also, the limits right now are on the edge of acceptable fuel economy. You could save, literally, 10 mpg by cruising at 55 rather than 70. It isn't fun, though, and seems t otake forever, which is why the limits are 70/65. If the limit were 80, everyone would be pissed at their gas mileage and wouldn't have the will power to go under the posted limit. So we should just leave them here. Notice I don't give a crap about safety. Don't get in pointless wrecks. If you get in one it had better be for a good cause, like you hit a legitimate patch of ice. "I lost control while going 120 in a straight line". That's pathetic, and that excuse sucks. You're just an idiot. You shouldn't have gone that fast. A blowout is possible, but then you didn't lose control, you had a blowout. It's different.
I will admit that my buddy and I do to people exactly what we don't like, just because it's fun. He has a Mazda 3i--hey, it'll beat a riced out, last gen, v6 Accord coupe--which is quick enough to own the average Civic/Sentra/Cavalier/WhateverImissed. We speed up next to them on the highway just to be next to them. They get annoyed, and always move in front of us to change lanes, instead of behind us. We speed up so as not to let them in our lane. It becomes an exciting, funny, pointless battle. We usually come out on top.
So, "losing control" is how they word it. I say, well, I already said it. There is a reason behind every crash. When I spun my dad's truck out (didn't hit anything, by the way) I didn't lose control. What I did was this: I realized the drift was too steep for my tastes, so I decided to bring it back. The wheel was already turned pretty far, and in my rookieness I let off the gas pedal. As I did this I started to center the wheel. Started is the keyword. I didn't get there quick enough, the back tires started gripping instantly when I let off the gas, and with the wheels still turned it jetted off to the left. I tried to correct, but, again, was too slow, so it whipped around to the right. By this time I was going backwards on the wrong side of a four lane road heading for the curb. I was staring in my rearview watching the curb and trying to brake before I hit it. I did that part correctly. I looked at my buddy, who was about passed out laughing, and said "That wasn't funny. Let's get outta here", we turned around and left. I didn't freak out, I thought, and got one part of the equation right: don't hit anything. I'm not going to drift again unless I have a big parking lot to do it in, preferrably one with no light poles. So, you lost control? No, you didn't, now tell me what you did do, or what you should've done instead.
Now I'll turn into the nitpicky little ***** that you all know. It annoys the crap out of me when someone is "merging" onto the highway. They ride the right side white line very gradually, forcing me to watch them instead of the other way around. Usually I move into the middle/left lane so the newcomers can merge without my interferance, but sometimes can't. Ths is what I do. I move slower than my normal lane change, but I move away from the right line and into a position in the right lane as though I was already there. It's over. No more worries, I'm in the lane, I have estblished my position. I'm never really sure what those "line-riders" are planning. Do you want in front of me? Do you want in the middle lane? Where's your blinker? Why are you going so slow? Holy Craaaaap, you have room! Move, biotch! Wait, now what are you doing? Finally, after I have made them slow down instead of letting them in, they annoyed me, remember, I get over my immense frustration. Why are people so annoying? It just makes more sense to me to get established as though you were already there, doesn't it? I can't even comprehend LA traffic, even while I look at a picture of it, so I'm talking light traffic to you guys. If you look like you were already there, the drama is over. Who cares, you were already there. You guys understand? Arrrghhhh! So much frustration, so little server harddrive space.
...snip snap...
THAT is road rage. Serious road rage, and from a guy who drives for a living - this was an airport shuttle afterall.

That is insane! You have to feel bad for the guy though. Think of how high his blood pressure must be if he losses it over someone pulling out infront of him.
The thing to remember about Germany, and most of the rest of Europe is that cars are for transportation only. They don't use their cars for offices, dining, etc.
They also are fanatic about lane discipline. Slower cars stay in their lane so that the faster cars can go on by unimpeded.
Americans don't look far enough up the road to safely drive much over 80MPH.
(That doesn't take enthusiasts into account).
Americans like to eat, drink and take calls in their cars.
You simply cannot do that at Autobahn speeds.
We are too busy conducting/orchestrating our lives via celly to be truly safe at 70MPH.
I also agree that with the Speed limit at 70, a lot of the drivers (at least out here) are running at least 75, and more than you would think are running 80+.

