SR doesn't work. Tired of getting rear ended.

A good qualifying time is your only shot at a clean race atm. If you're mid-pack at the start of the race then it's a game of survival. Pray for the best but don't expect any miracles.

Not my experience. I have raced 5 races today all midpack because I'm having ****** time on that N300 course and all of them have had passes and hard racing that could have turned ugly yet I have seen only had one idiot racing towards the front at everybody elses expense, the rest have been very sportsman like.
Not to go off track but I would like to give a kudos to this community. I know some of the posts got a bit terse but all in all everyone is still at a much higher level of gamer conduct that I have seen in pretty much any game. I am new to racing (I have played racing games but never a dedicated fan) so learning a lot. I have played games like League of Legends, Overwatch, MMORPGs and others. The forums in LOL is complete vile at best. Goes down from there. But in here, it seems people are holding each other to a much higher standard.

Anywhere else a "bump to advance" would be scoffed at and not be given a second thought. Here, for right or wrong, it is frowned upon and even ridiculed. Regardless which side of the fence you are on, it is great to see a community that has the level of integrity that does hold each other to such a high standard. I am impressed.

Hopefully that all made sense! :)
GTP is a little dose of sanity in the otherwise crazy ethernetz:)
Perhaps my view of other gamers is skewed from, well, pretty much every game I've ever played online, but I expect all players to use every exploit, cheat, and dirty rotten way of "getting one over" on me at every opportunity. As such, it had never occurred to me to be overly generous and sportsmanlike with randoms, because, well, they're unlikely to return the favour. Chances are, I'll slow down to let a guy back past and he'll purposely ram me because he interpreted our collision (like many on here) as an intentional ramming and therefore hit me back out of spite.

My first thought was "oops, he's probably not too happy that I bumped him, best get away from him ASAP to prevent him punting me off in retaliation". Mainly because that's what has happened in other games I've played.

Perhaps I'm getting skeptical after all these years online...

I will say, this community is the most helpful and good natured I'll think you'll find. I to have played, and frequented forums for CoDs, Tom Clanceys The Division amongst other online games. Those communities are dog eat dog, I'm better than you, NOOB etc, and super toxic. I think you may have carried this mentality to this forum.

A lot of regulars here have been a part of racing leagues, and as jonnypenso posted, have raced holding those values on driving behaviour and what is expected of online racers. I think it's fair to say most hold those values whether racing strangers or friends.

I'm sorry this seemed to turn into a witch hunt and that you were maybe misunderstood. I'd take it as a life lesson.

As has been said earlier, being courteous and showing a sporting nature in online racing can breed that mentality in others, which in-turn spreads. Being an asshat breeds the negative mentality which then spreads. I know which I prefer.

Anyway, onwards and upwards. You've learned a lesson in GTP racing community etiquette.
Perhaps I'm getting skeptical after all these years online...
Yep, that is probably your only "mistake", sometimes being polite and driving with good sportsmanship manners may feel like casting pearls before swine, BUT mostly it rewards.
Few days ago I was searching good overtake place against guy who was three seconds or more slower than me, one lap just trying to play my self on position where I could overtake, without success, he was good closing doors, we didn't make any contact during that, even going really close on several places, then he made one mistake on corner exit from his defending driving line and I knew at on next tight corner we will be going side by side on those exit speeds. He showed me one good usage of new GT series feature, he lift throttle a bit and take car slightly of from driving line, turned signal on like going on Nordschleife tourist and let me pass.
Why? He had probably studied my driving as I was doing his and found out at we will be fighting side by side for rest of the race and he decided to lower his stress level and let me go. He might be questioning would he be able to keep car in control on various driving lines which we were going? Don't know but after pass I vanish in horizon, all this without any kind of contact, or threatening of it, just clean driving giving him pressure, which made him make mistake and he "surrender" after it.
All this fight was somewhere around P10 or something, I got one or two scalps after that and definitely felt like winner, nowhere close to podium but had excellent fight for those few scalps and toke them without any contatcs or threat of contacting.
Hi guys.

Is there a way to actually report someone for really bad driving?

I'd love it if they implemented the same kind of thing that Bungie has for Destiny. Any time you can get to the "player roster" you can select a player an report them for I think 9 different "infractions" from bad language, slow connection as well as griefing and cheating. I've only used it a couple times but I feel it's a pretty good system as long as they have the backend to go through the reports.

Right now I've been blocking bad drivers on PSN but I'm not sure if it does any good. I've only done 2 and I haven't seen them again but that doesn't mean that it's due to the block....could just be that in the wide world of GTS we haven't matched up again.

Yep, that is probably your only "mistake", sometimes being polite and driving with good sportsmanship manners may feel like casting pearls before swine, BUT mostly it rewards.
Few days ago I was searching good overtake place against guy who was three seconds or more slower than me, one lap just trying to play my self on position where I could overtake, without success, he was good closing doors, we didn't make any contact during that, even going really close on several places, then he made one mistake on corner exit from his defending driving line and I knew at on next tight corner we will be going side by side on those exit speeds. He showed me one good usage of new GT series feature, he lift throttle a bit and take car slightly of from driving line, turned signal on like going on Nordschleife tourist and let me pass.
Why? He had probably studied my driving as I was doing his and found out at we will be fighting side by side for rest of the race and he decided to lower his stress level and let me go. He might be questioning would he be able to keep car in control on various driving lines which we were going? Don't know but after pass I vanish in horizon, all this without any kind of contact, or threatening of it, just clean driving giving him pressure, which made him make mistake and he "surrender" after it.
All this fight was somewhere around P10 or something, I got one or two scalps after that and definitely felt like winner, nowhere close to podium but had excellent fight for those few scalps and toke them without any contatcs or threat of contacting.

