GT3michIn my race, the corner just before T2, the Subaru drives sleightly into the side of my car. I am full on the gas when it happens. Is this a bad run? I did not use the AI car for an advantage. In Fact I wish the bastard wasn't there at all.
lotus350Are you racing in arcade mode Dave? I don't think fuel comes into play unless it's GTmode...though I could be wrong
and not having problems with the ai though as long as you remember they will always move the same every time you run the race you can alter your line to miss them 👍
Hugo BossSometimes the AI picks a different line though... And then you crash into them
Mr PI give up
Small_FryzYes, thats 1 place higher for me!!
Question of the week... When does BRB become BBL?
GT3michIn my race, the corner just before T2, the Subaru drives sleightly into the side of my car. I am full on the gas when it happens. Is this a bad run? I did not use the AI car for an advantage. In Fact I wish the bastard wasn't there at all. brushing on the straights does not count as a touch then here is my t2 times:
please say whether a brush does count..
Alex DeLargeMr. P., I'm pretty new around here but I would like a lot to get a good time together (for me). The problem is that I work 60+ hours a week and this Friday is the first day I can really put a lot of work into my attempt. I do not mean to be rude or imposing but is there any way the Friday deadline can be pushed up to Saturday morning so that i can make Friday evening runs like the drivers in Europe?? 9 O'clock GMT is only Noon here which is 3 hours before I'll be getting off work. I know it is a stretch to change the submission structure for one guy, especially one not yet known, but please consider it. Thank you.