Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Director Kevin Smith has posted a review of Ep III on his site.

WARNING! Strong language and MASSIVE spoilers!

Kevin Smith
"Revenge of the Sith" is, quite simply, ****ing awesome. This is the "Star Wars" prequel the haters have been *****ing for since "Menace" came out, and if they don't cop to that when they finally see it, they're lying.

///M-Spec, in all honesty, I think this movie will be the one to finally shut me up.

Here's to some less-debateful and more agreeable Star Wars conversations in the near future.
star wars rules, i been waiting for episode 3 since the end of episode 2, i know most the story but gives a ****, lol

im buying myself an Obi wan kenobi outfit for 50 quid, a FX lightsaber (good one not fold out plastic) for 90 so i will be a jedi knight!
Careful...hopefully you won't show up to the premiere with that outfit on. If you do, you could very well be beaten to within an inch of your life. And rightly so. Star Wars fans have always enjoyed being less tacky and less nerdy than Star Trek fans, but this costume phenomenon has got to stop!
i am a huge star wars fan. i didn't really notice this thread though...never really thought of GTP as a place to rant about SW.

yes, yoda and obi wan are the last of the jedi after this movie, and they are forced to go into hiding (which is why yoda is on that barren swampland in the OT). luke was the last jedi in the galaxy by the end, but started the new order in the EU (as has been said).

in case anyone wants it, here is the script to the entire movie. i must warn that it obviously contains spoilers......but if you couldn't figure that out, you need some help.

i also have the number to the payphone outside of the chinese theater. lol. i can't wait to see this in theaters and then go to star wars weekends at MGM right after.
Look who I met... Anybody jealous?

I'm curious about the lass in the background. She was part of the crew there and, zooming right in on the picture (this one is 600 pixels wide. The real one is 2200 pixels wide), she's looking right at me.

I know I'm handsome and devilishly charming and all, but I'm standing next to the coolest man on Earth with biceps the size of my neck and she's looking at me? Mad woman.

(for anyone who doesn't know, the guy on the left is Ray Park. Darth Maul)
I'm curious about the lass in the background. She was part of the crew there and, zooming right in on the picture (this one is 600 pixels wide. The real one is 2200 pixels wide), she's looking right at me.

I know I'm handsome and devilishly charming and all, but I'm standing next to the coolest man on Earth with biceps the size of my neck and she's looking at me? Mad woman.

(for anyone who doesn't know, the guy on the left is Ray Park. Darth Maul)

Ahahahaha. Famine has a school yard crush!!!!!

I used to be big on starwars but that has waned in the past few years. I'm not all up on this movie (I don't even know when it is released) but I'll probably end up seeing it no matter how good or bad gets reviewed.
i read the script a while back. its much more dark than any star wars up to date. and i read that Kevin Smith will be writing a Star wars TV series. that may have already been said and i just overlooked it.
I found this on

Kevin Smith Previews Revenge of the Sith
Star Wars Prequels
Posted by Zonk on Thursday April 28, @01:52PM
from the do-or-do-not-there-is-no-try dept.
Eugenia writes "Kevin Smith, the well-known actor/director, was invited by George Lucas to a special advanced screening of the upcoming 'Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith' film and he wrote down his take on the movie. There are some serious spoilers in his article but it's interesting to see his reaction, as a director and Star Wars fan."

( Read More... | 459 of 615 comments )
I remember well seeing Star Wars back in '77 when I was 7yrs old. I saw The Empire Strikes Back at the Odeon Leicester Square. But by the time of Return of the Jedi I was 13 and I wasn't that interested. But I still saw it...just to see what happend in the end.

Now, after two prequels that I did not see at the cinema (though I got them on DVD) and didn't enjoy that much I'm finally seeing a Star Wars film at the cinema...22 years after seeing RotJ. Revenge of the Sith looks like it will be a good film, perhaps even a great film. I'm actually looking forward to seeing it!
FAmine, you look almost exactly as I pictured you. Cool that you got to meet Ray Park though. 👍
I've been trying to come up with a funny caption to that photo for about 3 days now. Best I could do is:


"Your used car list jost OWNS, mate. C'mere an lemme give you a big hug!"

I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing... :D

Neither really. Just one of the few times I was actually right.
They should have released the new Star Wars movie on May 4th... then they could have said, "May the Fourth be with you..." :dopey:
I'm not going to see this one in the theater. I don't think Lucas deserves it. I will probably see it when it comes out on DVD but I've been so dissapointed by the prequels so far that I can't get excited about this one.

Here's what I expect:

Lots of cool special effects.
Lots of lightsaber fights
good music (I've heard it, it's good)
crappy acting
pathetic dialogue
ZERO character development. Annie will already be bad when this movie starts.
More campy cameos that leverage on the original trilogy (ie: R2, C3PO, etc)
Thanks Mpsec. That was most interesting. I hope if they do the trilogy following ROTJ that Lucas has little part in it.

Actually, I hope his has some part in them, because there are things he does well.

