Spot Journalistic Bias and Manipulation (was Media Bias)

  • Thread starter Danoff
And then some bright spark had the idea of packaging it and selling it to kids under the name "Skrillex".
Hey now, if it wasn't for his influence we may never have gotten the new Dark Trooper theme music.
I'm on the NYT daily mailing list. I read their email blast every once in a while, and this morning happened to be one of those times. I caught this gem in it:

In the fight against Covid, however, the private sector — with the big exception of pharmaceutical companies — has done relatively little so far.

The irony was that I was reading this while waiting for my groceries to be delivered into my trunk by the free curbside delivery at my grocery store. I then took my groceries home where my wife now works, because her job shifted to remote work. It's not just the little things that the private sector has done - like remote work, paid time to care for children due to closed schools, and eating lost profits to the point of going out of business (ok, not so little). It's also things like giving away ventilator designs to the world, and balancing a myriad of clashing national governments clamoring for supplies, and in some cases seizing supplies.

NYT staff definitely has some anti-corporation bias, and it was on display with this line.
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I'm on the NYT daily mailing list. I read their email blast every once in a while, and this morning happened to be one of those times. I caught this gem in it:

The irony was that I was reading this while waiting for my groceries to be delivered into my trunk by the free curbside delivery at my grocery store. I then took my groceries home where my wife now works, because her job shifted to remote work. It's not just the little things that the private sector has done - like remote work, paid time to care for children due to closed schools, and eating lost profits to the point of going out of business (ok, not so little). It's also things like giving away ventilator designs to the world, and balancing a myriad of clashing national governments clamoring for supplies, and in some cases seizing supplies.

NYT staff definitely has some anti-corporation bias, and it was on display with this line.

Well, OK. Did they give any indication of what exactly they were looking for the private sector to do that it hasn't done?
Well, OK. Did they give any indication of what exactly they were looking for the private sector to do that it hasn't done?

It was mostly designed to puff how Biden is working with companies to help make masks and get people vaccinated. The idea was "Trump didn't do this" so naturally the "private companies haven't done much" falls directly out of that goal. The facts - that companies have done sooooo much - make it harder to push that narrative, not impossible, just harder. Recognizing when corporate america steps up without government requesting it to doesn't come naturally to the NTY staff.
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It was mostly designed to puff how Biden is working with companies to help make masks and get people vaccinated. The idea was "Trump didn't do this" so naturally the "private companies haven't done much" falls directly out of that goal. The facts - that companies have done sooooo much - make it harder to push that narrative, not impossible, just harder. Recognizing when corporate america steps up without government requesting it to doesn't come naturally to the NTY staff.

You mean the NYT isn't a mouthpiece for the Wall Street/corporatist/globalist/capitalist/socialist/big tech/NWO? :confused:
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You mean the NYT isn't a mouthpiece for the Wall Street/corporatist/globalist/capitalist/socialist/big tech/OWO? :confused:


I mean that NYT is a mouthpiece for big government, and that it will ignore reality at times for the sake of that position.

I mean that NYT is a mouthpiece for big government, and that it will ignore reality at times for the sake of that position.

I haven't read the article, so I can't say for sure ... but you started off by saying it was intended to highlight that "Trump didn't do this", which is a somewhat different take. I'm thinking a global pandemic is a good example of a situation that calls for "big government" & big corporations to work together. Corporations need to be responsible citizens, but they also need government guidance to ensure that bad corporations don't act in bad faith to take advantage of the situation against their competition.
I haven't read the article, so I can't say for sure ... but you started off by saying it was intended to highlight that "Trump didn't do this", which is a somewhat different take.

The assumption that if Trump didn't do it, it didn't happen, is a big part of the big government mindset. Corporate America did it on its own, but you won't see certain biased entities recognize that, and in fact you'll see them lie about the opposite - which is what happened in my email box this morning. I don't think it was intentional or malicious. I think it's just unexamined bias. It wasn't necessary for the piece either, or for it to make its point.

I'm thinking a global pandemic is a good example of a situation that calls for "big government" & big corporations to work together. Corporations need to be responsible citizens, but they also need government guidance to ensure that bad corporations don't act in bad faith to take advantage of the situation against their competition.

