Staying on this side of the Atlantic

  • Thread starter Diego440
Small Fryz, you said made some very good statements in there. And I'd have to say that it's pretty much true what you said.

When someone starts bashing your way of life, home, family, city, state, country without any evidence to back it up, it's upsetting. I mean if someone from a different town came to you and said "You're town is stupid." You'd get upset right? Well you would if you had pride in your town. It's the same thing with bashing another country.

I have no problem with someone saying, "I don't like Bush because...." it's when someone says. "Bush is stupid(period)." Those are the type of statements that get people upset.

9 times out of 10, if you have something negative to say about America but you have something to back it up. The mature members may argue, but they generally don't get upset. It's the blind finger pointing that gets EVERYONE upset.

And that's my take. :sly:
The generalizations you refer to (and I hate to repeat myself on this) were not generalizations at all


This aggression comes mostly from North America. I was going to say "Americans", but since America is a continent and not a country... oh well, that would takes us into a whole different discussion. Anyway, whenever I've argued a subject with someone from the U.S., I've been answered (mostly) with very aggressive, derogatory and downright insulting comments. It doesn't matter if my point is valid or not, these people will just not lose the chance to thow in a few insulting phrases.

... :rolleyes:

Btw, I've never meant to get upset about being insulted as an American- it just happens.

Maybe you should acknowledge that you didn't mean to insult or make generalizations about Americans but ended up doing it anyway?

And one last thing...
I think it was viper zero (not sure), but someone said in 2008 we will find out if people really hate Bush or Americans.

That's the truth. 👍

Only sadly, I don't think you can call 50-some million people stupid and expect them to say "oh, but they just hate our president!" :lol:

...I don't think you can call 50-some million people stupid and expect them to say "oh, but they just hate our president!"...

Yeah, you can, because that's what its all about. There has never been anything like the enmity this president has generated worldwide.
That makes no sense at all Zardoz.

Calling people stupid because you don't like who they voted for it not acceptable in any way and it certainly does not lay down a grounds to say "we like you, just not your president."

If disliking the president were the only thing to this then it would be more fitting to say "they have elected an idiot," not "they are idiots."

Of course, what I've just said is assuming that your post was not meant to support the idea that Bush voters are idiots.

If you actually are saying Bush voters are idiots than everything about this changes.
I'd agree with sukerin, most of the bad mouthing ect comes from less mature members, members that have probably joined since GT4's release. The majority of members on this site may well be American, but you can't see everyone's location so thats a guess. That same fact though about not seeing everyones location also means the idea that most of the hostility coming from Americans is also a guess since from my experience most of the hostility comes from post GT4 members the majority of which don't show thier location. I'd guess this site is inhabitted by mainly American members, but who cares. At the end of the day, if one member is rude to me I make a response directed to or about that member, I don't give a rats ass if he's American, European, Asian ect it's that member that I respond to, not his nationality. I'd love to be able to stand here and say how great us Brits are, but damn you should witness a bunch of scallies manchester doing no good. If you look for bad people wherever you go, you'll find them.
...If you actually are saying Bush voters are idiots than everything about this changes.

Of course not. What alternative did the Democrats have to offer? The last election was an object lesson in the sorry state of American politics.

Now the Dems have put Dean at the head of the DNC. What bonehead move will they make next? Give us a break...
I think why some people bash america as in not the kiddies the intelectual ones is because of the propaganda and hypocrisy of the bush admininstration that seemingly goes un noticed by the american people and thats why theyre annoyed. Those people that truley know something about world history undertsand that not everything is like the media says. Hell my dad was in the last gulf war and someof the things that happened back then and now is just a joke with the hypocrisy.
Wow, Kent, talk about reading in between the lines. Oh well, I'm not going to argue a moot point... I you feel I insulted you and your country, so be it. I didn't mean to, even if I ended up doing so, if that makes any difference. The whole point of that quote is the parenthesis itself: MOSTLY. Not always, not everyone, not everything. There's a difference there. If I say "Most Americans I've met are aggressive", you have the choice of including (or excluding) yourself from that group. But you choose to include yourself in that, and in turn, feel insulted, when you could very well argue the point or simply not pay attention. Also, you've chosen to quote and criticize the negative things I've said, while paying no attention to the positive. But still, I think to argue futher about it would be walking on a downward spiral.