Get rid of cup holders, cell phones, and people that won't follow lane discipline, then it might be a truly viable idea.
The speed limits on highways are about 65-70 here, and most people go around 80-85. If they raise them to, say 80mph, then everyone is going to go 90.
Neva happen. We have created a new behavior, a habit, one that we can't break. I've only eaten in my car once, but it's an automatic, so I had a free hand. I tried driving my dad's truck, a stick, while eating and I ended up pulling into the next parking lot so I could eat. I only went about 200 feet and decided I just couldn't do it. I tried talking on my mom's cell phone once, I don't have one, and I couldn't even do the quick menu thing without completely taking my eyes off the road. I don't understand that one; every now and then I catch myself fiddling with the stereo for, I dno't know, maybe 10 seconds. My eyes are completely off the road for 10 straight seconds! And yet I stay perfectly within the lane and all that. But htat cell phone, that was a tuffy. I don't listen to music at all when I'm driving a stick. I learned that because my dad's Ranger doesn't have a tach, so I had to listen to what the engine was telling me. I like listening to all the little details, all the stuff most people miss out on, I even study the independent rear suspension of the car in front of me. I just watch it moving when the car drives over bumps, it's so interesting. I wish every car came wit a suspension camera like they have in NASCAR so you could watch the video of your drive and see what was going on down there. And, you know, that stuff really is independent.
PB, you got it. Most people go faster and faster, not realizing that the faster you go the more you have to pay attention, the quicker you have to react, the worse gas mileage they're getting. They just keep speeding up. I don't know why people drive beyond their abilities. I would not do that, I wouldn't go much faster than I do now. I have my favorite roads, and I'd still go to those roads when I needed a fast or curvy drive, like when I'm angry. It makes me feel better. I wouldn't do it wherever, but I know countless people that would. They'd wreck, I guarantee it.
I like danoff's idea of using the posted speed as the guideline, instead of the speed limit.

He started moving over on me from the side (there was NOT enough room). So I backed off and let him in, rather than let him ram me. Then he slammed on his brakes to try to ram me from the front.

I braked harder than he did so he wasn't able to get me, but let me tell you he was upset. He sped off down an exit ramp motioning for me to follow him so that we could get out of our respective vehicles and pound the snot out of each other (or so he could shoot me). Naturally I didn't follow.

THAT is road rage. Serious road rage, and from a guy who drives for a living - this was an airport shuttle afterall.
I used to play games with jerks like that. When they started tailgating me in traffic, I'd slow down. They'll change lane to pass me, I speed up. He/she gets back behind me, I slow down again. I used to have people chase after me for that. One time, after I did this to this Ranger pickup like three times, he tried to side swipe me, forcing me out of my lane, into the "right turn only" lane. :lol: I lowered the window, yelled something that wasn't so nice(while saluting him, of course). To upset him even further, I took the lane, all the way down to the intersection, then hopped back on the road like 20 cars ahead. Boy, I used to be such an XXXXXXX. :D

Did he have a "How's my driving?" bumper sticker? :lol:
Well, since "Germany" was mentioned several times in this thread, I'd like to say a few words. First of all we have as many idiots and bad drivers as every country in the world. Yeah our driving licence is expensive, but most people have one and that doesn't make them good drivers.
Also the "Autobahn" has limits on 50% of it ( Near big cities etc ). And there are rules of course :

You are only allowed to overtake a car on the left lane. NEVER EVER on the right side. You are nowhere in Germany allowed to have a mobile phone in your hand - yes, not even in your hand - if you are in front of the red light and you take your mobile phone in your hand and a officer is watching : paytime ;) .

I see absolutly no reason why there should be a speed limit on American highways. We don't have more accidents than anywhere else in the world.
And apart from people like me most people drive about 70 mph on the Autobahn, don't forget we pay over 6 $ per gallon. And My STi has baaad fuel economy when I hit the pedal to the metal. When I drive over 120 mph I have about 10 mpg - bad huh :lol: ?

However, you know what is really extreme ? Japan. Speed limits are :

80 km/h (48 mph) on highways, 40 - 60 km/h (24-36 mph) on the countryside and 30 - 40 km/h(18-24 mph) inside towns. The roads in Japan are small, but not that small usually ;)
But you know the good thing ? Nobody cares when you are speeding in Japan.
And many highways are alomost empty at certain times ( high fees ) and therefor my travel speed was often between 140 and 170 km/h ( 84 - 102 mph ). Then again there are small villages in the mountains etc - they are just insanely small, you just can't drive faster than 20 mph :lol:
He sped off down an exit ramp motioning for me to follow him so that we could get out of our respective vehicles and pound the snot out of each other (or so he could shoot me). Naturally I didn't follow.
Who actually thinks that they will get someone to do this? Once I turned left at a light into a shopping center. You have restaurants on the left and Lowes and Wal*Mart on the right. There are two turning lanes into this shopping center but after about 100 feet the right lane ends and is meant to just be used to turn into an access road for a hotel and the Lowe's parking lot.

