Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec


Staff Emeritus
I saw the teaser trailer this weekend attached to The Increadibles.

Check it out at the Official Site

Looks pretty exciting. Wookies. Sidious with a lightsaber. The big duel. Everyone ready for this one?


The part that's weak about this movie is that Master Windu(Sam Jackson) Must die. I really don't like that but since he's not in episode IV. It's a bit obvious.

Looks interesting though. I wonder how Leia and Luke will be portrayed?
By Episode IV there are hardly any Jedi remaining. In fact, do they show any aside from Luke, Obi Wan, Yoda, and Darth Vedar in the original three movies?
By Episode IV there are hardly any Jedi remaining. In fact, do they show any aside from Luke, Obi Wan, Yoda, and Darth Vedar in the original three movies?

Nope. In Return of the Jedi, right before he dies, Yoda tells Luke he will be the last one.

At least Mace Windu won't "go out like a punk", accord to Sam himself in several interviews. I'm betting Sidious gets mediveal on him, with help from Anakin.

God, I hope they so this storey Justice....thats all I hope for...there is so much freaking potential to be such a great film.
Nope. In Return of the Jedi, right before he dies, Yoda tells Luke he will be the last one.

At least Mace Windu won't "go out like a punk", accord to Sam himself in several interviews. I'm betting Sidious gets mediveal on him, with help from Anakin.

But in the books, Leia starts a Jedi school with Han Solo. Luke becomes a Yoda type that sometimes participates. But, this was a long time ago I read these books.
Solid Lifters
But in the books, Leia starts a Jedi school with Han Solo. Luke becomes a Yoda type that sometimes participates. But, this was a long time ago I read these books.

Correct, but Luke is the last Jedi between the time that Yoda dies (in RotJ) and the EU novels, where he trains a new generation of Jedi. I haven't read any of the EU novels, but I understand it is many years after RotJ.

The only point was all the Jedi except Kenobi and Yoda were wiped out by Vader when the story begins in Ep. IV, so it would make perfect sense that Mace Windu die in the course of the events in Ep. III.

It would make sense that the remaining Jedi from Ep II all die in this movie. There should be still quite a few remaining at the start of the movie.
I think the coolest part of any SW movie was when all of the Jedi were fighting together in the arena against the droids...that was damn cool !
Correct, but Luke is the last Jedi between the time that Yoda dies (in RotJ) and the EU novels, where he trains a new generation of Jedi. I haven't read any of the EU novels, but I understand it is many years after RotJ.

The only point was all the Jedi except Kenobi and Yoda were wiped out by Vader when the story begins in Ep. IV, so it would make perfect sense that Mace Windu die in the course of the events in Ep. III.

OK, I thought you meant Luke was the last Jedi forever.

Yeah, I hear that Mace Windu's death scene was a real big one. Arms cut off, leg cut off, etc. I hope that wasn't a rumor. Watch now, I bet he just falls off a cliff or something else stupid. Maybe, he'll trip over Yoda, fall and break his neck. LOL. But, we'll see. I can't wait for this one. The last one was horrible, but I knew it was going to be. Lucas said it was goint to be a romance Star Wars movie, and let's face it. He doesn't look like the romantic type. But, the end was pretty cool.
Solid Lifters
But in the books, Leia starts a Jedi school with Han Solo. Luke becomes a Yoda type that sometimes participates. But, this was a long time ago I read these books.

I used to read all of those books ( Star trek ones too ) When I moved out of my parents house, I had left them in an attic, they lent them to family friends, family friends had them for 4 years, and then put them in a freaking garage sale...over 100 books !!! ( I didn;t find this out till about 5 months ago..) family friends where very sorry, yadda yadda yadda, but man I wanted to kill people that day !!!

**edit*** and the bastiges did not offer me any of the money the made on my books either, For F#$@ Sake
Solid Lifters
OK, I thought you meant Luke was the last Jedi forever.

Yeah, I hear that Mace Windu's death scene was a real big one. Arms cut off, leg cut off, etc. I hope that wasn't a rumor. Watch now, I bet he just falls off a cliff or something else stupid. Maybe, he'll trip over Yoda, fall and break his neck. LOL. But, we'll see. I can't wait for this one. The last one was horrible, but I knew it was going to be. Lucas said it was goint to be a romance Star Wars movie, and let's face it. He doesn't look like the romantic type. But, the end was pretty cool.

"It's just a flesh woooouuuuunnnnnd". I bet he runs into a wall and chops himself in half with his `saber.
I used to read all of those books ( Star trek ones too ) When I moved out of my parents house, I had left them in an attic, they lent them to family friends, family friends had them for 4 years, and then put them in a freaking garage sale...over 100 books !!! ( I didn;t find this out till about 5 months ago..) family friends where very sorry, yadda yadda yadda, but man I wanted to kill people that day !!!

**edit*** and the bastiges did not offer me any of the money the made on my books either, For F#$@ Sake

That happened with my dad's Lionel trains.
That happened with my dad's Lionel trains.
Oh. My. God.

I have a friends who is a "train guy." I know how much that hurts. My mom tossed out my baseball collection. Even after I told her to never do it. Gone are rookie cards from the early to mid '80s. I remember having a lot of Ron Kittles, even though he turned out to be nothing.
Burn in hell, Lucas.

I wouldn't put much stock in what you see next summer, since this version of Revenge of The Sith will likely never be seen again. Lucas will change it and improve it where he sees fit before releasing it on DVD, and decline to offer it in its original format.

The Wookie issue reminds me of the terrible Christmas Special that was released on TV (before Lucas tried, in his fashion, to remove it from our collective consciousness). It sucked, and I suspect this will too.

