So is SRT just trying to be different or is there science behind the fact that the brake calipers are mounted on the bottom....?
They do that to make the weight of the car have a low centre of gravity as much as possible.
Also, guys, to those millions out there thinking the G-Suit is a gimick, or a cool fantasy, I think you're all forgetting something here...
G-Suits are a real thing, they have been using them for fighter pilots since the 50's, its been saving their lives and enhancing their manouvers ever since.
The reason behind this is that when you are under G-Force, especially those pushing down and to the side of your body, your blood gets forced away from your head, and gets rushed to the legs due to the high G-Forces, blood loss to the brain may cause a blackout (complete loss of conciousness), brain damage, hemmerage, and even death, and all of this would happen without a G-Suit.
The G-Suit exists to counteract these deadly problems, and does it by squeezing the pilots body, forcing the flood away from the legs & body, and keeping it up where the blood needs to stay most, the brain.
With this G-Suit and its capabilities, pilots are able to pull off high-G manouvers which pilots without a G-Suit would quite literally die doing.
So yeah, this kind of G-Force this car does is not unheard of, fighter pilots live with those G-Force numbers thanks to the G-Suit.