So, anyway, I am in the left lane and this Dodge Ram 4x4 was in the right. He wasn't turning off and decided he wanted to get ahead of me and over. He ran out of room and swerved over when he still had my hood next to his truck. I slammed on my brakes, despite the line of cars behind me. Fortunately they all saw it coming and braked as well. I go to flip this guy off, but tried to not be obvious. My hand never left the wheel, I just raised the middle finger. This is good for me considering I will turn my cabin light on at night to make sure people see me flipping them off. This guy had a decal in his back window that said "Eating Chevys *hitting Fords" and so I decided descretion would be smart. Well, he saw it. He slammed on his brakes and leaned out his window and yelled, "Get out here and show me how tough you are." Instead of stopping and hoping he would go on or proving myself I swerved into the center turning lane and went around him, as did three cars behind me. By the time he got going again I was gone and lost in the maze of Wal*Mart's parking lot.

So, am I a bigger man for avoiding physical confrontation or should I have kicked his redneck ass there in front of all those people? I mean, what is really the point of threatening physical violence to cover for your own idiocy? Is it a case of, I am stupid but I can kick your ass? I thought that ended in high school.
Wow, I've never seen anything that severe.That guy should be denyed a liscence for the remainder of himself.

Worse than that. He tried to assualt me with his vehicle, twice (once from the side and once from the front), and then wanted to assualt me personally. The guy is a criminal and deserves to be in jail. If he's willing to try to harm me and damage my property over a lane change, he's clearly a danger to society. I think he deserved to be convicted of criminal assault.

So, am I a bigger man for avoiding physical confrontation or should I have kicked his redneck ass there in front of all those people? I mean, what is really the point of threatening physical violence to cover for your own idiocy? Is it a case of, I am stupid but I can kick your ass? I thought that ended in high school.

I'd say you're the bigger man for avoiding the confrontation. I'd never take chances with adults (as a kid, it's kinda part of growing up). I always assume they have a gun, and I think that's the safest position. What do you accomplish if you beat him up or he beats you up? That doesn't settle the traffic dispute. The smartest driver isn't necessarily the strongest.

Resorting to physical violence to settle a dispute is indicative of a small mind (defending yourself on the otherhand is a whole 'nother story).
Resorting to physical violence to settle a dispute is indicative of a small mind
That might explain why I can't understand it. I can't lower myself to think on that level.
Is it a case of, I am stupid but I can kick your ass? I thought that ended in high school.
Once a jackass, always a jackass. Some people never grow up.
Max DC, I know the autobahn has rules like that. That's why I like it. I want tose rules to be forced in America. The problem is that we have so many drivers and an ope mind is extensively promoted, so people come up with their own ideas of driving. We, not myself, but most Americans just don't like rules. They might say laws are necessary, but they disregard them all the time.
Germany, mile for mile, has just as much traffic as America. You get what I'm saying? You put 100 cars on 10 miles of highway (America), or you put 10 cars on 1 mile of highway (Germany), it doesn't matter, the traffic density is the same. I read somewhere, I can't remember so I can't get the statistics, but I remember that, per 100 million miles driven, Germany has far less crashes than America. This is an apples to apples comparison. The only ratioal explanation I can come up with to describe this phenomenon is that German drivers are taught better, are more aware, and are more responsible when behind the wheel.
One reason for this extra awareness is the fact that most of the autobahn is hardly straight. In 90% of America, if they can make the highway straight, by God, they make it straighter than straight could possibly make itself. Straight=boring=tired=don't give a crap=annoyed=angry=road rage=crash. That's the equation. The autobahn is mostly smooth, wide, sweeping curves where you actually have to think about what you'er doing. They do that because Germany isn't flat to start with, and Hitler and his buds knew it'd just be better to make it curvy. Eisenhower borrowed half the idea, but he should have brought the whole thing over.
We will never have that high a concentration of responsible, law abiding drivers in America. Cell phones should be punished just like you said. I don't give a crap about speeding as long as people know when, how, and why to use the speed, what the consequences could be, and they use this knowledge. That's probably the most important part, using what you know.
I'll think of other stuff later.
The autobahn is mostly smooth, wide, sweeping curves where you actually have to think about what you'er doing. They do that because Germany isn't flat to start with, and Hitler and his buds knew it'd just be better to make it curvy. Eisenhower borrowed half the idea, but he should have brought the whole thing over.
Freeways are straight in Nebraska, Kansas, and even eastern Washington because they can be. Why would the state pay extra money to build a curvy road? The interstate highways in the U.S. were built mainly as a means for military mobilization (as a result of the Cold War in the 60's), not for driver pleasure. If you're being attacked, do you want your military to move on curvy roads, adding countless miles to their trip and slowing them down? Didn't think so.
Eisenhower realized that highways were the future of automobile transportation. He called it a "military emergency road" or whatever because that's the only way congress would ever pass a bill for a project so enourmous. They designed it all stright as hell because it would get people to their destination quicker. They didn't realize it would be boring as **** and people would start getting pissed, breaking laws, and speeding, and wrecking because of the agonizingly boring trips. Germans built the autobahn all curvy not only because they had to, but because they recognized that you have to be aware while traveling fast, and a good way to stay awake and busy is by having to constantly update your car's direction. Tht's why German's are generally more competent drivers than us Americans--because they have to be.
I'd be a little nervous driving on the autobahn without riding with an experienced person first or learning the rules of the road. I've never driven that fast and I wouldn't want to screw it up my first time out, ya know?
They didn't realize it would be boring as **** and people would start getting pissed, breaking laws, and speeding, and wrecking because of the agonizingly boring trips.
The stupidity of people transcends mere boredom; those things would happen anyway.
Germans built the autobahn all curvy not only because they had to, but because they recognized that you have to be aware while traveling fast, and a good way to stay awake and busy is by having to constantly update your car's direction.
Good point. Rumble strips work well, too. :lol:
Rumble strips are there, supposedly, to keep people awake. All they do is make a bunch of noise, startle the snoozer, he wakes up, goes "oh, ****!", jerks the wheel and slangs his car off the road.
I play with rumble strips, I like the noise, its fun. If American drivers, for the most part, weren't idiots, we wouldn't need rumble strips and the like.
I think there shouldn't be limits at all - look at the Germans. They have absolutely no speed limits on the autobahn and they probably don't cause more accidents per capitat than American or Canadian motorists. I think the speed limit actually tempts the would-be speeders to speed for the thrill of speed and to break the law. It works the same way as educating kids about swearing - you say its bad, ban it at school, and they get tempted to learn why they're so bad. Soon or later they start using it everywhere. Then you got a problem.

