Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
It was THE worst movie I have ever had the misfortune to see. Absolute bollox! I want my money back!


I take it you're mildly displeased? Yes it's not what it could have been, but keep in mind that Lucas was done when he finished Ep6. I don't believe he ever had intentions of make the rest of them anyway, and only did so because of massive preasure. I think it's apparent he didn't have his heart in it, as they're rather cheesy - even more so than the original three.
I will say that I am certainly no Star Wars fan as I rarely ever watch the first two pre-quels on DVD and I could'nt give a rats nipple for the whole Star Wars universe nonsense. But as an action movie it was fine.
And if I want to see good acting I'll watch The Godfather, The Deer Hunter etc. I certainly don't expect it in a Star Wars film!

i agree with chaser fan in some aspects especially about the part of anakins transformation being 2 seconds. talk about a suspense killer. and after obi wan defeats anakin it seems like the movie is just trying to rush to the end. what i think is lucas should have started here. taken it a little more slowly. built suspense. he should have taken episode 3 and stretched it out into 3 movies making more of a storyline instead of rushing it. maybe making anakins transformation in the second movie. and have the third be about vader. a full focus on vader. something like that, or, he should have taken espisode 2 and 3. mixed them together into one movie. then taken episode 4 and 5 and mixed them into one movie. then made episode 6. and those should have been the only 3 movies made. plus i think the suspense was a little shot because everyone pretty much knew what was gonna happen. but the movie seemed rushed to me after he made his transformation to sith. plus it was like, "from now on you shall be known as darth vader." so what? just pull a name out of your ass? no reference or anything. whatever. i expected more. its no empire strikes back but its still good.
I saw it opening night, and I LOVED it!! That's right, me, perhaps the most infamous Lucas hater of them all. I thought it was almost as good as The Empire Strikes Back.

It started off strong, with a fantastic - if not CG effects-laden - space battle at least as entertaining as any you'd find in the original Trilogy. The scenes between Padme and Anakin have changed from unbearable to at least watchable, and they're fewer in number; Ian McDermid's chilling performance of Chancellor Palpatine / The Emperor gives the movie a touch of class, much in the same way Alec Guiness did 25 years ago; Hayden Christensen, who I hate almost as much as Emperor Lucas himself, actually turned in a pretty solid performance this time around; his anguished impression of a confused Anakin being slowly and steadily turned away from the way of the Jedi felt less restrained and no longer confined in Sith; and the music? Hello? What's wrong with the music? It's EXCELLENT, especially Battle of the Heroes, the track played during Anakin and Obi-Wan's final face-off.

'Ani's' tranformation from Jedi into Sith is laughable and takes all of two seconds. Blink and you'll miss it!

Granted, the actual moment when Anakin flips to the Dark Side could have used a little dash of genuine emotion, but THE WHOLE MOVIE UP TO THAT POINT IS ABOUT ANAKIN BEING SEDUCED BY THE DARK SIDE.

In fact, both Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones were ALSO about this. Hell, Lucas himself has said that the entire POINT of the prequel Trilogy is to tell the story of Anakin Skywalker and his subsequent turn to the Dark Side. So how much more boring, crappy-dialogue-ridden build-up do you need? Would another movie, perhaps taking place between Phantom and Attack?

When you're hacking someone to death, at some point they are going to change from being alive to being dead. And it will happen instantly. But that's not to say it was surprising. The moment Anakin switches is exactly that: the MOMENT he switches. As I said above, it would have been better if he showed more emotion, perhaps crying and showing mental anguish before collapsing in front of the Emperor, but it still wouldn't change the suddenness of the MOMENT he switches over.

I recorded the entire soundtrack on my MP3 player and about two thirds of the way through you can here me draining the main vein. That's how enthralling it was!

Lovely. Thanks for telling everyone here about your ILLEGAL recording of the movie on your nifty MP3 player.

Anyway, anyone with one shred of affinity for any of the Star Wars movies owes it to himself to check out Episode III, and do yourself a favour and see it in theatres, because it's the kind of Star Wars film that you SHOULD see in a theatre, just like Episodes IV, V, and VI were some 20 years ago. See them quick, too, before Lucas makes changes and re-releases it and destroys the original version!
Anderton Prime
It started off strong, with a fantastic - if not CG effects-laden - space battle at least as entertaining as any you'd find in the original Trilogy.

Yes, this was a good scene. However it did build up expectations of the rest of the movie somewhat and for me it was downhill from there.

Anderton Prime
Anyway, anyone with one shred of affinity for any of the Star Wars movies owes it to himself to check out Episode III

This is absolutely true and perhaps the problem with the prequels. Lucas knows that me, you and everybody else that grew up with Star Wars would sell their own mother before missing a new installment of the saga.