Optimally every situation calls for corporations and government to work together for the good of everyone.
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The assumption that if Trump didn't do it, it didn't happen, is a big part of the big government mindset. Corporate America did it on its own, but you won't see certain biased entities recognize that, and in fact you'll see them lie about the opposite - which is what happened in my email box this morning. I don't think it was intentional or malicious. I think it's just unexamined bias. It wasn't necessary for the piece either, or for it to make its point.

Optimally every situation calls for corporations and government to work together for the good of everyone.

Regardless, weak-assed example of media bias IMO. Everyday I read through the Fox News website. Biased doesn't even begin to describe it. It's a complete parallel universe. General MSM bias reflects the reality that most journalists & the people that employ them have a basic "liberal" worldview. Every culture has shared values to a degree - a shared narrative that's required for society to function effectively. The US has gone off the rails a bit in that regard.
Regardless, weak-assed example of media bias IMO. Everyday I read through the Fox News website. Biased doesn't even begin to describe it. It's a complete parallel universe. General MSM bias reflects the reality that most journalists & the people that employ them have a basic "liberal" worldview. Every culture has shared values to a degree - a shared narrative that's required for society to function effectively. The US has gone off the rails a bit in that regard.

I'm not sure "weak-assed" was called for. But... benign compared to Fox News seems certainly reasonable.
I'm not sure "weak-assed" was called for. But... benign compared to Fox News seems certainly reasonable.

No offence intended. In the end, I'm not really sure what your point was: that the NYT is broadly pro-Democrat & therefore pro-Biden? No doubt. But I don't really buy your implication that they're broadly anti-corporate. That doesn't really make sense to me. It was hard for Trump to appear like he was co-operating with businesses to fight Covid, simply because for months he was basically in denial that the pandemic was actually a thing.

The huge sigh of relief comes just from having people who are running things now who aren't beholden to a bizarrely immature, ignorant egomaniac. That's the weird thing: there's a third of the American people - & a lot of Republican politicians - who seem not to have arrived at a basic understanding of what a complete idiot Trump is. This is making the whole media bias thing a bit moot at the minute.
No offence intended. In the end, I'm not really sure what your point was: that the NYT is broadly pro-Democrat & therefore pro-Biden? No doubt. But I don't really buy your implication that they're broadly anti-corporate. That doesn't really make sense to me. It was hard for Trump to appear like he was co-operating with businesses to fight Covid, simply because for months he was basically in denial that the pandemic was actually a thing.

I've seen them smear companies on made up baloney and never retract anything after it comes out that it's made up. NYT is broadly anti-corporate. I still pay some attention though, because they make intelligent points.

The huge sigh of relief comes just from having people who are running things now who aren't beholden to a bizarrely immature, ignorant egomaniac. That's the weird thing: there's a third of the American people - & a lot of Republican politicians - who seem not to have arrived at a basic understanding of what a complete idiot Trump is. This is making the whole media bias thing a bit moot at the minute.

Agreed for the most part.

I assume the same people attacked Trump nonstop for refusing questions repeatedly after press conferences. Not that this appears to be the same thing, but Trump actually did fit the accusation many times.
"No-Show Joe" is the kind of nursery rhyme meme with which it's easy to seed the minds of the impressionable.
Is there a media outlet that isn't biased. I mean some are biased to comical degrees (see Daily Express, For News), but are there any that aren't?

I see people on the Left complaining about BBC bias to the Right, and Right wingers complaining about BB being biased to the Left so maybe they've hit the sweet spot.
AP and Reuters seem to be doing pretty well.
They're the standard to which spin is applied...if they're not completely disregarded as by the most extreme outlets represented.

I do have an issue with how some of those are placed, though. I think Reason ought to be higher, if somewhat more to the right (they're probably figuring opinion pieces into the position, which probably explains my preferred The Hill). I don't much care for it, but I think National Review ought to be higher as well. And I think it's hilarious that Ben Shapiro's Daily Wire is lower than the Daily Caller, but it's probably fitting.
Seems more telling that the left-wing media ranks significantly higher in Fact-Reporting than right-wing. No wonder the right has started attacking fact checking and calling it “censorship” or “fascism”.