Spot Journalistic Bias and Manipulation (was Media Bias)

  • Thread starter Danoff

This is a Fox News headline, especially as it appears in the Google news feed.


And here's the relevant citation in the article's text.

"Disappointed @MLB will move the All-Star Game, but proud of their stance on voting rights. GA GOP traded economic opportunity for suppression," Abrams wrote on Twitter. "On behalf of PoC targeted by #SB202 to lose votes + now wages, I urge events & productions to come & speak out or stay & fight. #gapol"

"For those who believe that the right to vote should be protected in Georgia and around the country, please join our fight at," Abrams added.
They know people are more likely to scroll, taking in only headlines for a summary of current events, than they are to click through. This is manipulative.
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I guess I will just put this here since the other thread got locked right at the moment I wanted to hit reply.. Mods are free to delete this.

I mean @GTP Red Pill already declared his allegiance to being a hateful, misogynistic, racist, neckbeard by changing his name to include "red pill". It's no secret that that's what that whole "movement" is about and those who follow it openly embrace it. Red Pillers are nothing but a bunch of incels conspiracy-theory-pushing people who are there just to hate on anything that doesn't subscribe to the ultra-right-wing, white, male...uhhh fantasy? Honestly, I don't think any of those beliefs belong on GTP, but I'm also not a mod and I'm don't know what has or hasn't been done. Seriously, white knighting for a member that embraces some serious awful ideas seems strange. It's fine to have a different opinion, many of us here are all over the political spectrum and we manage to have a discussion that doesn't involve touting a group that's downright hateful.

Also, posting a thread going after CNN is pretty useless considering we already have a thread for the topic of the media being bias. I don't even disagree that CNN pushes fear and biases, it's what sells and the news is in the business of making money and selling a product so I fully understand why they do it. I just don't think it deserves its own thread because a topic on the subject already exists.

As for why go into these threads? I mean it's an open discussion board and if you post something chances are you're looking for a discussion. We openly talk about things on here that can and do have starkly different views. However, since the OP decidedly put everyone that doesn't subscribe to their way of thinking on the ignore list, I suspect it's a pretty one-sided discussion and really just comes across as spamming drivel.

I always thought being "red pilled" was a The Matrix reference..

Are you saying you want a safe space?

Psh. Dude changed his GTP name so he can further commit to posting low-effort, blatantly politically-biased content and then not bother even attempting to discuss what he posts. It's practically borderline trolling at this point; hell, I thought it was another troll account until I saw the signature. In which case, he gets the same low-effort, off the cuff replies back.

Eh ok.. But enough about OP. What motivates you to come to a "low-effort" thread and leave a post? Would it not be more effective to just ignore the thread? If you truly believe he is a troll than why bother responding to his posts/threads?

It's cute though to hear about civil discussion involving someone who also says they'll quickly put you on their Ignore list for whatever they deem is a fallacy or misrepresentation which encompasses nearly all their posts here to begin with....
Was just me asking a question.

I go to threads because I suspect there may be something interesting to read and there's (often) much to be gained from an insightful discussion.
I go to threads for the same reason

As already mentioned, that's NOT what this was.
I understand you feel this way.. But why would you stick around? I'm sure there are other threads that have more to offer you and are more worth your time? It's ussually a thread title that peaks my interest and if the first post is worth it, I might stick around and I might even join the conversation. If it's anything other than that, I'll just move on.

Over the last 20 years, we've seen insightful discussions online slowly dry up due to trolls and bots who have a clear agenda. They don't want discussions
I agree with the first part. I don't believe I'm that old (almost 36), but I remember a time when the Internet was a place where you could have a conversation about any topic without someone calling you a bunch off ism or ists.

And these cult like tactics of telling people what to think and how to think are leading us down a dangerous path. Having discussions online takes work. And often research. And time. And if one can't be bothered bringing their best to a discussion, where others are investing their time and effort, it's a waste.

Who is telling who here what to think? Can't people make up there own minds? And again, why bother joining a discussion with somebody who is just wasting your time?

First off, it's a public discussion board, and as such anything posted here is fair game for the responses. As long as said responses don't break the AUP (which, if they did, the mods would certainly do something about it), all's good. If you feel that a certain post(s) does break these rules, than you should probably report it.

Yeah I know, so? What does that have to do with what I asked? You're free to do as you please.

