Congrats to the podium tonight
, nice work 👍.
I would like to give my apologies for my negative attitude 5 seconds into the race, i just cant stand being caught up in the infamous turn one lap one bull:censored: when we have an Hr long race. I know its a game, im a damn try hard cant help it
Sorry to see some guys getting stung by the pit stop stuff, fuel being off, and the 15,000 other things bear told us about for 45min
#mutebutton, surry buddy but i have to give ya crap
. Lobban sorry your pedal f:censored:ed you over, sucks!
We had some no shows tonight
(Bloody i knew you were not showing up, thanks for the heads up!)
Read The Thread
Guys i seen this same post in Lobban/Aero lounge as well tonight! You must reade the thread, stop in check stuff out and learn it. Heck even drop a post for us we wont mind
, but showing up on race night with no clue as to what we are doing is just hard. It causes us to have to explain something we worked hard on so it was posted in the thread for you guys to read, so i beg you to please stay current, it helps everyone