On the other hand Small Fryz, that was a really interesting post. I think you've summed the whole subject up pretty well and in much better wording than I have, and it didn't raise any eyebrows on either side of the Atlantic.
Here's my two cents about this thread:

I've noticed that the non-American members on GTPlanet b*tch a whole lot more about Americans than Americans b*tch about other nationalities. In fact, I'd say that American members of GTPlanet b*tch about America more than any other country as well.

So basically everyone rags on America. I do it, you do it... we all do it. Nobody complains about France or Australia, and certainly not Japan.

So why start another thread about it? I'd say that the territory has been quite well covered.

Why does America get all of this attention? Because we're the most powerful nation on the face of the Earth and in the history of man.
I find part of that post rather amusing, I don't know if it was intended to be or not. Theres an element of truth in there as well, especailly the last bit, thats exactley why the USA gets more attention than anywhere else.
I think you answered your own question, danoff

Yes my friend. I hereby believe that was the point.

It's just like anything else. When you're at the top, you take all the shots. Good and bad. So, I guess we just have to take it since we're currently the king of the economic mountain.
It's just like anything else. When you're at the top, you take all the shots. Good and bad.
Which makes no sense to me. I don't say that Jack Welch or Richard Branson are rich, greedy a$$holes. Instead I ask what I can learn from them and read their books and watch their speeches.
Which makes no sense to me. I don't say that Jack Welch or Richard Branson are rich, greedy a$$holes. Instead I ask what I can learn from them and read their books and watch their speeches.

Amazing how that works, huh?
I, along with countless others, take offense when people put down my nationality, for all the reasons everyone else has listed. Here's the thing: 99% of the people in the world lead the exact same life. For example, here's my day: I get up, go to school and work so I can eat and shelter myself, come home, cry while watching the news, then go to bed and repeat the process. Raise your hand if that sums up your life as well. And here's a shocker: I am not launching missles into the middle east. I am not beating up a foreigner in the street. I am not licking GW's boots. I do not blindly follow my government, and I don't drive an SUV. Oh, and I also speak more than one language. I love my home as much as anyone, and when people take potshots at it (and at me), I'm none too happy about it. You cannot assign one stereotype to 300,000,000 people and 4 million square miles of land. It just doesn't work.

Edit: I'm so sorry to you folks on the other side of the pond (whichever pond applies to you). I was pigheaded and foolish (read: "American") to quote English units. 4 million square miles is about 9.5 million square kilometers.
Here's my two cents about this thread:

I've noticed that the non-American members on GTPlanet b*tch a whole lot more about Americans than Americans b*tch about other nationalities. In fact, I'd say that American members of GTPlanet b*tch about America more than any other country as well.
Because this thread is about Americans … unless you’re talking about GTP as a whole and I missinterpreted what you mean by “about this thread.”
Why does America get all of this attention? Because we're the most powerful nation on the face of the Earth and in the history of man.
Yeah, that kinda draws a little attention towards your country. It’s like celebrities: they get hounded by the media, and more often than not it is the negatives that are reported. Why? Because it draws more attention and sells more newspapers.

America is the celebrity of the world and this sort of critisism is expected. However, I’m sure you’d much rather be putting up with this sort of crap than you would starving to death because you were born into a poor family in a country that can’t support those who can’t support themselves.

