Ok finally
for the Plaque engraver. I believe we left it on page 24, post 695.
The Tour of Japan Road Cars:
1st place, stockerace=40 points
2nd place, tjger= 39 points
3rd place, mazda3pro= 38 points
4th place, xX2MannYhAviZXx= 26
5th place, tarkus1= 23
The Tour of Europe Road Cars:
1st place, stockerace= 40 points
2nd place, xX2MannYhAviZXx= 36 points
3rd place, tjger=35 points
4th place, mazda3pro=34 points
5th place, captrock187= 27 points
The Tour of U.S. Road Cars:
1st place, gordonnation=46 points
2nd place, stockerace= 34 points
3rd place, xX2MannYhAviZXx= 28 points
4th place, jerryman 692= 23 points
5th place, mazda3pro=20 points.
Congrates to the winners...finally.