Love that! I should go map the turn signals when I get home! :D

In my four FIA races this weekend there have been some pretty good battles. I've had my share of "bumping and rubbing" but nothing so far that I think has been malicious or intended. The Blue Moon race was better than I expected and I had a real good half dozen laps with a guy in a GTI VGT (can't remember the name) where we traded places from I think 9th and 10th all the way up to 4th and 5th. I think he got tapped by a Viper so I'm not sure where he finished but it was nice and clean between us as we moved through traffic, which astounded me on an oval track.

Suzuka was also pretty clean. Once the idiot bounced his way to the back of the herd there was a group of 3 or 4 of us that had a nice clean race in the middle of the pack...6th to 9th. I was nervous about how much fighting there would be starting 13th (I hate qualifying :P) but it seems like nearly everyone I was racing with was a good sport about staying off the line when they borked a corner and keeping to one defending move. Makes me hopeful as the Sport thing carries on and evolves.
A punt, a graze, a nudge, what's the difference? I made it clear that it was a small amount of contact, which did not result in the other car leaving the track or hitting the wall. Of course I'm being defensive - I've admitted to tapping the back of another car and everyone is acting like I'm some torpedo who purposely smashes players off at every turn. Before this thread i'd never even heard of players "giving back" places in online racing. Having only raced online in games like Forza, Racedriver Grid, and GTA Online racing, I've experienced plenty of dirty racing, and never giving any places back. If I was in an organised league where that behaviour is understood to be "how it's done", then I'd certainly oblige, but when being thrown in with randoms, I can't say I have any plan to concede places for any accidental contact. If you're playing by a different set of standards to the majority of the pack then you're never going to get anywhere.

When i said "revenge was tempting", that was regarding a completely different incident, where somebody attempted to pit manoeuvre me on purpose and caused me to go off the track. I also stated that I didn't touch him and just drove around him cleanly when I caught him.

No, I'm using the game angle to point our how stupid it is to start saying I'm devoid of morals. Sure, I didn't concede a place in a video game, but that doesn't mean I'm going to mug your Grandmother in real life. And no, you didn't say I was devoid of morals, but somebody did - evidently some people can't separate the game world from the real one.

No, it's just a game even when you're playing against real people. You must be a blast to play Monopoly with though...

How can you be playing to win or profit from unintentional errors? An unintentional error is just that, unintentional. If you pre-plan it, then it isn't unintentional. This brings me back to the point of my original post - I don't think all contact is made intentionally and actually most of it is probably just the result of a lack of talent/mixed talent within any given race/over exuberance/an expectation to win every race.

I made my post because the tone of the thread seemed to be that everyone online was an idiot and are all out to kill each other. I was trying to point out that actually, in the majority of cases I suspect it's all purely accidental and gave my experience as an example. I'm not out to knock everyone off, in fact I just want a clean race like everyone else, but I'm not perfect. The fact that everyone jumped on me for admitting this, and that I didn't then pull over and concede a place, goes to show that I was right - some people on here get far too precious about a bit of contact and rather than assume it was accidental, would much prefer to start name calling and bitching about "asshats" punting them off.

Either way, it sounds like I'll get a lot more enjoyment out of this game than some here, because I expect the contact and don't expect any concessions if contact happens. As such, I don't get irate with every bit of contact and just enjoy the game. In a real life race everyone has a lot to lose if a crash occurs (potentially their life). In a computer game you have nothing to lose except a few virtual points and a virtual position, so naturally contact is going to occur and it'll occur often. If this upsets you, then maybe this isn't the game for you.
Gonna try to simplify this: If you gained any advantage over the player you hit, you should have given that position back according to any online racing league rules. Not forced by the game but they right thing to do. Anticipating a slower driver's braking points wil differ from yours is racecraft 1.01
The real challenge is the hunt for that perfect overtake so tangling with slower people for a position is half the fun. Rather have a 10 lap battle with a slower guy than lap by myself.
Well I did it - I had a good spat with another driver (only in the lobby this time) and went into a tight corner a bit hot and punted him, pulled over to let him past, then rather promptly passed him again without contact later in the lap.

The sneaky SOB had turned fuel on though, so half way through the race a few people that hadn't noticed all conked out. Luckily I noticed and got second after being passed right at the end by a guy who seemed to come out of nowhere.

Still, I'm yet to find any sporting driving coming back my way. Especially in the daily races, which seem to have only got messier recently.

Managed to fall to D SR yesterday after a few races that saw the whole pack bunched together, resulting in lots of light bumping between cars, made for interesting racing though. Had one person try to torpedo me at the end of a straight, but they got turned into a ghost at the last second and flew off into the wall, never to be seen again during the race. In that same race I worked my way up from 16th to 10th (after starting at 15th and being passed a bit impatiently on the first corner with a side swipe), and got promoted to 7th after the race due to people ahead of me with as much as 21 seconds in penalties... made me chuckle.

In all honesty though, no mater how dirty the races have been, I've really enjoyed them all, and I mostly finish mid pack. Hopefully i can get my SR back up from D, but at least the lower SR's ghost other cars more, so you're less likely to get torpedoed.

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