Bitter? You bet your ASS.

The only things I liked from the trailer were the shot of Sidious freaking out with his saber and the wide overhead shot of the two ships gliding by each other firing and exploding. That was pretty good.
Burn in hell, Lucas.

I wouldn't put much stock in what you see next summer, since this version of Revenge of The Sith will likely never be seen again. Lucas will change it and improve it where he sees fit before releasing it on DVD, and decline to offer it in its original format.

The Wookie issue reminds me of the terrible Christmas Special that was released on TV (before Lucas tried, in his fashion, to remove it from our collective consciousness). It sucked, and I suspect this will too.

Bitter? You bet your ASS.

The only things I liked from the trailer were the shot of Sidious freaking out with his saber and the wide overhead shot of the two ships gliding by each other firing and exploding. That was pretty good.

You seem actually eager to hate the film. If you set yourself up for disappointment, you will undoubtedly achieve your goal.

I'm not telling you what to think; that's your business. But I'm just pointing out that bitterness is a self-fullfilling prophecy. In fact, the fallacy of hatred and anger is central to the theme of Star Wars, so maybe you can take a cue there.

Okay. Maybe I will argue with you just a bit. That wookie clip friggin rocked. Fifty pissed off, screaming wookies getting ready to open a can reminds you of the christmas special? What were you, like one when it was on TV?

You seem actually eager to hate the film. If you set yourself up for disappointment, you will undoubtedly achieve your goal.

I'm not telling you what to think; that's your business. But I'm just pointing out that bitterness is a self-fullfilling prophecy. In fact, the fallacy of hatred and anger is central to the theme of Star Wars, so maybe you can take a cue there.

Okay. Maybe I will argue with you just a bit. That wookie clip friggin rocked. Fifty pissed off, screaming wookies getting ready to open a can reminds you of the christmas special? What were you, like one when it was on TV?


I've got to go with MSpec on this one. Granted. Episode I was usuless except for 2 scenes, Pod racing and the last fight(the space battle was retarded. Episode II was better, but still fundamentally flawed as it was geared toward children instead of towards adults. So I'm actually anxious to see what Lucas will do with a movie entitled "Revenge of the Sith" If you remember, Return of the Jedi was supposed to be "Revenge of the Jedi" but Lucas had it changed before the movie was released. Revenge as a very dark and sinister tone to it. It would be hard, unless you were disney, to tailor that kind of movie for children. But we'll see what lucas does.

I'll go see it at midnight just like all the other ones. Since I only see about 3-5 movies a year anyway. Might as well go when there's no screaming babies and simple children. :)
Saw the trailer at The Incredibles last night (which was awesome) and I was fairly excited. Of course, that was only the teaser, once the real trailer comes out I'll start to get stoked.

I am looking forward to crazy, battling wookies, though.
The only thing I'm looking forward to about this movie is that once it's been released we won't have to eat any more of Lucas' bull**** for a while. Hopefully forever.
The only thing I'm looking forward to about this movie is that once it's been released we won't have to eat any more of Lucas' bull**** for a while. Hopefully forever.
You know. that's a sad truth. 20 or so years ago he knew how to make a movie. Episode IV, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Willow...But now, it's just like, "OOOHHH! Look, CG! I can have all characters be CG in the movie! and have giant animals in the scenes for NO reason at all. yeah...let's do ALL the Star Wars movies like that. Because that's how I invisioned them in the first place"

Man, the amount of time the actors in episode II and III spent infront of a green screen rivals the matrix! :yuck:
That is so true. CG should only be used if it's the only way to portray a scene the way you want it portrayed, such as the attack on Zion in Matrix Revolutions. But take Jabba The Hutt, for example. the puppet version was SO much more effective than the CG Hutts, but I guess Lucas doesn't understand that. I wonder when he'll come out with Star Wars: Revisited, where he takes out all the puppets and puts CG versions in their places. Maybe we'll get some CG Wookies too!
That is so true. CG should only be used if it's the only way to portray a scene the way you want it portrayed, such as the attack on Zion in Matrix Revolutions. But take Jabba The Hutt, for example. the puppet version was SO much more effective than the CG Hutts, but I guess Lucas doesn't understand that. I wonder when he'll come out with Star Wars: Revisited, where he takes out all the puppets and puts CG versions in their places. Maybe we'll get some CG Wookies too!

The only CG character that worked exceptionally well was Yoda. Jar Jar was just a dumb idea in the first place. The flying junk dealer that owned anakin and his mom was ok. But the only one that was worth it was Yoda. Specifically in Episode II.

Lord of the Rings used CG correctly! Star Wars just used it cause they could! Man, that's just annoying.

Anderton: I can tell that your a Matrix fan. But please don't talk about Revolutions...that movie was just, well, almost as disappointing as Episode I. The first two were pretty good though.
I also think that the model ships in the in the origional Star Wars look better thant the CG Ships in the new ones.
I also think that the model ships in the in the origional Star Wars look better thant the CG Ships in the new ones.

Actually, I think the model ships with teh CG enhancement were the best. The version that was released on VHS just before the debauchery that was the re-release of Star Wars Episode IV-VI. :yuck:
I think the coolest part of any SW movie was when all of the Jedi were fighting together in the arena against the droids...that was damn cool !

I agree. That was pretty sweet. I really hope episode 3 is as awesome as it can be, it has so much potential.
Actually, I think the model ships with teh CG enhancement were the best. The version that was released on VHS just before the debauchery that was the re-release of Star Wars Episode IV-VI. :yuck:
I agree, it was when the effects looked old school but still pretty damn good, now they're just lame and look like a video game.