StarCraft 2 - Season 7 is live. Someday I'll ladder, honest

  • Thread starter Azuremen
Been taking on some of that advice and have won my last 3 games. I'm still out of habit churning out workers (Won last game at 20 minutes with 58), but expanding faster. Had 2 full bases going bases at the end of the game with 2 more starting up. Being almost religious on building supply depots as well.

Still have a lot of unspent resources, but definitely getting faster at getting that down. Even if it's just chewing out marines.

Only thing I'm really having trouble with is super early Zerg rush. Seem to get me when I have at most 1 marine. Really annoying.
IdrA would be on 2 bases at 9 minutes, and would ideally like to have 50 to 60 drones if he felt he wouldn't die from over droning.

Full saturation at a base is 28 workers, 3 per gas and 22 on minerals, though 30 still shows gains. That leads to about 850 minerals per minute and 270 or so gas.

What league are you in? I play 30 minute macro games all the time, both in my practice matches and on ladder.

True idra has a zillion workers , thats why he rage quits so early on , but still one of my fav players

anyway i was in gold league , dropped very low due gt5 and l4d2 .. i couldnt get higher because of all those early bunker rushes thor drops baneling bust , you name it ... cheeese cheese cheese nothing else only playing with friends loooong macro games .

fact is , you wanna get out of bronze ? cheeese is still the answer for me .
and now iam doing the whiteRA style of gaming
The deal is if you want to become a better player, you just have to learn fundamentals and go from there, rather than depending on cheese. Because guess what, cheese exists at Diamond and Masters level too. Considering if you are on top of your mechanics, you can literally 1a move across the map and win in Bronze.

As for my ranking, I'm in Diamond and currently playing Master league players trying to get promoted. There is still proxy 2 gate, 6 pool, and so on. Mostly trying to give advice that applies to all levels.
**** I hate Terran Turtlers...

Nukes, Yamato Cannon, patience, and taking a lot of expansions are the trick. And staying on top of upgrades and macro is crucial. Eventually they run out and you are on 5 or more bases and just literally just throw money at them slowly. But yes, they are basically the most annoying people on earth.
I went in early with M&M and couldn't break his choke has he just had bunkers all over the top, no biggy. A few minutes later I went in with 2 Seige Tanks but unfortunately he had a few cloked Banshee's which took them out. Built some anti air and bunkers at the ****ing bottom of his choke. But then he basically just put a wall of siege tanks inside his base, put anti-air turrets 2-3 deep around the entire perimeter, and just built around ~30+ vikings and the rest Battlecruisers (Maybe 6-7). I held every other friggen expansion on the map....Took me an hour of constantly building BC's to finally chalk up the win in a game that he had lost within 10 minutes. Bloody annoying.
Hmm, latest patch brings new maps (Shakuras is gone :( ), and no khaydarin amulet which just makes mass marine super easy.

Hmm, latest patch brings new maps (Shakuras is gone :( ), and no khaydarin amulet which just makes mass marine super easy.


Colossi still address mass Marine play, HT's don't come out fast enough anyhow. I'm not thrilled they are testing it in the PTR at the moment, but I imagine they will find some middle ground on it, as otherwise I just see PvX being nothing but mass Colossi and units to defend them. But keep in mind those balance changes, including the insane change to the Infestor are still on the PTR, not on the main servers.

The new maps were introduced into the standard ladder, and I'm not really sure how I feel about them. Far more open naturals it seems, making Forge expand and other quick expand builds more complicated against Zerg I think. On the flip side, the few chokes make using Melee units a bit smoother. Will just take time to see how the work out I think.
Yeah, colossi take a while to tech to. So constant pressure could keep that down for a while. I'll have to try some stuff out.

New infestor is a bit odd, you can even blink away from it if your fast enough.
sup guys, new to this forum and gt5 in general, but i`m actually really huge into SC, pretty funny how I ended up finding an sc thread in here. Anyone down for a match message me, i`m about 3k diamond if that means anything, since masters is out and i`m a noob now. lol
Been taking on some of that advice and have won my last 3 games. I'm still out of habit churning out workers (Won last game at 20 minutes with 58), but expanding faster. Had 2 full bases going bases at the end of the game with 2 more starting up. Being almost religious on building supply depots as well.

Still have a lot of unspent resources, but definitely getting faster at getting that down. Even if it's just chewing out marines.

Only thing I'm really having trouble with is super early Zerg rush. Seem to get me when I have at most 1 marine. Really annoying.

Stopped playing SC for a month or so since my last post, but the last 2 weeks have gotten really back into it. Don't know if I've started improving or everyone else is getting worse but I've won about 18 of my last 20 matches or so, now ranking a solid 4 in my bronze division.

I don't know if my strategy is regarded as 'cheese'. But in general if I haven't been scouted by the time I close the choke I just try and quickly tech to siege tank, attack and dominate. Again, I'm not sure if I'm just fast or by doing this I'm leaving myself a massive weakness somewhere. But it seems to be working exceptionally well, at least at this level. I've included a replay of one of my most recent wins (I'm AlpineKiller).