Anderton Prime
do yourself a favour and see it in theatres, because it's the kind of Star Wars film that you SHOULD see in a theatre, just like Episodes IV, V, and VI were some 20 years ago

Yes. Make sure you go to the biggest, loudest comfiest (it's 2.5 hours long!) cinema you can and you can't fail to be impressed by the effects.

My real problem with the prequels is that Lucas has so much CG technology and so many innovative techniques at his fingertips and he is so deperate to show them off in his movies that all the basic things that made the original Trilogy so good are neglected. There's no suspense. There's no chemistry between the actors. There's no subtle humour. Most of all there's no reason to care about any of the characters. OK, so more people are going to enjoy it than not but it's just not the film for me. Sorry, George!
There is also no really good acting, since most scenes the actors were delivering their lines in front of a blue screen. And a big part of acting relies on how the actor reacts to his surroundings, so the result in all three prequels is pretty sub-par acting. But I'm not sure the acting was so stellar in the original three movies anyway. Watch A New Hope again; Mark Hamill is pretty horriffic.
Anderton Prime
There is also no really good acting, since most scenes the actors were delivering their lines in front of a blue screen. And a big part of acting relies on how the actor reacts to his surroundings, so the result in all three prequels is pretty sub-par acting.

Absolutely and actors who work in these conditions regularly complain about this.

Anderton Prime
But I'm not sure the acting was so stellar in the original three movies anyway. Watch A New Hope again; Mark Hamill is pretty horriffic.

Hamill's acting is pretty cheesy, but it's apt for his character as the no-hoper farm boy who was suddenly given the universe on a plate. I know there's a lot of misty-eyed nostalgia when trying to review the original trilogy, but I think that Hamill as Luke is pretty convincing.

EDIT: I do have to give credit to McGregor's acting in the last ten minutes of the movie. It contains more passion than in all the other prequels put together. It just frustrates me that Lucas didn't let the actors get on with it in the first place!

Revenge of the Sith is the big payoff at the end of a prequel trilogy that has had some real ups and downs. But this is the one fans had been wanting to see and the one that Mr. Lucas has finally delivered on.

Sith is rarely touched with problems that marred Phantom and Clones: the efficient plot moves briskly, the dialogue is much improved and the human connections between the major characters are true and convincing.

Indeed, the film succeeds on constructing it's linchpin relationships rather than falter on them as in Clones; I had no trouble believing in Anakin's all consuming love for Padme, his deep and profound friendship with Obi-Wan Kenobi and his slow insidous (har har) seduction towards the dark side by Palpatine.

I've read some grousing over Anakin's turn in various forums and frankly I don't know why anyone would complain about it. His inner conflict is set up convincing way that is filled with the proper urgency. His turn is well written, well paced and --yes, well performed.

Sith isn't without it's weaknesses, but this time they are more like speedbumps rather than potholes. At least one cornball moment between the star-crossed lovers makes you want to snicker. Certain jokes aren't timed quite right. The new villian, General Grevious exists largely as a plot device rather than a contributing character.

But these failings don't distract from the fact that the films main goal is well accomplished. Anakin's fall, framed in a classic "tragic hero" style delivers the goods. The Duel delivers the goods. The birth of mechanical Vader brings the bacon home and then some. Truly emotional stuff.

This one sits right below Empire in my book.


Anderton Prime
I saw it opening night, and I LOVED it!! That's right, me, perhaps the most infamous Lucas hater of them all. I thought it was almost as good as The Empire Strikes Back.

Glad you liked it :D 👍

should i perhaps post my little review (over a page of review/discussion with others from another forum <_< ) ? most of it has been somewhat covered on this thread already.

i agree for the most part with m-spec (is it an M thing?)...but i'm slightly more dissappointed. i'd give it a B, at most.

sure, the movie was dark, but it lacked true feeling and emotion....from anakin anyway. sometimes i wonder if lucas is narcoleptic on the set or falls asleep when writing.
why would anyone want to watch a movie at midnight on a school night, I would be so tired the next morning. I'd rather watch it during the day on the weekend.

sure, the movie was dark, but it lacked true feeling and emotion....from anakin anyway. sometimes i wonder if lucas is narcoleptic on the set or falls asleep when writing.

I think there was plenty of true feeling and emotion. Anakin was bristling with it and runs the gamut of human emotion: love for Padme; intense pride for his own skills; anger over the Jedi Council's decision not to award him the rank of master; fear for losing his wife; hatred at Obi-wan for betraying him; jealousy over his suspicions of a non-existent relation between his mentor and his wife...

Good grief, the range of feelings that Anakin has throughout the film is a veritable checklist of human failings. Even his performance is good throughout the film... with very few rough spots. I don't understand what more people can ask for.

I think there was plenty of true feeling and emotion. Anakin was bristling with it and runs the gamut of human emotion: love for Padme; intense pride for his own skills; anger over the Jedi Council's decision not to award him the rank of master; fear for losing his wife; hatred at Obi-wan for betraying him; jealousy over his suspicions of a non-existent relation between his mentor and his wife...