Secondly, there's already a thread dedicated to discussing bias in the media. It's a relatively active thread, so @GTP Red Pill could've posted in there if he was actually interested in a discussion. Given the title of this thread, the content in the OP as well as the fact that it was created in spite of the existence of an already established thread, it gives the very strong impression that the OP is not interested in an actual discussion and rather wants to have his own space to bash CNN.

Last I checked, there are rules against posting a stand-alone thread for topics that already have established threads.
Have you tried reporting the thread? Or asking a mod to move the conversation to that other thread? Would that not be more effective than posting your feelings about another member of GTP?

Personally speaking, I'm not going to put someone on the ignore list just because they're "annoying" or, if I had to guess what you really mean, disagree with my views. Doing so limits discussion overall and stops me from having a chance to potentially learn from and see the viewpoint of the opposite side, even if the opposite side is one that actively supports measures that go against my own interests (see the BLM thread for examples).
GTP is full with people I disagree with, yet I have not put them on my ignore list. I've put 2 members on my ignore list because all they do in a conversation is throw insults and derail interesting discussions.

@GTP Red Pill has proven, both by his own actions and his signature, to be a person who would rather create his own safe space and shield himself from opposing viewpoints than engage in genuine discussion (or even consider the possibility that his viewpoints might be wrong). Also, there is some rather scathing irony in his new username, but that's neither here-nor-there.
And it's now your mission to tear down his "safe space" wall?

Now, if it's a problem of a user(s) posting things that are just straight-up toxic, dishonest and being trolly (Motorsport sub-forum during the pre-season comes to mind), I'll report them, and I encourage others to do the same.
I will stick to just ignoring. Less effort on my part.

As @UKMikey has already said, discussion is a two way street, and this user has a noticeable history of not engaging in faithful discussion, and tends to resort to childish responses when asked to explain/support his stance. And again, it's pretty clear that this user has no interest in an actual discussion, and would rather his own biases go unchecked, and mute individuals who may disagree with him.

Yeah I know how you guys feel about people like @GTP Red Pill . But what are you trying to achieve by engaging in a conversation with somebody you believe who can't have a "faithful discussion"or who has "no interest in an actual discussion" and who "tends to resort to childish responses.." ? You seem to already know the outcome but will try anyway in hopes of a different response?

Because this is a discussion board that has hosted people from all walks of life and all over the political spectrum, not a safe space for hatefulness and poorly though-out conspiracies.
I'm sure we have mods to deal with those issues.

@Joey D has also already touched on this, but the user that you're going out of your way to defend has adopted the mantel of a highly mysognistic, hateful, deeply out-of-touch and downright nasty section of the male population. He has also made attempts to defend and promote both a well-known bigot and, judging by his current avatar, has decided to (in some capacity) embrace a character that was famously written as a murdering, terrorist Nazi rapist. While VBR is more than welcome to hold these views on a personal level, that doesn't mean that those around him should just accept it and not call such hateful views out. Quite frankly, such bull:censored: doesn't belong on GTP, imo. Reddit and Twitter are much better places for such malarkey.
I'm not defending anyone here. You believing that he is a "mysognistic, hateful, deeply out-of-touch" person that is part of a "nasty section of the male polulation" has nothing to do with CCN being "exposed".
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CNN's been exposed? Great! this that Project Veritas thing? Yeah, that's abject ********. Project Veritas makes money misrepresenting facts in heavily edited video frequently featuring individuals who have been paid to espouse anything from distorted details to outright lies. Not surprisingly, Trump and the rest of the garbage on the right love them.

What thread got locked?
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CNN's been exposed? Great! this that Project Veritas thing? Yeah, that's abject ********. Project Veritas makes money misrepresenting facts in heavily edited video frequently featuring individuals who have been paid to espouse anything from distorted details to outright lies. Not surprisingly, Trump and the rest of the garbage on the right love them.

What thread got locked?


Of course it would be MGTOW guy.

I've been going down the MRA, MGTOW & Red Pill rabbit hole for a while now & I'm finding it all very interesting indeed, so, I decided it would be a good idea to share what I found with you. I strongly recommend that you watch a documentary by feminist filmmaker Cassie Jaye called The Red Pill, & then think deeply about it before replying (it's free if you have Amazon Prime but is also available elsewhere). Do not confuse the Red Pill movement with The Red Pill documentary, as they are completely different things.

What is the MRA/Men's Rights Activists movement?

"It is the mission of A Voice for Men to provide education and encouragement to men and boys; to lift them above the din of misandry, to reject the unhealthy demands of gynocentrism in all its forms, and to promote their mental, physical and financial well-being without compromise or apology." Source. When feminist filmmaker Cassie Jaye decided to make a documentary on the MRA exposing them as the misogynists she'd been told by many that they were, her film took her on a very different journey than she had originally anticipated.


