Plus, most drivers tries to hop on a freeway at 45-50mph, when everybody else on the freeway is doing at least 55-60, even in the slow lane. You would think that they'd learn after second or third try that maybe they should be at least matching the freeway speed when they are getting on, but they never seem to.
They like riding the emergency lane for a mile before being able to pull in. I've seen old people do this even when there is no traffic, they are just too scared to make a move if they can see any car.
I have a new story. This morning I am coming into work doing my customary 80. I pass a car and have to slow down to about 70 mph because a slower Prius was also making the pass. After we complete the pas and are clear I am waiting for this guy to get over, but he doesn't. The right lane is open for about a quarter mile, as in that's how far up the next vehicle is. When I realize he is riding the left lane because he can I decide to pass in the right lane. This is where it gets bad.
Apparently this guy didn't want to be passed. Did I ride behid him too close and tick him off? I don't know, but he speeds up to prevent the pass. I am accelerating faster than he is but having not realized I would have to deal with this wasn't trying it to do it quickly. I figured he was doing 70 and I am going to do 80. It should be quick and easy. I mean, 6:30 AM is too early to purposely be a jerk, right?
Anyway, I have to drop behind him again and pass the next vehicle. I get stuck behind him, doing 70 again, for another mile as we pass an on ramp and then work our way around the 4 cars that came on. As we get ready to pass the last car I see a wide open space in the right-hand lane and see my chance. I figured a 5-speed in-line 4 vs a CVT hybrid. The hybrid has good torque when using the motor, but is the motor even kicking on when accelerating at 70-80? My brother's doesn't And that engine is weak. So, I drop back to 65 hoping to thrown him off and get some distance between us.
As soon as we get clear of the other car I drop down in to fourth and that little 4 cylinder engine jumps to 5500 rpm and does its best to roar like a big one. I floor it and keep my eye on the tach, not wanting to hit my redlline. I turn my blinker on and merge into the right lane like nothing is happening and then as I hit 80 I shift back into fifth gear and shoot past his environmentally friendly butt. By the time I clear him I am up to 85 and then slow back down to 80 and ride the rest of the way in to work.
I would check him in my mirrors occasionally to make sure he wasn't trying to come back up and do something stupid that we would both regret. By the time I got to my exit he was still in the left-hand lane and there were three cars between us. Why was I the only one not allowed to pass him?
So what was this guy's deal? He should have known that pretty much any car out there could beat him at that game. I mean, it was a Prius.