SRM has moved over to the pcars2 section, see ya on the other side!PS4 

  • Thread starter mphile77
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I should be around tonight for some Meatball Matchup practice if there are any takers? Then maybe some A/C if there is time?
Could really mess with the crew tonight, with Mike and Sgeti being here, we could take turns on my rig and no one would know who is who if we stayed quiet!
But we will be chillin on the deck having a few and telling lies!
See you tomorrow Cliff!
Have fun guys!!!!
Dude, just get food poisoning and say you're down and out for the weekend. Tell the wife you want more of that mexican food you had last time. Works like a charm. :lol:
I would love nothing more than to join you 🤬's! But unfortunately work has me by the balls this week every year :banghead:. The good news is i have 2 days left of hell week :cheers:
Yep, met Sgeti today. My God! He looks normal. I would be pounding down a few with them tonight, but had to come back home for an emergency. I forgot to pack my meds, legal ones and illegal ones, clothes, underwear, first aid kit. Duh move, but I was there on my bike so a trip home was no issue. Plus, I can poop in my own boudoir in the morning.....bonus, probably the last one of the weekend.......I have a very selective and sensitive pooper, clamps up tight in outhouses. I be full of it by Sunday night.

Mosport here we come.
Yep, met Sgeti today. My God! He looks normal. I would be pounding down a few with them tonight, but had to come back home for an emergency. I forgot to pack my meds, legal ones and illegal ones, clothes, underwear, first aid kit. Duh move, but I was there on my bike so a trip home was no issue. Plus, I can poop in my own boudoir in the morning.....bonus, probably the last one of the weekend.......I have a very selective and sensitive pooper, clamps up tight in outhouses. I be full of it by Sunday night.

Mosport here we come.

Gah thats so cool! I'm talking about your poopster of course. Not @SGETI @aerolite @XxGrimxX @steph67 @Eh Team or Mosport. I'm way more interested in your poopster and it's happenings and the whats, hows and whys of it's on goings or not goings.......

No really i'm not. :lol:

I'm only interested in you 🤬 having a blast this weekend!! I'm so jelly (hipster term for jealous) of you guys getting to hang out and watch REAL racecar drivers do their thing. Not just having to listen to the wannabes on their obnoxiously loud PS4 headsets. ;)

Pour one back for me homies! I'll make it there with you one day. :dunce:
Yep, met Sgeti today. My God! He looks normal. I would be pounding down a few with them tonight, but had to come back home for an emergency. I forgot to pack my meds, legal ones and illegal ones, clothes, underwear, first aid kit. Duh move, but I was there on my bike so a trip home was no issue. Plus, I can poop in my own boudoir in the morning.....bonus, probably the last one of the weekend.......I have a very selective and sensitive pooper, clamps up tight in outhouses. I be full of it by Sunday night.

Mosport here we come.
of course hes normal, when did an octopus ever send us beautiful tshirts?

Try and guess who's who from left to right!
Trap seemed to be doing much better by dinner! Fri night was a big drunk for us older crew but we outlasted most I believe! Sat was a bit rough for a few of us. Grim has quite the story for you though, all I can say is "zip ties"!!! Last night was a little more subdued for some of us and a much earlier night. Sgeti and me are back at my place now and he is heading home tomorrow and Lobban left a little early today to beat the rain on his bike. Eh team checked out after racing today as well but the rest are there until tomorrow.
Oh yeah, the racing, 🤬 awesome!!!
Big thanks to Grimm for getting us together, had a great time! :cheers:

Lobban's actually asleep!

Some had luxury accommodations!
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Grim you look exactly like one of my boys in that 2nd last picture.. Starting to wonder if your name is Shane.. i tried to watch and look for you guys on the outside (i watched the qualy and sunday a bit) but couldnt and didnt see anything... hope you alll had a blasty blast!
Here's a few video's, not much but it's something!
I know @Eh Team has way better pics than me!

Turn 3 stands, see them coming down hill into 2, then thru 3 and head off to 4. Awesome passing action all day!

Sitting at Moss (5a&b)

Ford GT was awesome! Just before I started video the car raised up on it's air jacks, takes a few seconds and then will come down.
If you look just in front of the rear wheel you will see an LED number plate. All the cars have this, it's new this year. During qualy and the race it will display what position the car is in. One of the coolest things I've seen in racing, so helpful!

The paint on these was incredible.
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Here's a few video's, not much but it's something!
I know @Eh Team has way better pics than me!

Turn 3 stands, see them coming down hill into 2, then thru 3 and head off to 4. Awesome passing action all day!

