Speed limits on highways

  • Thread starter Carl.

What would you like to be done about highway speed limits?

  • Remove them (autobahn)

    Votes: 23 31.5%
  • Raise them

    Votes: 19 26.0%
  • Have speed limits according to weather

    Votes: 12 16.4%
  • Leave them as they are

    Votes: 11 15.1%
  • Lower them

    Votes: 2 2.7%
  • Other suggestions?

    Votes: 6 8.2%

  • Total voters
Canadian Speed
I've always found that it's people who are in the wrong lane for their speed, that cause problems... If people could simply get right lane slow, left lanes increase in speed as you progress a lot of things would get solved(obviously this is reversed for you Brits). I also feel that it's these loafers that cause a lot of problems because people often make lane changes to avoid these people...
I agree fully. A writer for Fox News' website, Mike Straka, calls them left-lane vigilantes.

I do have a question about lane designations though. Why is the inside lane (closest to the center line) always the fast/passing lane? If the guy who is going faster and/or passing does something stupid and flies off the road he is headed towards oncoming traffic and hitting someone head-on at a high speed. I'd rather he be on the outside lane so that if he goes off the road he is headed towards a tree or a ditch, not other people.

I think it is backwards but I do follow the proper lane designations when I am driving.
It's because traffic joining the road join in the slowest lane, you can't join the road from the center. There would be more accidents from traffic joiing motorways if the faster lane was the one they were coming straight onto.
It's because traffic joining the road join in the slowest lane, you can't join the road from the center. There would be more accidents from traffic joiing motorways if the faster lane was the one they were coming straight onto.
Duh! :dunce:

Sorry, I go into work at 6:30 in the morning and leave at 3:30. I rarely deal with much, if any, traffic. My biggest concern is 18 wheelers with still-groggy drivers. I guess after three years at this job I forgot what rush hour can be like.
Plus, most drivers tries to hop on a freeway at 45-50mph, when everybody else on the freeway is doing at least 55-60, even in the slow lane. You would think that they'd learn after second or third try that maybe they should be at least matching the freeway speed when they are getting on, but they never seem to. :indiff:
They can't figure it out. I hate it when people don't get up to speed. Usually I'm going at least 5 mph faster than the highway traffic, if the length of the ramp permits, because it's easier to slow down than it is to speed up when you're travelling about 70 mph. People accelerate so gradulaly up long ramps it's so annoying. I mash it and get up to speed really quick, mainly because it's fun, but also so I don't annoy myself. Sometimes I just blast off to see how fast I can get before I reach the highway. I have a favorite ramp for that, and usually I get up to about 90. But that Cavalier (a gay auto) engine breaks so tremendously at those speeds, even in fourth, that I don't have to use the brakes a bit to slow back down. I just let off the gas and watch the speedo plummet. I know I have a few almost-ready-to-replace wheel bearings--that's why the ABS doesn't work anymore--but I don't think it would effect the car's ability to coast that much. This thing tanks at high speed, seriously.
Plus, most drivers tries to hop on a freeway at 45-50mph, when everybody else on the freeway is doing at least 55-60, even in the slow lane.
The onramp that I have to take from my house to school is dangerous as all heck, because there’s an effin’ stop sign on it. You have to stop, then look back and wait until there isn’t an 18-wheeler ready to smash you to bits. I’ve redlined my car so many times there, trying to get up to freeway speed from a complete standstill, with the added factor that you have 18-wheelers coming up behind you (and they’ve been riding their brakes for the past 10 miles). The bumblefu** who decided this was a good idea needs to be flogged to death.
The onramp that I have to take from my house to school is dangerous as all heck, because there’s an effin’ stop sign on it. You have to stop, then look back and wait until there isn’t an 18-wheeler ready to smash you to bits. I’ve redlined my car so many times there, trying to get up to freeway speed from a complete standstill, with the added factor that you have 18-wheelers coming up behind you (and they’ve been riding their brakes for the past 10 miles). The bumblefu** who decided this was a good idea needs to be flogged to death.
We have one of those too. :indiff: It's one of those alternating stop-lights on the on-ramp of the freeway. Most of them have long enough ramp to speed up, but there is one that is dangerously short, AND it forces you to merge in to the slow lane on a CORNER! :scared:
Plus, most drivers tries to hop on a freeway at 45-50mph, when everybody else on the freeway is doing at least 55-60, even in the slow lane. You would think that they'd learn after second or third try that maybe they should be at least matching the freeway speed when they are getting on, but they never seem to. :indiff:
They like riding the emergency lane for a mile before being able to pull in. I've seen old people do this even when there is no traffic, they are just too scared to make a move if they can see any car.

