Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
I was amazed at the picture quality. It was very very clean, one of the crispest movies I have ever seen on the bigscreen. I was alos impressed by the much improved CGI. I loved the movie.

So it's enough for you to "love" a movie just because it's clean and has good CGI?
Saw it today,there were bits that disturbed me a bit,especially when Anakin
*spoilers*Finds the younglings in the Jedi temple they ask "Master Anakin,there's too many what should we do?"Then you see Anakin fire up his lightsaber and it goes to the next scene.Then in the next scenes you see the younglings's bodies strewn all over the floor*End spoilers*
that bit was chilling, i had a huge chill down my back as he ignited his lightsaber
Chilling? I got choked up when I saw him ignite it. That was terrible! That made me despise Anikan. I guess that was the point, so I guess Lucas got people to hate Anikan. That mustve been his intention. It worked.
I don't think Vader should be a character we necessarily hate. Surely he needs to be a character that frustrates us because we know there is good in him but that he has become trapped in his situation. From watching this and the last movie there is nothing to suggest that Anakin would ever regret joining the Darkside and eventually turn his back on it. I would have liked there to have been a moment in the movie when we could see that Anakin was trapped by the pressure of the Emporer but unable to do anything about it. That would have given a bit of tragedy to his situation at least.

That was brilliant, reminded me of some Frankenstien thing, just using his super robot strength to break away then letting out a huge frieeking no ... it was terrible :lol:

When he had the helmet and everything at the end, he definately moved differently than in IV, V, and VI.

Did anyone notice the say the starfighters looked? The republic had ships that looked like early Star Destroyers, X-Wing/Tie Fighter mixes, A-Wings, and the Imperial shuttle. I thought it was cool.
I don't think Vader should be a character we necessarily hate. Surely he needs to be a character that frustrates us because we know there is good in him but that he has become trapped in his situation. From watching this and the last movie there is nothing to suggest that Anakin would ever regret joining the Darkside and eventually turn his back on it. I would have liked there to have been a moment in the movie when we could see that Anakin was trapped by the pressure of the Emporer but unable to do anything about it. That would have given a bit of tragedy to his situation at least.

well did you notice that part on the lava planet after he killed those people he was standing there crying. that part gave me chills. like he knew he was doing wrong but for some reason he couldnt help it. plus i didnt like his full blown transition. he goes from saying, not thats not the way of the jedi, and turning in the chancellor for being a sith. then all of a sudden he's killing kids. wtf? thats a drastic change dont you think?
I wasn't going to see this flick for another week or so, mainly because I didn't want to get in the long line. After going to bowling tonight, I got on GTP and saw this thread. I checked the time and the local theater schedule, last show was about to start in 10 minutes. I hauled a** and got there just in time(10:50 PM). I must say, it was great!(plus the theater was nearly empty 👍 ).

My biggest complaint with the Episode II was the CG, they were ridiculously fake. In the Episode III, most CGs looked better, some parts were downright amazing. Acting was just OK, but well, it's Star Wars. :guilty:

Overall, I give this movie an A-. It could've been higher, but it's because of this:
Yeah. It looked like something out of Saturday Night Live. 👎
My girlfriend and I watched this movie over the weekend and absolutely loved it! I have only seen Return of the Jedi and the Empire strikes back before this one. No one I knew was into these movies so they really never interrested me.
BUT- After seeing Episode 3 I really want to sit down and watch every single episode. Just the special effects alone had me starting with my jaw open.
My girlfriend even liked this movie and she really really didnt want to go. I dont know all the Star wars terms or even half of the characters names but it sure was an excellent movie. 👍
Yes that bit with the younglings was very disturbing. I got a huge knot in my stomach saying to myself "no way, no way" :guilty:
The best thing about this movie is that now Natalie Portman's character is dead. A more useless major character and actress, I've never seen. There was about as much "chemistry" between Padme and Anakin as there is in wet cat litter.
A more useless major character and actress, I've never seen. There was about as much "chemistry" between Padme and Anakin as there is in wet cat litter.
:lol: I agree her acting has much to be desired.
well did you notice that part on the lava planet after he killed those people he was standing there crying. that part gave me chills. like he knew he was doing wrong but for some reason he couldnt help it. plus i didnt like his full blown transition. he goes from saying, not thats not the way of the jedi, and turning in the chancellor for being a sith. then all of a sudden he's killing kids. wtf? thats a drastic change dont you think?

It may seem abrupt until you see the very scene at Mustafar where he cries. Anakin has deep regrets over what he's done --all of it. That's not a fundamental character shift. Deep down, he knew the difference between right and wrong before he "turned" and even afterwards he still knew the difference.

That's right. He has not fully turned when he is named Lord Vader. He simply decides to do wrong when it would get him what he wants.

That's not a drastic change, but rather an unfortunate and selfish choice that leads him down the path to the next level: where he allows himself to be seduced by the power that comes from his evil acts.