Sitting at Moss (5a&b)

Ford GT was awesome! Just before I started video the car raised up on it's air jacks, takes a few seconds and then will come down.
If you look just in front of the rear wheel you will see an LED number plate. All the cars have this, it's new this year. During qualy and the race it will display what position the car is in. One of the coolest things I've seen in racing, so helpful!

The paint on these was incredible.

:censored:Ing awesome :bowdown:
Anybody want my take on the weekend??? Too bad, here it is.

It all started sixty two years ago when I popped out. Fast forward a whole bunch and I find myself on my first bike trip in a few years, (it will probably be my last). It was only about four hours or so, but my rickety old bones are paying the price on this fine Monday. I left the race early when the rain clouds started, I'm glad I did, I dodged a bunch of isolated showers, but got hammered with rain about 90 miles from home, visibility sucked, but we made it home cold and wet. Was fun and exiting. The only issue encountered on the way to the event, a stupid woman left her little dog in her car at the grocery store we stopped at. I was seconds away from smashing her window when she showed up. No clue, I bet she won't do it again, it felt good blasting someone like that, that's what I miss most about my job.

What a nice facility at CTMP, so many places to watch from. Moss especially, you can't see the elevation change that well on TV, but in person.....holy poo poo kaka, its kind of like the corkscrew, lots of action, they have got to get this track for our games. It's a world class facility and deserves to host racing on this scale. What's cool is I taped the race and watched it this morning. It all made sense after that.

Friday night was a total write off, had a big Vodka and Kailua, (Sgeti's go to drink), then killed a "Micky", that's a pint for the 'Mericans, of Rum,(my go to drink, when I drink), and about 25 bad boys. I do remember one stumble from the fire pit and almost knocking my bike over. Aero and Sgeti were also flying, I hope the pic of Steve using a lawn chair as a walker surfaces. By the way........Sgeti snores like a dog.
Saturday was LOUD, really loud, I couldn't get my earplugs in quick enough, everytime a Porsche came by screaming, my head did the same, everytime a deep rumbling V-8 came by my bowels did the dance of deep danger, no trying to slip one by the goalie today, I only brought one change of panties.
One friggn Rednecktrucklovinshortfatpos, a friend of Grims from years past thought it would be a good idea to start up his pos truck and rev the carbon out of it cold. This guy thought he was the s.... He comes over to our fire pit, all 4ft nothing, his chest all puffed out, all proud of himself. You know at times in your life when you meet someone for the first time and just want to punch him in the head? This, to me was the guy. After he called Steve "Pajama Boy", I started with little subtle insults about his truck, I told him his Honda generator may need a tune up, it flew so far over his scrunched up little head. Screw the subtleties. I think at this point I was trying to start something. I looked deeply into his fat piggie eyes and told him, only a fuggn idiot of the first degree,would start an old pos truck like his cold and rev the miles that are left off of it. I asked if he knew what a Darwin Award was? He didn't, not surprised. He disappeared very,shortly afterword. I was getting ready to tell him about how dirty and friendly his wife and friend, (those two were definitely more than friends), were on Friday night. They looked really good when I was hammered, but in the morning......ewwww. That's why I don't drink often. The liquor is in the drivers seat, I have no control, at least I didn't wet myself.

The best part of the whole trip for me was meeting Sgeti, who is probably home by now. Me and Steve have heard the voice for years and a strong friendship has formed online. Well a strong personal in person friendship was consummated at Mosport. Now I have a person to attach the voice to. Awesome.
Also, big thanks for the T shirts, again, awesome.

We got there on Friday just in time to watch Trap have a little nap with hiccups included at trackside during practice, too bad we lost the picture. The marshals were concerned. Lol.

Eh team brought all the comforts of home, including his girlfriend Kaela (a sweetie), a nice big tent trailer with all the trimmings. Out of all of us, he is the guy who most looks like a race car offence eh?

Thanks to Grim for putting this together for the boys, your little gift Friday probably saved me from falling in the fire. NOT. I blame it all on Kelly Kelly Kelly. Just ya baby.

I was a little freaked out when Grim's twin brother,(HazzMat) was cooking the bacon in the morning, I had to do a double take, the hangover didn't help.

All in all it was an Awesome weekend, I have no regrets about the trip, even the rain on the way home didn't bring me down. I met in person a bunch of cool guys and girls who will be my friends forever. Even after ten hours of sleep last night, I am still dragging my butt. Can't wait for the Lobanaro Lounge tonight, though, LMP3 cars at the Mohave tracks. Should be a blast.
Here's a few video's, not much but it's something!
I know @Eh Team has way better pics than me!

Turn 3 stands, see them coming down hill into 2, then thru 3 and head off to 4. Awesome passing action all day!