Because this thread is about Americans … unless you’re talking about GTP as a whole and I missinterpreted what you mean by “about this thread.”
I think danoff is speaking in general, and I agree with him. There are far more threads like "why america iz the suxorz" and "why I hate americans" (maybe not called that, but it's the overarching message) than "all mongolians are dirty cannibals".
America is the celebrity of the world and this sort of critisism is expected. However, I’m sure you’d much rather be putting up with this sort of crap than you would starving to death because you were born into a poor family in a country that can’t support those who can’t support themselves.
Quite true. However, everyone here has a computer, and so I'm guessing they're not starving either. Also, when a celebrity gets in trouble, you don't rag on and harrass their children, as they had nothing to do with it.

However, I’m sure you’d much rather be putting up with this sort of crap than you would starving to death because you were born into a poor family in a country that can’t support those who can’t support themselves.


That does happen in America too, unfortunately.:(
Why does America get all of this attention? Because we're the most powerful nation on the face of the Earth and in the history of man.

I'm sorry to say but i don't think your the most powerful nation in the history of man.

Blake's last paragraph has an interesting point also.

There is one question i would like people's opinion's on and that is my original question.

Why is America represented so negatively in the 'rest of the world' Media?
I'm sorry to say but i don't think your the most powerful nation in the history of man.

That's very debatable by what we would call power.

Blake's last paragraph has an interesting point also.

There is one question i would like people's opinion's on and that is my original question.

Why is America represented so negatively in the 'rest of the world' Media?

Because bad news sells more then good news, period.
I'm sorry to say but i don't think your the most powerful nation in the history of man.

Which nation was ever more powerful than the US is now?

Why is America represented so negatively in the 'rest of the world' Media?

National pride. People don't like that their country is less powerful than ours.
I'm sorry to say but i don't think your the most powerful nation in the history of man.

Please define "powerful". If we're talking about military power, there's not the slightest trace of doubt that nothing in history has ever come close to equalling U.S. military might. The startling truth is that in a world war between the U.S. and every other nation on the planet, the U.S. would win, without using a single nuke. U.S. air and naval power would destroy the military forces of all other nations on earth. It would take a while, but that's how it would end.

Why is America represented so negatively in the 'rest of the world' Media?


After the Soviet Union closed up shop and wandered off, the level of anti-American feelings worldwide began to increase (and have gotten more intense as our current bull-in-a-china shop administration has pursued its "unilateral" policies).

It comes with the territory when you're the only superpower left standing. Its lonely at the top...
Please define "powerful". If we're talking about military power, there's not the slightest trace of doubt that nothing in history has ever come close to equalling U.S. military might. The startling truth is that in a world war between the U.S. and every other nation on the planet, the U.S. would win, without using a single nuke. U.S. air and naval power would destroy the military forces of all other nations on earth. It would take a while, but that's how it would end.


Over the history of man there has been quite a few major superpower nations who had massive military force.

If US did VS the entire world as a team, our pure numbers will end up overwhelming you guys. We may not have enough power right now, but over a bit of time i bet with all the resources we have we could pile them together to get some great stuff. But this isnt the point.

U.S is one of the most powerful nations in the history of man, but it is indeed hard to compare them with others who have been the Most powerful back in their time.

I don't think any of them had as much power as the US does currently. If not for any other reason than that we have nukes now. We control global positioning. We have the ability to strike with aircraft practically anywhere in the world.

From a military point of view we literally control space, the air, and the sea.

I stand by my statement. We are the most powerful nation in the history of man, and that is why people can't stand us (they also can't stand us because we know it).

Over the history of man there has been quite a few major superpower nations who had massive military force.

If US did VS the entire world as a team, our pure numbers will end up overwhelming you guys. We may not have enough power right now, but over a bit of time i bet with all the resources we have we could pile them together to get some great stuff. But this isnt the point.

U.S is one of the most powerful nations in the history of man, but it is indeed hard to compare them with others who have been the Most powerful back in their time.

Thing is, the ancients fought hand-to-hand, so force of numbers meant something.

