
The amount of quests and overall content in this game is insane. I’m doing the Ryujin quest line right now, which means a lot of walking around Neon. Every time I walk down the street, I pick up a new quest or two just from hearing people talk. That doesn’t count stopping by specific buildings and talking to people there. I have no idea how they managed to make all of this and even more impressive is that so far I haven’t seen any quest bugs yet.
I found two minor bugs: one in Xbox, where the character (don't remember her name) that is supposed to show you around the Constellation HQ didn't after the prompt, and one in PC where a hint message refused to disappear and just cleared after turning on the PC today.
Ship combat is fun once you get your free Romulan War Bird from a faction quest. I tweaked the load out to Particle Beams on RT, Cannons on LT, Missiles in 3rd slot. It melts even the Class C monsters so far. I have found that getting gear that improves oxygen really improves the overburdened experience. Food and chem buffs help out too, I can basically run around almost like normal even carrying over twice my max now.
So far, I love how the game seamlessly combines the space aesthetics from 2001, Alien/Aliens, Total Recall and the Expanse. It is likely that I will find some other influences out there. I haven't seen heavy space combat yet, but my Everspace 2 habits seem to hold: Lots of sideways evasion (but no front thrusters so no fighting in reverse... boo!), hit and run and spam the missiles.
Related to or spawned from, but not necessarily in the main quest. I suggest following the 'Secret Outpost' quest if you want a ship that quite literally instills fear in enemies.

I thought about upgrading the frontier, but I'm going for specific roles for each ship.
I acquired that ship in my last playthrough, but I've not had the chance to use it yet. I ended my session right after getting it and the gear in the facility. It looks well spec'd though.
Screenshot 2023-09-06 213352.png

Built my warship.

Screenshot 2023-09-06 213158.png

Screenshot 2023-09-06 213230.png

Screenshot 2023-09-06 213307.png



Still all class A parts for now til I finish bringing up my piloting perk, but it's designed to be scalable so all I really should have to upgrade at this point is the shields, weapons and reactor. Being able to do any necessary crafting or research without having to fast travel anywhere is its true purpose, which will make building outposts much easier when the time comes for that.

Holy ****!

Watch from 0:33.

Reminds me of all those videos from way back in the day of people using the duplication glitch in Oblivion to spawn in hundreds of watermelons to cause havoc and stress test their computers.
Only 8 hours of play time but I'm loving it so far, it's a classic Bathesda RPG. It seems they addressed a lot of complaints people (myself included) had with Fallout 4.

Not a fan of space combat with mouse and keyboard though so I might try the game with the Xbox controller. There's also the odd frame drop here and there but playing around with the settings a bit more and future patches will fix this.
I'm loving the game so far, though there is definitely lots to take in. Got my first status ailment last night and I happened to have aid for every other one besides the one I needed. So learning experience there for sure, to start stockpiling a few of each at least. One thing though, it's driving my loot-addiction wild, I want to take every gear piece off an enemy and try to sell it but its just not that worth it in the long run hahaha, at least not yet.

I was doing the Into the Unknown mission last night and on my way to collect the first artifact on that quest, which led me to a planet that had a toxic environment. Not hard to deal with at all. Found some native alien species that wasn't hostile so was like cool I can just keep on to the waypoint. I ended up getting swarmed by about 20-30 of these weird dark colored quadrupedal aliens that had these glowing orange sacks on them that would shoot some sort of energy beam at me. There was no escape so thank god for the fast travel option when using the scanner. My weapons were ok against them, but there was just so many of them that I dwindled almost all my ammo. Ended up just sneaking my way to the tunnel that held the artifact after my initial escape.

I like the space exploration, though its just basically a dumbed down copy of Elite Dangerous, which is fine actually. It makes me want to jump back into that game as well.
Something I learned very early about alien wildlife is that even before you scan enough of them to get their temperment (which isn't always accurate) the names will give you some basic clues about how dangerous they might be. For example, if you see something with "hunting" or "stalking" in its name, then the proper way to handle it is:


Since blasting some xenocritter to bits also counts as scanning it, and most of these damn things will either poison you or break your bones when they start clobbering you, this is usually the only good way of collecting data on the aggressive ones aside from boosting your scanner perk, or finding ones that died because they attacked some high level herd animals and got turbo-owned.