I have a new story. This morning I am coming into work doing my customary 80. I pass a car and have to slow down to about 70 mph because a slower Prius was also making the pass. After we complete the pas and are clear I am waiting for this guy to get over, but he doesn't. The right lane is open for about a quarter mile, as in that's how far up the next vehicle is. When I realize he is riding the left lane because he can I decide to pass in the right lane. This is where it gets bad.

Apparently this guy didn't want to be passed. Did I ride behid him too close and tick him off? I don't know, but he speeds up to prevent the pass. I am accelerating faster than he is but having not realized I would have to deal with this wasn't trying it to do it quickly. I figured he was doing 70 and I am going to do 80. It should be quick and easy. I mean, 6:30 AM is too early to purposely be a jerk, right?

Anyway, I have to drop behind him again and pass the next vehicle. I get stuck behind him, doing 70 again, for another mile as we pass an on ramp and then work our way around the 4 cars that came on. As we get ready to pass the last car I see a wide open space in the right-hand lane and see my chance. I figured a 5-speed in-line 4 vs a CVT hybrid. The hybrid has good torque when using the motor, but is the motor even kicking on when accelerating at 70-80? My brother's doesn't And that engine is weak. So, I drop back to 65 hoping to thrown him off and get some distance between us.

As soon as we get clear of the other car I drop down in to fourth and that little 4 cylinder engine jumps to 5500 rpm and does its best to roar like a big one. I floor it and keep my eye on the tach, not wanting to hit my redlline. I turn my blinker on and merge into the right lane like nothing is happening and then as I hit 80 I shift back into fifth gear and shoot past his environmentally friendly butt. By the time I clear him I am up to 85 and then slow back down to 80 and ride the rest of the way in to work.

I would check him in my mirrors occasionally to make sure he wasn't trying to come back up and do something stupid that we would both regret. By the time I got to my exit he was still in the left-hand lane and there were three cars between us. Why was I the only one not allowed to pass him?

So what was this guy's deal? He should have known that pretty much any car out there could beat him at that game. I mean, it was a Prius.
We have one of those too. :indiff: It's one of those alternating stop-lights on the on-ramp of the freeway. Most of them have long enough ramp to speed up, but there is one that is dangerously short, AND it forces you to merge in to the slow lane on a CORNER! :scared:
This one literally doesn’t have a ramp after the stop sign – you’re stopped right at the freeway itself, with no merging lane. Diagram:

In my time spent at germany I have never seen so many highway crashes in the same day. Once a mercedes sped past us 10 mins later we drive past and his front end is smashed in. The mercedes heald up pretty well as this guy was doing some high speeds.

However the difference between the UK and germany in which I favour the autobahn is that people over there dont slow the trafic right down so they can see the incident causing traffic jams and the germans all seem more aware of their surrondings and more considerate to their fellow road users.

One example is that a female driver in a mercedes S class was coming along on the road but it was narrow space and she wasnt convident enough to drive along. So the people on the other side of the road all went up on the pavement to give her more space and therefore she didnt hold up any traffic. They did this as soon as they saw the woman as if it was a natural reaction and they could read her mind. I was honestly surpsied at how accomodating they were. In england everyone would have pretended she didnt exist.
However the difference between the UK and germany in which I favour the autobahn is that people over there dont slow the trafic right down so they can see the incident causing traffic jams and the germans all seem more aware of their surrondings and more considerate to their fellow road users.
Rubberneckers! Arrgghhh!!! You have no idea what it's like in the US. People pass a wreck on the highway and slow nearly to a stop. Thye'll tell you something like this: "I was going slow so I didn't hit any of the people on the side of the road." Who the **** runs out in the middle of the highway?! I know there is an inherent danger of that happening, but it's the frickin highway!. Move *****!, as Ludacris put it. Our police officers have this funny nack for blocking as many lanes as possible, even if they don't have to at all. It's, well, ludacris.
And German drivers are more aware of their surroundings, in general, because they have to be. Driving a hundred+ mph takes a bit of concentration. They also are curteous. They are happy to help you out, move over a little to give you some room, all sorts of stuff. In general, though, as I'm sure there are a few rotten eggs.

