What's your BO for reaper rush? And what's modified about it?
Well, its not so much a build order, as much as a "build 12 rax, 13 gas, then tech lab, reaper, add a barracks every spare 150 mins". It usually goes to 4 rax, and about 10 reapers. From there start your expansion in the main, and try to wreak your opponents mineral line. Most maps these days are rubbish for TvT reapers, especially Ohana and Daybreak.
I'm back into the top 5 bronze after a severe drop when I switched to Protoss. I'm playing silver guys nearly every match so I'm probably being considered for a promotion again. I finally properly defended a 4 gate rush from another Protoss yesterday and a 6 pool which was cool. I know that makes me sound like a total noob but I am one... My biggest weaknesses are mass roaches/hydralisks, 6 pools and PvP.
I know in bronze its more of who has more units wins but what are the best units to focus on in a general PvP game?
Well, to start, Roach/Hydra is effective until Collossus. Colossii burn hydras like paper.
And in PvP as far as I'm aware, zealots are just meat sheilds until charge is researched. They get kited so easily by stalkers it's not funny. PvP also has a reputation as 'War of the Worlds' for late game collossus battles (like 8 collossii a side), because toss is actually pretty rubbish against collossus. Void Rays are an anti collossus option, but that requires you to target fire the collossus, and your VR's should get target fired by the opponant's stalkers. So 'War of the Worlds' games come down to positioning, number of collossii, and upgrades, probably in that order.
my personal strat for PvP centers around robo play (like 2 bases, 3 robos), so I can get a warp prism or two, and pump out immortals and collossi as needed. I have noticed people use archons alot, but they only get an attack bonus vs zealots. And
always have an observer. People like to be tricksy little ones and use DT's in the lower leagues