What is the MGTOW lifestyle?

"MGTOW (”Men Going Their Own Way”) is a way of life which refuses to defer to women in defining the worth of men. Instead, it focuses on positive male aspects, inviting men to go their own way in life."
"Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW) refers to men committed to self-determination. Referring to oneself as a ”’Man Going His Own Way”’ (MGHOW) is a statement of self-ownership and a declaration that a man has the supreme right to decide what his goals in life will be as opposed to having his goals dictated by others who, in preference to self-determination, prescribe utility-based roles for males entailing servitude to women and society." Source.

What is the Red Pill movement?

"The Red Pill signifies the recognition of the true nature of female behaviour, including her attraction to traits of dominance, preference for men with status, attraction to men who have been pre-selected by other women, and hypergamous nature. Red Pill men are aware that women are strongly influenced by the culture and that their attraction cues are often outside of their conscious awareness."
"Increasingly, modern women and especially Western women indulge in one-night stands and short-term relationships in their 20s with alpha males, followed by seeking out a Beta Male Provider in their late 20s and early 30s. Red Pill men are aware of this phenomenon and develop a sexual strategy to benefit from a woman's promiscuity as well as avoid the financial peril of marriage. Married men can also be Red Pill, as their awareness helps them handle female s**t tests and maintain attraction with their partner. A man who has taken the Red Pill is committed to self-improvement and adapting to the reality of female behaviour whether that be through the application of game in his relationships and/or withdrawing from LTRs. Taking the Red Pill is typically followed by more success in relationships and interactions with women." Source

Any MRA/MGTOW/Red Pill aware guys & gals here, & if so; what's your take on all of this?


****ing pathetic. Social media activism by way of ****-posting other people's content while making no effort whatsoever to engage in meaningful discussion. He's already ignored anyone who isn't likely to uncritically agree with what he posts.
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But why would you stick around? I'm sure there are other threads that have more to offer you and are more worth your time?

Y'all really have nothing better to do?

I can't speak for anyone who does attempt to engage @GTP Red Pill in conversation, so I'm not going to. However, the people who post here are not the only ones who read these threads. The minimum sign-up age for GTP is 13. Teenagers and young adults can be very impressionable, and videos of the type @GTP Red Pill posts are designed to radicalise. Going full gangbusters on him and explaining why the things he posts are incorrect, or even unacceptable, is not just a communication to that individual member - it's a communication to everyone who finds this thread, some of whom may be lacking the upbringing and/or life experience to understand just how insidious and dangerous that material can be.
Enlighten me.
You opted to offer that throwaway post instead of doing something "better." If anyone chooses to do anything, odds are pretty good that there's something else to do instead, and some of those things may be "better." What is "better," anyway?

I can't speak for anyone who does attempt to engage @GTP Red Pill in conversation, so I'm not going to. However, the people who post here are not the only ones who read these threads. The minimum sign-up age for GTP is 13. Teenagers and young adults can be very impressionable, and videos of the type @GTP Red Pill posts are designed to radicalise. Going full gangbusters on him and explaining why the things he posts are incorrect, or even unacceptable, is not just a communication to that individual member - it's a communication to everyone who finds this thread, some of whom may be lacking the upbringing and/or life experience to understand just how insidious and dangerous that material can be.
This. This is better.

But one mustn't only think of the children. It can be selfish as well. If one wants this forum to be a place where individuals can have meaningful discussions and not devolve to a platform for craven ****-posting, one ought to make it clear that craven ****-posting doesn't fly. Even if the craven ****-posters don't care, it sends the message to others.
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I can't speak for anyone who does attempt to engage @GTP Red Pill in conversation, so I'm not going to. However, the people who post here are not the only ones who read these threads. The minimum sign-up age for GTP is 13. Teenagers and young adults can be very impressionable, and videos of the type @GTP Red Pill posts are designed to radicalise. Going full gangbusters on him and explaining why the things he posts are incorrect, or even unacceptable, is not just a communication to that individual member - it's a communication to everyone who finds this thread, some of whom may be lacking the upbringing and/or life experience to understand just how insidious and dangerous that material can be.

But all I'm seeing is people going "full gangbusters". Nobody explained why the claims Project Veritas made in those video's were wrong. Not talking about other Project Veritas video's where they may have been wrong. If you truly feel it is your duty to prevent people from being misled, then atleast try to adress the claims the topic starter or in this case Project Veritas made about CNN. Person A was wrong about B so he must also be wrong about C?