In my mind, the point between the slaughter of the seperatist leaders and the point where he tries to tell Padme that they should rule the galaxy together is where the true character change occurs: from knowing right from wrong and caring about it --to knowing and not caring.

Somewhere between the two scenes is when Anakin Skywalker truly dies.

EDIT: I just realized after I hit post that it isn't somewhere between the two scenes. IT IS that scene. The entire shot is a metaphor.

It is when he turns his head AWAY from what he saw as he cried. His turning away is a metaphor for him turning his back on his conscience... from the last remaining shred of goodness left in him.


I noticed something else on my second viewing. If you look at Anakin's face when he bows and pledges alligience to Sidious, you can tell his heart is not in it. He doesn't want to, but he knows he has to --he has left himself no other options. In fact, the line "thank you, my master" is delivered with a thin veil of venom. I missed this the first night and this sutble aspect makes Anakin's entire turn more believeable.

This film deserves more acting and directing credit than the critics give. It is filled with nuance and genuinely good performances.

This film deserves more acting and directing credit than the critics give. It is filled with nuance and genuinely good performances.
Just not Natalie Portman's, who was about as convincing dead as she was alive.
Mspec. Great points.

I think it's also interesting that he put the choke hold on Padme before he learned it. But I guess it was just a manifestation of his anger.

As far as the acting goes. Maybe the acting was ok. But the dialogue was just useless and beyond obvious. The only people that had decent lines were the emperor and Obi Wan.
The dialogue in all the Star Wars movies has always been unconvincing, but that's not the issue. The original cast managed to deliver the lines with beleivability anyway.
The dialogue in all the Star Wars movies has always been unconvincing, but that's not the issue. The original cast managed to deliver the lines with beleivability anyway.

Thank you! That's the point I've been trying to get through to many people on my end for years!

Harrison Ford, Sir Alec Guiness(sp) Billy dee Williams even Chewbacca made it convincing and not "plastic" I don't know if it was Lucas' directing or Lucas' writing but there was very little feeling in any of the three of the prequels.
I wasn't convinced with the scene where he attacked Lando and then sat down and said what have I done, two seconds later he's pledging his allegiance to Sidious. I understand why he did it, but I don't think there was enough time between the feelings of regret and okay I'm with you. I was impressed with the film, especially in comparison to the others, it was darker, it set the tone, I also am happy that he only got the black suit at the end of the movie rather than have half of the film with him in it since we have another 3 full movies to see him like that. I still prefer the original 3 but I suppose thats going to be a comon preference to people my age and older, but I did like this one.

As for calling the kid younglins, come one, call them childeren for gods sake. But the scene where he killed them, even though you didn't see it was darker than I expected to see.

I'd give it 8/10.
I've always tried to tell people who put the Original Trilogy on an untouchable pedastal that they were simply viewing the past through rose-colored glasses. You may or may not agree with me, but I thought it would be interesting to show what people on the Internet back in 1983 were saying about Return of the Jedi.

Yes. 1983. There WAS an internet back then, but nothing like we know it today. No browsers. No web. No Windows. (well, not the Windows we all know and love today, at any rate). Apparently, someone saved an old, old series of newsgroup postings:

I came across this page while browing through Honestly, I have no idea whether or not it is authentic. If it IS a hoax, someone went through quite a bit of trouble just to play a prank. The posts seem authentic to me, though.

I particularly enjoyed this post:

Anyway, just thought I'd share.

EDIT: Oh, and this one is pure gold.

Did it strike anyone as odd that the Death Star was just as large
when viewed from ships nearby as it was from the ground below
on Endor? Neat optical effect, huh?

Would you want to be an Imperial Stormtrooper when your armor
can't even deflect arrows, let along ray gun blasts?

What kind of metal do they make walkers out of so that two
free-falling logs can crush it but other weapons can't
even dent it? Better yet, what kind of logs were those?

How do you like (nuclear?) reactors that blow up at chemical
reaction speed but with considerably more force? I mean,
the ships inside were able to outrace the blast effects.

I liked the movie, though....
"The soapbox of Gene Spafford"

Mspec. Yes, I'll agree that the original trilogy will always hold a special place in the hearts of teh 80's children. After watching them again on DVD, it's very easy to see that they were nearly as patronistic as the prequels. So not a lot has changed.

Except for Lucas going nuts with the CGI! I mean sheesh, people can still act you know! Nothing wrong with live actors in a movie.

But getting back to the prequels/originals idea. They were good and a lot of fun. But in my opinion the only good "movie" was Empire. Other then that they are just fun to watch without a whole lot of substance.
Mspec. Yes, I'll agree that the original trilogy will always hold a special place in the hearts of teh 80's children. After watching them again on DVD, it's very easy to see that they were nearly as patronistic as the prequels. So not a lot has changed.

Except for Lucas going nuts with the CGI! I mean sheesh, people can still act you know! Nothing wrong with live actors in a movie.

