The battle took place within the atmosphere of Corascant, thats why we had flames. Pressure would still be low enough to suck-out windows etc.
You need oxygen supply and a pressurized cabin at anything above about 15,000 feet on Earth, because the atmosphere is too thin. Those ships were a
lot higher than that, so unless you're going to argue that the planet's breathable atmosphere was many times deeper than Earths (meaning that air pressure at the ground would feel like several hundred feet under the ocean, it just doesn't work.
Misted by the dark-side of time your mind has become, just as poorly delivered were the original cast's lines.
Bad, yes, some of them are. Overall better, the acting is. Less pretentious, the older movies are.
I read an interview with Doug Chiang and George Lucas where they explained that the change from the "Pretty" look (yes, that's what they called it) to the "Used Universe" look was to show the effects of war and imperial rule.
I understand the rationale for the change, and I agree with it. It's just not brought out in even the slightest way that is what's happening. There's not even a single line of dialogue mentioning the enourmous resources being consumed. It's as if all these massive operations just happen by magic. A few simple lines about the Federation and the Republic being stretched to their economic limits by the war would have done it.
Several weeks pass during the events of Sith. I have not read the novelization, but I understand it was 6 or so begining to end.
Even at 6
months, that would be a breakneck pace considering all the cataclysmic changes. That's a a real part of why I'm mixed about this movie. The pacing could have been divided up much better among the 3 episodes.
Luke and Leia were born both premature. The droids induced labor to protect the children. They were apparently really,
really good at cleaning them up too, because that's NOT how newborns look when they pop
They also looked suspiciously
large for preemie twins... like at least double the size they'd actually have been! And she delivered them normally!