Also, it's worth noting that most flying things can be scanned from much father away than ground ones, so you usually don't need to run right under them to get that taken care of. And if you remember what a cliff racer is, then you'll know why running under a flying monster in a Bethesda game is usually a very bad idea anyway. :lol:
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14 hours in and only 1 crash in with a couple of small bugs so far, mighty impressive especially for a Bathesda game.

I’m playing at 1440p with a 3070 and a mix of medium and high settings, the frame drops are the most noticeable at New Atlantis and sometimes during space combat. Everywhere else seems to be fine.

Edit: small complaint, but they should increase the walking speed just a bit, the npcs walk faster than you so your always running to catch up.
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I understand peoples dissapointment that it isn't on PS5 but people shouldn't rate a game on that basis. Similarly, I'm dissapointed that FF16 released only on PS5 at first and I'm waiting for it to arrive on PC, but I'm not going to score the game on that basis or say it's rubbish. I'm loving Starfield so far too, I've probably spent more time on this game than any other since FF7 Remake released.

After around 20 hours, I landed on Neon for the first time. A lot of loading screens there, but the atmosphere is great, very Cyberpunk like. A lot of people would have landed there much sooner, but there's just so much to do everywhere, I wasn't rushing through the game.
Love this game. Slapped 30 hours into it and it feels like I'm only scratching the surface. The discourse is so disappointing because people are genuinely missing out on another great BGS title.

Playing on XSX with a glorious 30fps (can't be bothered to sit at my PC)

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Cool ship, kinda looks like the ones in cosmos 1999 tv show.

I understand peoples dissapointment that it isn't on PS5 but people shouldn't rate a game on that basis. Similarly, I'm dissapointed that FF16 released only on PS5 at first and I'm waiting for it to arrive on PC, but I'm not going to score the game on that basis or say it's rubbish. I'm loving Starfield so far too, I've probably spent more time on this game than any other since FF7 Remake released.

After around 20 hours, I landed on Neon for the first time. A lot of loading screens there, but the atmosphere is great, very Cyberpunk like. A lot of people would have landed there much sooner, but there's just so much to do everywhere, I wasn't rushing through the game.
Well it's pretty disappointing to have loading like that, with ssd, with all the talk that newgen should be streaming full detail seamlessly.
About 67 hours in and I’m finally seeing the end of the main quest, though I guess I’m a few more missions away from it. I guess I was expecting more out of it, based on the reviews saying it’s BGS‘s best, but maybe it is, I don’t have too much experience in this sense. It’s certainly not bad, but maybe the way it all comes together could have been more dramatic somehow, though that could be affected by how much side content you do between missions. I wonder if there will be some kind of a final twist I’m not seeing, maybe that could elevate it from decent to good or even great.

Overall, the game is still great, and there’s tons of stuff I haven’t seen or done. They certainly weren’t kidding about the number of voice lines. Seems like my companion always has something to say no matter the situation or quest we are in. Definitely adds some flavor to how the conversation unfolds. Would be cool if they added some “bad” companions in the future DLC as it seems like all the main ones are “good”. Maybe I just haven’t discovered them yet?
I'm about to block all content on YouTube related to Starfield... it's just so much negative opinions about the technical stuff (iTs NoT oPTimized!) that utterly fails to reflect on whether the game is actually fun to play. And I'm moving it with a 4-core CPU and a lower mid-tier graphics card!

Here's hoping that it will continue to gain more audience with the passage of time and the majority of these negative opinions just fades away.
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I'm about to block all content on YouTube related to Starfield... it's just so much negative opinions about the technical stuff (iTs NoT oPTimized!) that utterly fails to reflect on whether the game is actually fun to play. And I'm moving it with a 4-core CPU and a lower mid-tier graphics card!