Anyways, I really think that the limit should be taken off or at least, raised. 80km/h in city zone is plain ridiculous. I mean, no one even pays attention to it anymore. People are so used to seeing others break the law or breaking it themselves they hardly care. The only people on the road that drives slower than the speed limit is probably my dad and few other seniors, thats it. And even my dad feels tempted to speed once in a while, going up to 140km/h. The speed limit isn't working, thats all I can say, and its pointless.
I'd say you're the bigger man for avoiding the confrontation. I'd never take chances with adults (as a kid, it's kinda part of growing up). I always assume they have a gun, and I think that's the safest position. What do you accomplish if you beat him up or he beats you up? That doesn't settle the traffic dispute. The smartest driver isn't necessarily the strongest.

Resorting to physical violence to settle a dispute is indicative of a small mind (defending yourself on the otherhand is a whole 'nother story).
Me too. What kind of idiot will start a car wreck or fist fight over traffic dispute? And if they are really lacking that much thinking power, I think it is safe to assume that they are carrying a guns or knives. I wouldn't confront people like that, even if I was armed.
Speed limits on 2 lane highways should be 65, bare minimum. 70 preferable. Most of the 2 lanes around here are 55-60, and that gets old. 3+ lanes should be 80-85. Yes, if you raise the limits, people will still speed, but most of them won't speed nearly as much, and a good number of them will stop speeding.

I still voted for removing the limits - Let natural selection take its course.
I've always found that it's people who are in the wrong lane for their speed, that cause problems... If people could simply get right lane slow, left lanes increase in speed as you progress a lot of things would get solved(obviously this is reversed for you Brits). I also feel that it's these loafers that cause a lot of problems because people often make lane changes to avoid these people... At least on highways. I think it's an interesting point to think that people in Europe may have better training at driving in general due to teh fact that they need to to drive the raods... just how true it is, is unprooven, but it would be interesting the see the difference between doing a driver's test here in Canada, the US, Germany and other places. Here in Canada, we have our older citizens take a written test every 5 or so years, but they're never taken out for a drive... So if you cananswer a multiple choice questionair about red light stop, green light go... you're off and running. Where I live, we have an extreamly "aged" population and let me tell you, it's hell. I'm sure our accidents rates are way above the average due to this fact... if they ever get reported in the first place. Perhaps if the speeds on highways were raised, we'd see less and less people with boarderline abilty taking to the roads... But one things for sure, it would have to phased in over time as it would simply shock the population and people would die... Simple as that...

RANT WARNING!!! Further more, I don't beleive the stats that say younger drivers get in more accidents... For the simple fact that I've seen several examples working with the police where an older gent had hit someone and due to the fact that they have the means to do so, simply cut a check to the owner of the other car. If the owner is fine with it, then it never gets reported as such. Now same situation, but with a younger person, they don't have the means yet to simply cut a check and make it all go away, so their accidents get reported. Of all the accidents I've come across, at least where I'm from, the rate is roughly 5 to 1 in terms of older to younger. And those that involved older people were often worse and the older they get, the more likely they are to flee the scene to prevent themselves from loosing their licences. RANT OVER SORRY...