Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
I hadn't visited his site in a very loooooooong time! Very unique(and true) take as usual. :lol:
I've seen the movie twice now (Friday and Saturday night). What I want to know is what happens to Luke and Lea from the time they are babies untill where Episode IV picks up?
No ****, Sherlock. What I mean is how do they grow up? How do they end up where they are in the following episodes?
Exactly what isn't clear? Luke grows up with his FARMER uncle and becomes a FARMBOY, and Leia grows up as the daughter of a prominent political figure in the galaxy, and becomes a diplomat / rebel against the Empire.

There's no time to tell the childhood backstory of every friggin character in Star Wars. I wonder what happened to Chewbacca when he was a kid to make him so testy...maybe he was abused. Let's make three prequel movies to tell that story. We can get someone hot like Jessica Simpson to play Chewie's love'll make millions!

The story of Star Wars, as stated by Lucas himself, is the story of a FATHER and his SON, namely Anakin and Luke.

BTW, did you all know "Vader" means "Father" in Dutch?
@ andderton, what i dont understand is how the helll did chewbacca and han end up together....

I guess a lot can happen in 17 years... :)
... which includes the rather tardy completion of the Death Star (a "new" weapon, I might add according to the Episode IV spiel which, despite all their spies, the Rebellion didn't know about until it nuked a planet)... :D
Strange that the Emperor never saw Darth Vader killing him either I guess he was over confident in apprentice
Strange that the Emperor never saw Darth Vader killing him either I guess he was over confident in apprentice

That's a good point.

The emporor did the same exact thing twice! He had his current disciple and the one he "wanted" fight to the death. It's amazing how the Dark side can blind you to such a selfish way of thinking.
I liked the fact that anakin's intentions were always good, its a shame he didn't trust Obi-Wan enough to just tell him what was happening. While watching episode III, I found myself wanting anakin to not turn to the dark side, strange since you know its going to happen
I liked the fact that anakin's intentions were always good, its a shame he didn't trust Obi-Wan enough to just tell him what was happening. While watching episode III, I found myself wanting anakin to not turn to the dark side, strange since you know its going to happen

I agree, that was the feeling the whole time. Then you remember, oh yeah, he IS Darth Vader, so it's going to happen.
@ andderton, what i dont understand is how the helll did chewbacca and han end up together....

I heard somewhere that the story is supposed to be that Han was a poor servant or farmboy similar to Luke, and somehow ended up crashing on the Wookie planet. He was taken in by the Wookies and raised among them, which is the reason Chewbacca remains loyal to him when Wookies normally only tolerate humans.

A better story would be that Han saved Chewie's life once and the two have been partners ever since. I hope the planned TV series helps to clarify, since we all got robbed not seeing Han in Episode III...
Anderton Prime
I heard somewhere that the story is supposed to be that Han was a poor servant or farmboy similar to Luke, and somehow ended up crashing on the Wookie planet. He was taken in by the Wookies and raised among them, which is the reason Chewbacca remains loyal to him when Wookies normally only tolerate humans.

A better story would be that Han saved Chewie's life once and the two have been partners ever since. I hope the planned TV series helps to clarify, since we all got robbed not seeing Han in Episode III...

I think you almost hit the nail on the head with your second idea.

From the SW official database:

For their brutish strength and technological savvy, Wookiees were enslaved by the Empire for use as labor. For a time, Chewbacca was a slave, toiling away for the betterment of the Empire until an impudent Imperial cadet named Han Solo freed him.

Drummed out of the military, Solo had few options but to return to the fringe lifestyle he knew so well. Chewbacca swore loyalty to Han, and became his partner in crime. The two of them became a well-known smuggling duo. When they came into ownership of the freighter Millennium Falcon, their exploits became legendary.
Can anyone find the opening bit where it tells the story so far on in the yellow writing, scrolling up the screen?
Can anyone find the opening bit where it tells the story so far on in the yellow writing, scrolling up the screen?

Episode III


War! The Republic is crumbling
under attacks by the ruthless
Sith Lord, Count Dooku.
There are heroes on both sides.
Evil is everywhere.

In a stunning move, the
fiendish droid leader, General
Grievous, has swept into the
Republic capital and kidnapped
Chancellor Palpatine, leader of
the Galactic Senate.

As the Separatist Droid Army
attempts to flee the besieged
capital with their valuable
hostage, two Jedi Knights lead a
desperate mission to rescue the
captive Chancellor...​

...or something along these lines