  • Starcraft 2
    15.5 KB · Views: 5
It looks a bit better than what I saw from you last time.

Things I'd point out -
  • You queued 5 Marauders at one point, that is 400 minerals and 100 gas you could've put into another factory or a Command Center at the time.
  • There isn't really a need to wall off against Terran, though at this level they aren't really going to punish you for it.
  • You get supply blocked at one point and you have 100 energy on you OC, so you could've just called down a Depot drop while building the next depot to remove the supply block ASAP.
  • And ideally, don't stop making SCVs; don't save up too much energy on the OC

The timing isn't bad, and the idea isn't bad at all though - tech siege and push. You can win many, many games by just cleaning up how you tech to siege. As for early game weakness, at this point it is mostly just your mechanics and how smoothly you go about doing things. I'd say replace one of the depots at the ramp with a bunker if you are nervous, and be a touch better about scouting - I scout after my first depot finishes when I play as T so I can find their base and make sure they aren't doing a proxy play.

Also, don't be afraid to scan the top of their ramp when you start to push - Siege tanks can fire much further than they can see, and the Scan can give you vision. Or you can bring a Medivac or Viking with you using this build - 1/1/1 Build
So I'm back into SC2 again, getting some solid mechcanics down and am now winning about 80% of the time in bronze. Good feeling when I'm winning some solid early games due to just have a better and faster macro. I'm generally beating Terran and Zerg all of the time (Except for the 6-Pool on occasion). I issue I'm having is with annoying protross wallers. In general I pick off the Zealots early game, but then they just wall-in and deploy photon cannons everywhere, or seem to skip Zealots and go straight to Void Rays. By the time I've got enough Marauders or got seige tech, they've generally got mass stalkers. Any TvP tips?
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Is Day9 still doing episodes?

I don't know, man. I love this game and I loved BW, but I just can't find the courage to start 1v1ing. I just played a single begginer league game and won. :lol:

After that I just played against PCs improving my APMs and trying to figure out a solid hotkeying scheme.

So I'm back into SC2 again, getting some solid mechcanics down and am now winning about 80% of the time in bronze. Good feeling when I'm winning some solid early games due to just have a better and faster macro. I'm generally beating Terran and Zerg all of the time (Except for the 6-Pool on occasion). I issue I'm having is with annoying protross wallers. In general I pick off the Zealots early game, but then they just wall-in and deploy photon cannons everywhere, or seem to skip Zealots and go straight to Void Rays. By the time I've got enough Marauders or got seige tech, they've generally got mass stalkers. Any TvP tips?

If someone is using Photon cannons for their main base, it basically means you can expand pretty quickly. Marauders are awesome against Stalkers, but you should be getting Stim and Concussive shells.
So I'm going to post a couple more replays of a couple of good wins I've had, definitely feeling I'm getting better mechanics. Realize I got a bit of an imbalance of supply in my Zerg game. Good to get feedback here, as I've been reading the teamliquid forums during the day sometimes and just have a constant facepalm. The amount of elitism on their is incredible.


  • AlpineKiller
    64.1 KB · Views: 3
A Starcraft 2 thread :D.

I'm a silly little bronze Terran player on the SEA server. I've only had the game for a bit over 2 weeks, and only have 4 1v1 wins thus far, in about 10ish ladder games. I do love the game though, and followed the Dreamhack LAN over the weekend. Oh, and I've also played a decent amount of team games and have about 12 wins in them. I have some of the best macro I've seen around the bronze league (late game especially), but my micro fails horribly, as does my scouting. That will likely come with time and experience - something I'm lacking.

If anyone wants to add me, feel free :). My ID is BallisticGTR and my character code is 401 on the SEA server. I could also set up a US server account if I wanted, but I haven't bothered yet.
One quick question. Is it better to build a Supply Depot at 9 or 10 food? I'm currently building at 9 and scouting with my 10th.
One quick question. Is it better to build a Supply Depot at 9 or 10 food? I'm currently building at 9 and scouting with my 10th.

Build at 10. It takes, I think, 30 seconds for a depot to build and 17 seconds for an SCV to train. Then scout with the SCV once it finishes the depot, Barracks at 13 supply or so.

I have some of the best macro I've seen around the bronze league (late game especially), but my micro fails horribly, as does my scouting. That will likely come with time and experience - something I'm lacking.

I'll bet you a million dollars your macro is bad :P Why? Because you can win games at that level purely with solid macro, which I've done by simply A-clicking the mini-map when playing against a friend that is Silver.

Not trying to be an ass about it, but you should basically never blame micro for losing games unless you are playing at Diamond or higher, I'd say.
I'll bet you a million dollars your macro is bad :P Why? Because you can win games at that level purely with solid macro, which I've done by simply A-clicking the mini-map when playing against a friend that is Silver.

Not trying to be an ass about it, but you should basically never blame micro for losing games unless you are playing at Diamond or higher, I'd say.