Here's hoping that it will continue to gain more audience with the passage of time and the majority of these negative opinions just fades away.
It’s fun to play but it says a lot when even Digital Foundry calls the game unoptomized. I don’t even see how it’s a matter of opinion really, it’s objectively true.
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It’s fun to play but it says a lot when even Digital Foundry calls the game unoptomized. I don’t even see how it’s a matter of opinion really, it’s objectively true.
I agree, it's not a true next gen title despite what Todd Howard says. It needs to be on an SSD because it's loading a lot of data and there's a lot of loading required. But ultimately, it is on an old game engine that's showing it's age now.

That said, I am not letting any of those things spoil it for me, the loading is a minor irrittation for me, it takes about 3 or 4 seconds to load a new area on the SSD I have it installed on and I'm having a blast with the game. So while people perhaps aren't wrong about it not running as well as it could/should be expected to, the game isn't terrible as a result.

Of course, not everyone will like it, but I think there's a lot of bandwagon jumping going on with this game. It's become trendy to knock it. Todd Howard hasn't done himself any favours say it is a next gen title and people might just need to upgrade thier PC's though. But I'm still having a blast with it.
I agree, it's not a true next gen title despite what Todd Howard says. It needs to be on an SSD because it's loading a lot of data and there's a lot of loading required. But ultimately, it is on an old game engine that's showing it's age now.

That said, I am not letting any of those things spoil it for me, the loading is a minor irrittation for me, it takes about 3 or 4 seconds to load a new area on the SSD I have it installed on and I'm having a blast with the game. So while people perhaps aren't wrong about it not running as well as it could/should be expected to, the game isn't terrible as a result.

Of course, not everyone will like it, but I think there's a lot of bandwagon jumping going on with this game. It's become trendy to knock it. Todd Howard hasn't done himself any favours say it is a next gen title and people might just need to upgrade thier PC's though. But I'm still having a blast with it.
Perhaps also the need to make it work on xss made it more limited in how it could be designed to play seamlessly.
In terms of performance and visuals, it’s nextgen in Bethesda terms. I always thought their games looked dated on release, maybe except for Oblivion back in the day. While Starfield is not the most advanced game graphically, it runs at stable 30 fps even on current gen consoles, which never happened on release, and it looks modern enough that I can’t complain. Sometimes it even looks stunning actually, but yeah, it’s not always beautiful.
I hate to say it, but... I've gone corporate.


My little flying factory has reached its limit of scalability, if I add even one more bit of mass to it then it'll need another pair of landing gear and I can't do that without remodeling the whole thing. And since I've about wrapped up all the research projects I intend to do with this charaacter (or at least I will have when I figure out where all of the galaxy's damned adhesive is hiding), it's better to just look into building a whole new ship that has more versatility to it. I figure that helping Ryujin, ah, resolve some "business disputes" will help in financing that, and since they also happen to own Taiyo I won't have to go too far to find a whole new set of parts to build with. Too bad they don't offer an associate discount.
the loading is a minor irrittation for me, it takes about 3 or 4 seconds to load a new area on the SSD I have it installed on

If people get annoyed by loading they should definitely avoid Baldur's Gate 3 on the PS5 :lol:

I had a quick go on my (7 year old) nephew's Xbox this weekend. The intro is definitely dull but once we got past that it was the good old Bethesda fun. Enough for me, not sure if he was impressed. He liked the shipbuilding though (as a Lego/Minecraft fan). I'm still not entirely sold on the whole aesthetic, I'd prefer something a bit more outlandish like Outer Worlds.
I'm absolutely loving this game so far, even playing at 30fps on Series X. Last night I spent about 2 hours exploring a planet and scanning stuff. I started off by scanning some creatures but eventually stumbled upon a unique biological feature around a small pond that extended into the nearby valley. I scanned all of this and then decided to head for a nearby structure.

As I headed up the valley towards the structure the weather closed in and it started raining, seemingly causing the planet to sound very creepy and unsettling, but I pressed on towards a radio tower type building sticking up through the mist. As I got closer a lightning storm rolled in and started striking the ground nearby, and a few moments later I saw some pirates land in the distance. I watched them for a bit before picking them off and eventually reaching the base and grabbing whatever loot I could find. As I exited the storm cleared and gave way to a beautiful sunset.


I think just the exploration will keep me entertained for a long time!
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