Bad points: Now, I may be suffering from memory loss with the first (last) three films, but has Lucas suddenly acquired Attention Deficit Disorder? Every 30 seconds there's an artful fade into another scene. Including in the middle of fights (many times) and a chase scene. Way to build drama, Lucas!
Every single lightsaber fight in every Star Wars film is intercut with action in another locale. Even in the first one with Vader/Kenobi. Personally, I think it does add dramtic tension as many other films and novels do as well.
What happened with Windu/Palpatine/Anakin was about as believable - in terms of dialogue and plot progression - as someone claiming to see the face of Boss Hogg in their ice cream. My girlfriend thought she'd fallen asleep for a second and missed a bit (her usual excuse).
I don't know how any story writer can make this scene any MORE believable than it is, actually. Especially if you've seen I & II.
1- The most tramatic event in Anakin's life is when his mother dies and he arrived too late to do anything about it but watch.
2- He now faces the prospect of the same thing happening to his wife and possibly unborn child.
3- His faith in the Jedi order has been deeply shaken. (being asked to spy, Palps' speech about the moral ambiguity of the order, etc..)
4- He is prone to making aggressive snap judgements, sometimes for the worse rather than the better. (attacking Dooku alone in II, beheading him when they meet again...)
5- One of the single most consistant aspects of his character is that he always comes to the aid of those who needed his help. (risks his life in pod race, runs to his mother on Tatooine, to save Obi-Wan on Geonosis, etc..) And Palatine did play the helpless victim fairly well. This impluse to help the helpless is what snaps him into action in ROTJ when it is his son's turn to be helpless. --a mirror image of this scene.
6- Palpatine has already offered to make sure 1 and 2 doesn't happen again.
7- The person he betrays in this scene has spent his entire time in the movie making Anakin his little Jedi beyotch. ("Take a seat, young Skywalker", "You are on the council, but we do not grant you the rank of Master", "I don't trust him", etc.) In fact, Windu was the one who didn't want him to be trained in the first place.
Not to mention that it is clear, to me at any rate, that when he takes the name Vader in the scene he has not completely turned, only forced to choose the option that keeps 1 and 2 from occuring. And his line "thank you, my master" is less than geniue. I think the scene is quite believable.
General Grievous. McGuffin extraordinaire (if you don't know what a McGuffin is, look it up).
No arguments there. Well, maybe one.
Consider that Palps engineered the entire Grievous mission in order to seperate Anakin from the only person that could prevent his turn, it makes the diversion an internal plot mechanic, rather than a lazy excuse on the writer's part.
In fact, as an audience, it is easy to assume Sidious also ordered the invasion of Kashyyyk as well, just to make sure that Yoda and Kenobi was far away from his office when he lets the cat of the bag.
So there... less McGuffiny.
If the Death Star is being built - and Anakin has become Vader - at the end of the film when Luke & Leia are infants, how come it takes 17+ years to finish (and Vader ages about 40 years by the time we next see his face), when the second Death Star takes just a few months?
The second Death Star was ordered into secret construction shortly after the first was destroyed. According to
The Ultimate Star Wars Timeline (not an official source), 4 years pass between New Hope and Jedi.
So given that the Death Star II is still not complete by movie's end (only armed and operational) and that the very first scene in ROTJ involves Vader arriving on Death Star II to "find new ways to motivate" the construction crew to "do the impossible", I don't think the timeline defies that much logic.
If you've ever built anything complex.... and I bet you have, Famine, you know it always takes much less time the second time around.
Why was (person fighting Palpatine) perpetually surprised by the fact he was using energy/lightning rather than his lightsabre?
Legitimate gripe. Don't know.
How come Anakin couldn't sense twins?
Yep. Plot hole. Apparently people in the Star Wars universe can travel at lightspeed, but haven't yet invented the ultrasound machine. But hey, if you can accept the notion of a small portable object that makes a sword out of light by BENDING IT, then I think you can over look this little shortcoming, eh?
Where did Padme's "bump" suddenly appear from, between landing on Mostafar and leaving again?
I didn't notice any bump discrepancies. I doubt the costume dept. let something that obvious slip. Maybe it was the camera angle of certain shots.