Sure, it's easy to spot the CGI. It's the stuff that looks fake.

It's just as easy to spot toy models hung on wire, actors matted over paintings and midgets in little suits. That's fake too. Especially the stop motion.. which was painfully unrealistic.

It's all fake. With computers, it's just a different kind of fake. You can say "well, I prefer a guy in a rubber suit over a computer drawing" and that's fine. But one is no more REAL than the other.

At least with computers, the director has more freedom to place shots rather than having to frame around a muppet or four dwarfs in a 250lb latex bag covered in yogart.

But getting back to the prequels/originals idea. They were good and a lot of fun. But in my opinion the only good "movie" was Empire. Other then that they are just fun to watch without a whole lot of substance.

..well there is substance in all the films... my argument is that the 6 movies have the same amount and type of substance, rather than all the substance suddenly disappearing after 1983.

Just to add something to the discussion about exactly when Anakin turned to the darkside.

There was one very interesting scene to me on that lava planet(sorry, I forgot the name). After Obi-wan has left the planet, and injured Anakin is trying to crawl away from the flowing lava, Sith lord leans over to help him. To me, that scene looked like the hell. It looked like Anakin was a helpless baby, who was being reborn in hell as an evil(Darth Vader), being welcomed to the new world by the Sith Lord.

Just what I saw in that scene. :)

Just not Natalie Portman's, who was about as convincing dead as she was alive.
Not again! Duke is the biggest NP hater! :ill:
I've always tried to tell people who put the Original Trilogy on an untouchable pedastal that they were simply viewing the past through rose-colored glasses. You may or may not agree with me, but I thought it would be interesting to show what people on the Internet back in 1983 were saying about Return of the Jedi.

Yes. 1983. There WAS an internet back then, but nothing like we know it today. No browsers. No web. No Windows. (well, not the Windows we all know and love today, at any rate). Apparently, someone saved an old, old series of newsgroup postings:

I came across this page while browing through Honestly, I have no idea whether or not it is authentic. If it IS a hoax, someone went through quite a bit of trouble just to play a prank. The posts seem authentic to me, though.

I particularly enjoyed this post:

Anyway, just thought I'd share.

EDIT: Oh, and this one is pure gold.


haha dude i started reading some of those. i almost wanted to start posting and saying "you idiots you have no idea!" but then i realized it wouldnt actually go back to 1983.
Just to add something to the discussion about exactly when Anakin turned to the darkside.

There was one very interesting scene to me on that lava planet(sorry, I forgot the name). After Obi-wan has left the planet, and injured Anakin is trying to crawl away from the flowing lava, Sith lord leans over to help him. To me, that scene looked like the hell. It looked like Anakin was a helpless baby, who was being reborn in hell as an evil(Darth Vader), being welcomed to the new world by the Sith Lord.

Just what I saw in that scene. :)

i saw i that way as well, the resserection of evil as it were, shame we didnt see vader in action with his lightsaber, but hey, what a classic film. best star wars imo
It looked like Anakin was a helpless baby, who was being reborn in hell as an evil(Darth Vader), being welcomed to the new world by the Sith Lord.

Just what I saw in that scene. :)

Nice observation. 👍 I wonder if there isn't a touch of biblical imagery in there. Sidious definiately plays the classic role of The Devil in Ep III.

Not again! Duke is the biggest NP hater! :ill:

Ah, he's just mad at her because that whole business with the restraining order.... she could have at least returned all those phone calls... the gun wasn't even loaded!


I've just done watching this.

Oh man.

I got a slap for cheering when Padme died (although I believe my precise words were "Well thank **** for that. The second most annoying character in Star Wars history has died. How long did it take to get rid of her?")

Good points: Umm. Some of the lightsabring was good.


Bad points: Now, I may be suffering from memory loss with the first (last) three films, but has Lucas suddenly acquired Attention Deficit Disorder? Every 30 seconds there's an artful fade into another scene. Including in the middle of fights (many times) and a chase scene. Way to build drama, Lucas!

What happened with Windu/Palpatine/Anakin was about as believable - in terms of dialogue and plot progression - as someone claiming to see the face of Boss Hogg in their ice cream. My girlfriend thought she'd fallen asleep for a second and missed a bit (her usual excuse).

General Grievous. McGuffin extraordinaire (if you don't know what a McGuffin is, look it up).

If the Death Star is being built - and Anakin has become Vader - at the end of the film when Luke & Leia are infants, how come it takes 17+ years to finish (and Vader ages about 40 years by the time we next see his face), when the second Death Star takes just a few months?

Why was (person fighting Palpatine) perpetually surprised by the fact he was using energy/lightning rather than his lightsabre?

How come Anakin couldn't sense twins?

Where did Padme's "bump" suddenly appear from, between landing on Mostafar and leaving again?

And the Anakin/Padme dialogue STANK, even by Star Wars standards. I've seen more convincing love inside a Baci.