In england everyone would have pretended she didnt exist.

That's it? Yer average American wooda run 'er over. We gots some big o' trucks over yonder man. Wer a buncha ideeits 'fya ax me. I'm not, of course, but err buddy else is.
You should pay a visit and have a drive. Rent a Mustang with a V6 and an automatic form Hertz. You'll be slow as hell and won't change direction very well, but you'll look cool, and that's all that matters to American motorists.
I guess I think like a German when it comes to cars.
Rubberneckers! Arrgghhh!!! You have no idea what it's like in the US. People pass a wreck on the highway and slow nearly to a stop. Thye'll tell you something like this: "I was going slow so I didn't hit any of the people on the side of the road."
That's only the half of it. People in the OPPOSITE LANES will slow down to look. So an accident in the northbound lanes can bring the southbound lanes to a crawl as well, because people have a morbid curiousity.
However the difference between the UK and germany in which I favour the autobahn is that people over there dont slow the trafic right down so they can see the incident causing traffic jams and the germans all seem more aware of their surrondings and more considerate to their fellow road users.

One example is that a female driver in a mercedes S class was coming along on the road but it was narrow space and she wasnt convident enough to drive along. So the people on the other side of the road all went up on the pavement to give her more space and therefore she didnt hold up any traffic. They did this as soon as they saw the woman as if it was a natural reaction and they could read her mind. I was honestly surpsied at how accomodating they were. In england everyone would have pretended she didnt exist.

In general, though, as I'm sure there are a few rotten eggs.
That's it? Yer average American wooda run 'er over. We gots some big o' trucks over yonder man. Wer a buncha ideeits 'fya ax me. I'm not, of course, but err buddy else is.

You know what is even better ? With the rental car in Japan, cars that were driving in front of me in regular speed ( as fast as allowed ) regulary stopped their cars for a short time, because they saw that I was speeding and wanted to drive faster. THAT is a service , isn't it ? :lol: More on the country side though, don't expect that kind of behavior in Osaka & Tokyo....
This one literally doesn’t have a ramp after the stop sign – you’re stopped right at the freeway itself, with no merging lane. Diagram:

Holy crap! :lol:

That's only the half of it. People in the OPPOSITE LANES will slow down to look. So an accident in the northbound lanes can bring the southbound lanes to a crawl as well, because people have a morbid curiousity.
I really should grow up, but when I'm in a left lane and if a person in front of me rubberneck, I will pass aggressively from right. Rubberneckers who slows down the traffic in the opposite way of the freeway should be........... spanked or something. Just last week, I'm on the 217 freeway, no problems. All of a sudden, bumper to bumper traffic. There was a vehicle pulled over. No wrecks, no DUI arrests, just routine pull over. Everybody had to slow down to 20mph to look. IDIOTS! :mad:
Some traffic jams are caused just by someone tapping the brakes, then the next person taps them a little harder, and so on.

Almost makes me want to slow down a little and then tap the brakes, open the window, and laugh in thier faces as I pull away.
This one literally doesn’t have a ramp after the stop sign – you’re stopped right at the freeway itself, with no merging lane. Diagram:

Damn, how many accidents has that caused? And to think that the guy that had that done is in a position of authority.
Damn, how many accidents has that caused?
Surprisingly, none that I know of. Every year there’s always an accident on that section of freeway though, because right after that ramp there’s a bend, plus large ripples (from the ground sinking) – add those two together at highway speeds, plus rain, and you got an accident waiting to happen. Someone driving 80mph in the rain, hits a ripple and turns at the same time, and before they know it they’ve spun out.
My opinion is, there will always be idiots on the roads, and I'd much rather have them driving like idiots at 100km/h then 160km/h. Just. So I think the speed limits on busy freeways are fine.

However, in Australia we have alot of Country roads with a limit of 110km/h. Take the Hume Highway for example. Stretch of road from Melbourne to Sydney, 800km long, with a limit of 110km/h the entire way. Arguably the most boring stretch of road in the entire world. It's these empty roads that limits should be increased.

