Spinning Arrows Club. Thursday night casual racing.Open 

  • Thread starter tarkus1
I'm not seeing it.
I ain't spelling it out on here.

Here's the stew I promised for everyone.
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Now we all know you're just making stuff up. I always drive with the windows down! Silly Alex.

tarkus1.... you know.... when you have to drive with the windows down..... that means....

that means.......

you farted...... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
wow.... everyone has gone back to hibernation-mode????

anyway, next round of JTGC is coming up on this Thursday @ Autopolis!!! :cheers::cheers:

Almost done on chassis tuning, still looking for a fast-and-consistent driving line and reference points.

Last and the most challenging is the pit stop. I found the tire-wear on this track with RM is very tricky to decide whether a 2-stops or 3-stops... it's two extreme.....

Either you have to max out the life-span of a RM with controlled-driving or running hot laps to make up that extra pit-stop..... :boggled::boggled:

C'mon people, last post in here was Sunday 10pm, where's everyone???? where's the management???? where's the drivers????? :boggled::boggled:
wow.... everyone has gone back to hibernation-mode????

anyway, next round of JTGC is coming up on this Thursday @ Autopolis!!! :cheers::cheers:

Almost done on chassis tuning, still looking for a fast-and-consistent driving line and reference points.

Last and the most challenging is the pit stop. I found the tire-wear on this track with RM is very tricky to decide whether a 2-stops or 3-stops... it's two extreme.....

Either you have to max out the life-span of a RM with controlled-driving or running hot laps to make up that extra pit-stop..... :boggled::boggled:

C'mon people, last post in here was Sunday 10pm, where's everyone???? where's the management???? where's the drivers????? :boggled::boggled:
What's your best laps time in Autopolis
Me 1:42.2xx so far
What's your best laps time in Autopolis
Me 1:42.2xx so far

What the.....!!!???

couple days ago you were doing 1:44 as your best time.....

now you are 1:42.2xx????

so far my best with the GT-R is 1:42.1xx, I am targeting a 1:41.high... but race pace will be different.... :cheers:
tarkus1.... you know.... when you have to drive with the windows down..... that means....

that means.......

you farted...... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Wow, the dreaded double spoiler.
I never drive with the windows up, regardless of if I've farted or not.:yuck::lol::yuck:

Good luck to you guys in the upcoming races. Sure would have been fun to be a part of this series although I have a feeling I would have ended up looking at everyone's tail lights for the first couple laps anyway. After that you would have all been gone and left me with nothing but a memory. Until you guys lapped me of course.:bowdown:
I'm just a simple human among alien drivers.
Wow, the dreaded double spoiler.
I never drive with the windows up, regardless of if I've farted or not.:yuck::lol::yuck:

Good luck to you guys in the upcoming races. Sure would have been fun to be a part of this series although I have a feeling I would have ended up looking at everyone's tail lights for the first couple laps anyway. After that you would have all been gone and left me with nothing but a memory. Until you guys lapped me of course.:bowdown:
I'm just a simple human among alien drivers.

and then you will start trying to make us talk and laugh on lap 3 or 4......
I'm back :lol::lol::lol: I was able to get in some practice for the first time last night. The one problem I did have was not being near the game so while I had some free time on vacation I YouTubes some videos of the track so I had an idea of the track looked :banghead::banghead: Boi was I wrong. I did get about 40 laps of practice in but my times aren't even close and the fall off times on tires are so great my lap 1 to lap 10 is almost 4 seconds apart

Best lap right now is a 143.3 best lap after lap 5 is 145.7 and 147+ after lap 10 (yes I keep stats like that)

So it does look like I'll be doing major testing tonight 2 or 3 stops depends on how many laps their may be 33 laps 2 is a better option if there is 34 laps 3 looks like the way to go

Yes vacation was great got a sunburn on the 2nd day at the beach 4 days just being lazy then 4 more lazy days back in backwoods of Raleigh with little Internet (8 hour update on a ps4 game):irked::irked::banghead: but I enjoyed, it so much fun when I have no wifi.

Anyways I'll have a room open from 9ish til 12 unless someone else has a room open
Practice practice make a gold driver and a super alien drive side by side for a whole hour

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I'm back :lol::lol::lol: I was able to get in some practice for the first time last night. The one problem I did have was not being near the game so while I had some free time on vacation I YouTubes some videos of the track so I had an idea of the track looked :banghead::banghead: Boi was I wrong. I did get about 40 laps of practice in but my times aren't even close and the fall off times on tires are so great my lap 1 to lap 10 is almost 4 seconds apart

Best lap right now is a 143.3 best lap after lap 5 is 145.7 and 147+ after lap 10 (yes I keep stats like that)

So it does look like I'll be doing major testing tonight 2 or 3 stops depends on how many laps their may be 33 laps 2 is a better option if there is 34 laps 3 looks like the way to go

Yes vacation was great got a sunburn on the 2nd day at the beach 4 days just being lazy then 4 more lazy days back in backwoods of Raleigh with little Internet (8 hour update on a ps4 game):irked::irked::banghead: but I enjoyed, it so much fun when I have no wifi.

Anyways I'll have a room open from 9ish til 12 unless someone else has a room open

Good to hear you back from Vacation with no wifi

Well Alex you were right fast lap 1:41.325 and to make sure it wasn't a fluke I tried again and went 1:41.289

And the lap time you had will smokes us easy
and then you will start trying to make us talk and laugh on lap 3 or 4......
I try and have that timed just as you're entering the pit area. I do get a bit of a kick out of watching your car hit the wall and watching you spill BBQ sauce everywhere.

Have fun tonight fellas. I'll be getting ready for my trip and will be back in a couple weeks. Bring on the warm weather!!!!:cheers:

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