I know my macro is bad, I said it was good in realtion to other bronze leagers ;). Unlike the majority, I don't float minerals above 1k for the most part, with multiple saturated bases running. I was just mentioning my micro IS terrible, and I know it, as well as my scouting. My losses have come from cheese and rushes for the most part, hence I said my scouting is terrible. I've taken down every opponent I've played when it comes to the late game or against turtles.

Don't worry, I wasn't trying to brag :).
Should I, as Terran, wall off against Protoss? What are the pros and cons of doing so?
Should I, as Terran, wall off against Protoss? What are the pros and cons of doing so?

Walling off against Protoss is a good thing if you want to tech or if you feel they are going to do pressure with Zealots. However, you can just do that with bunkers if you scout, say, a 4 gate. Cons are they can pick off parts of the wall with a Void Ray or Stalkers and an Observer to spot in the high ground.

I generally don't wall off against Protoss if I playing Terran, and most T players I know don't either.


Can you tell I started watching SC2 streams? Up from about 30gb to 80gb.
Small SC2 rant.

How is Probe harass allowed? Everytime I'm building my barracks some smartass Probe comes up and starts attacking me. So I have to pull an SCV of my mineral line, making the Probe basically free for the other player cause I'm not mining minerals. And cause the probe regens shields, he can take damage, scout around for a bit, and start all over again. Once I had a player who sent two probes, which is literally twice as annoying.


On the game front, I'm definitely getting better. Still having some protross problems, but generally beating Zerg and Terran pretty consistanty. Ranked 11ish in Bronze now with a 700 Bonus Pool, so hopefully I can get into Silver soon. (Not really sure how the league movement works?)

My favourite game last night, was a Terran who walled off his base with 3 depots (what the...?), so just built 3 barracks and smashed him to bits with a mass of marines. Then the smartass, must of had a spare scout SCV and some minerals, cause after I killed his CC in about 7 minutes, the game was still going. He literally wrote "I'll make you earn this one ;)". And in a far away expansion had somehow managed to build a Planetary Fortress. With one SCV mining minerals... So I had to spend another 10 minutes, building reactors, mining gas, building a factory, building a seige tank, getting seige tech....

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You gotta love those trolls, they inspire me to be a better person.

Started playing SC2 last year, made it to 2v2 diamond for a brief period, the game requires intense keyboard usage to be good, pros have an APM of 150 plus while I can barely crack 80 in a good game.
Small SC2 rant.

How is Probe harass allowed? Everytime I'm building my barracks some smartass Probe comes up and starts attacking me. So I have to pull an SCV of my mineral line, making the Probe basically free for the other player cause I'm not mining minerals. And cause the probe regens shields, he can take damage, scout around for a bit, and start all over again. Once I had a player who sent two probes, which is literally twice as annoying.


Probe harass isn't that bad, and most people at your level suck at it so you can just right click their probe with an SCV and likely come out ahead, as rarely can they micro it well enough and stay on top of things at their base.

You gotta love those trolls, they inspire me to be a better person.

Started playing SC2 last year, made it to 2v2 diamond for a brief period, the game requires intense keyboard usage to be good, pros have an APM of 150 plus while I can barely crack 80 in a good game.

Pros usually sit at 200+ while many Masters players I know sit at 100 to 160. I personal average around 120 when I am playing well.
Still losing over and over again to Protross who just sit in their base. Any advice? Realise I made a few mistakes (Losing early marines to Zealots while I wasn't paying attention), but even if I didn't, I don't think I could have amassed enough army to compete against a billion stalkers. Need a better build order? I scouted it and knew it was coming but couldn't do **** (grrrr).


  • Alpine Tal'darim Altar LE (2).zip
    23.9 KB · Views: 5
I didn't watch the replay, but you need to do damage to Protoss before Colossus, once they get 3 or 4 there army is soo powerful. Obviously you need Marauders for the Stalkers and Ghosts incase of Templar and to help get rid of shields and forcefields. I would say keep attacking throughout to deny expansions and use small forces with conc shells to pick off units.
I didn't watch the replay, but you need to do damage to Protoss before Colossus, once they get 3 or 4 there army is soo powerful. Obviously you need Marauders for the Stalkers and Ghosts incase of Templar and to help get rid of shields and forcefields. I would say keep attacking throughout to deny expansions and use small forces with conc shells to pick off units.

He actually didn't have any Colossus out. But he did have DTs and Immortals. I'm thinking I need to better incorporate Ghosts in my builds? The thing is I never really see Ghosts used at my level of play, and whenever I do try to use them they seem to die quite fast, but I guess that's why I'm still at my level of play!
He actually didn't have any Colossus out. But he did have DTs and Immortals. I'm thinking I need to better incorporate Ghosts in my builds? The thing is I never really see Ghosts used at my level of play, and whenever I do try to use them they seem to die quite fast, but I guess that's why I'm still at my level of play!

Yeah you should get ghosts against Protoss, and even Zerg now that they are starting to incorporate more infestors into their play.

Don't forget an EMP will reveal cloaked units so you can do a quick one to get rid of the DTs is you run out of scans.

As for keeping them alive you can just try and keep them within your army, not at the front but not too far back. Since he has immortals and hence a robo I wouldn't recommend cloaking though.