Side note: I haven't watched the video's (or any Project Veritas video's) because I don't need Project Veritas to convince me that CNN (or Fox News) is trash.
But all I'm seeing is people going "full gangbusters". Nobody explained why the claims Project Veritas made in those video's were wrong. Not talking about other Project Veritas video's where they may have been wrong. If you truly feel it is your duty to prevent people from being misled, then atleast try to adress the claims the topic starter or in this case Project Veritas made about CNN. Person A was wrong about B so he must also be wrong about C?

Side note: I haven't watched the video's (or any Project Veritas video's) because I don't need Project Veritas to convince me that CNN (or Fox News) is trash.

That's what google is for. I skimmed this, seems roughly on point.
It turns out years of failed sting operations can really mess with your journalistic reputation, especially if you didn’t have one to begin with. Veritas is completely astroturfed and usually times its alleged bombshells to offset unsavory news stories. It’s no surprise to see Gaetz boosting this less than a week after his sex trafficking saga was exposed. The grift is so obvious it hurts.
Yeah I know, so? What does that have to do with what I asked? You're free to do as you please.

You asked "I really don't understand why some of you are in this thread..?" I gave you an answer. And you're right, I am free to do as I please, same as you, and that includes calling out poor information and obvious attempts to control a narrative.

Have you tried reporting the thread? Or asking a mod to move the conversation to that other thread? Would that not be more effective than posting your feelings about another member of GTP?

Why do I need to do such things in the first place? Especially if the poster is someone who has been here longer than I and has been active enough to know the proper etiquette? It's really not that hard to see what they were trying to do.

GTP is full with people I disagree with, yet I have not put them on my ignore list. I've put 2 members on my ignore list because all they do in a conversation is throw insults and derail interesting discussions.

And it's within your right to do so, just as it's within my right to generally not put people on my ignore list.

And it's now your mission to tear down his "safe space" wall?

Not really, I just feel like calling out the hypocrisy in banging on about finding the "truth" and fighting logical fallacies, while simultaneously using bad, heavily-biased information as evidence and muting out anybody who questions these sources or doesn't share a similar viewpoint.

I will stick to just ignoring. Less effort on my part.

Fair enough.

Yeah I know how you guys feel about people like @GTP Red Pill . But what are you trying to achieve by engaging in a conversation with somebody you believe who can't have a "faithful discussion"or who has "no interest in an actual discussion" and who "tends to resort to childish responses.." ? You seem to already know the outcome but will try anyway in hopes of a different response?

Generally speaking, yes, I typically know what to expect from each member who is a regular in this sub-forum. Doesn't mean I won't be willing to call out bad information when it pops up (though I typically tend to get beaten to that point anyways).

I'm sure we have mods to deal with those issues.

If you're hanging out at a friends house, and someone decides to take a piss inside the communal salsa bowl, are you just gonna sit there and ignore it until your buddy has a chance to handle it? Even if there's other people who have never had salsa before, and didn't know that the concoction of spices and processed vegetables isn't supposed to have an orange-ish hue? Or would you rather call the pissant out, so that anyone paying attention knows what's up?*

It's the same idea here. To echo what @Roo said earlier, calling out bad information for what it is and explaining why that's the case is not just an effort to communicate to the poster, but also an effort any random person who may come across these threads that, no, this information is outdated/incorrect/dangerous/whatehaveyou (I believe this subject has also been talked about in the COVID thread). I don't know if you've ever taken a look at the stats on the front page of the forum, but generally speaking the guests outnumber the actual members by a typically substantial margin. Considering that, as previously mentioned, you only have to be 13 to be a member of this site, I think it's important to call out bad information for what it is so that people don't get themselves into dangerous situations, especially since the mods have an entire website to keep tabs on, rather than just this tiny little corner. If the past year has proven anything, it's that bad information that gets left unchecked can have literally fatal consequences.

Plus, doing so keeps the quality of discussion high. It's why this site is a much more pleasant place to talk than Reddit, despite having a much less active userbase overall.

*Weird allegory, I know.

I'm not defending anyone here.

I mean, you kinda are.



...has nothing to do with CCN being "exposed."