Totally agree with you there, M. I hate Hayden Christensen and I thought he was one of the major reasons Clones didn't work. I've never really thought he had the acting chops to play a character as legendary as Anakin Skywalker, but I think that Lucas was more to blame for this than Hayden. When finally allowed to test out his acting skills freely, Hayden shines as the most tormented and confused character in the entire Star Wars universe. His performance was so stellar, in fact, that I have changed my opinion about Lucas replacing the original Anakin's Jedi spirit at the end of ROTJ with that of Hayden; after seeing him in ROTS, he IS Anakin. It just wouldn't seem proper to keep the old actor (too bad they couldn't somehow put him into the unmasking scene, aged, pale and near death. THAT would have been something.

Truly, it's cool to be a Star Wars fan again!
Just thought I'd let everyone know that this movie is breaking box office records already.

It currently holds the biggest midnight opening ever with 17 million on opening night.
The previous record holder was return of the king, which made 8 million at it's midnight showing.

Also, it holds the record for the biggest opening day, single day, and thrusday grosses ever at $50,013,859

for comparison, Spiderman 2 held the biggest opening day record previously with $40,442,604.

Shrek 2 held the biggest single day record previously with $44,797,042.

and the Matrix Reloaded held the biggest thursday record with $37,508,303.

these numbers are stunning, people.

EDIT: Credit for all these stats goes to Box Office Mojo
'Ani's' tranformation from Jedi into Sith is laughable and takes all of two seconds. Blink and you'll miss it!

This entire film was reviewed on the radio as:

"Anakin has a nasty dream and the next minute he's wearing a bucket on his head."

I think there was plenty of true feeling and emotion. Anakin was bristling with it and runs the gamut of human emotion: love for Padme; intense pride for his own skills; anger over the Jedi Council's decision not to award him the rank of master; fear for losing his wife; hatred at Obi-wan for betraying him; jealousy over his suspicions of a non-existent relation between his mentor and his wife...

Good grief, the range of feelings that Anakin has throughout the film is a veritable checklist of human failings. Even his performance is good throughout the film... with very few rough spots. I don't understand what more people can ask for.


sure, he HAD the emotion, but it was so dull. it never felt genuine. anakin is supposed to be boiling with rage and desperation, yet hayden's performance was rather lax and didn't give me the "oh ****..." feeling. it was good, but it very easily could've been great. i guess you just notice things a lot more after seeing it 3 times in two days.

Edit: In the spirit of star wars, and because i notice a ton of people with Vader avatars now, i'd like to bring up the wallpaper i made.

Again, it's about a month and a half old, but, in case you haven't seen you can have a desktop to match your avatars! lol. 👍
I have to go with Omnis on his assesment.

Not to mention that he was SO easily played by the emperor. Man, if he had half a brain he would've seen it coming. But nope, he just walked right into the trap. Duh!
i made a little something, just for the hell of it. everyone's favorite chancellor! mspaintified!


that line made me laugh quite a bit. anakin is also in this little scene i made.....bbuuuuuutt, it's too bad he's just out of frame. (i'll give you a's not east, west, or north. if you know what i mean. ;) )
Still not going to see this one in the theater. I'm not convinced that this movie doesn't suffer the same problems that I and II did.


Poor acting
Poor/little dialogue (and as a result, little motivated character development).

I'll post a full review after I've rented this one.
I was amazed at the picture quality. It was very very clean, one of the crispest movies I have ever seen on the bigscreen. I was alos impressed by the much improved CGI. I loved the movie.
Still not going to see this one in the theater. I'm not convinced that this movie doesn't suffer the same problems that I and II did.


Poor acting
Poor/little dialogue (and as a result, little motivated character development).

I'll post a full review after I've rented this one.

If it's the same price to rent it as it is to see it in the cinema, then I would suggest watching it on the big screen if only for the effects as you're bang on with your concerns.
Still not going to see this one in the theater. I'm not convinced that this movie doesn't suffer the same problems that I and II did.


Poor acting
Poor/little dialogue (and as a result, little motivated character development).

I'll post a full review after I've rented this one.

The reviewer went further...

"Trade agreements. That's what this film's about. Trade agreements. Actually, all of the prequels are. I bet Lucas is an accountant."
best frickin film ever. easily best star wars film.

some incredibly chilling moments and one or two moments where you want to cry (or is that just me:D)

great film
Nah I liked IV V VI more because IV V VI have a very strong storyline despite the lower special graphics in that time, and I II III have a strong special graphic rating but a very weak storyline so I prefer Episode IV V VI.

Nah I liked IV V VI more because IV V VI have a very strong storyline despite the lower special graphics in that time, and I II III have a strong special graphic rating but a very weak storyline so I prefer Episode IV V VI.


Not to mention decent acting and at least reasonable dialogue.

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