Sitting at Moss (5a&b)

Ford GT was awesome! Just before I started video the car raised up on it's air jacks, takes a few seconds and then will come down.
If you look just in front of the rear wheel you will see an LED number plate. All the cars have this, it's new this year. During qualy and the race it will display what position the car is in. One of the coolest things I've seen in racing, so helpful!

The paint on these was incredible.

So awesome!! I love this stuff!! Thanks for sharing!! You mind if I share some of your pics and video on our site?

Anybody want my take on the weekend??? Too bad, here it is.

It all started sixty two years ago when I popped out. Fast forward a whole bunch and I find myself on my first bike trip in a few years, (it will probably be my last). It was only about four hours or so, but my rickety old bones are paying the price on this fine Monday. I left the race early when the rain clouds started, I'm glad I did, I dodged a bunch of isolated showers, but got hammered with rain about 90 miles from home, visibility sucked, but we made it home cold and wet. Was fun and exiting. The only issue encountered on the way to the event, a stupid woman left her little dog in her car at the grocery store we stopped at. I was seconds away from smashing her window when she showed up. No clue, I bet she won't do it again, it felt good blasting someone like that, that's what I miss most about my job.

What a nice facility at CTMP, so many places to watch from. Moss especially, you can't see the elevation change that well on TV, but in person.....holy poo poo kaka, its kind of like the corkscrew, lots of action, they have got to get this track for our games. It's a world class facility and deserves to host racing on this scale. What's cool is I taped the race and watched it this morning. It all made sense after that.

Friday night was a total write off, had a big Vodka and Kailua, (Sgeti's go to drink), then killed a "Micky", that's a pint for the 'Mericans, of Rum,(my go to drink, when I drink), and about 25 bad boys. I do remember one stumble from the fire pit and almost knocking my bike over. Aero and Sgeti were also flying, I hope the pic of Steve using a lawn chair as a walker surfaces. By the way........Sgeti snores like a dog.
Saturday was LOUD, really loud, I couldn't get my earplugs in quick enough, everytime a Porsche came by screaming, my head did the same, everytime a deep rumbling V-8 came by my bowels did the dance of deep danger, no trying to slip one by the goalie today, I only brought one change of panties.
One friggn Rednecktrucklovinshortfatpos, a friend of Grims from years past thought it would be a good idea to start up his pos truck and rev the carbon out of it cold. This guy thought he was the s.... He comes over to our fire pit, all 4ft nothing, his chest all puffed out, all proud of himself. You know at times in your life when you meet someone for the first time and just want to punch him in the head? This, to me was the guy. After he called Steve "Pajama Boy", I started with little subtle insults about his truck, I told him his Honda generator may need a tune up, it flew so far over his scrunched up little head. Screw the subtleties. I think at this point I was trying to start something. I looked deeply into his fat piggie eyes and told him, only a fuggn idiot of the first degree,would start an old pos truck like his cold and rev the miles that are left off of it. I asked if he knew what a Darwin Award was? He didn't, not surprised. He disappeared very,shortly afterword. I was getting ready to tell him about how dirty and friendly his wife and friend, (those two were definitely more than friends), were on Friday night. They looked really good when I was hammered, but in the morning......ewwww. That's why I don't drink often. The liquor is in the drivers seat, I have no control, at least I didn't wet myself.

The best part of the whole trip for me was meeting Sgeti, who is probably home by now. Me and Steve have heard the voice for years and a strong friendship has formed online. Well a strong personal in person friendship was consummated at Mosport. Now I have a person to attach the voice to. Awesome.
Also, big thanks for the T shirts, again, awesome.

We got there on Friday just in time to watch Trap have a little nap with hiccups included at trackside during practice, too bad we lost the picture. The marshals were concerned. Lol.

Eh team brought all the comforts of home, including his girlfriend Kaela (a sweetie), a nice big tent trailer with all the trimmings. Out of all of us, he is the guy who most looks like a race car offence eh?

Thanks to Grim for putting this together for the boys, your little gift Friday probably saved me from falling in the fire. NOT. I blame it all on Kelly Kelly Kelly. Just ya baby.

I was a little freaked out when Grim's twin brother,(HazzMat) was cooking the bacon in the morning, I had to do a double take, the hangover didn't help.

All in all it was an Awesome weekend, I have no regrets about the trip, even the rain on the way home didn't bring me down. I met in person a bunch of cool guys and girls who will be my friends forever. Even after ten hours of sleep last night, I am still dragging my butt. Can't wait for the Lobanaro Lounge tonight, though, LMP3 cars at the Mohave tracks. Should be a blast.