But if you guys really want to drive with no speed limits at all. Don't go to congested Germany. Have a trip to the Northern Territory in Australia. Once you're 30km out of a Major Town, all speed limits are off. There is a road called the Stuart Highway, which runs for 2,700km, and over half of it has no speed limit.

About 10 years ago, we decided to have a race up and down the de-limited zone. Was 2160km race, flat-out the whole way. Unfortunetly, two guys crashed their Ferrari and died. It was the only time the race was held.

EDIT: Pictures of the supremely interesting Stuart Highway

sorry, but driving fast on a straight street through empty land is boring as hell.
No objects - no corners - no sense of speed - no fun. imo. I can have 10 times more fun with 30 mph in the snow as with 200 mph on those kind of roads....
well this thread is not about "fun", but since some people got excited.... Our Autobahn is not straight for the most part. corners over corners which can be driven at full throttle.
This thread mustn't die! I hate slow people! I hate straight roads! The light's green, why are you still sitting there, GOOOO! HOLY *****! OWWW, my hernia!!
Yeah that annoys me, the lights turn green and the guy at the front doesn't move, I've been stuck at lights and the guy didn't move until they wen't back to amber again, the guy behind beeped his horn a couple of times and he still didn't move.
Most people do it just cause they're freakin' idiots. I did it once on purpose because my friend was stopped right behind me. There was only one lane and there were a bunch of cars, maybe 20, all lined up at the red light. It turned green, lasted about 40 seconds, and I just sat there the whole time cracking up. People were jumping out of line and passing me, but my friend never tried that. Right before it turned red I left, there was a guy trying to go around me, and I stuck next to him to keep him on the wrong side of the road. My buddy followed me, but the other people had to wait through another red light. It was histerical!
Another thing that annoys the crap out of me is when people stop at a light with about three car-lengths between them and the car in front of them. I seriously have not a clue why people do that! If your depth perception is really that bad you shouldn't have your freakin' liscence. Holy crap! So many people do it's ridiculous. All you need is a few feet of space, maby 3 feet, and you're good. When I'm on a hill I actually pay attention to the type of car in front of me. I decide wether it may be a mual tranny car or not, and if it is I leave a little extra space for when the inevitable roll-back comes. Of course, people who've never driven a schtick before don't know that that's part of the deal.
Most people pay attention to the wrong thing. They pay attention to other cars and other stuff way too much. If they'd pay attention to their own car and the way they drive and concentrate on driving itself they might be able to react well enough to avoid those wrecks that they always find themselves in.
here is my suggestion. in germany, on the autoban, you can be driving along nicely at 80mph and be happy. while coming up in the fast lane is a porsche running 110mph. now the only way you can see him coming is if you stay vigilant, use your mirrors, and use common sense. thats why the autoban works in germany. also, in germany, the standards for making and building cars is much higher than in the USA. look at german engineering...BMW, Porsche, Mercedes...these are names that people in the USA strive to drive under. in germany, theyre comman makers and have a majority on the roads, just as we have fords and chevys here.

now the reason it wont work to have NO speed limit in the USA is because we arent german drivers. we have our cup holders, newspaper readers, book readers, makeup put-on'ers, DISTRACTED DRIVERS!!! which drives me absolutly nuts by the way. now since all those people out there are focused on something other than driving, they tend to make stupid decisions like changing lanes without looking, which then they end up side swiping another car, causing a major pileup on a major interstate going into a major city causing many people to be late for work and get even worse road rage than they had before. now people in the USA need to start driving safer. USE YOUR MIRRORS PEOPLE!!! that would keep so many people from dying every year. also, we need to keep distractions out of the cars. dont change the radio station so much. take your time when going somewhere. stop at a stop sign...thats why theyre there...

now i made the mistake of being in a hurry, didnt stop completly at a stop sign and ended up getting t-boned by a 4-runner ( i was in a '91 nissan stanza). broken pelvis (3 months non-weight bearing) major laceration on my left arm (over 200 stitches in 3 layers) a broken rib, and a lacerated spleen. im living now because God blessed me to live another year. now i learned my lesson. take it, drive safer and realize that the USA will never be germany. go to germany to drive on the autoban, but dont bring it home.

please, be careful out there...all of you
I think it would be good to raise speed limits everywhere but only have an autobahn on a few motorways or parts where the road is in very good condition and flat. Driving fast on even a slightly bumpy road is dangerous in most cars.