He is a genius at the broad-stroke story line.

He is a very good producer.

He know how to frame shots, how to edit and how to make the visual elements of his films work.

But he is not very good at directing people where true depth of emotion is called for. He has some good moments, (like Shmi's death scene) but more misses than hits (any of the romance from Clones).

And he is not good at writing dialogue, but can write a good screenplay (there is a difference).

My hope is that he executive produces any future Star Wars spin off, write the story, but lets other people direct and share screenplay credits with. This level of involvement is the same as the type that produced The Empire Strikes Back. But people who think he had nothing to do with Empire at all is misinfomed. He was quite active in making that movie. He just left the day-to-day decisions up to other people.

He should do that again. :)

EDIT: All of this, of course is subject to change when I see RotS. I've seen some pretty good stuff in the trailers so far.

Actually, I hope his has some part in them, because there are things he does well.

He is a genius at the broad-stroke story line.

He is a very good producer.

He know how to frame shots, how to edit and how to make the visual elements of his films work.

But he is not very good at directing people where true depth of emotion is called for. He has some good moments, (like Shmi's death scene) but more misses than hits (any of the romance from Clones).

And he is not good at writing dialogue, but can write a good screenplay (there is a difference).

My hope is that he executive produces any future Star Wars spin off, write the story, but lets other people direct and share screenplay credits with. This level of involvement is the same as the type that produced The Empire Strikes Back. But people who think he had nothing to do with Empire at all is misinfomed. He was quite active in making that movie. He just left the day-to-day decisions up to other people.

He should do that again. :)


Yeah, that's just about what I believe as well. If you look at the things he's been the executive producer of, the vast majority have been good. But when he's in the directors chair...well, yuck.
So who saw Episode III opening night, and what did you think of it?

Me .. I thought it was a great movie and I am going to end up buying the rest of them on DVD.
I'm going to see it in about 5 hours from now. It's been getting much better reviews across the board than Ep. 1&2, plus it's rated PG-13 which is a first for a SW film. Looking forward to lotsa bad guys and lightsaber action.👍 A lot of reviews said the acting is better this time around, but the dialogue still isn't the best. But you don't go see SW for dialogue, really. We'll see how it turns out.
👎 👍 👎 👍 👎 👍 👎
I saw it here in the UK this morning.
It is a much better film than the two previous pre-quels. The story is very simple and the film pretty much gets on with it. Only one or two scenes seemed too drawn out, but that's a small cirticism. The dialogue, long regarded as the pre-quels biggest failings, is better but not remarkable.
Looks incredible. Fight scenes are pretty spectacular (there's a lot of amputations in this film).
Not too sure on Anakin Skywalker's transformation into such an Evil character nor Padme's character but it's not too much of a problem.
Less pointless and misplaced humour though still has one or two humoures moments.
Some nice scenes echoing Episode IV and pretty much all the loose ends tied up.
So yeah, a very good film and most enjoyable!
It was good. Entirely too much CG, and this movie was the clencher - the Skywalkers are a bunch of **** ups. They destroyed everything that was good. Anikin and Luke are both total losers. There should have been more focus on the Jedi council - more Jedi stuff in general.

I would pay $10 an episode for 1hr long movies developing the lives of the Jedi and following them through battles with armies and the Sith. Make it high-res downloads and I'm there - here's my credit card, make it happen.
It was THE worst movie I have ever had the misfortune to see. Absolute bollox! I want my money back! OK, the special effects were awesome, but where was the acting? Where was the musical score? Where was the tension? I wanted to leave after half an hour. It was the only movie I have ever visited the toilet twice in. I am absolutely gutted. I never expected much, but this was even worse than I had thought. Star Wars only exists in episodes IV, V and VI for me now. I will never watch the first three ever again. What a load of rubbish! Lucas - retire now and never come back!

It is a much better film than the two previous pre-quels.

But that isn't really saying much, is it?

has one or two humoures moments.

Care to point them out? 'cause I certainly missed them!

Some nice scenes echoing Episode IV

You mean the last three and a half seconds. And even then they weren't so much echoing as using exactly the same scene. It was good thirty years ago. Not now!

So yeah, a very good film and most enjoyable!

I beg to differ in the biggest way imaginable!


I'm not going to see this one in the theater. I don't think Lucas deserves it. I will probably see it when it comes out on DVD but I've been so dissapointed by the prequels so far that I can't get excited about this one.

Here's what I expect:

Lots of cool special effects.


Lots of lightsaber fights

Not bad. But EP.I was better in this regard.

good music (I've heard it, it's good)

You've heard wrong!

crappy acting

You have that right!

pathetic dialogue

Better than EP I and II, but it's still bag'.

ZERO character development. Annie will already be bad when this movie starts.

'Ani's' tranformation from Jedi into Sith is laughable and takes all of two seconds. Blink and you'll miss it!

More campy cameos that leverage on the original trilogy (ie: R2, C3PO, etc)

Unfortunately not enough. They would have at least taken your mind off the dross that was present in the rest of the movie.

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