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Anybody want my take on the weekend??? Too bad, here it is.

It all started sixty two years ago when I popped out. Fast forward a whole bunch and I find myself on my first bike trip in a few years, (it will probably be my last). It was only about four hours or so, but my rickety old bones are paying the price on this fine Monday. I left the race early when the rain clouds started, I'm glad I did, I dodged a bunch of isolated showers, but got hammered with rain about 90 miles from home, visibility sucked, but we made it home cold and wet. Was fun and exiting. The only issue encountered on the way to the event, a stupid woman left her little dog in her car at the grocery store we stopped at. I was seconds away from smashing her window when she showed up. No clue, I bet she won't do it again, it felt good blasting someone like that, that's what I miss most about my job.

What a nice facility at CTMP, so many places to watch from. Moss especially, you can't see the elevation change that well on TV, but in person.....holy poo poo kaka, its kind of like the corkscrew, lots of action, they have got to get this track for our games. It's a world class facility and deserves to host racing on this scale. What's cool is I taped the race and watched it this morning. It all made sense after that.

Friday night was a total write off, had a big Vodka and Kailua, (Sgeti's go to drink), then killed a "Micky", that's a pint for the 'Mericans, of Rum,(my go to drink, when I drink), and about 25 bad boys. I do remember one stumble from the fire pit and almost knocking my bike over. Aero and Sgeti were also flying, I hope the pic of Steve using a lawn chair as a walker surfaces. By the way........Sgeti snores like a dog.
Saturday was LOUD, really loud, I couldn't get my earplugs in quick enough, everytime a Porsche came by screaming, my head did the same, everytime a deep rumbling V-8 came by my bowels did the dance of deep danger, no trying to slip one by the goalie today, I only brought one change of panties.
One friggn Rednecktrucklovinshortfatpos, a friend of Grims from years past thought it would be a good idea to start up his pos truck and rev the carbon out of it cold. This guy thought he was the s.... He comes over to our fire pit, all 4ft nothing, his chest all puffed out, all proud of himself. You know at times in your life when you meet someone for the first time and just want to punch him in the head? This, to me was the guy. After he called Steve "Pajama Boy", I started with little subtle insults about his truck, I told him his Honda generator may need a tune up, it flew so far over his scrunched up little head. Screw the subtleties. I think at this point I was trying to start something. I looked deeply into his fat piggie eyes and told him, only a fuggn idiot of the first degree,would start an old pos truck like his cold and rev the miles that are left off of it. I asked if he knew what a Darwin Award was? He didn't, not surprised. He disappeared very,shortly afterword. I was getting ready to tell him about how dirty and friendly his wife and friend, (those two were definitely more than friends), were on Friday night. They looked really good when I was hammered, but in the morning......ewwww. That's why I don't drink often. The liquor is in the drivers seat, I have no control, at least I didn't wet myself.

The best part of the whole trip for me was meeting Sgeti, who is probably home by now. Me and Steve have heard the voice for years and a strong friendship has formed online. Well a strong personal in person friendship was consummated at Mosport. Now I have a person to attach the voice to. Awesome.
Also, big thanks for the T shirts, again, awesome.

We got there on Friday just in time to watch Trap have a little nap with hiccups included at trackside during practice, too bad we lost the picture. The marshals were concerned. Lol.

Eh team brought all the comforts of home, including his girlfriend Kaela (a sweetie), a nice big tent trailer with all the trimmings. Out of all of us, he is the guy who most looks like a race car offence eh?

Thanks to Grim for putting this together for the boys, your little gift Friday probably saved me from falling in the fire. NOT. I blame it all on Kelly Kelly Kelly. Just ya baby.

I was a little freaked out when Grim's twin brother,(HazzMat) was cooking the bacon in the morning, I had to do a double take, the hangover didn't help.

All in all it was an Awesome weekend, I have no regrets about the trip, even the rain on the way home didn't bring me down. I met in person a bunch of cool guys and girls who will be my friends forever. Even after ten hours of sleep last night, I am still dragging my butt. Can't wait for the Lobanaro Lounge tonight, though, LMP3 cars at the Mohave tracks. Should be a blast.
This was a great read, i was laughing pretty good at some of this! So glad you guys had a good time!
You mind if I share some of your pics and video on our site?
Not at all, use away! I'll post some pics in the am.

i feel like there should be a pic of those twin 🤬's together...whoever guess's right, gets 1st.
How about tripletts!


This was a great read, i was laughing pretty good at some of this! So glad you guys had a good time!
That was a good read! Pajama pants...."but I'm not trying to pick a fight"...haha....dweeb!
Btw, Eh Teams gal is Krista!
The Glen next year???
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