No more. Now its all machine-versus-machine. Do you know about these? :

Carrier Battle Groups

We have twelve of them, with a thirteenth coming on line in 2008. Their combined power would definitely eliminate the air and naval forces of the European nations, and once that was accomplished, the rest of the world would essentially be defenseless against them. (The Russian military has deteriorated to the point where they can't even put what's left of their navy to sea, and they're selling rides in their fighters to tourists.)

The point is that there has never before been a point in history when one nation could do something like that. Thank the Cold War for this happening, of course, and the persistence of a mindset here in the U.S. that we need to maintain our Cold War capability long after the fact...
Which nation was ever more powerful than the US is now?

The Persians were the first ruling nation. True, before them came Constantinople and Mesopotamia, but they weren't what we'd call conquerors. After them, the Egyptians and the Greeks ruled their respective areas. After the Greeks, the Hellenists ruled. After them, the Romans "owned" the world for over 800 years. The Arabs ruled most of Northern Africa, Western Asia and Western Europe for about 500 years.

Charlemagne ruled Europe and Northern Africa from 800. The Germanics ruled central Europe and Northern Africa. The Nords (commonly known as Vikings) ruled Northern Europe for a long time as well. The United Kingdom and France ruled Europe for about 400 years.

In the mid-19th century, the world was ruled by the Russians, Prussians, Arabs and Great Britain. Between the 1950s and the 1980s, the world was dominated (mainly) by the cold war nations = USSR and USA. Now, the US has been the sole superpower for less than 15 years. Time has taught us that cycles tend to get shorter.

To the Romans, for example, their empire was about 80% of the world they knew. America wasn't even on the map. Who knows, maybe the next superpower will be a country no one expects. China? Korea? Some country in South America? The point is that you talk about having sufficient backup for people's claims, while you're the one talking nonsense. You say the US is the biggest power ever, when just a glance at history shows you at least five different cultures that dominated the earth before.

True, there weren't any nukes, GPS, SAMs and whatever else. But the world was different back then. You have no way of knowing what the next superpower will come up with. Seriously, your "We are the most powerful nation in the history of man, and that is why people can't stand us" speech is very hateful and retarded. It's not about power. It's about respect. The one you lack towards foreigners, because you assume that because your country is more powerful than the others, people should idolize you. And by you I mean you danoff, not Americans, not Kent, not the American members of GTP.
I don't think any of them had as much power as the US does currently. If not for any other reason than that we have nukes now. We control global positioning. We have the ability to strike with aircraft practically anywhere in the world.

From a military point of view we literally control space, the air, and the sea.

I stand by my statement. We are the most powerful nation in the history of man, and that is why people can't stand us (they also can't stand us because we know it).

All the more reason for a rival to rise up and keep the US honest. :dopey:

It will take a while, but there will be a rival hyperpower. Perhaps a unified Europe, a wealthy China, or maybe a wealthy part of the US itself (after a second civil war)? Anything can happen in 500 years, just ask the Romans.
True, there weren't any nukes, GPS, SAMs and whatever else. But the world was different back then.

My point exactly.

You have no way of knowing what the next superpower will come up with.

I never claimed otherwise.

Seriously, your "We are the most powerful nation in the history of man, and that is why people can't stand us" speech is very hateful and retarded.

I'm just laying out the facts. There is no emotion behind it. There is no hate that you'd like to read into it, there isn't even national pride there (most of my posts on GTPlanet are complaints about the US). It's just a fact.

It's not about power. It's about respect. The one you lack towards foreigners, because you assume that because your country is more powerful than the others, people should idolize you.

I don't remember saying that people should idolize me. I don't remember displaying a lack of respect toward foreigners (perhaps you can refresh my memory with a quote). If you had thought about my posts much you'd know that I think the anti-American sentiment comes from a general respect of our power.

And by you I mean you danoff, not Americans, not Kent, not the American members of GTP.

Like I said, I'm just stating the facts. A statement like this, which is designed to try to isolate me from others that might jump in in defense of something I said, is a poor argument technique. You're attempting to limit any further debate on the issue and make this as personal as possible (rather than substantive). You should have more confidence in your position than that.