I actually did watch the first 2 videos in the old thread (which was about all I could take), and to me it exposed nothing. I'm pretty sure it's been well-established that CNN tends to be a left-leaning news outlet that occasionally has a bad time with fact-checking (they personally lost me when one of their pundits claimed that most Americans can easily buy an automatic firearm). Not to mention the fact that CNN was regularly crapped on by the Trump administration as being "fake news." The useage/creation of propaganda is nothing new, definitely nothing unique to CNN, and it's no surprise they would be biased against Trump. That's not some big reveal, it's basic common sense. I'm pretty confident in saying that almost every major news outlet that has ever existed since the invention of the printing press has used propaganda tactics in one way or another. If you're looking for a highly egregious, contemporary user of such tactics, Fox News would be a good place to investigate....

...though I doubt the Project Veritas team will ever do such a thing, considering that one of the more recent videos on their channel is a clip from Fox News where their founder was on their broadcast talking about their efforts to "Expose CNN." Veritas has a blindingly obvious agenda, to the point that anything they say can be easily categorized as horse manure. See @Danoff 's article for further.

Also, big LOL at the ACORN employee busting O'Keefe and getting him to pay a $100,000 in "nuisance damages" for illegally recording him. Dude's my freakin' hero.
Speaking of O'Keefe, he's been banned by Twitter.
Twitter said on Thursday that it had blocked the account of James O’Keefe, the founder of the conservative group Project Veritas.

Mr. O’Keefe’s account, @JamesOKeefeIII, was “permanently suspended for violating the Twitter Rules on platform manipulation and spam,” specifically that users cannot mislead others with fake accounts or “artificially amplify or disrupt conversations” through the use of multiple accounts, a Twitter spokesman said.

In a statement on his website, Mr. O’Keefe said he will file a defamation lawsuit against Twitter on Monday over its claim that he had operated fake accounts.

“This is false, this is defamatory, and they will pay,” the statement said.

“Section 230 may have protected them before, but it will not protect them from me,” Mr. O’Keefe said, referring to a legal liability shield for social media. That shield, part of the federal Communications Decency Act, has become a favorite target of lawmakers in both parties.

In February, Twitter permanently suspended the Project Veritas account, saying it had posted private information. It also temporarily locked Mr. O’Keefe’s account.

Couple years ago, O'Keefe was also barred from fundraising for Project Veritas in Florida, Maine, Mississippi, Utah, and Wisconsin, partly because of his federal criminal record for entering a federal building under fraudulent pretenses and partly because Project Veritas has repeatedly failed to properly disclose O'Keefe's criminal convictions in applications for nonprofit status. Similar disclosure issues for the group's registration also exist in New Mexico, New York, and North Carolina.
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Speaking of O'Keefe, he's been banned by Twitter.

Couple years ago, O'Keefe was also barred from fundraising for Project Veritas in Florida, Maine, Mississippi, Utah, and Wisconsin, partly because of his federal criminal record for entering a federal building under fraudulent pretenses and partly because Project Veritas has repeatedly failed to properly disclose O'Keefe's criminal convictions in applications for nonprofit status. Similar disclosure issues for the group's registration also exist in New Mexico, New York, and North Carolina.
You just know this is going to juice the "oppressed minority, silent majority" feedback loop.
I always thought being "red pilled" was a The Matrix reference..

That's where the original phrase came from, yes, but the movement that it now describes is almost entirely divorced from that. It's probably worth looking into if you have any desire to understand the more extreme views within the alt-right.
The GOP and its **** base hate thinking critically. That's why these shysters thrive.
It's more than just this. It's about banishing any form of introspection completely. A good Republican is never supposed to question their own beliefs.
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It's more than just this. It's about banishing any form of introspection completely. A good Republican is never supposed to question their own beliefs.

It's how they were raised, and how they raise their children. Religion and conservative "family values" teaches you explicitly that it is not acceptable to question authority. You must be a true believer. Ironic that the "muh freedom's" crowd are the ultimate submissives.
Mitch blusters, but he sure seems like a bottom. There's a catchy, rhyming name for him that I won't use here.
But all I'm seeing is people going "full gangbusters". Nobody explained why the claims Project Veritas made in those video's were wrong. Not talking about other Project Veritas video's where they may have been wrong. If you truly feel it is your duty to prevent people from being misled, then atleast try to adress the claims the topic starter or in this case Project Veritas made about CNN. Person A was wrong about B so he must also be wrong about C?

Side note: I haven't watched the video's (or any Project Veritas video's) because I don't need Project Veritas to convince me that CNN (or Fox News) is trash.
If you really want to understand (which I doubt):

Genius documentary about the grift that is PV.